Thrustmaster T16000M Hotas and Throttle With X3

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Thrustmaster T16000M Hotas and Throttle With X3

Post by Chrisalddin »

so i just got a nice new Joystick and Throttle " "
becose i felt like replaying x3.
but it been so long from the last time i played X3 that i had forget the game only can see 1 Gameport/usb devise.
so. i have this nice new Shinny Throttle.
and i dont know how to use it.

any help Guys?
how do i use both?
AkA CC Chris F
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Re: Thrustmaster T16000M Hotas and Throttle With X3

Post by X2-Illuminatus »

By using the Thrustmaster TARGET or certain third-party softwares you should be able to configure joystick and throttle, so that they are recognised as one virtual joystick by the game. Here's an explanation and a profile for the TARGET Software, and here's one for third-party software.
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