[SCRIPT] Salvage Command Suite V4.11 [29/12/2012]

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Post by GlassDeviant » Fri, 1. May 15, 08:46

The MRS is a funny ship, it can't even mount tractor beams/repair lasers, which means it can't be used with Asteroid Relocator or Asteroid Fusion, or MARS, though it works with Mosquito Missile Defense. It's too slow for much of anything, but great for remotely going from sector to sector collecting all the salvaged ships your exploration scouts have claimed on your behalf due to its 30-ship hangar capacity*. It can dock capitals, though you can't be piloting it or be in the sector it arrives in with a capital docked as it will explode as it exits any gate.

What you can do is make your ships dock into it, then load them up through the "transfer" window, then undock and fly to the dropoff station. But if you want to make an MRS into a huge cargo ship you may want to put a mod in that gives your complex hub the ability to dock capital ships.

If you look at the MRS description, it is not a TL. This would explain a lot about your problem, since a lot of scripts that allow TL to do certain thinks (like transfer cargo via tractor beam) will not work unless the ship is a TL, TP, TS or TM.

* This is what I use them for, I collect about 27-30 ships, strip them, store the ones I want to keep at one of the two Argon Sector M148 Military Bases, then sell off the rest (after the MRS has finished repairing them, for max value).
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Post by Alan47 » Sun, 12. Jul 15, 13:42

Hey guys,

sorry to "necro-post" this thread... I'm trying to use this mod in X3:AP, and while everything else seems to be working, I cannot get the Mobile Pirate Warehouse (MPW) to spawn in my game. When I go to the SCS Cheat Menu and execute the "locate MPW" command, it says that it is currently in sector "null".

I tried restarting the MPW script using the command in the cheat menu, but it didn't help...

Any help on this would be much appreciated, I've heard that one can buy Hyperions from the MPW, and I would really REALLY like to do that.

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Post by Zero Tolerance » Tue, 14. Jul 15, 21:10

It states in the manual where you can find the MPW.

I don't know what kind of reputation you need to be able to buy from it.
You can usually find in LooManckStrat's legacy - it will not venture more than 5 sectors away
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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Tue, 14. Jul 15, 22:11

Alan47 wrote:sorry to "necro-post" this thread... I'm trying to use this mod in X3:AP, and while everything else seems to be working, I cannot get the Mobile Pirate Warehouse (MPW) to spawn in my game. When I go to the SCS Cheat Menu and execute the "locate MPW" command, it says that it is currently in sector "null".
I can confirm the problem and have found the likely cause for it. The MPW is created in the temporary sector 'null'. Afterwards it is sent to its destination sector. However, the command that is used doesn't work in this instance (in X3AP) and so, the MPW remains in sector 'null', where the player cannot reach it. Here's a fix for it:

Download from mediafire.com

To use it, extract the .zip file to your X3 Terran Conflict\addon\scripts directory and overwrite the file 'scs.pirate.mobile.warehouse.xml'. Afterwards start/load a savegame, where the SCS hasn't been installed yet.

Unfortunately, I have not found a way to properly patch the problem yet, i.e. apply the fix to a game where the SCS is running already. I tried working with the reboot and the uninstall commands from SCS, but couldn't find a reliable way to do it. (Actually, I had it working once, but couldn't reproduce it. :gruebel:) There might also be other instances, where another ship jumping from sector 'null' to its destination might cause a similar problem (in X3AP). This is not covered by this fix.

In scs.pirate.mobile.warehouse.xml I changed

Code: Select all

052 @ |= $mpw -> call script '!move.jumptosector' :  sector=$HOME  should followers jump too=[TRUE]

Code: Select all

052   * ---------------------
053   * Decide which jump algorithm to use, based on engine version
054   |$engine.version=script engine version
055   |if$engine.version < 50
056 @ ||=$mpw -> call script '!move.jumptosector' :  sector=$HOME  should followers jump too=[TRUE]
057   |else
058   ||$followers.arr=$mpw -> get formation follower ships
059   ||$mpw ->put into environment $HOME ->
060   ||$size.followers.arr=size of array $followers.arr
061   ||while$size.followers.arr
062   |||dec $size.followers.arr=
063   |||$ship=$followers.arr[$size.followers.arr]
064   |||$ship ->put into environment $HOME ->
065   ||end
066   |end
067   * ---------------------
(To be frank, I don't know, whether the part with followers actually works. It was just a quick idea. I also incremented the version number of this file.)

Apparently, '!move.jumptosector' doesn't work in X3AP when the RefObj is in sector 'null', which causes the whole script to hang. There were a couple of changes to the jump commands in X3AP, so some of them behave differently than in the X3TC. In the worst case, this could mean that the hanging script, if it's running globally, can only be terminated manually.

Zero Tolerance wrote:It states in the manual where you can find the MPW.
The cheat command 'MPW information' in the SCS hotkey menu does that too. Hence, why we know that there is a problem with the MPW being in sector 'null'. ;)
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Crashing in Terran Sectors

Post by shadowcaste » Tue, 18. Aug 15, 18:26

For whatever reason this script is causing my game to crash in the following Sectors (so Far)

Anytime i try to claim a ship in Omicron Lyrae
Heretics End / Asteroid Belt

I'm presuming the remainder of the Vanilla Earth / terran sectors also....

