3D Models and Stats Viewer : Version (12th Dec 2010)

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Post by siddham »

Well it seems to work on my instal of TC
So just try it and see
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Post by Solomon Short »

chrisyonggg wrote:Hi, does anyone know if this works for Terran Conflict Xtended mod?
Should work for any mod, you'll just need to check a few tabs to the right for the one you want.
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Post by JSDD »

it works well with the Xtended mod, but therefore you have to "remove" the file XY.cat/dat\maps\waretemplate out of the cat/dat file because the program crashes when trying to load the waretemplate (dont know why)
simply create a folder named "maps" in your installation directory, extract the waretenplate in there and delete waretemplate from the cat/dat (using X3Editor2)

there is an issue with some ships with docking slots, meaning the program crashes when trying to load a specific docktype called "blabla_quicklaunch_bla"
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Post by patient zero »

edit: irrelevant info deleted
Last edited by patient zero on Fri, 4. Nov 16, 16:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RoverTX »

Any chance there is a copy of the source code for this floating around? Hoping to make some changes to make it more friendly with X3AP.

My Microsoft Foo is weak, but I assume because the icon in the tray is MFC that it is written in Visual C++?
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Post by Alan Phipps »

@ RoverTX: PM the author who is still an active poster here.
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Post by Morkonan »

RoverTX wrote:Any chance there is a copy of the source code for this floating around? Hoping to make some changes to make it more friendly with X3AP.

My Microsoft Foo is weak, but I assume because the icon in the tray is MFC that it is written in Visual C++?
I'm not sure, but I think most of it is written in Java. (I am not a code-monkey, so I don't know much about these things...:) )
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Post by Geek »

Given the libraries that comes with the install, RoverTX is more likely on the right track.
Right on commander !
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Post by RoverTX »

Just got around to this tonight, almost exactly a year later.

Changing it to target X3AP seems to be rather simple once I found the right line of code. The problem is at the moment I can't test it because I find myself unable to compile... Ruby guy with very little practice compiling anything...

Out to the original author, but if anyone else could provide some help in the mean time.
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Re: 3D Models and Stats Viewer : Version (12th Dec 2010)

Post by R4D3X »

is there another downloadlink ?
when i try to download it say, "server not found"

would like to get it again
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Re: 3D Models and Stats Viewer : Version (12th Dec 2010)

Post by X2-Illuminatus »

Available on the internet archive wayback machine:
https://web.archive.org/web/20140819013 ... taller.exe
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