X2 eventually becoming unstable over time?

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X2 eventually becoming unstable over time?

Post by GoblinToe » Mon, 1. Dec 03, 23:34

Is anyone else having problems with X2 becoming unstable after you've gotten several factories up and running and/or explored a larger part of the universe?

Initially I setup a Solar Power Plant in Red Light, and everything ran fine for many hours. Then, after I made some credits from that factory, I setup another SPP in Three Worlds. Every since then I can't play X2 for more than about 20 minutes without a hard lock, requiring me to reboot my computer.

The lockups have occurred while sitting in a stations, while flying through space, with SETI both on and off, etc. They seem truly random. The game locks up, usually causing whatever sound was playing to loop over and over.

Is something getting corrupted after you start to explore or build a few stations? I wonder if my transport ships are causing that bug in Ore Belt with the laser tower to lock the game up?

Either way, the game is unplayable. I'm going to have to shelve X2 until the first patch, I guess.


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Post by thrangar » Tue, 2. Dec 03, 01:30

Dont have game yet, but I have noticed that red light seems to be shared by all if not most, who are having probs.

I planned any way to get out of argon space and head for home(Paranid space) hoping this would help keep me from having this problem.

Is there anyone who has same problem but is not connectrd to argon sectors(stations saved games playing time those kind of connectios)??

Just looking for a way around untill patch comes out.

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Post by ShaggyMoose » Tue, 2. Dec 03, 02:32

I have no idea what is causing the problem, but it could be:

- Hardware conflict with soundcard. Make sure your soundcard is not sharing IRQ with any other hardware in device manager.
- Conflict with a background program. Make sure you have shutdown all TSR programs such as antivirus software.
- If you are overclocking any system components, try running the game at your systems stock speed. Some applications seem more sensitive to overclocking than others, at least in my experience.
- Make sure the latest drivers are installed for all hardware, yada yada yada...

I am sure you have heard all of this before, but hopefully you forgot to try one of these.

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Post by Splitman » Tue, 2. Dec 03, 12:23

Yep, unstable it has become... After 13 game hours, I am stuck in a Seizewell station and game now freezes after about 2 minutes, whether I stay in station, fly out, do nothing, do something.. etc. Reboots, driver updates, all the rest, achieve nothing. Bugger.
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Post by Steelwind_Oo » Tue, 2. Dec 03, 18:26

I think it is related to save corruption somehow. It happened to me on an autosave last night and again on a regular save. After rebooting and loading from a different point I was able to continue on trouble free.

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