Troubleshooting: Dual GPU NVidia Optimus

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Troubleshooting: Dual GPU NVidia Optimus

Post by rboerdijk »


The game shows it it using the integrated (slow) GPU. How do I make sure it's using the discrete (fast) graphics card. Note that these adapters do not expose two different display adapters to Windows, at least not in DX9. Even though the laptop might use the high performance GPU for the game, the adapter name may still be displayed incorrectly in the configuration menu!


Optimus Support

NVidia Optimus configurations support rendering applications using NVIDIA High Performance Graphics, while displaying on monitors connected to the Integrated Graphics.

X Rebirth sets the appropriate value as described in the NVidia paper (see references) to enable high performance rendering on Optimus systems.


Which GPU is being used?

To determine which graphics card is actually being used:
  1. Make sure the lastest NVidia drivers are installed.
  2. Go to the NVidia Control Panel.
  3. In the "Desktop" menu enable "Display GPU activity icon in notification Area".
  4. Run X Rebirth in Windowed mode.
  5. Click the "GPU Activity Icon" in the Notification Area to see what programs are running on the NVidia GPU.

References ... licies.pdf ... ht=optimus

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