Current Version and Build Number: Version: 7.10 HF 3 (538965) - 2024-10-01

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Alan Phipps
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Current Version and Build Number: Version: 7.10 HF 3 (538965) - 2024-10-01

Post by Alan Phipps »

A dog has a master; a cat has domestic staff.
Sparky Sparkycorp
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Re: Current Build and Version Number

Post by Sparky Sparkycorp »

Version 1.00 (323017) - 2018-11-30

Version 1.00 HF1 (323021) - 2018-11-30

• Fixed various crashes when unable to write files to disk.
• Fixed light blue screen flash after intro video.


Version 1.10 (323115) - 2018-12-01

• Added warning when selecting graphics settings that are too high for current hardware.
• Removed SSAA options (if you previously selected SSAA then you are advised to select a different AA setting).
• Removed outdated, broken and not very useful "joystick" input preset.
• Fixed the player ship warping around when opening the map under certain conditions.
• Fixed explosions near the Manager's Office sometimes killing the station manager and making trading impossible.
• Fixed non-missile weapons assigned to an active secondary group shooting while the long range scan mode is active.
• Fixed inactive missions becoming active after requesting guidance to an object.
• Fixed links to the Encyclopedia from software and deployables.
• Fixed black trade menus when owning small mining ships.
• Fixed mining orders not available for small mining ships.
• Fixed pilots not getting up when asked.
• Fixed some savegames crashing shortly after loading them.
• Fixed crash when trying to start the game with certain older AMD driver versions.
• Fixed several other causes of rare crashes.[


Version 1.20 (323307) - 2018-12-03

• Added Korean localisation.
• Added "Keep Settings?" dialog when changing antialiasing option.
• Added user-submitted default profile for the Thrustmaster T16000m FCS HOTAS (thanks eisberg1977!).
• Changed default setting for gamepad mode to be "Only for controllers".
• Removed hull damage on collisions until the auto pilot has learned to fly around things!
• Fixed suspense music still playing even if all nearby enemies have been destroyed.
• Fixed player-owned ship icons that are underneath player-owned station icons getting selection priority.
• Fixed player ships assigned to stations not trading in some cases.
• Fixed the movement of newly assigned managers to the managers office.
• Fixed manager's office on player stations not being accessible if there is no manager.
• Fixed crew re-assignment in certain cases (e.g. from M ship to docked S ship).
• Fixed assigning of crew in the back of your ship.
• Fixed being able to assign crew as black marketeers.
• Fixed cash exploit involving hallucinogenics and hard drugs!
• Fixed too many Split characters appearing as pilots and managers.
• Fixed not being able to Comm managers of player-owned stations via the info menu.
• Fixed exploit allowing Comm with all known ships regardless of location (increased Comm range to compensate).
• Fixed repair prices being inversely proportional to the amount of damage.
• Fixed mass traffic being damaged in hazardous regions.
• Fixed Bring Item missions.
• Fixed some unlocalised text.
• Fixed excessively loud repair lasers.
• Fixed certain asteroids not displaying the correct name.
• Fixed mirrored logos on small argon fighters.
• Fixed highway adsigns clipping into opposite lane.
• Fixed high and medium graphics qualities being identical.
• Fixed graphics quality presets not changing texture quality and SSR option.
• Fixed black screen after setting controller sensitivity to zero.
• Fixed possible freeze involving ships repeatedly recalling subordinates who are unable to dock.
• Fixed several other causes of rare crashes.


Version 1.21 (323477) - 2018-12-05

• Improved automatic GPU selection to prioritise discrete GPUs.
• Fixed freeze when saving the game.
• Fixed some causes of freezes when starting the game.
• Fixed cause of a crash after loading savegame.
• Fixed upgrade orders becoming non-functional when loading a savegame.
• Fixed money not being refunded for cancelled upgrades.
• Fixed ships not being claimable from the space suit.
• Fixed a case that could result in AutoTraders sometimes trading at a loss.
• Fixed excessive delay between damage and start of repairs.
• Fixed several other causes of rare crashes.


Version 1.30 (323986) - 2018-12-07

• Added graphics setting to show graphics card and screen separately on multi-GPU systems.
• Added option to restore all default settings.
• Added Nividium to items bought by Argon and Teladi trade stations.
• Added SSAA 2x and 4x options back in.
• Improved accuracy of turrets and gimballed weapons.
• Improved skill gain profile for NPCs.
• Improved station-based traders to sell products at at least the price set at their station.
• Improved options for selling illegal wares.
• Removed non-functional engine mod type.
• Removed mining turret compatibility from Sunder.
• Removed display of type icons for unknown objects on map.
• Removed mouse cursor emulation in start menu.
• Removed option to shuffle station construction plan for HQ.
• Fixed logbook showing oldest 1000 entries instead of newest.
• Fixed searching for ware names to use the correct trade filter.
• Fixed missing guidance information in Mission Manager
• Fixed invasions stalling and starving the war missions of suitable situations.
• Fixed illegal build plot for advanced gamestart "The Unworthy Entrepreneur".
• Fixed player-owned ships sometimes dropping cargo without the player telling them to.
• Fixed passengers or prisoners sometimes being promoted to captain thereby changing ship ownership.
• Fixed turrets on M-sized ships flown by the player and set to attack all enemies not engaging hostile XS-sized ships.
• Fixed case of patrolling ships failing to engage pirates pretending to belong to their faction.
• Fixed police ships penalising unpaid plots in locations where they do not have police authority.
• Fixed "Promote best crewmember" button not working if ship has no pilot and all crewmembers have 0 skills.
• Fixed being able to recruit crew from NPC-owned capital ships.
• Fixed another case of AutoTrade not functioning.
• Fixed AutoMiners not selling the resources that they gather.
• Fixed some player-owned ships not allowing you to dock.
• Fixed L-sized turret and shieldgenerator blueprints not being available to the player.
• Fixed certain collectables not being picked up when you fly over them.
• Fixed ships stuck while docked awaiting an invalid build to complete.
• Fixed characters being stuck in unhelpful places.
• Fixed being able to clone crew members.
• Fixed player logo being applied to HQ asteroid.
• Fixed player HQ information menu not working after adding a production to the HQ.
• Fixed missing dock areas on builder ships.
• Fixed incorrect type of mines near gate in Eighteen Billion.
• Fixed error incorrectly appearing if build is completed.
• Fixed asteroid scanning not being possible.
• Fixed missing text localization in several places.
• Fixed missing German station announcements and other voiced lines.
• Fixed a case of ships having no collision detection.
• Fixed ships skipping collision avoidance in certain situations.
• Fixed most cases of clipping through docking bay floors when docking.
• Fixed a case of the player ship warping to an invalid location on undocking.
• Fixed more cases of the player ship warping around (e.g. after taking control).
• Fixed crash when installing broken equipment mods.
• Fixed occasional unrecoverable freezes.
• Fixed several other causes of rare crashes.


Version 1.31 (324020) - 2018-12-10

• Fixed HQ mission stalling if the escorted ship is unable to dock at its destination.
• Fixed HQ mission stalling if player flew through the anomaly too fast.
• Fixed duplicate and missing weapon entries in the HUD if multiple groups have been setup.
• Fixed ship upgrade builds not starting in certain situations.
• Fixed another cause of rare crashes.


Version 1.32 (324221) - 2018-12-11

• Removed ability to assign trading/mining ships to invalid tasks and commanders.
• Fixed factions not building new ships.
• Fixed highway destinations not being displayed in target monitor.
• Fixed guild missions not correctly restarting if a mission was failed or aborted.
• Fixed player-owned ships formerly belonging to pirates sometimes attacking the player.
• Fixed getting stuck in trader areas on the Teladi trade station.
• Fixed being able to save game while Game Over is displayed.
• Fixed occasional menu crash when changing crew at a shipyard/wharf/equipment dock.
• Fixed Load Game menu breaking when trying to load an empty savegame slot.
• Fixed Confirm/Cancel buttons sometimes missing in ship or station configuration menus.
• Fixed top menu arrow not showing in Chinese/Korean localisations.
• Fixed another cause of rare crashes.


Version 1.50 (326172) - 2018-12-20

New Feature (BETA): Send your ships on ventures into other players' universes!
• Added (BETA) Japanese localisation.
• Added option for "Betty" to speak target names.
• Added option to undock and abort ship upgrades that are waiting for resources.
• Added turret behaviour settings to the Ship Interactions menu (including L/XL ship turret groups).
• Added notification in case player-owned ship is unable to dock as ordered.
• Added inventory net worth in empire overview.
• Added cooldown for station repair when stations are under attack.
• Added entry for the manual to Help menu.
• Improved performance with AMD GPUs.
• Improved ability of lasertowers to track targets.
• Improved faction rebuilding logic to not overload shipyards as much.
• Improved traders supplying shipyards and wharfs.
• Improved "Where can I find...?" dialogue option.
• Changed inventory drop button to drop all selected wares if multiple are selected (for single wares amount can still be chosen).
• Changed maximum damage done to ships due to sabotage by bailing pilots.
• Fixed getting left behind when leaving your ship in the space suit while in relative movement with a bigger ship.
• Fixed squadron subordinates sometimes flying extremely far from their commanders while flying in formation.
• Fixed station-based mining ships delivering very few resources to their station if the station has little to no funds.
• Fixed shipyards not stockpiling enough resources for ships with large amounts of deployables, and miscalculating resource allocation for other wares.
• Fixed further case that could lead to police punishing player for retaliating against pirates.
• Fixed capital ships sometimes bouncing off of each other when attempting to dock to exchange wares.
• Fixed pirate ships congregating around their own stations.
• Fixed and prevented pirate ships attempting to plunder in highways.
• Fixed receiving requests from other pilots for help while not in a cockpit.
• Fixed player-owned docked ships requring additional instruction to proceed with orders after being given new orders.
• Fixed Xenon and Kha'ak ships always having very bad pilots.
• Fixed incorrect reputation requirements for friend/ally ceremonies of Ministry of Finance.
• Fixed repair mass traffic of pirate ships causing reputation loss when destroyed.
• Fixed turrets and self-maintenance not working on ships whose pilots bailed out.
• Fixed job ships not filling out their squadrons to make up for combat losses.
• Fixed player ship not being included in boarding menu ship selection if player ship is selected along with other player-owned ships.
• Fixed target of successful boarding operation sometimes getting some owner other than the player faction.
• Fixed newly-boarded ships retaining their old orders.
• Fixed lasertowers deployed by AI pilot waiting for player to tell it to proceed before deploying while player is standing on ship.
• Fixed defence drones attempting to go to dock for repairs and to get more supplies.
• Fixed mining ships not correctly reporting when they have completed their order.
• Fixed player station managers not being assigned correctly in certain situations.
• Fixed being able to teleport to stations that are not player-owned or allied.
• Fixed missile blueprints not being available (now available from faction representatives).
• Fixed HQ Escort mission selecting an inactive gate for the ship to fly through.
• Fixed Satellite Coverage mission.
• Fixed Rescue Ship mission not rewarding any credits.
• Fixed ships to be rescued from a minefield responding to attacks.
• Fixed other lasertowers in a group not responding if one of them is attacked.
• Fixed several issues with Find Lockbox mission, including it not finishing in certain cases.
• Fixed Repair mission not completing if object got repaired in the meanwhile.
• Fixed Acquire Captain mission being available for spacesuit.
• Fixed Assassination missions selecting player-owned NPC's as mission-target.
• Fixed abort condition for several missions.
• Fixed several tutorial progression issues.
• Fixes savegames with stalled guild missions.
• Fixed player not being correctly refunded when aborting some ship builds.
• Fixed shipyards and wharfs never building again if they were hacked.
• Fixed Xenon shipyards and wharfs sometimes storing wares they don't need.
• Fixed menu crash when upgrading capital ships.
• Fixed trade context menu being black.
• Fixed doors sometimes getting stuck after loading a savegame.
• Fixed NPC ships being removed on loading savegame in some situations.
• Fixed failure to open Logical Station Overview for large stations and for low UI scale values.
• Fixed plot management menu breaking with too many stations.
• Fixed freeze in map when viewing information on very large stations.
• Fixed mission briefing in ultra-wide resolutions.
• Fixed start menu not opening in certain cases.
• Fixed missing German character voices.
• Fixed various localisation issues.
• Fixed reversed front/back speakers.
• Fixed causes of several freezes and performance issues in specific circumstances.
• Fixed several other causes of rare crashes.


