[MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.74 - 2024/12/15

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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.30 - 2024/02/29

Post by Cycrow »

steve_v wrote: Sun, 17. Mar 24, 08:01 Finally encountered a real (though GNU/Linux specific) bug:
addon2/mov/00344.dat is encoded as asf/wmav2, this format is not loadable in the linux native X3 builds. For audio clips to play, encoding needs to be ogg/vorbis.
Easy enough to fix, maybe add a note somewhere that GNU/Linux users need to e.g.:

Code: Select all

mv 00344.dat 00344.wma
ffmpeg -i 00344.wma 00344.ogg
mv 00344.ogg 00344.dat
to fix missing voices.
I've included a separate linux download with the voices in ogg format.
Can you let me know if it works fine
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.30 - 2024/02/29

Post by steve_v »

Cycrow wrote: Mon, 1. Apr 24, 14:18 I've included a separate linux download with the voices in ogg format.
Can you let me know if it works fine
It does indeed. :D

I do however appear to be missing something when it comes to actually joining the guilds... Currently combat rank Warlord & First Mate with pirates (yes, it took me a while, I'm lazy), but comms (landed or otherwise) with the bounty hunters HQ or the Phantom Shadowblade only gives me "View Guild Status" with a bunch of guild info when selecting the guild administrator, and I don't see any way to proceed from there.
Is there some other criteria I don't know about, or am I looking in the wrong place for the recruitment missions? I've never seen a "normal" posted mission flag on either of those station/ships, so I assumed it would be through the guild administrator in the comms menu... OP suggests those two should be at least somewhat playable, no?

Additional observations:
Asteroids in HSAP sectors, as well as many (but not all) in certain pirate sectors (e.g. Gaian Star & Lost Order) show yield of "Silicon" and "Metal Alloys" rather than "Silicon Ore and "Ore". I'm not sure if this is intended, but it seems off to me.
The two RRF Galleons loitering around the shipyard in Farnhams Legend Alpha still freeze my game, not sure if the fix for pirate RRF is retroactive or not... I have removed them and will report back if and when they reappear.

Ed. I destroyed the mentioned RRF Galleons, and within minutes they're back and causing the same set of problems. This is obviously a continued 0.30 save (the implications of which I do recognise), but I would have thought any newly spawned RRF ships would get whatever changes you made to the RRF scripts....
Last edited by steve_v on Mon, 1. Apr 24, 18:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.40 - 2024/04/01

Post by Cycrow »

The recruitment missions should appear the same as normal plots, with the Book icon. The Bounty Hunters Guild only needs the a fight rank for it to show up.

Do the other plots and things work ok ?
its possible the MD files are not being found, make sure they are in the correct place (possibly wrong case?)

You could try the Argon Cadet start or Terran Conflict (Main Terran) start to see if the plots start (both of these start the plots from the beginning)
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.40 - 2024/04/01

Post by steve_v »

Cycrow wrote: Mon, 1. Apr 24, 18:50 The recruitment missions should appear the same as normal plots, with the Book icon. The Bounty Hunters Guild only needs the a fight rank for it to show up.

Do the other plots and things work ok ?
TBH I've never seen a MD plot (or the book icon for that matter) anywhere as yet, but then I haven't built a TOA, done the Terran Spy plot, or connected the Terran sectors yet. As I understand it that gates pretty much everything else, yes?
Cycrow wrote: Mon, 1. Apr 24, 18:50its possible the MD files are not being found, make sure they are in the correct place (possibly wrong case?)
The files all appear to be present, and they all load and can be viewed in the in-game Mission Director. I'm not familiar enough with the language or interface for much more than logical guesses in there though.
Cycrow wrote: Mon, 1. Apr 24, 18:50You could try the Argon Cadet start or Terran Conflict (Main Terran) start to see if the plots start (both of these start the plots from the beginning)
The "Argon Military Cadet" start loads right into a plot, talking head, "book" icon on the nearby trading station, annoying "kill the drones" bit and all. Appears to be working as intended, at least the first few minutes of it.
The familiar "Terran Defender" TC start also appears to work fine, at least as far as the first patrol mission.

Guess I'll go build a TOA and cheat my abysmal Argon rep now, and see if the Terran Spy plot works.
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.40 - 2024/04/01

Post by Cycrow »

The Terran spy plot only limits access to Terran Sectors if you do the FL plot starts. Any other start its just an extra plot, but all others should still be available without doing it (Terran sectors should be available from the start too).

The guild recruitment missions should always be available once you hit the right conditions.
steve_v wrote: Mon, 1. Apr 24, 17:53 Additional observations:
Asteroids in HSAP sectors, as well as many (but not all) in certain pirate sectors (e.g. Gaian Star & Lost Order) show yield of "Silicon" and "Metal Alloys" rather than "Silicon Ore and "Ore". I'm not sure if this is intended, but it seems off to me.
The two RRF Galleons loitering around the shipyard in Farnhams Legend Alpha still freeze my game, not sure if the fix for pirate RRF is retroactive or not... I have removed them and will report back if and when they reappear.

