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Will Exitcode 1079 (out of IDs) ever be fixed? - Improvement in some future build.

Posted: Sat, 11. Sep 21, 14:58
by Gersidi
My unmodded game from vanilla to now crashes after a few minutes of playing, or immediately when I teleport from one ship to another or station. Exitcode 1079 Out of ID's.

I have heard this is due to some ships queuing up thousands of orders causing a crash. This bug has been around since before 3.0. Any plans to fix this devs?

Re: Will Exitcode 1079 (out of IDs) ever be fixed?

Posted: Sat, 11. Sep 21, 16:07
by CBJ
You say you have an unmodified savegame where this happens? Then please upload it somewhere and provide a link, so that we can take a look. If we are working blind, then the chances of a problem being fixed are slim to non-existent.

Re: Will Exitcode 1079 (out of IDs) ever be fixed?

Posted: Sat, 11. Sep 21, 16:10
by Alan Phipps
I have just searched the forums for the exact phrases 'Exitcode 1079', 'Exit Code 1079' and 'Out of IDs' and have come up blank other than your post. Do you have some links to others having and reporting this issue on the forum please?

I did find this jira redirection in the X4 Wiki though which includes a relative few reports of the issue and indicates dev awareness of it, but no sign of a breakthough though.

EDIT: Ninja'd by CBJ.

Exitcode 1079 Out of IDS

Posted: Fri, 17. Sep 21, 21:58
by Gersidi
Game crashed when teleporting to another ship or station. Now crashes at 95% loading since installing 4.10. Unmodded save, 1.0 gamestart. Save link attached. ... sp=sharing

Re: Exitcode 1079 Out of IDS

Posted: Sat, 18. Sep 21, 23:20
by Gersidi
Devs seen this yet?

Re: Exitcode 1079 Out of IDS

Posted: Sun, 19. Sep 21, 06:46
by Imperial Good
Given that you posted late on a Friday and Saturday/Sunday is the weekend, you might have to wait until the next working day.

Re: Exitcode 1079 Out of IDS

Posted: Sun, 19. Sep 21, 12:24
by Gersidi
Understood. Thank you!

Re: Will Exitcode 1079 (out of IDs) ever be fixed?

Posted: Sun, 19. Sep 21, 12:57
by Alan Phipps
Duplicate threads merged.

Re: Will Exitcode 1079 (out of IDs) ever be fixed?

Posted: Tue, 28. Sep 21, 20:09
by Gersidi
Thanks for merging threads, now that its all mixed and convoluted I'm sure to get a response now!

Re: Will Exitcode 1079 (out of IDs) ever be fixed?

Posted: Tue, 28. Sep 21, 23:37
by CBJ
The merge won't stop us keeping an eye on your post. :)

We have actually taken a look at your save. In this case, it's not something wildly creating too many orders; the game really has run out of ID space for the sheer number of objects (and certain other things) in your game universe! There are overheads associated with increasing that ID space, but we've determined that we can actually do so now without causing too many problems, so in a future update you should be able to load this particular save. However, I can't promise exactly when that will be, as it's not something we can just rush out. I should also point out that there will still be a limit; it will just be somewhat higher.

Re: Will Exitcode 1079 (out of IDs) ever be fixed? - Improvement in some future build.

Posted: Wed, 29. Sep 21, 13:52
by Gersidi
LOl! Thanks for your reply. I knew my ambition would get the better of me! Knowing this, I'll start removing objects manually so I can resume playing. Thanks for the heads up.