Version 1.60 (329105) - 2019-01-28

• Added music tracks from previous games.
• Added map filter option to disable allied order queue visualisation.
• Added option to edit or remove assignment in order queue.
• Added tooltips explaining why Request Dock At option is greyed-out.
• Improved overall game performance.
• Improved AI attacking of stations.
• Improved reward calculation for Rescue Ship mission.
• Improved reward calculation and area range for Repair mission.
• Improved reward calculation and fleet variation in Fleet Delivery mission.
• Improved location check for claiming plot in Station Building mission.
• Improved likelihood of NPCs providing information when asking for the way to a station.
• Improved AutoMiner behaviour to avoid mining in enemy-held territory depending on crew skill.
• Removed ability to map right mouse button to avoid conflicts with context menu function.
• Fixed player-owned stations not transferring money to the player after having earned a surplus.
• Fixed player-owned ships mis-identifying some ships as being abandoned.
• Fixed ships sometimes undocking and docking again when given an order that doesn't require a ship to change docks.
• Fixed NPC-owned capital class mining ships not being able to mine due to lack of collector drones.
• Fixed mining ships sometimes not going to their designated positions before starting to mine.
• Fixed delay after player issuing AutoMiner order.
• Fixed capital ships with forward-mounted weapons sometimes orienting broadside to big targets.
• Fixed capital ships not acquiring some station modules when attacking them.
• Fixed fighters manoeuvering against and firing upon the center of stations rather than acquiring station modules.
• Fixed player-owned squadron subordinates pursuing targets to the ends of the universe.
• Fixed combat ships assigned to a station not staying in the vicinity of the station.
• Fixed captured visitor ships sometimes not accepting orders.
• Fixed UI allowing player to order player-owned ships to "Dock to Trade" at player-owned stations that have no trade offers.
• Fixed ships wanting to undock from a venture platform worrying that they might leave the player stranded at the station.
• Fixed player-owned free traders preferring build-related trades.
• Fixed free traders tending to prefer trades involving buying low amounts or high prices.
• Fixed player-owned station-based traders ignoring sell offers at the station below a certain threshold.
• Fixed rare case that would prevent AutoMine and AutoTrade orders from functioning.
• Fixed lasertower orders being assignable to things that weren't lasertowers.
• Fixed lasertowers erroneously attempting to move while in highways.
• Fixed computer pilots of drones and lasertowers sometimes bailing.
• Fixed player-owned ships formerly owned by pirates retaining their cover ownership.
• Fixed docked ships on claimed ships retaining old ownership and crew on board.
• Fixed theoretical ability to improve relations with Xenon and Kha'ak.
• Fixed not being able to select items to deliver to Black Marketeer when playing multiple delivery missions simultaneously.
• Fixed receiving pilot comm chatter while not in a cockpit.
• Fixed Security Office not being available on all stations.
• Fixed Boarding mission where ship was already captured earlier.
• Fixed mission character disappearing during Delivery mission.
• Fixed duplicate greeting of Black Marketeer during Delivery mission.
• Fixed cases of missing dialog choices for Black Marketeers.
• Fixed Tutorial and Help menu in ultra-wide resolutions.
• Fixed large number of queued orders breaking the order queue menu.
• Fixed map shortcuts not working after using minimize.
• Fixed wrong production resources shown in LSO and encyclopedia.
• Fixed hidden information (shown as "???") on player stations in certain cases.
• Fixed loadout statistics showing changes in engine performance when applying a paint mod.
• Fixed venture reward menu sometimes not displaying reward information.
• Fixed custom player logo not being displayed on target monitor.
• Fixed comms monitor not showing up on incoming reports from pilots.
• Fixed excessive L and XL travel engine prices.
• Fixed certain M-sized turret slots on some L-sized ships not allowing mining turrets to be fitted.
• Fixed mirrored logos on some ships.
• Fixed NPC position in bar.
• Fixed various NPC animation issues.
• Fixed player ship standing still when opening the map after undocking from a station.
• Fixed problems docking certain M-sized ships (especially Drill) without docking software.
• Fixed ships protecting stations with the Protect Station order chasing targets out of the designated area.
• Fixed new NPC stations potentially having their build storages owned by incorrect factions.
• Fixed squadron subordinates sometimes not keeping up with their commanders.
• Fixed dock showing stop sign while ship docked after loading savegame.
• Fixed occasional loss of control input while in flight.
• Fixed incorrect graphics settings displayed after changing Graphics Quality.
• Fixed Account Management and Logical Station Overview menus not setting manager budget when setting station account.
• Fixed menu crash in supply node of Logical Station Overview.
• Fixed menu crash when opening Info menu for certain stations.
• Fixed menu freeze in Account Management menu.
• Fixed map freeze if a commander was docked at one of their subordinates.
• Fixed UI showing possibility to edit default behaviours of subordinates.
• Fixed strange items being added to inventory after venture completes.
• Fixed unclaimed venture rewards getting lost on subsequent save/load cycle.
• Fixed planned station builds being lost after saving and loading.
• Fixed some memory leaks.
• Fixed causes of several freezes and performance issues in specific circumstances.
• Fixed several other causes of crashes.

Version 1.60 HF1 (330622) - 2019-01-30

• Fixed negative station budgets and accounts.
• Fixed crash when reassigning crew.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Build and Version Number

Post by CBJ »

Version 2.00 (334398) - 2019-02-25
  • New Feature: Player-owned stations with Shipyard, Wharf and Equipment Dock facilities.
  • Added options to set custom name for savegames and to delete savegames.
  • Added ware exchange between ships docked at the same station.
  • Added possibility to start/stop travel mode and SETA while map is open.
  • Added warnings about non-working venture modules due to station layout.
  • Added fighter wings directly subordinate to carriers.
  • Added display of partial skill stars to one third of a star accuracy.
  • Added preview of ship storage capacity after all planned trades to info menu.
  • Added trade menu warning that ware is not available after all planned trades.
  • Added separate Remove all Orders and Wait option, replacing parameter to Remove all Orders.
  • Added failure sound when invalid hotkey is used while map is displayed.
  • Added confirmation before closing station build menu if there are unsaved changes.
  • Added tooltip for greyed-out claim option to show reason.
  • Added full Russian and Japanese localisation (text only).
  • Added more details about damage types to weapon and turret entries in Encyclopedia.
  • Added skill-based variants for AutoMine behaviour.
  • Removed duplicated equipment blueprints from trader menu.
  • Improved Xenon threat.
  • Improved turret aiming and target movement prediction.
  • Improved combat movement of frigates.
  • Improved combat movement of capital ships with good captains and crews that do not have forward-mounted weapons against other capital ships or stations.
  • Improved capital ship combat movement against small and medium targets.
  • Improved balancing of capital ship defensive and offensive capabilities.
  • Improved balancing of capital ship use of boost during combat.
  • Improved balancing of capital ship crews bailing when ship is attacked.
  • Improved balancing of missiles.
  • Improved balancing of ware prices and production profitability to emphasize smart business decisions.
  • Improved target acquisition for ships, particularly when attacking stations or capital ships.
  • Improved command information shown by attacking ships when attacking a subcomponent of a bigger target.
  • Improved range over which ships that run out of ammo can look for a known equipment dock from which to re-stock.
  • Improved kinds of stations requested from station building missions.
  • Improved encyclopedia information for production and factions.
  • Improved Logical Station Overview to show station's recommended budget instead of the currently needed money in account settings.
  • Improved quickload hotkey (F9 by default) so it loads the latest saved game, not necessarily a quicksave.
  • Improved playback logic for music tracks from previous games.
  • Improved performance when working with very large stations.
  • Improved menu performance.
  • Improved trade evaluation for free traders.
  • Improved firing logic of missile-armed fighters.
  • Improved guided missile effectiveness.
  • Improved loadout distribution on NPC ships.
  • Improved combat movement of capital ships, particularly those with forward-mounted weapons.
  • Improved balancing of resource requirements for L and XL travel engines.
  • Improved default countermeasure storage capacities.
  • Fixed issues with target elements in the HUD in certain cases (e.g. when using "external view" through the map while standing on a ship/station).
  • Fixed keyboard and gamepad selection not working in scrolling dropdown elements.
  • Fixed previous/next target hotkeys and enemy targets sometimes not working when flying captured venture ships.
  • Fixed previous/next surface element hotkey sometimes not working after loading a savegame.
  • Fixed behaviour of autopilot shortcut in the map (now correctly toggles autopilot on guidance target).
  • Fixed production modules sometimes not updating their animation when production starts/stops.
  • Fixed research wares being listed in economy statistics of the HQ.
  • Fixed storage types in encyclopedia not being localised.
  • Fixed turret modifications breaking ship info menu.
  • Fixed broken Logical Station Overview menu for stations missing a storage type and having no planned modules.
  • Fixed broken menu when firing crew and then hiring new people in the ship buy/upgrade menu.
  • Fixed missing title text in ship construction context menu in map.
  • Fixed ship assignment not being queued correctly (possibly upsetting existing trade deals).
  • Fixed deliver inventory mission not correctly placing the character in some situations.
  • Fixed Bring Item mission offers not being removed properly if destination station or NPC was killed.
  • Fixed several issues with Fleet Delivery mission.
  • Fixed Scan mission not checking for destruction of target station module.
  • Fixed Scan mission to require only normal scan rather than deep scan for station modules.
  • Fixed missing guidance to station module in Scan mission.
  • Fixed Passenger Transport missions to filter out incorrect stations.
  • Fixed Find Lockbox mission to ensure containers remain in mission area.
  • Fixed station ownership not being transferred in Build Station mission
  • Fixed trade and pirate guild mission offers not changing over time.
  • Fixed incorrect faction and other text for several dialog options and briefings in war missions.
  • Fixed introductory mission of war subscriptions getting stuck.
  • Fixed Holy Order outliers sometimes prematurely precipitating conflict with the Godrealm of the Paranid.
  • Fixed attacking ships repeatedly approaching and retreating from target before getting close to it.
  • Fixed ships moving out of pursuit distance to attack targets in their initial approach.
  • Fixed ships attacking stations flying at and firing upon station target box instead of station modules.
  • Fixed patrolling ships attacking build storage.
  • Fixed ships showing excessive DPS when weapons are in more than one active weapon group.
  • Fixed builder ships wandering into hostile territory.
  • Fixed capital ship subordinates of carriers sometimes attempting to dock at their commander's ship.
  • Fixed station-based trading ships setting their current sector as their home sector rather than their station's sector.
  • Fixed ship/station operations being hampered by docked ships working for that ship/station not undocking while player is present.
  • Fixed boarding ships that are missing ammo trying to disable boarding target anyway.
  • Fixed formation skill checks not respecting the player being the pilot.
  • Fixed another case of patrolling player-owned ships chasing hostiles beyond their engagement range.
  • Fixed squadron subordinates apparently trying to attack ships from their own faction.
  • Fixed player-owned ships sometimes inadvertently firing missiles depending on their weapon group setup.
  • Fixed turrets set to Attack my Current Enemy not firing when they should.
  • Fixed turrets set to Attack my Current Enemy firing when they shouldn't.
  • Fixed ships attacking stations stopping their attack after destroying a station module or surface element.
  • Fixed turrets on the player ship that are set to mining mode not firing on asteroids.
  • Fixed boarding ships not launching boarding pods in certain situations.
  • Fixed fleeing ships acquiring a target and attacking in certain situations.
  • Fixed ships attempting to disable a target deliberately destroying it instead.
  • Fixed ships with a Follow order not responding to certain situations.
  • Fixed player-owned ships attacking friendly ships while patrolling player-owned space.
  • Fixed non-police ships (including player-owned ships) sometimes responding to calls for police assistance.
  • Fixed non-Xenon races not constructing defence stations.
  • Fixed build storage of destroyed stations not being cleaned up.
  • Fixed NPCs rubber-banding for a long time after loading a savegame in certain situations.
  • Fixed NPCs getting stuck in elevator if player uses it while NPC is walking in it.
  • Fixed NPC marshalling animations during player docking/undocking.
  • Fixed multiple NPCs standing in the same position on some Argon bridges.
  • Fixed cases of duplicate interior rooms on stations.
  • Fixed frozen movement in bridges of docked capital ships.
  • Fixed cargo trades with Black Marketeer sometimes failing.
  • Fixed module hacking requirements not being respected.
  • Fixed area damage not being correctly applied in certain situations.
  • Fixed ships flying huge curves when going long distances.
  • Fixed multiple shipyards attempting to fulfil the same NPC ship build requests.
  • Fixed NPC ships sometimes requesting more subordinates to be built than they desired.
  • Fixed stations not claiming sector ownership if claiming module is built later.
  • Fixed turrets and shields not being added to station module when not part of a new module.
  • Fixed station module stats and achievements not triggering with the first module of a station.
  • Fixed station module recycling sometimes interrupting an ongoing build.
  • Fixed recycle times of station modules.
  • Fixed exploit where wares could be gained when recycling modules.
  • Fixed inability to remove last remaining module when planning a station.
  • Fixed not being able to cancel ship orders in some cases.
  • Fixed total build time being off by up to one minute for some objects.
  • Fixed onboard units not being factored into object value.
  • Fixed inconsistencies with station hull values.
  • Fixed stations not remembering their Drone/Unit supply settings.
  • Fixed small ships failing to exchange wares with ships they can dock at.
  • Fixed ships needlessly undocking to trade.
  • Fixed faction discounts and commissions not being removed when relations worsen.
  • Fixed transfer of crew from one role to another not being possible at shipyard/wharf/equipment dock if no other changes are made.
  • Fixed EMP-induced signal leaks on unowned small and medium ships claiming them for the player when scanned.
  • Fixed lasertowers spawning in wrong location when deployed from Elite.
  • Fixed lasertowers potentially ending up in the exact same position in space.
  • Fixed objects attracted with the container magnet sometimes getting an unreasonable speed.
  • Fixed ships sometimes oscillating around target positions if SETA is active.
  • Fixed ships docked at other ships sometimes appearing twice in the elevator menu.
  • Fixed issue resulting in data leaks sometimes appearing inside station modules.
  • Fixed roll input in highways steering in the wrong direction.
  • Fixed inability to remap camera input control.
  • Fixed not being able to load certain user-provided files (e.g. custom logos) with non-ASCII file names.
  • Fixed floating geometry on the M-sized Beam Emitter Mk2.
  • Fixed rare freeze related to player ship control.
  • Fixed NPC ships sometimes not leaving shipyards after being built.
  • Fixed Discoverer doors not opening when newly built.
  • Fixed incorrect shield configuration on Behemoth.
  • Fixed engine positions on Xenon K so that they can now be destroyed.
  • Fixed ship build menu showing wrong sustained DPS values when planning multiple weapons on new ship.
  • Fixed shopping list items in the ship build menu not being editable.
  • Fixed exchanging missiles and drones between ships and stations using Ware Exchange.
  • Fixed police ships attempting to scan surface elements for illegal goods.
  • Fixed police sometimes inspecting ships that are already being inspected by another police ship.
  • Fixed squadron subordinates sometimes failing to call in support from their squadron.
  • Fixed patrolling ships sometimes accidentally crossing jump gates.
  • Fixed factions sometimes not using their intelligence data in preparation for invading.
  • Fixed laser towers being dragged along by the launching ship in certain situations.
  • Fixed laser towers continuing to track targets that are no longer valid.
  • Fixed rare case causing ships to rotate erratically.
  • Fixed a cause of ships trying to fly into the centre of stations without avoiding collisions.
  • Fixed Black Marketeers sometimes being placed aboard Kha'ak stations.
  • Fixed newly constructed NPC stations being given resources immediately.
  • Fixed production showing wrong resources (again).
  • Fixed stations provided by the player via the Build Station mission not having functioning managing NPCs.
  • Fixed weapons with slow bullets or missiles not firing.
  • Fixed ships assigned to join player squad not getting new orders.
  • Fixed mission chains being cancelled if target was destroyed before the mission started.
  • Fixed Boarding mission not being cancelled if target was destroyed before the mission started.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.

