"Prime Numbers" - Chapter 2

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"Prime Numbers" - Chapter 2

Post by pixel » Sat, 8. Nov 03, 18:33

Here is chapter 2, please enjoy and keep any feedback coming!! :)


Chapter 2 - The Game

"Too much for me too much for you,
you're gonna lose in time,
every turn looking for a burn,
some never live and learn".
Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

'Christ! Let's get the hell away from her!' Piotr muttered to himself as he pushed the throttle to its stop and realigned his ship's course directly for the gate.

Slowly the lifter began to accelerate and pull away from the Piranha, which was still having to deal with the quickly diminishing cloud of Piotr's drones. Piotr wished now that he'd paid for a ship boost extension, it would have allowed him to reach the Lifter's top speed of 98 m/s so much more quickly. He mentally kicked himself for not paying the measly 1200 credits the equipment dock had required.

"Computer, ETA to reaching the gate ahead?". As he spoke Piotr was relieved to see his shield strength slowly climb past 60%.

"ETA to gate, 1 minute" announced the ship computer.

With one hand clutching the flight stick and the other still pushing against the throttle (which was already at its stop) Piotr desperately hoped he would make it in time. His drones had nearly been wiped out, only 4 remained, but they'd done their job of holding the Piranha at bay even though the hostile ship's shields showed as practically undamaged from the puny firepower of the drones.


"Hey cargo boy! You think you can escape?" this time Piotr thought he detected a note of disappointment in the other pilot's voice.

Piotr glanced at the HUD and saw that the Piranha pilot was now ignoring the remaining drones to reach him before he entered the gate.

"Look, I don't know who you are or why you wanted to kill my uncle. I'm just a cargo hauler, please, leave me alone!" Piotr replied over the comm. Still 2 km to go.

"Poor little cargo boy!", the voice was sarcastic, "running to Argon Prime to get away from little old me!"

"Yeah I'm running! Leave me alone you psycho!" Piotr shouted back over the comm.

The comm was silent for a moment. Piotr glanced at the HUD and saw with surprise that the Piranha had slowed to a stop.

"So cargo boy, you like running away do you? Well I tell you what. You and me, we're going to play a little game!". This time the woman's voice was strangely cheerful.

Piotr didn't reply and was so happy to see the gate was only 1 kilometre away that he really didn't care.

"You can run, but you can't hide!" laughed the woman's voice, "a cliche I know, but I'm going to have some fun with you".

The voice over the comm paused, almost as if the pilot was thinking hard. "Since you like Argon Prime so much, I'm going to call this game 'Prime Numbers'", crazy laughter folowed this bizarre statement, "the first prime number is 2 - So we will meet again in 2 months. Maybe then you will offer more of a challenge!"

"I don't think so, you nutter! I'm reporting you to the authorities, pilot of the Boron Piranha BM3RH-36", Piotr read the ship ID tag off his HUD, "you're going to be in big trouble!"

Just before Piotr's Lifter entered the gate some more laughter came through on his comm, "2 months cargo boy! You're safe till then! Don't forget me!". The woman's voice faded as the gate activated and once again the Lifter's cockpit filled with light from the shimmering energy patterns of the warp tunnel.


When Piotr came out from the other side of the warp tunnel he was relieved to find himself back in Argon Prime in one piece. Quickly he throttled to maximum speed and searched the ship sector Navmap as the Lifter began to gather momentum.

'There it is!', Piotr found what he'd been looking for - the Argon Titan Destroyer that patrolled this sector. He set a course to intersect the Titan's route near the south gate.

When the Titan was in range Piotr slowed to a stop and hailed it over the comm.

"Argon Titan! This is cargo hauler Piotr Vladovitch. I would like to report an attack upon my ship in sector Ringo Moon".

"Argon Lifter AM4PK-12 this is Argon Titan pilot Val Fosty. This channel is for military use only. Make your report to sector security on the trading station. Over". The comm clicked as the Titan pilot closed the channel.