Ed. I destroyed the mentioned RRF Galleons, and within minutes they're back and causing the same set of problems. This is obviously a continued 0.30 save (the implications of which I do recognise), but I would have thought any newly spawned RRF ships would get whatever changes you made to the RRF scripts....
It wont fix the existing ships, but it should prevent it from creating more. If you check the docked ships, do they still show as various races rather than Pirates?
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.40 - 2024/04/01

Post by steve_v »

Cycrow wrote: Mon, 1. Apr 24, 19:25 The Terran spy plot only limits access to Terran Sectors if you do the FL plot starts. Any other start its just an extra plot, but all others should still be available without doing it (Terran sectors should be available from the start too).
This save is an "OTAS Technician" start, and the terran sectors were not (and are still not) available from the start. The Holy Vision / Void cluster was linked via a gate in Perpetual Sin, the player HQ was in The Void Zeta, and the Hub was linking Rolk's Demise and Bright Aurora.
Since "OTAS Technician" is a "Challenging Sandbox" start, I assumed the guidance WRT the TC plot from the "TC/AP Plots for FL" thread applied, i.e.
Farnham's Legacy, Expanded Sandbox and Challenging Sandbox Groups
Available via TC-FL link plot

Must have completed the Terran Spy Plot (FL)
Terran Rank: >= Citizen (0)
Starts in Elenas Fortune Alpha
I have never been at appropriate notoriety for OFF, and while I have been to Elysium of Light, there was no sign of the Goner plot there. The Ozias is, but no Avens, no book mission-icon, no plot.
The other TC plots I don't actually remember how to start, but IIRC most of them are gated by the main plot or require Boron / Argon rank... Which I've never had, as I pretty much went straight to stealing all their ships.

I have not seen any sign of any plots whatsoever TBH, but then I haven't been actively looking for them either. Which would be an appropriate test?
Cycrow wrote: Mon, 1. Apr 24, 19:25 The guild recruitment missions should always be available once you hit the right conditions.
Uh, vOv? I don't see any missions at any of the guild HQs, and I'm pretty sure I meet the requirements for at least Assassins and Bounty Hunters.
Cycrow wrote: Mon, 1. Apr 24, 19:25It wont fix the existing ships, but it should prevent it from creating more. If you check the docked ships, do they still show as various races rather than Pirates?
Those two ships each had >4000 fighters docked, of random races. I have destroyed them with the cheat menu again, currently waiting to see if they return and in what state.

Ed. Scratch all that. I just started a fresh "OTAS Technician" game, the terran sectors are connected, Goner plot shows up fine, etc. etc.
Clearly something went horribly wrong with my save way back at the beginning... Which really, really sucks TBH, but then I guess that's what I get for playing beta releases. Oh well, such is life.
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.40 - 2024/04/01

Post by Cycrow »

There have been a few changes to the starts, but in Guilds all the starts except for the FL plot, and AP starts, all start in the TC state (which is different from the old plots mod)

Its possible your start is from a much older version, so some of the changes didn't take effect.

I think i have fixed the RRF issue though, there was another script used to create ships as well
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by Cycrow »

Small update to hopefully fix pirate RRF
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by steve_v »

Linux .zip version does not appear to install correctly with the plugin manager (again, VM as this appears to be the only option), none of the the uncompressed (.xml) scripts land in the game directory.
If installed manually, i.e. simply unpacked over the game directory, none of the new wares seem to be available in game (presumably due to twares not being updated). As everything else works fine, it took me a while to notice this.
0.40 / 0.41 same problems.

Installing UP and guilds Windows .spks with the plugin manager then copying over the .ogg voice files all the wares are populated *ed. but results in broken plots*, however this problem looks to have borked yet another save... Considering how long it takes to get anywhere in this game, I'm getting a little fed up with testing at this point.
Is there any way to fix the dock wares from the script editor *without* starting yet another new game?

Ed. No, strike the bit about installing the Windows .spk in the plugin manager working properly, this is reproducibly the cause of my earlier problems with the plots, masked by release of (and my upgrade to) the linux .zip.
Apparently this is indeed due to directory case - i.e. addon2/Director. Rather odd that the MD scripts are still visible in the MD editor, as that would seem to indicate the game loaded them... but somehow won't actually run them.
Renaming Director to director and starting a new game appears to set up the universe correctly, and a cursory test of the gonner plot is ok.

To summarise:
Windows .spk installed with plugin manager: Bad directory case (but only *some* directories, scripts and t for example are lowercase as they should be), missing plots.
Linux .zip installed with plugin manager: Missing scripts. No idea why, no errors "converting" the archive, they're just not installed.
Linux .zip installed manually: Missing wares. No idea why, but guessing the usual reason.

