MOD - X3R XTM Manual

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MOD - X3R XTM Manual

Post by StalkerKMT »

Hi guys, can anyone reupload the Manual for the X3Reunion - XTM mod pls? Since there is no way to find it here (the links are dead) or simply just google it brings no results. I understand the mod is quite dated (@ 2010) and there is no one to blame for the missing links or entire websites abandoned after such long time, but I have to say, this mod is still brilliant, and I treasure it for transforming X3 Reunion into the best dog fighting game in the whole series in my opinion, unlike the rest that simply force you to fly a capital ship, starting at least with an M6 or upper classes.
Cheers and don't let XTM be forgotten!
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Re: MOD - X3R XTM Manual

Post by X2-Illuminatus »

Available on here.

I also uploaded the file to xdownloads.
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Re: MOD - X3R XTM Manual

Post by StalkerKMT »

Million thanks, a great community still in place ever since I started to play with X2! I downloaded from Wayback Machine the pdf manual, because when tried at XDownloads, I got the "You do not have permission to download the requested file.
Contact the website operator if you are sure that this is incorrect." Perhaps you should revisit the link provided and add the required permissions.
I would suggest to upload the Ships Stats pdf also, since it is very relevant to XTM potential users, and XDownloads is a very stable platform hopefully resilient in time. I can provide the file if required, or can be found at this link: ... tml?page=1
PS I do not know the policy about external links, but you can delete it after you get the Ships Stats pdf and reupload it on XDownloads.
Meanwhile, happy game time and enjoy the X Universe pilots :)
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Re: MOD - X3R XTM Manual

Post by X2-Illuminatus »

The XDownloads link should be working, now.
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