Piotr blinked, 'well, that was helpful!' he thought to himself.

"Ship scanned!" announced the Lifter computer.

"Huh? What?" Piotr said aloud. Then he saw on the HUD that an Argon Buster escorting the Titan had broken off its patrol pattern and was approaching his Lifter at high speed.

"Argon Lifter, your ship has been scanned for illegal cargo. Scans indicate you are clean. Now leave the area! We are conducting manouvers!"

"eermm, ok! Sorry!" Piotr mumbled as he increased speed and turned the Lifter around.


Before heading to the trading station in the centre of Argon Prime Piotr made a stop at the 1 Mw Shield Production Facility in the sector. He wanted to drop off his cargo before someone beat him to it.

Piotr's friend, Fredic, had been right! Piotr had bought the ore at the rock bottom price (Piotr smiled at the pun) of 100 credits per unit in Ringo Moon and managed to sell them to the shield facility trader for 123 credits per unit. A very tasty profit of 23,000 credits! It looked like the delay caused by the attack by that crazy pilot had actually caused the price to climb as the factory ore resources were gradually used up.

'Well, a silver lining to every cloud I guess' Piotr mused as he pondered the attack.

'Was she really serious about attacking me again in two months time?'. Piotr couln't believe such a crazy threat, yet the pilot had nearly killed him for no apparent reason. Incredible as it seemed, Piotr decided he had to take the threat seriously. With this in mind, after leaving the Shield Production Facility, he laid in a course for the trading station to make a report to the authorities.


Three hours later Piotr was sat in a bar on the trading station looking morosely at the drink in his hand.

The sector security official had kept him waiting in an ante-room for an hour before finally calling Piotr in to make his report. After Piotr had finished his story the official had been spectacularly unhelpful.

"OK, I'll enter your report to the database and add the Piranha ID tag to the list of suspected criminals, but don't get your hopes up. The ID is probably a fake - the pilot will most likely change it at a pirate base and we will be unable to trace him".

"Her, it was a female voice over the comm!", Piotr grimaced, the guy wasn't even listening.

The official sighed, "look, you're pretty green at this aren't you? Criminals don't go speaking over the comm with their real voice - the voice you heard is almost certainly not that of the pilot's!".

"So what do I do?" Piotr was at a loss, how was he to sort this out?

The official sat back and looked pensively at Piotr.

"The way I see it you have three choices. You can change your ship and hope the pilot hasn't already traced your ship's ID and your voice back to you - which is unlikely. You can sell your ship and your business and never go out into space again. Or, you can try and get some decent defenses in place."

The official paused upon seeing Piotr's glum expression, and then said, not unkindly, "look kid, space is not a very safe place and if you want to fly around in it you're going to have to learn how to take care of yourself".

After thanking the official for his time Piotr had headed off to find a bar.
"I find your lack of belief in the Three Dimensionality disturbing." Mercenary

"So getting this chick back is more than just getting a chick back. It's the concrete manifestation of an abstract policy goal. And we like concrete - right, Vic?"

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Post by pixel » Sat, 8. Nov 03, 23:46

here's the rest of the chapter!!!! Sorry for the delay!!! :oops:


Piotr woke up to the sound of the ship's computer chime denoting an incoming message. He opened his eyes and groaned, slowly remembering the large amount of space fuel he'd consumed the previous night before heading back to the lifter in the station dock to sleep it off.

"Computer, open the channel"

"Piotr! Where have you been? I was getting worried about you!", Piotr blinked as he heard his aunt's voice.

"Hi Auntie, sorry, but I decided to dock at the trading station to get some info on a possible contract. I was tired and stayed the night." The last thing he wanted to do was worry his aunt with tales of being attacked the previous day.

"Well, you should tell me. I was worried!", his aunts voice softened, "Piotr, I have a surprise for you! An old friend of your uncles has contacted me to say he'll be in this sector today and would like to visit. I invited him over for dinner as I thought you might like to meet him - he might be able to arrange some work for you."