Version 2.20 (339509) - 2019-03-18
  • New Feature (BETA): TrackIR support.
  • New Feature: Direct Mouse Steering mode (also known as Classic Mouse Steering or Boresight Steering).
  • New Feature: Mouse HUD mode option (changing this option to "Left Mouse Button Mode" enables any controls remapped to the right mouse button).
  • Added upgrade slot and dock information to ship encyclopedia entries.
  • Added resource amounts for construction to ship and equipment encyclopedia entries.
  • Added trade offer amount graphs to sector encyclopedia entries.
  • Added enforcement of formation skill requirement.
  • Added Radius to parameters for Protect Position.
  • Added Attack Targets in Range order.
  • Added player-owned shipyard tutorial.
  • Improved carriers launching fighters against targets.
  • Improved behaviour of station subordinate traders.
  • Improved time taken to generate mass traffic for extremely complex stations when loading savegames.
  • Improved subordinate handling in long distance movement.
  • Improved ship behaviour when docking at other moving ships.
  • Fixed player-owned ships sometimes pursuing targets outside their designated area when ordered to protect a position or a station.
  • Fixed yet another case involving ships moving long distances pursuing targets they attack to other sectors.
  • Fixed too many empty shield/turret groups on L/XL ships (not retroactive, only affects newly fitted ships).
  • Fixed Paranid and Teladi stations using Argon piers (not retroactive, only affects newly built stations).
  • Fixed Shipyards, Wharfs and Equipment Docks sometimes offering maximum price for resources they don't desperately need.
  • Fixed newly-built stations sometimes not respecting nearby station plots.
  • Fixed several instances of NPCs teleporting to their destinations instead of walking.
  • Fixed NPCs not paying for subordinate ships ordered at player-owned shipyards.
  • Fixed NPCs potentially vanishing if reassigned while moving to certain locations.
  • Fixed NPCs sometimes not getting out of chairs when requested.
  • Fixed player gliding around after getting up under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed never-ending conversations with NPCs via the target monitor.
  • Fixed credits not being returned when cancelling an order to upgrade a ship.
  • Fixed shipyards potentially building ships which they should not be able to build.
  • Fixed NPC ships potentially waiting forever to restock at equipment docks.
  • Fixed ships in flight immediately coming to a standstill when their orders are cancelled.
  • Fixed case causing ships to stand still incorrectly.
  • Fixed case that resulted in ships not going where they wanted to.
  • Fixed flight behaviour of marines on boarding pods when doing Claim and Boarding operations.
  • Fixed carrier-based fighters not launching to engage hostile targets.
  • Fixed direct subordinates of carriers that could not dock once never trying to dock again.
  • Fixed player-owned ships telling player that they are awaiting orders if they have further orders or are subordinate to anyone other than the player.
  • Fixed player-owned free traders not selling cargo that is in their cargo hold that is also in the player-defined list of wares to trade in.
  • Fixed ships attacking wrecks.
  • Fixed ships stopping to attack build storage while travelling long distances.
  • Fixed ships getting distracted by hostile targets in highways.
  • Fixed some missions treating inactive Jump Gates as active.
  • Fixed welder drones launching from destroyed construction vessels.
  • Fixed ship chassis construction resources not being displayed.
  • Fixed ships under construction being destroyed when they are put into storage.
  • Fixed ships under construction not moving down when being put into storage.
  • Fixed wrecks of certain objects (especially small Laser Towers) not being cleaned up properly and accumulating over time.
  • Fixed being able to accidentally disable your own station for several hours by hacking a control panel.
  • Fixed station build menu forgetting unconfirmed loadout changes after returning from the encyclopedia.
  • Fixed formation leader speed limit when formation wingmen are trying to catch up.
  • Fixed capital ships trying to avoid asteroids that they can just fly through without problems.
  • Fixed weapons on player ships sometimes following view direction even while not seated in ship.
  • Fixed estimated missing resources displayed at equipment docks and shipyards sometimes being incorrect.
  • Fixed orders to equip ships not being able to be cancelled when waiting for resources (does not affect existing orders).
  • Fixed issues with ship movement in multi-layer formations.
  • Fixed police ships sometimes patrolling the wrong sector.
  • Fixed Deploy Object mission allowing object to be placed further away than requested.
  • Fixed missing localisation of objective text in Build Station mission.
  • Fixed some mission briefing text errors.
  • Fixed war missions potentially building up over time.
  • Fixed war mission not treating contested sectors correctly.
  • Fixed notification "All trade operations completed" being displayed too often.
  • Fixed wrong reason given for penalising relations if the player attacks a ship that is currently being investigated by police.
  • Fixed wrong reason given for penalising relations if the player builds a station in policed space on a plot that hasn't been paid for.
  • Fixed station building mission not transferring ownership of corresponding build storage.
  • Fixed display for filled percentage of engine and turret groups being the same in the ship build menu.
  • Fixed missing hull/shield bar elements in the map menu if more than 50 objects are listed at once.
  • Fixed encyclopedia not showing 3D models when opened from another menu.
  • Fixed info menu inaccessible for some supported objects (e.g. nav beacons).
  • Fixed calculation of unread entries for faction licence entries in the encyclopedia.
  • Fixed position of an element in the docking UI when flying a capital ship.
  • Fixed inconsistent crew notification on completion of a mining order.
  • Fixed muzzle-flash and firing position for some turrets.
  • Fixed turrets and shield generators sometimes left floating when Construction Vessel changes activation state.
  • Fixed shield generator obscuring space suit docking bay on Behemoth.
  • Fixed inability to enter spacesuit from Sunder.
  • Fixed some Argon character body mismatches.
  • Fixed joystick hot-plug issues on Linux.
  • Fixed mouse look not working while sitting in a docked ship.
  • Fixed double clicks inadvertently closing menus.
  • Fixed menus slowing down over time (especially noticeable when keeping map open).
  • Fixed several causes of menu crashes in various menus.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.

Version 2.21 (341463) - 2019-04-01
  • Improved GPU auto-selection.
  • Improved handling of new ship construction at shipyards and wharfs to not overload or block them.
  • Fixed wings assigned to use a formation that requires zero piloting skill arbitrarily changing their formation to some other formation.
  • Fixed stations built for NPCs as part of Build Station mission being unknown afterwards
  • Fixed subscription missions in progress being removed after a certain amount of time.
  • Fixed factions still placing orders for ships at player owned shipyards even when disallowed.
  • Fixed excessively loud venture mission completion sound.
  • Fixed gamepad/joystick mouse emulation under Linux.
  • Fixed cause of rare freeze.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.

