1. Starting the game from Steam shows the Steam startup window stating "Preparing to launch X Rebirth". (see screenshot 1)
2. When starting the 64-bit version a "send error report window" pops up briefly and then closes automatically (note that in some cases this window is not visible and it also doesn't show up when starting the 32-bit version).
3. In your game folder a DMP-file (and maybe also an MDMP-file) is generated with the current timestamp.
NOTE: If any of the above don't apply in your case, then you are likely to be suffering from a different problem and the steps provided below are unlikely to solve your issue. In this case take a look at the related issues to find a better match to your problem.
There are unfortunately a multitude of issues which could cause crashes at game start. The following is just a list of potential problems. It's certainly not complete by any means:
1. Corrupted data files.
2. A driver issue.
3. A bug in the game causing the game to crash directly at game start (note that unlike a crash after the game has started, this is unlikely the sole cause of the crash).
The following steps should be performed, in sequence, to try to solve the problem yourself:
1. In Steam go to the "Library" section and select "X Rebirth".
2. Right-click on "X Rebirth" and select "Properties".
3. Click on "Local Files" and "Verify Integrity of game cache".
4. Once the verification is finished, restart your computer and try to start the game again.
This will ensure that you are not suffering problems with missing or corrupted files in X Rebirth itself.
If this doesn't solve the problem, continue with the following steps:
1. Use Windows Update and search for optional updates, including drivers. Apply these updates (note that optional updates are not installed automatically, even if you set Windows to install updates automatically).
2. Check your drivers for possible updates.
If that didn't solve your problem, feel free to send the DMP-file located in your X Rebirth directory to and we'll take a look at it.
Related issues
Troubleshooting: 64-bit executable not starting
Reports in the official forum:
Crash with "cyborg evo force" joystick (Fixed by updating the drivers)
Troubleshooting: Game not starting
This forum is for technical troubleshooting of game crashes ONLY. It is primarily for developer use, but you may find useful information here if your game is crashing.
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