"Thanks, auntie. That'd be great, maybe he can tell us some stories about uncle when he was known as the Wolf!", Piotr thought back to the Piranha pilot asking for 'Wolfie'.

The comm went silent for a few moments.

"Yes...well maybe he could, but that was a long time ago Piotr. You should be thinking about the business not old war stories!"

"War stories auntie? I thought uncle was just a trader?" Piotr sat up straighter at this unexpected tidbit.

"Ah, it's nothing dear", aunt Petuniac sounded flustered, "look, you come on home soon, Okay?"

"Okay auntie, I'll be home in time for dinner, I just have a few things to do first".


Before leaving the trading station Piotr decided he needed to get his defenses back on line. The Piranha attack had made him nervous to leave the safety of the station, even with the Titan patrolling the sector.

He checked his credit balance over the ship's system and reviewed his finances. The account showed that, with the profit just made from the ore transport, he had just over a quarter of a million credits available. Of that he needed to keep at least 100,000 in reserve to be able to fill his ships hold with cargo.

Piotr called up the station's trading screen and immediately decided to fully load up the ship with engine and rudder extensions, he would also replace the 20 drones he'd lost and purchase another 40.

All that would cost just over 120,000 credits. On impulse he also selected to buy 4 navigation relay satellites - he had a plan forming in his mind.

He passed the order through to the station system and arranged to have the ship upgrades and cargo installed immediately. He was told this would take an hour to complete and decided to go for a walk round the station.


Piotr had ended up in one of the station's canteens and was thoughtfully chewing on a meatsteak when a group of boisterous Argon Navy cadets sat down at the table next to him, most of the group were laughing at one of their fellows who had a sheepish expression on his face.

"Haha, Gillen! I can't believe you crashed into the training instructor's ship, the look on his face when you came out of the simulation room!" one of the cadets teased.

Another cadet started to reply but Piotr had stopped listening. That was what he needed to do, he needed to get some comabt experience without risking his life. It might just help him to survive any more encounters outside of Argon Prime. And if he wanted to make decent money trading - which he did - he'd have to carry on travelling outside of the sector.


Ten minutes later Piotr had booked himself a couple of hours in the station flight simulator. He would be flying a simulated Lifter being attacked by various small pirate packs of Bayamons and Mandalays, with the occasional Orinoco thrown in. The Lifter was configured to be the same as his own, with 60 drones on board, 10Mw of shields and fully optimised speed and steering.


"Goddammit!" yelled Piotr as he got 'killed' for the fourth time in an hour. He had found, repeatedly, that even though his Lifter could outrun the larger pirate ships the small Mandalays would quickly catch him. And although the drones held them off their pestering of his flight patterns would allow the Bayamons to move in for the kill.

'This isn't going to work, that Piranha can be upgraded to 192 m/s and my Lifter's top speed is only 143 m/s'. He had been pleasantly surprised by the simulated Lifter's speed and agility compared to what he'd gotten used to, but the warm feeling was long gone when he considered the Piranha.

Piotr reconfigured the simulation, with him flying a moderately upgraded Argon Buster in a one-on-one dogfight against a similarly enhanced Piranha.

The simulation started with Piotr flying a designated route through a series of gates.

After the second gate exit his ship suddenly started being hit by shots from just behind and above him. The simulated Piranha had been waiting for him behind the gate!

Quickly Piotr turned his ship in a corkscrew motion to present a narrower silhouette to the hostile ship and turned to face him head on. It reminded him of the arcade games he'd played as a kid.


When Piotr finally left the simulation room he was pleasantly surprised to see his performance rating as equivalent to Grade E, no weapons restrictions. If he took the full test and got his pilot's license upgraded to that he would be able to fly a fully armed M5 class light fighter. He grinned as he imagined himself flying around in an Argon Discoverer at nearly 500 m/s.

As he stepped into a transport lift to get to the docking bay he glanced at his watch.