Version 2.50 (347849) - 2019-05-28
  • New Feature: Resupply ships are now available and carriers can also resupply their fighters.
  • New Feature: Sector blacklist settings to prevent ships entering certain areas.
  • New Feature: Inventory management with lockboxes in space and inventory storage at player HQ.
  • New Feature: Tobii eye-tracking support (Windows only).
  • Added information about missing licence for buying blueprints.
  • Added basic set of blueprints to Hatikvah and Scaleplate faction representatives.
  • Added wanted ware amounts to trade context menu.
  • Added images and background information relating to star systems and planets in encyclopedia.
  • Added logbook entries for NPC ships being built, restocked or repaired at player shipyards.
  • Added note/hint while mouse direct steering mode is active.
  • Added more variations for Build Station, Rescue Ship and Scan missions.
  • Added new global orders section in player information menu.
  • Added options for ware transfer and trade with build storage to docked menu.
  • Added inventory information to player-owned ships.
  • Added categories to object list and property owned in the map.
  • Added options to sort the object list and property owned menus by name, size or hull.
  • Added warning in trade menu if a ship cannot transport a ware.
  • Added possibility to cancel builder ship assignments before ship deploys at station.
  • Added current build progress information to the module type summary lines of station entries in the map.
  • Added option to configure autosave interval (and prevented autosave immediately after a manual save).
  • Added information about hacked research module to research menu.
  • Added information about hacked production modules to info menu and Logical Station Overview.
  • Added ability to configure Logical Station Overview graph data for each station individually.
  • Added wreck filter option to map.
  • Added interior sounds to rooms, shops and ship bridges.
  • Added mining and resupply tutorials.
  • Improved cockpit glass transparency.
  • Improved fight-or-flight decision-making to only call for help if help is to be expected.
  • Improved behaviour of ships docking at busy locations.
  • Improved guidance for the find crate missions.
  • Improved station mining subordinate behaviour when station resource requirements increase.
  • Improved storage capacity of carriers to help them fulfil their supply function.
  • Improved faction logic to attempt to rebuild shipyards after their destruction.
  • Improved information menu presentation of cargo storage on ships.
  • Improved collision avoidance in specific situations.
  • Improved CollectLockbox order behaviour.
  • Improved selection of multiple wares for behaviours and map filters.
  • Improved out-of-sector firepower calculations.
  • Improved resource preview in the ship build/upgrade menu.
  • Improved satellite deployment tutorial.
  • Improved performance of loading and saving.
  • Improved interface for dropping player inventory.
  • Improved map object list performance when looking at many player stations.
  • Improved faction behaviour when dealing with ware shortages.
  • Improved ship formation behaviour when flying in travel mode.
  • Improved controller support for initial ship type selection in ship build menu.
  • Improved ship docking and undocking movement in certain cases.
  • Improved behaviour of free-flying police.
  • Improved defence drone handling by capital ships in combat.
  • Improved mission reward text for paint mods.
  • Improved updating of wares to be traded or harvested by station-based trading ships and mining ships.
  • Improved Logical Station Overview graph data selection.
  • Improved AI station generation logic to make selection of large habitation modules more likely where appropriate.
  • Updated external links to wiki and manual.
  • Changed faction representative menu to still show owned blueprints.
  • Removed Fly To objective from Build Station missions.
  • Removed ability to load construction plans that contain more venture modules than the player has available.
  • Removed ability to move an empty station plot after paying a cheap licence to a location with an expensive licence without repercussions.
  • Fixed mouse-over text not being updated in certain cases when scrolling a table.
  • Fixed resource display showing amounts up to 100x too high when removing station modules.
  • Fixed moving of station plots potentially resulting in incorrectly placed build storage.
  • Fixed faction representatives selling ship blueprints of other factions of the same race.
  • Fixed ware exchange between capital ships getting stuck.
  • Fixed shield generator obscuring space suit docking bay on Behemoth for existing ships (was fixed for new ships in 2.20).
  • Fixed deployables launching from ship getting stuck when boarding operation against that ship succeeds.
  • Fixed doors on docked ships sometimes not opening when the player is nearby.
  • Fixed getting stuck in elevators that are going up.
  • Fixed ships getting stuck during flight in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Kha'ak stations offering missions.
  • Fixed Hatikvah and Scaleplate ships being unavailable from their shipyards.
  • Fixed Xenon being unable to repair or build certain station modules.
  • Fixed supply information in Logical Station Overview not updating.
  • Fixed research menu not showing completed research if it finished while menu was not displayed.
  • Fixed capital ships undocking from each other potentially failing without recovery.
  • Fixed being able to Board abandoned ships.
  • Fixed being able to Claim ships that are currently being boarded.
  • Fixed lasertowers being allowed to receive orders that they cannot complete.
  • Fixed station drone removal when target amount is zero.
  • Fixed wrong interact menu options for lasertowers.
  • Fixed inability to Comm carriers and resupply ships from map.
  • Fixed interactions on docking bays of capital ships that are themselves docked.
  • Fixed certain research activities being cancelled when loading a savegame.
  • Fixed missing resources for station module loadouts sometimes not being listed in menus.
  • Fixed build storage not correctly taking future module and loadout resources into account while a module is being recycled.
  • Fixed incorrect requirement to own at least one ship blueprint of a certain ship size before this ship size can be upgraded at player-owned shipyards.
  • Fixed ships not upgrading/repairing if piloted by player with unrelated orders on order queue.
  • Fixed trade/equip orders being ignored if assuming direct control of a ship with such orders.
  • Fixed sending ship to repair multiple components only repairing the first queued component.
  • Fixed planned loadout changes on station modules marking all following modules as changed.
  • Fixed repair menu showing completely wrecked surface elements on ships as having no damage.
  • Fixed stations with workforce of multiple races not ordering all resources to feed them.
  • Fixed trade context menu not working if no player ship is available.
  • Fixed ship being teleported when disabling Flight Assist from the quick menu while near a station.
  • Fixed traders that are subordinates of stations sometimes purchasing wares that are not required by their commander.
  • Fixed newly constructed shipyards and defence stations not being named correctly.
  • Fixed ammo/units not being added to Encyclopedia when included in loadout on player-owned ship.
  • Fixed wrong text displayed for police faction in encyclopedia.
  • Fixed station modules sometimes being constructed and recycled in a loop.
  • Fixed stations potentially building turrets and shields on modules being recycled.
  • Fixed station modules which were destroyed appearing as operational while recycling.
  • Fixed Teladi Trading Station not being able to repair its modules.
  • Fixed XS deployables launched from some capital ships getting spawned away from ship that launched them.
  • Fixed some capital ships having too much S ship storage.
  • Fixed some capital ships being unable to store docked M ships in internal storage.
  • Fixed player being stuck in wrong position when getting up while external view is active.
  • Fixed bullets not hitting when viewing a remote battle in external view.
  • Fixed ships launched from launch tubes not immediately folding up their landing gear.
  • Fixed ships sometimes getting stuck while docking.
  • Fixed several cases of formation wingmen going through geometry.
  • Fixed ware exchange failing in some cases when involving one ship docked at another.
  • Fixed free traders preferring low-volume wares.
  • Fixed rare case of free traders choosing a now-disadvantageous trade over a trade that had improved over time.
  • Fixed station module search not being localized.
  • Fixed freeze when there is a police ship belonging to a faction that no longer controls any space.
  • Fixed non-factory stations gifted to other factions not updating their name correctly.
  • Fixed laser towers displaying a ship icon as their target element in the HUD.
  • Fixed weapon aim indicators being displayed when a menu is open.
  • Fixed interact menu not working in certain situations.
  • Fixed issues with moving station plots during Build Station missions.
  • Fixed Rescue Ship mission potentially creating unowned ships which don't get cleaned up.
  • Fixed Rescue Ship mission reward calculation in the variant where the ship must be delivered.
  • Fixed warping to a different sector when getting up during specific stage of HQ mission.
  • Fixed missile range calculation for dumbfire missiles.
  • Fixed very slow mission offer display if many offers are known.
  • Fixed menu errors when opening information menu for ship under construction.
  • Fixed huge player-owned stations not displaying all stored wares in information menu.
  • Fixed encyclopedia links to ships not working correctly.
  • Fixed NPC buy/sell orders not honouring minimum amounts.
  • Fixed ships stuck waiting for upgrades.
  • Fixed error messages when attempting to unlock EMP-induced data leaks on ships.
  • Fixed dock speed limits being applied when travel mode is active.
  • Fixed ships docking at moving objects appearing to strafe very quickly at certain times.
  • Fixed police ships remaining in space where they no longer have police authority.
  • Fixed some factions' police ships not being named as police.
  • Fixed defence drones belonging to Teladi Trading Stations not docking after completing their tasks.
  • Fixed stations potentially trying to trade with other stations when they no longer have any available cargo drones.
  • Fixed ships built for invasions sometimes not performing their intended orders.
  • Fixed subordinates not responding to attacks in some cases.
  • Fixed ships attacking targets outside their engagement area when on their way to their engagement area.
  • Fixed squadron subordinates getting distracted by hostile targets encountered while on their way to join their commander.
  • Fixed subordinates of carriers waiting for the player's permission before undocking to attack if player is on board the carrier.
  • Fixed station-based miners and traders not updating their range when they or their manager improve in skill.
  • Fixed construction vessels not always being unassigned when a station is destroyed.
  • Fixed NPC ships not firing their weapons when attacking under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed turrets set to Fire on my current target only firing sporadically when current target is a station.
  • Fixed turrets set to Attack my current target periodically stopping firing.
  • Fixed player-flown ships with turrets set to mining mode only acquiring asteroids 3km away regardless of mining turret range.
  • Fixed mass traffic sometimes using the wrong ships directly after loading a savegame.
  • Fixed asteroids in certain regions sometimes ending up with negative mineral yields.
  • Fixed incorrectly-scaled rendering of paint mods when redesigning certain ships.
  • Fixed promotion of crew to pilots removing existing pilot from ship.
  • Fixed object selection failing in the map when switching between tabs.
  • Fixed cases where map continued panning/rotating even after having released all mouse buttons.
  • Fixed station building menu asking to confirm loss of changes if nothing was changed.
  • Fixed station building menu not updating when a module build finishes.
  • Fixed returning venture ships sometimes being displayed in an incorrect location on the map.
  • Fixed map object list not showing the correct player logo for player-owned sectors.
  • Fixed supply settings for Drones and Missiles in Logical Station Overview.
  • Fixed workforce information in Logical Station Overview being greyed-out
  • Fixed player map icon being very large in certain situations.
  • Fixed external view on surface elements.
  • Fixed targeting while in spacesuit.
  • Fixed loot-magnet sound stuck after auto-save.
  • Fixed tooltip text getting stuck in the station build menu when using the controller mouse emulation.
  • Fixed various NPC pathing issues on platforms.
  • Fixed NPC rubber-banding when talked to while walking.
  • Fixed detached habitation modules during AI station construction (existing station layouts are not affected).
  • Fixed factions building more defence stations than they should.
  • Fixed situation where ships could appear stuck in internal storage.
  • Fixed missing localisation of several texts in menus.
  • Fixed several localisation issues in mission texts.
  • Fixed being able to fly into planets.
  • Fixed NPCs walking in front of pilot in Demeter and Hermes.
  • Fixed Pulsar's right weapon being visually disconnected from hull.
  • Fixed Nodan lights not turning on.
  • Fixed missing mode visualisation in Nodan cockpit.
  • Fixed Xenon capital ship engines not having animated exhaust flames.
  • Fixed duplicate display on panel in Kestrel cockpit.
  • Fixed missing geometry on side of Discoverer Vanguard.
  • Fixed missing external geometry when standing on Incarcatura bridge.
  • Fixed Incarcatura bridge location.
  • Fixed missing ID code panel on Odysseus.
  • Fixed being able to walk through desks in engineering section.
  • Fixed menu crash when opening the map legend in certain cases.
  • Fixed menu crash when upgrading a damaged ship and then trying to select a different ship.
  • Fixed Empire Menu breaking if menu attempts to display other menus.
  • Fixed game freeze in certain situations.
  • Fixed case of player falling through floor of flying ships.