I give up, I'm going to sleep. Nice mod I'm sure, but this has wasted far too much of my time already today. Might poke it again tomorrow, I *think* I have a working configuration with .spk install and manual fixes to case and audio format.
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by Cycrow »

The ware files are in the cat/dat files (09.cat)

its possible that you have some TWare files in the types directory lose, these will be overriding the one from the mod and could be the problem.

if having to start over is getting annoying, it might be worth waiting for at least 0.5, where save game compatibility will start, and should limit the need to restart
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by steve_v »

Cycrow wrote: Wed, 3. Apr 24, 19:59 The ware files are in the cat/dat files (09.cat)
its possible that you have some TWare files in the types directory lose, these will be overriding the one from the mod and could be the problem.
last night was clearly not a good time to be posting bug reports, too much frustration and not enough caffeine. My appologies.
It wasn't wares in general that were missing, rather ship equipment. And they were actually in game (i.e. can be found in ware manager / cheat menu etc), just not added to any docks... So I doubt tware really had anything to do with it, more likely another universe setup problem.
In any case this is moot since I somehow managed to overwrite the affected saves (note to self: increase dotfile snapshot frequency), and with yet another clean install and new game I can't reproduce it.
Cycrow wrote: Wed, 3. Apr 24, 19:59 it might be worth waiting for at least 0.5, where save game compatibility will start, and should limit the need to restart
Being unable to update to new mod releases or living with unfixed bugs I was prepared for, my frustration was due to "universe quietly not set up properly with no obvious errors" and not being familiar enough with the mod and plot conditions to know what to look for until many hours in.

In hindsight I suspect all my noise (again, sorry about that) was the result of bad installs caused by random Pascal Case, a topic which, as someone who hasn't used a case-insensitive filesystem for ~20 years, rather grinds my gears even on a good day.

On a slightly more helpful note, I can confirm the pirate RRF thing is truly fixed :D
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by wolfkarpiu »

I don't know if it's a problem or I don't understand economy of game, but I noticed problem with the factory Ore Processing Plant XL and Silicon Refinary XL are unprofitable.

Have any of you noticed this too?
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by Cycrow »

On there own they are unprofitable yeah.

It will cost you more to make the metal/silicon, than you can sell it for.

But you cant use the ore directly, so it's a needed step, you should only really use them yourself as part of a factory chain or complex
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by wolfkarpiu »

Cycrow wrote: Thu, 4. Apr 24, 15:04 On there own they are unprofitable yeah.

It will cost you more to make the metal/silicon, than you can sell it for.

But you cant use the ore directly, so it's a needed step, you should only really use them yourself as part of a factory chain or complex
Thanks for the information and reply :)
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by STALKERik33 »

I encountered a bug in the mod.
My ships, not under my direct control, do not use batteries for JumpDrive. The game only checks whether there are enough of them for the jump, but does not write off after it.
On ships under my direct control - everything is written off normally.

X3FL 1.3.15 + Guild 0.41. Client Language - Russian.
Save link - https://disk.yandex.ru/d/cGZEhpNOfaLD-g

Sorry, my English is bad, i use translate
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by Cycrow »

It's a bug in the unnoffical patch, it's already fixed for the next version
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by Anthar »

Is the goner "capture" truelight seeker bugged?
Dropping 10 marines on it , they finish deck 3 and then instantly die.
I know that there are marines on board , but you cannot kill them using the ion gun, ship looks immune to this type damage.
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by STALKERik33 »

Do I understand correctly that the trigger for spawning the start of Terran plot (FL) is the construction of your own TOA? I play a challenge sandbox, I started with a split from a strong arms. I received HQ and Xenon Hub. TOA was built in the Tears of Gread system.

But flying for 3 hours in the dialogue options with the explorers guild there is no option - data for 750,000 points.

No any plots completed in my save.
Is the spawn chance random?

X3FL 1.3.15+0.41 Guids + russian custom text and voice localization
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by Robotking »

Hey Cycrow, your mods are freaking golden.

One issue I have though is that some NPC Silicon mines still produce waffles instead of ore and to add to that, there is not a single silicon "refinary " (sic) in sight, meaning trading silicon ore now is (apparently_ useless and almost every single factory in the universe sits at 0 waffles because there are only 2 mines making them.


I only have your mod and the patch, plus a hud and a cockpit mod.


It seems the mine issue to be caused by the Argon Silicon Mine L, they seem to be able produce both or and waffles?
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Re: [MOD] Guilds - BETA v0.41 - 2024/04/02

Post by Anthar »

Robotking wrote: Fri, 26. Apr 24, 02:05 Hey Cycrow, your mods are freaking golden.

One issue I have though is that some NPC Silicon mines still produce waffles instead of ore and to add to that, there is not a single silicon "refinary " (sic) in sight, meaning trading silicon ore now is (apparently_ useless and almost every single factory in the universe sits at 0 waffles because there are only 2 mines making them.


I only have your mod and the patch, plus a hud and a cockpit mod.


It seems the mine issue to be caused by the Argon Silicon Mine L, they seem to be able produce both or and waffles?
Found few of those, you can just , you can build your own and make dank cash!

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