[MOD] No Traffic Lights on Gates v1.00 -> 2022-05-26

The place to discuss scripting and game modifications for X³: Farnham's Legacy

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[MOD] No Traffic Lights on Gates v1.00 -> 2022-05-26

Post by N8M4R3 »

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This mod removes the signal lights on the gates that signal ships flying through

:!: Restrictions: Signal lights when docking or undocking the same colors are also no longer visible when used



Technisches, Kompatibilität & Ressourcen

Causes / Requires a "Modified" = No
Uses a Language file(T-File)= No
Included Languages= All
Publication Form= *.cat- / *.dat-File
Designed for= FL v1.3 or higher
Modified files= 68.jpg


No Traffic Lights on Gates v1.0 Image

  1. Unpack *.cat- and *.dat-file from *.zip archive
  2. Copy both files into the game directory ...\addon2\mods\ or alternatively copy both files into the game directory ...\addon2\ and rename them to the next higher number, e.g. 06.cat / 06.dat
  3. When both files have been placed in the "mods" folder, "Symmetrisches Hauptmenü" must be selected in the game launcher menu under "Select mod package" and confirmed with "OK"

  1. Remove *.cat- and *.dat-files from the respective directories

Acknowledgments & Closing Words

For suggestions for improvement, constructive criticism, reporting of errors (bugs), submission of translations (if a T file is used) or other concerns please leave a message below via "Reply" or via PN, thank you!

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Neue Erweiterung für X3 verfügbar: Farnham's Legacy | +Optional: weitere Verbesserungen im inoffiziellen Patch v1.3.18 *** Modified*** :khaak: :thumb_up:
Diese Woche im Angebot: HUD-GUI-Mix (FL) | Text-DB 0001-L049 (FL) | Textkorrekturen & Verbesserungen (FL)
Weitere Veröffentlichungen hier: N8workX
Nützliches Tool für nicht mehr vorhandene Downloads: web.archive.org
Externes Archiv für MOD/SCR Ressourcen: xdownloads.co.uk | code.google.com/archive/p/x3tcscripts/
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Re: [MOD] No Traffic Lights on Gates v1.0 -> 2022-05-26

Post by N8M4R3 »

Neue Erweiterung für X3 verfügbar: Farnham's Legacy | +Optional: weitere Verbesserungen im inoffiziellen Patch v1.3.18 *** Modified*** :khaak: :thumb_up:
Diese Woche im Angebot: HUD-GUI-Mix (FL) | Text-DB 0001-L049 (FL) | Textkorrekturen & Verbesserungen (FL)
Weitere Veröffentlichungen hier: N8workX
Nützliches Tool für nicht mehr vorhandene Downloads: web.archive.org
Externes Archiv für MOD/SCR Ressourcen: xdownloads.co.uk | code.google.com/archive/p/x3tcscripts/
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