  • Fixed not being able to use the joystick POV for cockpit camera movement.
  • Fixed some Teladi NPCs not moving their mouths when speaking.
  • Fixed Split female eye blink animation.
  • Fixed inability to remap some camera controls.
  • Fixed incorrect carriage return in version number in start/options menu (Linux only).
  • Fixed possible system memory leak when low on graphics memory.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version 2.50 HF 1 (347849) - 2019-06-03
  • Fixed aim ahead indicator no longer being displayed and some other minor targeting glitches.

Version 2.60 (368124) - 2019-10-17
  • Improved balancing and robustness of in-game economy (including prices, volume and production rates of Engine Parts, Hull Parts and Smart Chips).
  • Improved Logical Station Overview (added storage allocation, buy/sell limits, module state, production module grouping).
  • Improved station Info menu (added intermediate wares, filled storage capacities by type).
  • Improved station-based traders (coordination between traders, selection of stations to trade at, use of cargo that is excess or needed by their station).
  • Improved pirate behaviour by increasing variety of wares that pirates are interested in.
  • Improved trader deal selection and cargo space utilisation logic.
  • Improved automatic resupply by preventing player-owned ships from automatically getting deployables.
  • Improved ships rearming at resupply ships by only ordering what the resupply ship can build.
  • Improved upkeep mission priority for ship pilot and station manager vacancies from medium priority to high.
  • Improved ship combat AI by reducing use of boost to avoid completely draining shields.
  • Improved ship AI by allowing pilots to target, and be able to destroy, stations that are under construction.
  • Improved aggressiveness of NPC ships in response to attack when on their way to combat.
  • Improved range of high-tech wares stocked at most Trading Stations.
  • Improved capital ships docking at stations and movement through gates.
  • Improved shipyard build queue processing so newer ships are less likely to jump the queue.
  • Improved shipyard build queue handling when all docks are full.
  • Improved loadouts of small fighters by reducing chances of them using missiles, especially torpedo launchers.
  • Improved mining yield by increasing cargo capacity of mining ships by 100%.
  • Improved coordination between multiple mining ships assigned to the same station.
  • Improved behaviour of laser towers attacking stations.
  • Improved station AI by reassigning mining ships told to mine if they no longer need mineable wares when station configuration changes.
  • Improved carrier combat if carrier has direct subordinates and is directly attacking a target.
  • Improved ship movement in various situations (including moving through a gate, leaving a local highway in the middle, moving to distant objects).
  • Improved travel mode handling while going through gates and into highways.
  • Improved autopilot travel mode usage.
  • Improved damage applied to shields and turrets in out-of-sector combat to better match in-sector observations.
  • Improved info menu for station build storage to show amounts and display resources even if build storage currently doesn't have any.
  • Improved map to allow trade wares without current valid trade offers to be shown on the map.
  • Improved "ping" effect to be less obtrusive if multiple mission targets are present.
  • Improved Russian font.
  • Added Russian voice recordings.
  • Added consumption and production numbers to storage nodes in Logical Station Overview.
  • Added ability to assign ships to trade for resources for a station's build storage to assist in station construction.
  • Added Anchor space for orders AutoTrade, Sector AutoMine, AdvancedAutoMine and Expert AutoMine to the order queue menu.
  • Added possibility to sell resources and buy products and trade wares.
  • Added new resource region to Cardinal's Redress to help with Holy Order resource shortage.
  • Removed Tobii options if no Tobii device is detected.
  • Fixed stations under construction not being killable when out of sector.
  • Fixed Xenon asteroid stations not being killable in certain situations.
  • Fixed target speed matching not working when in relative movement to the target or after having pressed Full Stop.
  • Fixed destroying pirates that are showing their true colours sometimes resulting in a reputation penalty with the sector's police faction.
  • Fixed pirates attacking ships even if they are not interested in them.
  • Fixed pirates sometimes fleeing before attacking after just saying that they will attack.
  • Fixed space suit not undocking correctly from moving ships.
  • Fixed fleet auxiliary ships with behaviour to Supply Fleets in a space rather than as part of a fleet not enabling trade offers.
  • Fixed fleet auxiliary ships not advertising trade offers when subordinate to a station.
  • Fixed fleet auxiliary ships wanting to dock at themselves to get supplies and repairs.
  • Fixed resupply orders sometimes resulting in incorrect ammo and units.
  • Fixed resupply ships told to Get Supplies sometimes trying to purchase more than they can afford.
  • Fixed ship state breaking if player takes over a ship that is in the process of getting repairs or supplies at a fleet auxiliary ship.
  • Fixed Get Supplies order trying to purchase more wares than the ship has cargo space for.
  • Fixed ships attempting to collect crates with countermeasures although they have no space for them.
  • Fixed ships being unable to transfer deployables via ware exchange in certain situations.
  • Fixed ships trying to get equipment at equipment docks they cannot dock at.
  • Fixed pirate capital ships repeatedly trying to get equipment.
  • Fixed ships sometimes fleeing after getting ammunition.
  • Fixed player-owned ships that need ammo and/or drones in addition to repairs not going to get repairs if they couldn't find a resupply ship that can supply everything they need.
  • Fixed player-owned ships getting repairs at resupply ships when automatic resupply is Off.
  • Fixed ships that need ammunition to fight not considering fleet auxiliary ships assigned to supply ships in their sector.
  • Fixed docked ships given an order to trade or exchange wares with the object they are docked at undocking and docking again.
  • Fixed ships assigned to mine for stations ignoring blacklist if blacklisted sector is in the same cluster as their station.
  • Fixed ships pursuing targets to beyond their operational range when not authorised to do so in certain situations.
  • Fixed various cases of ships trying to do things with objects in other sectors.
  • Fixed docking ships not being responsive to attacks when their order is not critical.
  • Fixed ships waiting to dock at a resupply ship that is currently busy waiting indefinitely.
  • Fixed ships getting stuck waiting for an undock clearance that may never come.
  • Fixed capital ships getting stuck while docking.
  • Fixed station-based traders sometimes buying at a loss.
  • Fixed capital ships sometimes moving too close to their targets when attacking.
  • Fixed capital ships attempting to park at docked fleet auxiliary ships.
  • Fixed ships trying to fly through station geometry in certain situations.
  • Fixed ships sometimes not finishing their movement.
  • Fixed specified formation not being applied to fleet auxiliary ships.
  • Fixed wings set to use formation Circle or Semicircle changing to Line Abreast or Line Astern.
  • Fixed incorrect entry movement of ships in Accelerators and, in some cases, Jump Gates.
  • Fixed carriers ordering subordinates to attack targets that were once hostile when they no longer are.
  • Fixed wing leaders fighting over orphaned wingmen when taking control of them.
  • Fixed police ships ignoring illegal wares dropped in lockboxes in response to an inspection.
  • Fixed ships deciding to open a lockbox when explicitly told not to.
  • Fixed non-smuggling traders trading wares in areas where those wares are illegal.
  • Fixed smugglers only trading with non-hostile factions.
  • Fixed missing restriction for trading with current player ship while docked.
  • Fixed ships sometimes flying excessively large turns.
  • Fixed pilots sometimes aborting travel mode without good reason.
  • Fixed autopilot aborting while still tens of kilometres from the target.
  • Fixed autopilot aborting when transitioning through a ring highway gate.
  • Fixed ships entering jump gates and accelerators from the side.
  • Fixed ships sometimes jumping by many kilometres when the player comes near.
  • Fixed rare situation that could leave ships docked at wrecked platforms.
  • Fixed station-based traders trying to sell more than they will have.
  • Fixed station-based traders getting stuck addressing resource shortages that the player has explicitly set to not be purchased.
  • Fixed station-based traders selling off existing cargo ignoring faction restriction set on their commander.
  • Fixed traders subordinate to a station sometimes all becoming dormant when they get a new manager who was transferred from a different station.
  • Fixed station-based drones not docking at station when Recall Subordinates is issued on the station.
  • Fixed stations missing opportunities to trade with other stations for lack of cargo drones (improves previous fix).
  • Fixed NPC-owned stations permanently selling off resources which were only meant to be sold temporarily.
  • Fixed NPC-owned trading capital ships attempting to trade while not having transport drones.
  • Fixed player being able to change assignments of drones thereby making the drones unrecoverable.
  • Fixed multiple cases that led to defence drones being docked without being collected.
  • Fixed Xenon installations not having enough defences.
  • Fixed wharves and equipment docks not being rebuilt by factions.
  • Fixed non-factory stations potentially being expanded with production modules.
  • Fixed estimated build time for ships not taking state of shipyard into account.
  • Fixed station module recycling not aborting if module was destroyed.
  • Fixed wrecked station modules being recycled too early.
  • Fixed low-attention mining of capital ships not accounting for ore collector drones.
  • Fixed player- and visitor-owned ships ordered to Distribute Wares only selling to shipyards and wharves.
  • Fixed blueprints for 8M Standard Dock Area not being obtainable.
  • Fixed fired NPCs not leaving their post.
  • Fixed XP gain calculations for combat incorrectly determining force strength of allies and enemies.
  • Fixed falling through floor when returning from external view.
  • Fixed problem with re-assigning crew at the ship trader.
  • Fixed safe deposit box not working if the player has no or little money.
  • Fixed ware exchange failing if it involves a ship having to dock at another ship.
  • Fixed guild missions stalling if the mission station was destroyed at certain times.
  • Fixed money exploit involving build station missions.
  • Fixed venture platform exploit.
  • Fixed player being blamed for attacks they were not involved in.
  • Fixed some cases where dock guidance splines always went through station geometry.
  • Fixed inactive orders not being greyed out on the map if they are the first order in the queue.
  • Fixed order queue menu not showing the assignment for fleet auxiliary ships assigned to supply a fleet.
  • Fixed Object List and Property Owned sections in the map not being collapsible if any child is selected.
  • Fixed incorrect map centring when opening it while having a superhighway selected.
  • Fixed start position of map when assigning a construction vessel.
  • Fixed "Are you sure?" question in station build menu showing up when closing an empty plot.
  • Fixed large number of orders breaking the behaviour tab in the map (corrects previous fix).
  • Fixed DPS calculations shown in Encyclopedia and used for low-attention combat calculations.
  • Fixed missing shield info for S and M ships in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed selection mismatch in menus with multi-selection when scrolling with keyboard or controller.
  • Fixed station build menu being unusable due to constant refreshes in certain situations.
  • Fixed station build menu not retaining the selected module category after returning from selecting a construction vessel or the encyclopedia.
  • Fixed unusable blacklist drop-downs for some resolution and UI scale combinations.
  • Fixed Remove Assignment button in order queue menu not functioning.
  • Fixed UI issues if trade wares are turned into resources or products by adding new production module.
  • Fixed mission context menu in the map sometimes being cut-off.
  • Fixed being able to open an invisible menu with Object Info hotkey when HUD and menus are disabled.
  • Fixed slider input in the station build menu being interrupted by the menu refreshing.
  • Fixed menu crash when restoring a minimised menu.
  • Fixed menu crash when interacting with the target monitor while it shows a collectable or a crate.
  • Fixed menu crash in the plot placement section of the map under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Radar Display game option not always working correctly.
  • Fixed Boost Toggle game option not working at all.
  • Fixed suspense music triggering around enemy build storage for destroyed stations.
  • Fixed broken voice playback when closing Timeline menu.
  • Fixed game becoming unresponsive if a ship in a superhighway moves to another ship in a superhighway.
  • Fixed game freezing if commander of a wing is sent on a venture.
  • Fixed rare freeze in a certain type of mission.
  • Fixed several performance issues in specific situations.
  • Fixed several causes of memory leaks.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
  • Worked around known issue with NVIDIA Ansel to prevent troubleshooting page appearing when quitting the game.
Version 2.60 HF1 (370595) - 2019-30-10
  • Fixed construction drones on shipyards becoming permanently unavailable.
  • Fixed build time estimates not correctly taking available units into account.
  • Fixed medium mining ships sometimes moving back and forth without mining anything if the player is close by.
  • Fixed medium mining ships sometimes not using their turrets to break down asteroids.
  • Fixed some savegames failing to load (problem introduced in 2.60).
  • Fixed specific startup issues on Linux (problem introduced in 2.60).
Version 2.60 HF2 (372944) - 2019-11-12
  • Fixed some causes of rare crashes.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Build and Version Number

