- This script adds the command Special -> Explore Galaxy and a Config Menu under Additional Ship Commands.
Galaxy Explorers explore the universe, search for unknown sectors, scan for stations and asteroids and maintain a satellite network.
[German thread]
- Script:
Mirror: [ external image ]
Satellite Spawn Mod (Enables spawning of satellites. Scroll Buyrange Menu to 'Spawn' after installation of this mod):
Mirror: [ external image ]
Compatability: _____________________________________________________________
- Unpack the 'scripts' and 't' folder into to your X3 TC / AP directory. Overwrite if asked for.
Alternatively install the provided SPK file with the plugin manager or you can use the exe which provides a clean-up utility for old explorer files.
If there are problems, please try using the exe to avoid duplicate files.
Feature Summary:
- * Needs Exploration Command Software.
* Explores the universe automatically.
* Actively avoids enemies.
* Can search and scan asteroids. Needs Mineral Scanner installed.
* Can drop satellites.
* Can ignore, report or capture disabled ships. Captured ships will be sent to the next safe station or shipyard.
* Auto-naming: If selected, name will change to 'Galaxy Explorer' + settings.
* If a home base is assigned, explorers can work in 'local mode'. To do so, set a range limit in config menu.
* Highly adjustable setup via config menu.
* Can use jump drive and manages refuelling.
Edit [1st Dec 2015]: replaced outdated x1tp with working xdownloads link. X2-Illuminatus