Doesn't matter if I do the claiming or get an autopiloted ship to do it,

Crashes everytime, I'm using XRM also,

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Post by TECSG » Sat, 10. Oct 15, 15:05

Hi shadowcaste,

Can you give me a list of the mods you are using please.

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Post by danadi712 » Tue, 13. Oct 15, 15:36

I have a little problem with this script.When i run "Best area to salvage" the script return result from sector in which i dont heave any object.I mention that i use this script in XRM mode.When i start the game i see in the universe map a few sector (5 or 6 sector) .The command return search in theat sectors.
In another campaign in XRM the commantd return search in similary mode from sector which i explore (i see them in universe map) but i dont heave any object inside.
Also "Best sector to salvage" produce same result.
How can i do to limit area of search only in sector with my object inside (ex. satelites or ship)?

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Post by TECSG » Tue, 13. Oct 15, 22:50

Hi danadi712,

The Scan and sector searches should only count sectors in which you have an asset, be that ship, factory or satellite.

If you have the 'Scan ALL sectors' cheat enabled then it will return results for all sectors, known or unknown.

Can you check to make sure 'Scan ALL sectors' is set to 'No'.

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Post by danadi712 » Wed, 14. Oct 15, 12:38

Yes i have."Find best sector to salvage" seems to work good at the start of new game in XRM.
But "Find best area to salvage" return results from sector which i see on the universe map but i dont even visit.
Also i observe another thing.
"Find best asteroid to mine" return result from asteroid which i havent scan.
I want to scan first and after to see best asteroid to mine.

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Post by TECSG » Wed, 14. Oct 15, 22:59

Hi danadi712,

I've just checked the script, the 'Find Best Area to Salvage' script works on known (ie, shows up on map) sectors, but they do not need to have a player owned asset in the sector.

The Asteroid script should only use sectors where you have an asset, but the asteroids do not need to have been scanned.

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Post by caishow2 » Thu, 15. Oct 15, 04:50

Please add a new feature?
Install default device for ship

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Post by TECSG » Thu, 15. Oct 15, 21:19

Hi caishow2,

Do you mean something like the 'Equip From Template' command?

I've seen that somewhere already.

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Post by caishow2 » Thu, 15. Oct 15, 21:37

no,A single function

$ship-> add default items to ship

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Post by TECSG » Thu, 15. Oct 15, 22:58

My scripts have the 'Equip from Inventory' command where you can install items salvaged from other ships.

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Post by caishow2 » Fri, 16. Oct 15, 02:56

I know
Just not convenient

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Post by ASSTEROIDS » Tue, 10. May 16, 17:44

Hi, I'm currently building a new game of X3 AP and i'm testing mods.
The base I have presently, in order, is:
XRM hullmedium
Improved kaak2 r3
Revelation XRM
Phanom corp XRM
ADS real wings
Yaki armada 2 ADS real wing
Pirate guild 3 ADS real wing
At this point I started a new game and tested a little. Things looked fine so i quit and made a backup of both the game and the plugin manager (when thing go bad, i just erase the whole thing and restore the working step, always worked...)

Next step is visual testing before adding the next batch of mods. For that I installed the cheat package (just for testing, will not be in my final game), and a few more important mods which will be in my next batch.
NPC bailing addon 1.6.4
Salvage claim suite 4.11

I just wanted to mention that I get this big xenon ship "field of view". I can sell it for 200 millions, it will respawn, infinitely. Not a big problem, I just have to stash it in a corner of the galaxy, it's just that i don't like knowing I have infinite money readily available...And i'm testing if there is still life in these forums, to see if I can gain worthwhile troubleshooting.

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Post by TrixX » Tue, 10. May 16, 17:55

Wrong place for that post, a new one detailing what you are doing is a better idea.

There are still a few helpful people about ;)

Not sure what's creating the Xenon 200Mil thing though. Haven't played Vanilla in about 5 years though.

If you do want a change of pace though try LU, a bit more of an endgame and much more Fleet involved :D
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Post by ASSTEROIDS » Tue, 10. May 16, 18:08

What do you mean "wrong place"? This xenon ship is given to me by this mod. If i sell it, a new one will immediately spawn again.

I know about LU, but I prefer my way. I stopped playing a few years ago because my computer couldn't cope with the battles. I very hardly doubt LU can give me bigger troubles than the setup i'm making, but battling is far from all what I want.

And I do nothing, i start a new game and there it is (sorry for the double post, I got an error saying egosoft was unavailable, so I re-posted it only to have the previous one appear in my face)

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Post by TECSG » Tue, 10. May 16, 18:53


Sorry to hear you're having issues. The 'Field of View' is the Mobile Pirate Warehouse, it is not given to the Player, but is one of the 'Independant' races.

Is one of the other mods you use playing around with the default races?

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Post by ASSTEROIDS » Tue, 10. May 16, 19:08


Well, let's just say almost all the mods I installed until now mess with the default races...If I follow you, you're telling me I have a mod that would transfer independent assets to my control?

Could be possible, but I passed a day jumping around the galaxy and I've never seen a ship switch to me, anyway, i would start with more ships...For now, I have two ships when I start a new game, mine and field of view.

If the problem is limited to this, then I prefer to forget about the ship than to remove any mod I have currently installed, since until now they all seem to work. But I'm not done testing this step yet.

And salvage command suite was installed last...

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