Post by CBJ »

Version 3.00 (392881) - 2020-03-31
  • New Feature: New storyline, introducing diplomatic missions "A Lever to Move the World".
  • New Feature: New unlockable game start.
  • New Feature: Standalone tutorial game starts including a flight school.
  • New Feature: New systems, ships and weapons.
  • New Feature: Improved graphics engine to support new visual effects.
  • New Feature: Better sound effects.
  • New Feature: Virtual seminars and quicker skill progression for crew training.
  • New Feature: Configurable alert system.
  • New Feature: Individual and group crew transfer.
  • New Feature: Policing options for player-owned space.
  • New Feature: Ability to dock using a spacesuit directly.
  • New Feature: More control over drones and turrets.
  • New Feature: Improvements to menus including Map, Encyclopedia, Logical Station Overview and Logbook.
  • New Feature: Improved target display and mission guidance.
  • New Feature: Oxygen display when player is in spacesuit.
  • New Feature: Alternative steering methods including head tracking systems and X3 retro mode.
  • New Feature: Search facility for Logbook.
  • New Feature: French voice recordings.
  • Added groups for organisation of squad subordinates.
  • Added new assignments for fleet subordinates.
  • Added Trade assignment for subordinates of fleet auxiliary ships.
  • Added resource requirements for research.
  • Added skill gains for crews opening lockboxes, exploring ships discovering stations and gates, and returning from ventures.
  • Added Distress Drones sent from ships attacked in friendly territory but far away from any stations, to report attacks to the police.
  • Added weapon mods that increase damage done to surface elements.
  • Added new paint themes for player ships.
  • Added race-based engine trail colours.
  • Added new missions and more variations to existing missions.
  • Added Destroy Station and Destroy Station Turret missions to War Subscriptions.
  • Added mission offers to some NPCs on stations.
  • Added notification if new mission is interrupting existing important mission.
  • Added character images to some mission briefings.
  • Added order parameter to forbid attacking ships from boosting.
  • Added order to collect player-owned deployables.
  • Added drone modes to specify when defence drones launch.
  • Added Attack Capital Ships and Attack Fighters weapon modes.
  • Added Start Guidance to Object option to interact menu of drops.
  • Added shortcut to scan ships in scan mode.
  • Added some speed control while speed matching is active.
  • Added NPC skills and post/role to target monitor.
  • Added information about pilot's current command to Behaviour menu.
  • Added new Info tabs in map and updated layout.
  • Added ship type to Info menu for ships.
  • Added subordinate list to Info menu for ships and stations.
  • Added surface element hull status to loadout Info tab.
  • Added currently-active weapon groups to Info menu including option to change them.
  • Added information about which factions produce ship to Info menu and Encyclopedia.
  • Added known production module overview per sector to Encyclopedia.
  • Added list of all known blueprints (and whether they are owned) to Encyclopedia.
  • Added list of known illegal wares to the Encyclopedia entries of factions with police forces.
  • Added new-entry marker to individual Encyclopedia and Timeline entries.
  • Added information on which inventory items are obtainable via crafting to Encyclopedia.
  • Added ship statistics for turret and engine group shields, and turret damage output.
  • Added separate Encyclopedia category for paint mods.
  • Added consumption and production numbers to storage nodes in Logical Station Overview.
  • Added Accept Estimate options to Station Info menu and Logical Station Overview.
  • Added Alert and News categories to Logbook.
  • Added new mission bar pointing to changed mission objective.
  • Added discount and commission information to Trade menu.
  • Added weapon group shortcuts to Controls Option menu.
  • Added display of craftable amount of equipment mods in the mod overview
  • Added more information about crew availability when purchasing or upgrading ships.
  • Added hint information showing reason when docking request is not possible.
  • Added icon distinguishing ware filters from text searches in Map.
  • Added station icons to Object List and Property Owned menus.
  • Added icon next to supply-related trade offers.
  • Added new icon for stations under construction.
  • Added HUD icons to show what kind of missile is loaded in missile launcher.
  • Added more suitable icons for service crew and marines.
  • Added visible capital ship geometry on map when zoomed in sufficiently.
  • Added Request Docking Permission option to the interact menu of docking bays.
  • Added option to arm/disarm turrets in ship interaction menu.
  • Added option to call stored ships to dock via its console.
  • Added option to activate/deactivate multiple deployables at once.
  • Added option to install weapon mods on turret groups.
  • Added option to control the turret modes on stations.
  • Added option to focus map on object currently viewed in Info or Behaviour menu.
  • Added Remove All Assignments option when multiple ships are selected on map.
  • Added Flee option to interact menu of player-owned ships.
  • Added options to Flee or Attack to conversation when acknowledging ship coming under attack.
  • Added Undo/Redo options to Ship Configuration menu.
  • Added option to hide statistics section in Logical Station Overview.
  • Added option to hide statistics in Ship Configuration menu.
  • Added option to move order positions up and down on map.
  • Added support for dragging positions of all orders which show position information on map.
  • Added option to filter player-owned trade offers on map.
  • Added option to show faction colours instead of relation colours on map.
  • Added option to give orders to currently-occupied player-owned ship in external view when not controlling that ship.
  • Added Interact menu option to collect individual deployables.
  • Added option to disable highlighting of other visiting players in map and radar.
  • Added option to map shortcuts to toggle turret arming and drone launching.
  • Added option to set up default loadout levels for station modules per station.
  • Added possibility to confirm second ship upgrade if first upgrade finished while Ship Config menu was open.
  • Added possibility to restrict individual factions from buying ships at player-owned shipyards and wharves.
  • Added option to rename ships in Ship Config menu when building/upgrading.
  • Added option to rename player-owned stations.
  • Added option to rename fleets (formerly known as wings).
  • Added option to change player organisation name independently from player name.
  • Added option to export Logbook as tab-separated text file (use "/exportlogbook example.txt" in chat window, exports to game sub-folder of documents folder).
  • Added support for showing pages in Logbook thereby removing limit of 1000 entries that can be shown.
  • Added tooltips for cut-off ware names in Inventory menu.
  • Added options to invert emulated mouse cursor axes and mouse steering controls.
  • Added cursor movement, selection and delete features to text edit boxes.
  • Added 'station' keyword to map search.
  • Added input icons in Controls menu and several other menus.
  • Added 'forcehmd' command line parameter for head tracking systems.
  • Added confirmation when entering space suit.
  • Added confirmation when remapping controls for which there are conflicts.
  • Added mouse-over text for ship order icons in Object List and Property Owned.
  • Added option to opt out of some confirmation messages.
  • Added medium quality option for Screen Space Reflections.
  • Added chromatic aberration option.
  • Added new sector-specific music.
  • Added music to Player Headquarters reveal.
  • Added sound effect when setting missions to active.
  • Added sound device selection option.
  • Changed Bomber ship type designation to Gunboat.
  • Changed faction colours to make them easier to distinguish.
  • Changed timeline Encyclopedia entries to remain known across different games.
  • Changed relation threshold for invasions to start.
  • Changed two standard player logos.
  • Changed effect of UI scale slider to result in better UI scale behaviour at common resolutions, especially with wide resolutions.
  • Changed glass properties to avoid excessive glare.
  • Removed loadout options from ship configuration menu at resupply ships.
  • Removed possibility to give new orders to ships without a pilot.
  • Removed restrictions for reassigning crew (via comm) on a single ship in space.
  • Removed 500m restriction for activating/deactivating deployables.
  • Removed Squad category from Logbook (merged with Upkeep category).
  • Removed countermeasure display in crosshair when player is in spacesuit.
  • Removed option to deploy consumables in highways.
  • Improved some gate positions and orientations.
  • Improved faction mine placement.
  • Improved behaviour of fleeing ships.
  • Improved chances of morale gain.
  • Improved low attention combat calculations.
  • Improved trader deal selection and cargo space utilisation logic.
  • Improved fighter behaviour by preventing them using boost in combat if they have less than 50% shields.
  • Improved cargo drone handling of crates that get destroyed.
  • Improved smuggler behaviour by adjusting wares traded in depending on what is illegal in their area of operation.
  • Improved Explore order behaviour and parameters.
  • Improved AI/autopilot collision avoidance when flying through asteroid fields.
  • Improved fleet coordination when moving through gates.
  • Improved handling of capital ships with no cargo drones trying to Get Supplies.
  • Improved stability of drones undocking from capital ships.
  • Improved encounters by increasing distance from sector centre that system considers deep-space.
  • Improved character pathing on large dock areas to better take elevator distances into account.
  • Improved behaviour of undocking ships waiting for the player to get off to proceed if told to do so.
  • Improved ammunition usage of stations when player is not present.
  • Improved transition from travel mode to docking by allowing ships to approach closer with travel mode active.
  • Improved automatic storage allocation when multiple different storage types (container, solid, liquid) are available.
  • Improved detection of gravidar contacts in remote sectors.
  • Improved Protect Station order to include protection of station construction sites.
  • Improved Attack capital ships turret mode to also fire on stations.
  • Improved combat movement of capital ships with forward-mounted weapons.
  • Improved fighters attacking S or M ships in low attention.
  • Improved stations firing on targets in low attention.
  • Improved behaviour of formations flying in travel mode.
  • Improved weapon distribution among NPC ships.
  • Improved distribution of drones for loadout presets.
  • Improved missile variety in use by NPC ships.
  • Improved engine characteristics of capital ships.
  • Improved balancing of defence modules by increasing hull value.
  • Improved balancing of weapons and ships.
  • Improved pirate balancing by reducing number of Scale Plate pirates.
  • Improved crystal collection balancing by limiting number of valuable crystals on asteroids.
  • Improved decision-making on responding to distress calls.
  • Improved skill gain for ships trading with their own stations.
  • Improved weapon aiming stability when time is accelerated and/or frame-rate is low.
  • Improved aiming accuracy of weapons and turrets.
  • Improved several cases of shakiness when flying on autopilot.
  • Improved in-game tutorials.
  • Improved mission reward scaling with faction relation.
  • Improved chance of mission rewards including mod parts or seminars at high faction relation levels.
  • Improved trigger conditions for station budget transfer upkeep missions.
  • Improved layout of full crew list in Crew Info menu with sorting and context menu.
  • Improved information about licence requirements at blueprint trader and in Encyclopedia.
  • Improved visual consistency of building and recycling station modules.
  • Improved station construction display to only show lines to two closest compatible connections.
  • Improved presentation of already-built modules in station Build menu by grouping by type.
  • Improved shopping list in ship Build menu.
  • Improved logbook to show entries for player-owned ships being attacked or destroyed in red.
  • Improved log message for received surplus, stating location instead of trader name.
  • Improved sorting of objects by name in Map.
  • Improved categorisation of missions and mission offers in map.
  • Improved order UI to better show and manage override orders (e.g. a response to a pirate attack or telling a ship to flee)
  • Improved layout of Object List and Property Owned menus in Map to reduce text cut-off.
  • Improved display of active and total drone amounts in Object Info menu.
  • Improved visualisation of modes with charge time such as Travel Mode or SETA.
  • Improved Logbook timestamps to show how much time has passed since logbook entry.
  • Improved Save and Load menus.
  • Improved target monitor display for construction sites and resource probes.
  • Improved context menu header when using context menu while having other ships selected.
  • Improved menu navigation with controller/keyboard in Player Information menu.
  • Improved precision of weapon range values in Encyclopedia.
  • Improved visibility of current order icon in Object List and Property Owned menus.
  • Improved custom savegame naming behaviour.
  • Improved subtitles by making them wider and preventing last lines from having only one word.
  • Improved map visualisation indicating whether filter layers are active or not.
  • Improved layout of various menus in ultra-wide resolutions.
  • Improved performance in Accepted Missions menu with many missions.
  • Improved support for gamepad text input overlay for Steam Big Picture mode.
  • Improved visibility of game hints.
  • Improved player appearance (in-game!).
  • Improved brightness of lowlighted trade offer text to make it actually readable.
  • Improved glow effect for ship and station lights.
  • Improved suspense music behaviour to reduce interruptions to normal music.
  • Improved sector-specific music behaviour to play more often.
  • Improved performance in a number of situations.
  • Improved Tobii support.
  • Fixed some cases where autopilot aborted prematurely.
  • Fixed AI ships and autopilot sometimes aborting travel mode for no reason at all.
  • Fixed NPC-owned ships attached to fleets with resupply ship not preferring their designated resupply ship.
  • Fixed laser towers not being able to aim correctly against player ship.
  • Fixed ships failing to disengage when attacking target whose ownership changes due to being abandoned.
  • Fixed fighters continuing to fire forward-mounted guns while firing forward-mounted missiles.
  • Fixed docked ships firing their forward-mounted weapons.
  • Fixed rare case resulting in ships docked at wrecked platforms.
  • Fixed player-owned ships sometimes pursuing targets acquired while on long-distance movement to beyond their engagement area.
  • Fixed boarding ships with turrets continuing to fire on boarding target below hull threshold in retaliation to being fired upon.
  • Fixed long-term deadlock caused by capital ships restocking at fleet auxiliary ships that do not have enough resources.
  • Fixed ships waiting a very long time for subordinates to dock when they have already done so.
  • Fixed assigned ships not being able to be manually ordered to trade with build storage of new stations.
  • Fixed non-player-owned ships never trying to shoot at missiles.
  • Fixed undocking ships finding themselves far from the thing they were undocking from.
  • Fixed ships ordered to stop by police stopping even if they had previously received a preceding order that took them to a different sector.
  • Fixed ships docking at stations always moving towards station's icon before moving to dock with some station setups.
  • Fixed ships' captains saying Awaiting Orders after attacking if their default order potentially leads to attack.
  • Fixed ships with turrets not stopping firing if they change ownership and their targets are no longer hostile.
  • Fixed ships no longer attacking after losing their commander while in formation.
  • Fixed player-owned ships executing Explore order ignoring player-set policy in response to finding lockboxes.
  • Fixed turrets sometimes shooting at targets that are not valid for their mode.
  • Fixed another case of station-based drones not being recovered.
  • Fixed ships in combat not consuming ammunition when player is not present.
  • Fixed ships being able to be set to protect stations or ships that are hostile to them.
  • Fixed pirates inadvertently causing limited wars between NPC factions.
  • Fixed pirates trying to steal from other pirates belonging to the same faction.
  • Fixed sector patrols only patrolling small area within sector.
  • Fixed police ships responding to their own distress calls.
  • Fixed escape pods attempting to look for stations in a highway.
  • Fixed escape pod behaviour to be consistent whether player is present or not.
  • Fixed pods used to claim abandoned ships sometimes not being cleaned up.
  • Fixed mining ships mining in hostile territory.
  • Fixed stations with automatic unit settings sometimes dismantling units and working with a reduced amount.
  • Fixed ships sometimes ignoring certain highways for in-sector travel.
  • Fixed displayed speed being too low in some highways.
  • Fixed weapons not properly activating or deactivating when assigned to both primary and secondary groups.
  • Fixed ships doing damage with forward-mounted weapons to targets not in front of them when in low attention.
  • Fixed ships with turrets being able to shoot docked ships in low attention.
  • Fixed disarmed turrets doing damage in low attention.
  • Fixed Ion weapons doing damage to hull when player is not present.
  • Fixed attacking capital ships getting distracted by attacking fighters.
  • Fixed excessive delays when ordering a ship to deploy deployables at a location.
  • Fixed boarding pods sometimes flying to random location before moving to their target.
  • Fixed Match Speed remaining enabled when activating travel mode.
  • Fixed weapons not properly activating or deactivating when assigned to both primary and secondary groups.
  • Fixed ships failing to collect drones in crates.
  • Fixed behaviour of transport drones collecting crates for capital ships.
  • Fixed drones fleeing when attacked.
  • Fixed orphaned defence drones getting orders to patrol sector.
  • Fixed cargo drones failing to transfer inventory items in collected crates to their drone commander's captain.
  • Fixed inactive satellites still uncovering space.
  • Fixed lasertowers launched by fleeing ships not shooting at their attacker.
  • Fixed dropped inventory/cargo crates that cannot be picked up by ship that dropped them due to missing collisions.
  • Fixed docked ship that player just relinquished control of waiting for player to tell it to proceed even if ship's current order does not require it to undock.
  • Fixed potential cause of friendly NPC factions attacking each other due to accidental friendly fire.