'Damn, I better get going if I don't want to upset aunt Petuniac!'
"I find your lack of belief in the Three Dimensionality disturbing." Mercenary

"So getting this chick back is more than just getting a chick back. It's the concrete manifestation of an abstract policy goal. And we like concrete - right, Vic?"

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Post by Lucrativus » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 00:25

Sounding good, Pixel

I think I have worked out the numbers game..... a little bit of cat and mouse....
Hey, watch out for Auntie, she doesn't seem to want you to know about your uncles war experiences....
When one door closes, another slams in your face.
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Post by pixel » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 00:47

Lucrativus wrote:Sounding good, Pixel

I think I have worked out the numbers game..... a little bit of cat and mouse....
Hey, watch out for Auntie, she doesn't seem to want you to know about your uncles war experiences....
:) you might be right about that....... :D


"I find your lack of belief in the Three Dimensionality disturbing." Mercenary

"So getting this chick back is more than just getting a chick back. It's the concrete manifestation of an abstract policy goal. And we like concrete - right, Vic?"

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Post by pixel » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 00:50

One thing I have been thinking about...

in X2 some new ships are coming out and others are changing names (eg I think the lifter is no more?) and getting enhanced features.

So I was thinking about introducing the newer models into the story.

Anyone got any thoughts on that?


"I find your lack of belief in the Three Dimensionality disturbing." Mercenary

"So getting this chick back is more than just getting a chick back. It's the concrete manifestation of an abstract policy goal. And we like concrete - right, Vic?"

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Post by Moss » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 01:24

Yup auntie knows more than she's letting on, maybe that old friend will be able to give him some information that she won't!

As for introducing the new ships, well why not, you can introduce them as you get the stats, I can't see it being much of a problem as in any evolving universe (or story) things don't all change at once, just phase out ships as you wish to introduce the replacements. Gradualy moving the story fully into X2 territory, might cause you a few problems, but I can't realy see it being detrimental to the story.

Nicely writen again, and leaving more questions to be answered. Cheers, looking forward to more, and some real fighting :)

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Post by Grox » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 02:23

One thing I have been thinking about...

in X2 some new ships are coming out and others are changing names (eg I think the lifter is no more?) and getting enhanced features.

So I was thinking about introducing the newer models into the story.

Anyone got any thoughts on that?
well i havent played any of the previous games in the X series, so i really dont kno exactly what your talking about when you mention discoverer or piranha, but thats where my imagination pops in...

GREAT STORY. hurry up on ch. 3.

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Post by Grox » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 02:24

One thing I have been thinking about...

in X2 some new ships are coming out and others are changing names (eg I think the lifter is no more?) and getting enhanced features.

So I was thinking about introducing the newer models into the story.

Anyone got any thoughts on that?
well i havent played any of the previous games in the X series, so i really dont kno exactly what your talking about when you mention discoverer or piranha, but thats where my imagination pops in...sure add some new models, those in the US will tell you EU all about it :wink:

GREAT STORY. hurry up on ch. 3.

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Post by Hrdina » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 03:37

Moss wrote:Yup auntie knows more than she's letting on, maybe that old friend will be able to give him some information that she won't!
Or maybe he has already met that old friend! :D

Very enjoyable story so far. Thanks for sharing, Pixel!


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Post by Middle Aged Dad in Space » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 05:01

I don't know why I started reading this.

I like to wait until people get several chapters under their belt. But since I play Nova with you, (Weese starflare) I thought I would check it out. Now I'm hooked and waiting.

See Ya Out There
Maybe it's because I watched Dr. Who as a child.

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Post by Moss » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 05:14

Hrdina wrote:
Moss wrote:Yup auntie knows more than she's letting on, maybe that old friend will be able to give him some information that she won't!
Or maybe he has already met that old friend! :D

Very enjoyable story so far. Thanks for sharing, Pixel!

Ahh I see, depends perhaps if the the "old friend" was flying a Piranha last time they met! I wonder if he''ll check on currently docked ships before he goes in himself :) unless of course it is some other "old friend".