  • Fixed player-owned ships claiming credit for finding lockboxes that the player had directed other player-owned ships to collect.
  • Fixed stations sometimes reporting friendly ships attacking hostile ships.
  • Fixed ships fleeing from pirate or police ships sometimes fleeing towards their attacker.
  • Fixed visitor ships sometimes already having enemies when they only just arrived.
  • Fixed some Argon and Antigone ships not having crews.
  • Fixed EMP missile effects on travel mode and boost.
  • Fixed being able to claim ships by using EMP and repairing signal leak.
  • Fixed Ion weapons requiring only general use equipment licence.
  • Fixed being able to unlock trade subscriptions at enemy stations.
  • Fixed very long stations (usually those whose station icon is at one end) sometimes not firing upon targets.
  • Fixed item traders on player-owned stations sometimes not appearing or always being Scale Plate Pact.
  • Fixed pirates hacking station storage not reacting to cover being blown or station being destroyed.
  • Fixed capital ships doing little or no damage in low attention under certain conditions.
  • Fixed ships doing no damage to targets that have just started boosting in low attention.
  • Fixed some ships not uncovering map.
  • Fixed station modules sometimes not repairing to 100%.
  • Fixed Trading Stations not being rebuilt.
  • Fixed build processes taking longer than they should.
  • Fixed stations not ordering components to build turrets if no other module changes are made.
  • Fixed shipyards and equipment docks repairing all damaged components if only hull repairs are ordered.
  • Fixed shipyards and equipment docks failing to repair wrecked surface elements.
  • Fixed shipyards not processing queue if they are unable to build first queued ship.
  • Fixed player-owned Builder ships not being selectable if missing funds.
  • Fixed being able to hire enemy Builder ships.
  • Fixed NPC subordinate ships not being built as often as they should.
  • Fixed ships not restocking wanted units and ammo reliably.
  • Fixed ships and stations with turrets sometimes not firing on targets they are attacking.
  • Fixed cancellation of Dock order clearing associated Dock and Wait behaviour.
  • Fixed being able to equip additional turrets of types that are unknown to shipyard/wharf/equipment dock.
  • Fixed some mass traffic not appearing around stations of certain factions.
  • Fixed missing criminal traffic in Destroy Criminal Traffic missions.
  • Fixed workforce providing full efficiency bonus when workforce capacity was maxed out regardless of optimal workforce requirements.
  • Fixed discrepancies in boarding strength and marine numbers when ships marines are launched from are destroyed or removed from an ongoing boarding operation.
  • Fixed signal leaks appearing on Kha'ak/Xenon stations.
  • Fixed best marines of a specified rank sometimes not being selected for boarding operations.
  • Fixed ships in fleets whose fleet commander is fleet auxiliary ship or carrier not resupplying at their fleet commander.
  • Fixed fleet subordinates sometimes failing to dock at their fleet commander.
  • Fixed patrolling ships getting distracted by empty station plots.
  • Fixed trading ships blocking docking bay they just undocked from while working out which trades to do next.
  • Fixed ships docking at ships that change ownership to hostile not always aborting dock attempt.
  • Fixed subordinates of ships with docking facilities sometimes not responding to external events for excessive periods after having docked.
  • Fixed subordinates potentially waiting a long time if their commander moves into highway or through gate to different sector while in formation.
  • Fixed fighter escorts flying in formation not doing damage to their commander's target in combat when player is not present.
  • Fixed ships remaining subordinate to sold ships.
  • Fixed crew of ship that is personally piloted by player not getting skill gains.
  • Fixed mission to retrieve item from target ship not having an objective to return it.
  • Fixed mismatch between upkeep mission to give station managers more money and corresponding notification in message ticker.
  • Fixed budgets of player-owned stations changing when funds are transferred to or from station build storage.
  • Fixed player-owned stations seeming to transfer 0 Credits to player account.
  • Fixed player-owned shipyards and equipment docks that make no money from trades not sending surplus funds to player account.
  • Fixed station budget being incorrectly set when taking money from stations using Account Management menu.
  • Fixed funds on build storage and station accounts not being transferred back to player when objects are destroyed or removed.
  • Fixed managers being mysteriously removed.
  • Fixed cases where NPCs assigned to objects do not arrive and remain missing.
  • Fixed fired NPCs not disembarking their previous ship if able.
  • Fixed station rooms changing doors when revisiting.
  • Fixed Xenon wharves not being able to rebuild their build modules.
  • Fixed frozen build modules that are otherwise fully operational.
  • Fixed player-owned build storage no longer functioning because of missing manager.
  • Fixed Muon Charger doing full damage even if not fully charged.
  • Fixed crew sometimes bailing with every bullet hit.
  • Fixed ships sometimes getting stuck after undocking.
  • Fixed pirates pretending to be ships on ventures.
  • Fixed being able to hire pilots with unintentionally high skill ratings.
  • Fixed being able to teleport to ships that are docked at ships that are themselves in internal storage.
  • Fixed ships with very unskilled crews never deciding to flee.
  • Fixed ship crews not gaining experience for opening lockboxes in low attention.
  • Fixed ships with turrets continuing to fire on targets that they are trying to disable although targets are below hull threshold.
  • Fixed ships recalling subordinates while in combat.
  • Fixed boarding ships sometimes not launching boarding pods when they should.
  • Fixed XS laser towers getting stuck on deployment.
  • Fixed data vaults not visibly retaining their state when returned to later.
  • Fixed unlocking signal leaks sometimes not having an effect.
  • Fixed cases of large red walls appearing inside some corridors.
  • Fixed some interior doors opening into empty space.
  • Fixed doors sometimes staying open when they should close.
  • Fixed teleporter cabin door not opening reliably.
  • Fixed sometimes not being able to target an NPC by pointing at the body.
  • Fixed inability to re-scan previously-scanned ships that have returned to a covered state.
  • Fixed turrets from generated presets not being applied.
  • Fixed repair laser causing shield recharge to reset.
  • Fixed player facing wall after teleporting.
  • Fixed managers and ship traders on player-owned stations sometimes being missing from rooms.
  • Fixed pilots being visible outside of boarding pods and certain mass traffic ships.
  • Fixed case of invisible NPCs on stations.
  • Fixed floating or missing NPC icons in rooms.
  • Fixed spontaneously jumping to a different sector while flying around.
  • Fixed ships sometimes warping to extreme distances when accidentally entering gate.
  • Fixed more cases of ships ending up very far from the centre of their sector.
  • Fixed case where player ship could suddenly change rotation when opening map.
  • Fixed equipment mods gaining extra properties when saving and reloading.
  • Fixed laser towers and mines deployed by player as part of mission not changing ownership.
  • Fixed upkeep missions to assign crew not completing until crew take control.
  • Fixed possible duplicate rewards for board ship mission.
  • Fixed game starts not being unlocked when they should.
  • Fixed excessive sector zoom on map.
  • Fixed ability to sell mandatory software upgrades.
  • Fixed shield and hull values in Selected Objects section of map being calculated incorrectly.
  • Fixed station icons or mission guidance sometimes ending up outside the sector hex on map.
  • Fixed selecting similar objects with double-clicks on the map.
  • Fixed radius display of some orders and mission objectives on map being scaled incorrectly.
  • Fixed newly-added resource regions not being reflected by hex colour on map.
  • Fixed Promote best crewmember to Pilot button crewmember in a state where they can't be reassigned.
  • Fixed default order not being shown on map if there are no other orders.
  • Fixed undamaged hull values on ships with hull mods sometimes showing as 99%.
  • Fixed wrecked stations being listed in Object List and Property Owned.
  • Fixed Info menu failing to load if viewing a ship that has more cargo stored than it has storage space for.
  • Fixed wrong blueprint error in Ship Build menu after returning from Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed station plan menu sometimes not showing resources for surface elements.
  • Fixed inconsistent Interact menu when selecting objects which you cannot give orders to on map.
  • Fixed positioning of blinking question mark icons on map.
  • Fixed incorrect text sizes on map when using aspect ratios other than 16:9.
  • Fixed missile turrets listed in Turret category of the encyclopedia.
  • Fixed broken Ship Interactions menu in rare circumstances.
  • Fixed docking UI staying on screen if docking is no longer possible due to relation loss.
  • Fixed all ships in Encyclopedia showing minimum ship capacity of 10.
  • Fixed certain orders such as Hold Position not being shown as map icons.
  • Fixed missing drop-down elements in Ship Interactions menu.
  • Fixed warnings not updating for different offers in full-screen Trade menu.
  • Fixed Info menu in map for ships under construction.
  • Fixed signal leak hints sometimes missing and the first hint only being displayed for 2 seconds.
  • Fixed broken Ship Interactions menu in rare circumstances.
  • Fixed Ship Interactions menu not working in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed floating capital ship bridges in Ship Configuration menu.
  • Fixed wrong missile capacity calculation when upgrading ships with destroyed missile turrets.
  • Fixed station module custom loadout presets not being able to be applied twice in a row.
  • Fixed Ship Configuration menu sometimes showing upgrades in wrong slots.
  • Fixed Ship Configuration menu not working any more after opening another menu via shortcut while its save loadout dialog was open.
  • Fixed missing menu elements in Ship Configuration menu in certain resolutions.
  • Fixed Show Ship Details comm option not showing Info menu when conversation was started from map.
  • Fixed double-clicking object in internal storage not correctly panning map to it.
  • Fixed missing Interact menu when new mode text is very short (e.g. in non-alphabetic languages).
  • Fixed incorrect options on Interact menu for player-owned ships without a pilot.
  • Fixed empty Ship Request menu in certain situations e.g. all external docks occupied.
  • Fixed ships showing empty holes instead of docking bays in Ship Configuration menu.
  • Fixed internally-stored subordinates sometimes not being listed in Object List.
  • Fixed Ship Interactions menu not working in ultra-wide resolutions.
  • Fixed Mission Briefing layout in ultra-wide resolutions.
  • Fixed Location and Object not being displayed in the Order Queue menu for one partner of a ware exchange.
  • Fixed Manage Funds option not opening correct information tab.
  • Fixed Manage Plot menu not working after opening map with superhighway as current target.
  • Fixed message about missing Builder ship from Station Build menu if no Builder ship actually needed.
  • Fixed missing error message while trading if both trade partners are missing cargo drones.
  • Fixed missing station module info in Station Build menu.
  • Fixed missing option to confirm trades if using Ctrl-RMB to initiate a trade.
  • Fixed wrong tool tip for buy offer amounts in Logical Station Overview.
  • Fixed incorrect number of owned ships in Statistics menu.
  • Fixed missing text when hiring builder with insufficient funds.
  • Fixed incorrect buy/sell amounts for products and resources that used to be trade wares.
  • Fixed incorrect results and menu crashes when using sliders for crew tiers when upgrading ships.
  • Fixed changing assignments in order queue menu not changing behaviour.
  • Fixed trade context menu missing elements in certain situations.
  • Fixed new-entry marker on certain items in Encyclopedia not being removed when entry is read.
  • Fixed weapons in weapon panel being displayed as active in both weapon sets, while weapon is only active in either primary or secondary set.
  • Fixed build progress display for station modules that are being rebuilt.
  • Fixed missing objective progress visualisation in mission briefing context menu.
  • Fixed conversation with manager working for player not displaying correct options.
  • Fixed missing shield info for S and M ships in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed Encyclopedia entries for star systems not showing description texts.
  • Fixed wrong inventory wares being marked as read.
  • Fixed appearance of pending upgrade warning.
  • Fixed turret mode dropdown options not being in intended order.
  • Fixed order of ships in the undock menu.
  • Fixed jumping column selection in order queue.
  • Fixed player name reverting to default if aborting renaming process.
  • Fixed cases of NPC occupation name not matching crew gender (e.g. Crewman vs Crewwoman).
  • Fixed formatting error in construction-related Logbook messages.
  • Fixed Numpad key bindings not working for first-person movement on platforms.
  • Fixed mouse cursor remaining visible after saving game in first-person mode.
  • Fixed rare cases of target elements not being displayed while they should and vice-versa.
  • Fixed several cases of missing mission target element.
  • Fixed mission guidance for inactive missions being shown in white on map.
  • Fixed various issues with mission guidance.
  • Fixed mission guidance to docked capital ship.
  • Fixed several cases of docking guidance going through station geometry.
  • Fixed docking guidance not being visible when loading a savegame.
  • Fixed some cases of ships or docking guidance going through geometry.
  • Fixed guidance to ships inside local highways while the player is on capital ship.
  • Fixed non-working subtitles during intro scenes when starting a new game through Start menu.
  • Fixed missing target arrow if object is directly behind player.
  • Fixed target monitor occasionally getting stuck.
  • Fixed physics not working correctly in certain rooms until player enters.
  • Fixed very rare situation where ships could rapidly flicker between two positions.
  • Fixed Boost Toggle game option not working at all.
  • Fixed Pause key not working during text input.
  • Fixed issues when looking straight up or down in first person.
  • Fixed external target view sometimes incorrectly returning to cockpit.
  • Fixed savegame names not auto-generating correct location name after overwriting a save once (existing savegames will not be fixed automatically).
  • Fixed cases where text could be stuck on screen in first person mode.
  • Fixed cases where crosshair was missing in first person person mode.
  • Fixed broken docking UI when flying a capital ship that has dock connection on side.
  • Fixed cases where the interaction text shown in crosshair did not match available actions.
  • Fixed short freeze when opening the station build menu in some cases.
  • Fixed missing Initialising message when using quick-load.
  • Fixed several cases of menu selection jumping when switching between controller/joystick and mouse.
  • Fixed map search strings not being removed in certain resolutions and UI scale settings.
  • Fixed menu crash when accessing some context menus in ultra-wide resolutions.
  • Fixed menu crash in Logical Station Overview when building production for wares that used to be trade wares.
  • Fixed menu crash in Ship Configuration menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed menu crash in the Ship Behaviour menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed camera problems when talking to an NPC while the framerate is very low.
  • Fixed UI shaking when in first person.
  • Fixed weapon aim indicators not being visible when cockpit rendering is turned off.
  • Fixed weapon aim indicators sometimes being much too large.
  • Fixed Behemoth not being able to equip L-sized missile turrets.
  • Fixed shield position on Behemoth.
  • Fixed launch tubes of Nomad resupply ship.
  • Fixed missing windshield collision on Buzzard.
  • Fixed alignment of docks on Atlas in ship upgrade menu.
  • Fixed missing texture on Argon Trading Station wreck.
  • Fixed engines on Condor and Stork not being protected by shield generators (new ships only, fix for existing ships will be added in an upcoming build).
  • Fixed incorrect turret position on Magnetar.
  • Fixed missing faction logo and missing lights in transporter room on Nodan.
  • Fixed mirrored ID text on Plutus.
  • Fixed landing gear not being visible on Nodan and Quasar.
  • Fixed spotlights on Quasar not turning off after landing.
  • Fixed Nodan not reliably being able to pick up creates or be hit by enemies.
  • Fixed Atlas dock being in a wrong position in ship buy/upgrade menu.
  • Fixed flickering monitors in Nemesis cockpit.
  • Fixed asymmetric turret layout on Odysseus.
  • Fixed L-sized turrets firing bullets belonging to destroyer primary weapons.
  • Fixed some S-sized fighters not having any weapons.
  • Fixed war rooms or guild offices sometimes using incorrect corridor for race.
  • Fixed visible spacesuit wreckage.
  • Fixed broken voice playback when closing Timeline menu.
  • Fixed characters greeting the player repeatedly during a conversation.
  • Fixed sounds of M Bolt Repeaters lasting too long.
  • Fixed sounds of some weapons starting too early if fired after overheating.
  • Fixed sound problems with beam weapons.
  • Fixed AI ships often being too loud.
  • Fixed some sounds not being audible.
  • Fixed intermittent short sounds in space.
  • Fixed silent failure when saving very large savegames.
  • Fixed causes of several performance issues in specific circumstances.
  • Fixed regular pauses under certain Linux configurations.
  • Fixed very rare freeze condition.
  • Fixed several causes of minor memory leaks.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version 3.00 HF1 (393143) - 2020-04-02
  • Added tooltips for cut-off research resource text.
  • Improved subordinate group auto-expanding in Object List and Property Owned menus.
  • Fixed turreted ships continuing to fire upon targets that have docked.
  • Fixed Split S shield generators being destructible.
  • Fixed Split factions not selling blueprints for L and XL construction modules.
  • Fixed missing default paint themes in Split game starts.
  • Fixed not being able to assign crew to start ship in Fires of Defeat gamestart.
  • Fixed Achieve Coverage mission being excessively difficult to complete.
  • Fixed Split gate discovery event ship (Argon Expedition or Escaped Slave Ship) not moving.
  • Fixed some mission objective texts not being localised.
  • Fixed mission briefing text for ship mod research mission.
  • Fixed platform guidance lines going haywire when in certain interiors, e.g. on Teladi trade stations.
  • Fixed stuck tooltips in certain situations.
  • Fixed several missing or incorrect English language voice recordings.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number: 3.10 (394044) - 2020-04-08