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Post by KiwiNZ » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 05:22

For some reason I started reading this story with Chapter 2. So I will have to look the first one up and read that, too. Very good story!
It slightly reminds of how Trader's Tale developed but there is nothing wrong with it as it is distinct enough :D I enjoyed reading this chapter and look forward to the next one!

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Post by pixel » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 11:22

Middle Aged Dad in Space wrote:I don't know why I started reading this.

I like to wait until people get several chapters under their belt. But since I play Nova with you, (Weese starflare) I thought I would check it out. Now I'm hooked and waiting.

See Ya Out There
Cheers Weese.....and you were surprised to get those 3 million credits so quickly!! :D

(you'd have gotten them anyway really, honest!!)

chapter 3 on its way today!! :)
"I find your lack of belief in the Three Dimensionality disturbing." Mercenary

"So getting this chick back is more than just getting a chick back. It's the concrete manifestation of an abstract policy goal. And we like concrete - right, Vic?"

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Post by pixel » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 11:28

KiwiNZ wrote:For some reason I started reading this story with Chapter 2. So I will have to look the first one up and read that, too. Very good story!
It slightly reminds of how Trader's Tale developed but there is nothing wrong with it as it is distinct enough :D I enjoyed reading this chapter and look forward to the next one!
I must admit I was inspired by Merc's stories and have used some of his ideas like the Pilot's licence grading system etc :) (he said he's happy for me to do this btw - I'm no plagiarist!!)

But I am trying to keep the plot quite different - I guess it is the way that many of these sorts of story (eg look at Raymond E Feist or David Eddings or Tom Clancy) start out with a humble guy who soon gets involved in turmoil and lots of fighting etc etc etc!!

Keep the feedback coming everyone, much appreciated!!! :)
"I find your lack of belief in the Three Dimensionality disturbing." Mercenary

"So getting this chick back is more than just getting a chick back. It's the concrete manifestation of an abstract policy goal. And we like concrete - right, Vic?"

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Post by Thucydides » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 12:30

I thank you Pixel and all the other excellent storytellers on this forum for your fascinating tales.

Thank you for keeping me, and probably a great many others, sane as we await the opportunity to weave our own tales in X2.

Looking forward to Chapter 3. It will be interesting to see just who the "old friend" is.

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Post by SteveMill » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 13:12

Still looking good. Watch out for 'earthisms' like 'christ' though. no-one in the x-universe will be using that as an expletive or 'whistling dixie' (just an example) etc.

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Post by DaMaGe007 » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 13:15

I think that deserves its own thread

X2 expletives thread would rock :P

No Im not starting it !

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Post by pixel » Sun, 9. Nov 03, 16:00

SteveMill wrote:Still looking good. Watch out for 'earthisms' like 'christ' though. no-one in the x-universe will be using that as an expletive or 'whistling dixie' (just an example) etc.
I know what you mean Steve, but am uncertain what else I could use!!

Merc had a good thing going with units of time like sezura etc but I get a bit confused by that so am sticking with hours setc!!

Anyone got some good X-univers expletives?!
"I find your lack of belief in the Three Dimensionality disturbing." Mercenary

"So getting this chick back is more than just getting a chick back. It's the concrete manifestation of an abstract policy goal. And we like concrete - right, Vic?"

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Post by Hrdina » Mon, 10. Nov 03, 02:15

pixel wrote:
SteveMill wrote:Still looking good. Watch out for 'earthisms' like 'christ' though. no-one in the x-universe will be using that as an expletive or 'whistling dixie' (just an example) etc.
I know what you mean Steve, but am uncertain what else I could use!!

Merc had a good thing going with units of time like sezura etc but I get a bit confused by that so am sticking with hours setc!!

Anyone got some good X-univers expletives?!
Who knows, the Argon might indeed use some Earth-origin words.

Just don't start using "dren" or "frelling" as expletive substitutes, as that's already been done elsewhere... :)


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Post by Al » Mon, 10. Nov 03, 13:34

Looking good :)

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