Post by CBJ »

Version 3.10 (394044) - 2020-04-08
  • Added mission to expand HQ if selected research requires excessive resources.
  • Removed Dal Busta dialog option after Split story is completed.
  • Changed New Game menu to show tutorials at top.
  • Improved balance and pricing of recruitable personnel on station docks.
  • Improved performance for games where player owns very large number of ships and stations.
  • Improved colour differentiation between racial Construction Vessel ships.
  • Improved storage capacity of Split mining ships.
  • Improved mastering of legacy music tracks.
  • Fixed certain hazardous regions giving massive numbers of crystal drops.
  • Fixed wrong faction sometimes being blamed when ships or stations are destroyed.
  • Fixed mining drones not launching to collect broken-down asteroids they had earlier marked for collection but didn't collect due to cancellation.
  • Fixed cases of defence drones docking before all are launched sometimes preventing any further defence drones from being launched.
  • Fixed male Split characters sometimes having female voices with Split Vendetta installed.
  • Fixed HQ laboratory being removed when reconfiguring station.
  • Fixed AI ships attacking indestructible objects indefinitely.
  • Fixed player account balance potentially going below zero.
  • Fixed being completely unable to manually dock Drill without docking software.
  • Fixed hatch on Gorgon closing too soon when leaving in spacesuit.
  • Fixed high loadout presets not favouring Docking Computer Mk2 if compatible.
  • Fixed Elephant sometimes being equipped with Spacesuit Scanner.
  • Fixed Raptor not being able to mount large missile turrets.
  • Fixed build times for station modules taking much longer than they should.
  • Fixed spacesuit oxygen replenishing after saving and loading.
  • Fixed certain drops being repelled by container magnet.
  • Fixed lasertowers deployed by player in Hatikvah mission not changing owner
  • Fixed wrong player-owned ship sometimes being destroyed during HQ story.
  • Fixed invulnerable ship during Split plot.
  • Fixed Dal Busta not offering Split story at HQ after player rejects story offer until save and reload.
  • Fixed Dal Busta not offering Paranid/Split storyline when starting from Accomplished Scientist gamestart.
  • Fixed Dal Busta calling to talk about multiple plot opportunities at same time.
  • Fixed signal leaks not being generated in Accomplished Scientist gamestart
  • Fixed Paranid plot mission Prophetic Mission stalling because of missing dock.
  • Fixed Paranid plot getting stuck at Remain Vigilant objective.
  • Fixed excessive delay between HQ plot related signal leaks if one was previously missed.
  • Fixed missing equipment for multiple factions when starting Paranid plot with older saves.
  • Fixed Paranid plot battle taking place in wrong sector under rare circumstances.
  • Fixed excessive ware amounts required for final stage of Paranid plot.
  • Fixed Fires of Defeat gamestart long-term mission getting stuck because of captured ships.
  • Fixed Hatikvah story getting stuck in rare situations during bomb-placing mission.
  • Fixed various missions being offered by incorrect faction.
  • Fixed player ship not coming to stop during certain cutscenes.
  • Fixed missions offered by NPCs on dock areas incorrectly appearing in Mission Offers menu.
  • Fixed mismatched ships and loadouts when editing shopping list entries in Ship Configuration menu.
  • Fixed missile turret capacities not being included in loadout information.
  • Fixed lasertower engines and weapons being shown in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed missing images for some objects in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed missing option to delete incompatible saves in Load Game.
  • Fixed missing Dock Interactions menu in certain situations.
  • Fixed missing mouse picking on map after closing Mission Briefing in certain situations.
  • Fixed missing tabs in Property Owned menu in certain situations.
  • Fixed rectangular target elements being displayed in first person in certain situations.
  • Fixed further cases of NPCs not being targetable on platforms.
  • Fixed menu crash in Info menu in certain situations.
  • Fixed long but rare freeze on Map.
  • Fixed several cases of Split storage modules appearing offset in station build menu.
  • Fixed lower front windscreen not being transparent when looking from outside on Kestrel.
  • Fixed turret group assignment and position of some turrets on Rattlesnake, Monitor and Odysseus.
  • Fixed paint mods on Raptor not being aligned correctly.
  • Fixed Split flak turrets not using correct barrel geometry.
  • Fixed weapon positions on Mamba.
  • Fixed player logo not being properly visible on Monitor.
  • Fixed some missing voice recordings in German, French and Russian localisations.
  • Fixed engine sound problems under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed suspense music playing while on station.
  • Fixed graphical artefacts for AMD Navi GPUs (5600/5700).
  • Fixed rare problem with platform guidance causing performance to drop.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version 3.10 HF1 (394166) - 2020-04-16
  • Fixed savegames stuck during bomb section of Hatikvah plot.
  • Fixed Dal Busta not being in correct story location in certain savegames based on Accomplished Scientist gamestart.
  • Fixed missing NPC in Premium Nividium mission.
  • Fixed Split Plot not progressing during Suspicious Split transport mission when destination is destroyed.
  • Fixed excessive wares required for final stage of Split plot.
  • Fixed By Invitation Only mission getting stuck in certain cases.
  • Fixed Paranid plot missions Supreme Interior Design and A Fearsome Flagship getting stuck under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Hall of Justice station not repairing damaged modules.
  • Fixed station wrecks starting to rotate when fully destroyed.
  • Fixed ships warping thousands of kilometres after going through a gate.
  • Fixed fog of war not being uncovered reliably.
  • Fixed Explore order not working correctly.
  • Fixed non-working interactions in first person.
  • Fixed stuck map panning in certain situations.
  • Fixed third party mods combined with Split Vendetta resulting in ever-growing savegames with increasing numbers of stations.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number: 3.20 (400261) - 2020-06-04

Post by CBJ »

Version 3.20 (400261) - 2020-06-04
  • New Feature: Trade Rules enable improved control over station trade offers, station supply offers and sale of ships.
  • Added links to "What is X4: Foundations?" video series to External Resources menu.
  • Added option to import and export individual construction plans to share with community.
  • Added information about original gamestart to Load and Save menus.
  • Added missile storage capacity information to missile turrets in Encyclopedia.
  • Added additional Object Information tab to Map menu.
  • Added Mark All as Read option to Encyclopedia.
  • Added icons to order options in Interact Menu.
  • Added button in info tabs to focus objects in map.
  • Added behaviour icons to Map legend.
  • Added ship type icons to ship selection in Ship Configuration menu.
  • Added faction abbreviations to Factions and Relations menu.
  • Added option to select Trade Wares directly in Logical Station Overview
  • Added Start Guidance option to Interact menu of data vaults.
  • Added Fly To option to Interact menu of deployables and drops.
  • Added details about mission duration and involved ships to Venture Results menu.
  • Added match speed indicator to crosshair (default hotkey Shift+X).
  • Added mouse over info in Object Info menus showing full commander name if name is truncated.
  • Added error message when attempting to trade with stations that do not have docking facilities for current ship.
  • Removed use of cargo drones for direct trade between nearby stations.
  • Removed ability to install unsuitable equipment mods for certain types of shields, weapons, turrets and ships.
  • Removed Explore order from list of available behaviours (Explore still available as general order).
  • Removed irrelevant information for unmanned vessels from Object Info menus.
  • Removed Opposing Faction line in mission briefings if it is empty.
  • Removed duplicate inventory and station account management from Empire Overview.
  • Removed ships and stations lists from Empire Overview.
  • Removed hull and shield bars from wreck icons on map.
  • Changed Explore order to end when all map hexes in its search radius have been discovered.
  • Changed location of mission offer map filter to Think section.
  • Improved names of Xenon weapons.
  • Improved target selection for pirates.
  • Improved turret accuracy against large targets.
  • Improved weapon and turret accuracy against fast targets.
  • Improved chance of AI pilots opening lockboxes when player not nearby.
  • Improved efficiency of subordinate traders looking for trades.
  • Improved behaviour of combat ships attempting to disable capital ship.
  • Improved trade assignment speed if many subordinates try to trade same ware for their commander.
  • Improved guidance during Paranid plot maze section.
  • Improved "Work somewhere else for me" conversation to open map at employee's location instead of player's.
  • Improved turret behaviour settings in station Loadout menus when all turrets are under construction.
  • Improved visibility of target speed indicator in speed-bar against bright background elements.
  • Improved order and designation for equipment slots in Ship and Station Build menus
  • Improved presentation of player-owned ships on ventures in Property Owned menu.
  • Improved balancing of Patrol missions by increasing enemy presence.
  • Improved map performance in certain situations.
  • Fixed Split wharves missing Pier.
  • Fixed Fallen Families faction not building new ships.
  • Fixed Duke's Haven sometimes not selling any, or only random, equipment/ships.
  • Fixed Free Families granting police licences; players who have already purchased this licence will be reimbursed.
  • Fixed stations built for NPC factions sometimes still using player account.
  • Fixed stations not posting public buy offers for supply resources.
  • Fixed stations operating as pure trade stations only using fraction of their funds for buying wares.
  • Fixed stations sometimes creating trade offers with zero amounts for wares that are required for production.
  • Fixed another case of Teladi Trade Stations not rebuilding modules.
  • Fixed NPC stations disabling some of their production modules indefinitely under rare circumstances.
  • Fixed crews of mining ships not gaining experience when player not nearby during mining operations.
  • Fixed ships refusing explicitly given orders to trade with a station that is blacklisted.
  • Fixed Recall Subordinates command not disarming drones.
  • Fixed pirate ships not attacking NPC-owned ships that refuse to drop their cargo or comply with inspection protocols.
  • Fixed ships assigned to Trade for Build Storage using station manager account instead of construction account.
  • Fixed construction plan Shuffle option using connection modules that are not available.
  • Fixed accidental friendly fire from turrets on player ship being treated as intentional.
  • Fixed distress drones being launched prematurely.
  • Fixed ships not doing damage when player not nearby if they were originally built with neither weapons nor turrets.
  • Fixed player-owned capital ships not doing damage to non-hostile targets designated explicitly by player.
  • Fixed ships sometimes repeatedly getting supplies at fleet auxiliary ships.
  • Fixed NPC-owned ships paying for ammunition, deployables and drones that they already have when resupplying at player-owned equipment docks.
  • Fixed some cases of ships not flying correctly around capital ships, specially when docking.
  • Fixed ships not able to catch and dock on moving Raptor.
  • Fixed station-based traders buying resources that their station isn't currently buying.
  • Fixed Update Trade Offers command not visiting all known stations when multiple such orders are queued.
  • Fixed Update Trade Offers ending immediately when new order is queued.
  • Fixed queued-up Explore orders completing without having explored.
  • Fixed Construction Vessels not clearing previous orders when assigned for building.
  • Fixed Construction Vessels disengaging while modules are recycling before new build starts.
  • Fixed non-capital ships refusing to attack military capital ships and some stations at relations between -20 and -25.
  • Fixed automated trading ships ignoring travel blacklists when executing trades.
  • Fixed subordinate traders not respecting trade rule that is denying specific factions.
  • Fixed subordinate traders loading extra wares from their home base into storage even under conditions where they shouldn't.
  • Fixed direct subordinates of player with assignment Attack not attacking unless themselves attacked.
  • Fixed subordinates sometimes detaching themselves from their fleet.
  • Fixed missing Trader assignment for trade ships that are subordinate to resupply ship.
  • Fixed build orders on player-piloted ship not processing on docking at shipyard under some circumstances.
  • Fixed free-flying police and recon ships sometimes getting stuck while scanning something.
  • Fixed comm response by police when non-player ships are scanned and no illegal wares are found.
  • Fixed asteroids accumulating when repeatedly saving and loading in same location.
  • Fixed relative movement stopping when getting up from pilot seat.
  • Fixed speed matching not turning off when changing target.
  • Fixed aiming reaction time not using skills of pilot or manager.
  • Fixed turrets sometimes not firing on valid targets.
  • Fixed weapons firing into empty space if target is large object.
  • Fixed turrets on ships repeatedly deploying and folding back when valid targets are in sight but not in range.
  • Fixed autopilot aborting travel mode either too late or much too early.
  • Fixed crew transfer resulting in unending escape pods in very rare circumstances.
  • Fixed one case of crew transfer failing.
  • Fixed one cause of traffic jams at gates.
  • Fixed missing faction representatives in rare cases.
  • Fixed pilots and crews on venturing ships losing morale due to inactivity.
  • Fixed distance calculations for teleportation range limits.
  • Fixed exploit allowing unlimited small ships to be stored.
  • Fixed exploit allowing crew members to be cloned in certain situations.
  • Fixed exploit allowing additional equipment that is not available at ship's current shipyard/wharf/equipment dock to be installed.
  • Fixed being able to teleport to docked ships sent on venture.
  • Fixed returned venture ships stranded in void after rebuilding venture dock.
  • Fixed incorrect unpaid plot licences under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed losing faction reputation from illegal station plots although licence was paid.
  • Fixed not being able to autopilot to targets that are under construction.
  • Fixed not being able to request docking at build storage when piloting capital ship.
  • Fixed rare case of weapons firing under player control when player is no longer controlling ship.
  • Fixed ship capacity mods not being taken into account when adding missiles, countermeasures and deployables to ships.
  • Fixed deployables deployed via command Deploy at Position sometimes drifting past designated position.
  • Fixed incorrect resource amounts for Paranid and Teladi M Mk2 shields.
  • Fixed sector sunlight property not affecting Energy Cell production as intended.
  • Fixed missing dock functionality on 4th arm of Split 4-Dock T Pier.
  • Fixed missing XS ship docks on 3M6S luxury Dock Area.
  • Fixed several hints getting stuck during Flight School tutorial.
  • Fixed some missions not correctly displaying opposing faction in briefing.
  • Fixed missing Court faction representative.
  • Fixed Paranid plot mission A Small Errand getting stuck on objective Await: Further Instructions under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed conversation option to pay credits in Paranid plot missions Unfolded Potential and An Ethical Challenge only appearing once.
  • Fixed getaway ship not being recalled from internal storage if it was stored away during Split storyline at Hall of Judgement.
  • Fixed missing prisoners at Hall of Judgement in Split story.
  • Fixed plot not proceeding during cutscene to sabotage Scale Plate trade run.
  • Fixed ships encountered in war subscription missions sometimes being invisible.
  • Fixed Hatikvah story not always being re-offered when initial station was destroyed.
  • Fixed Split story getting stuck in Suspicious Split mission if Passenger Ship was lost.
  • Fixed mission conversation option for passenger to return to Passenger Ship in Suspicious Split Mission.
  • Fixed End of Oppression/End of Terrorism missions getting stuck at payment stage if ship NPC contact was on was destroyed.
  • Fixed game freeze during Suspicious Split mission if no stations belonging to given faction can be found.
  • Fixed Split story getting stuck when tasked to place bombs on cargo drones during Report To Slave Trader 2 mission.
  • Fixed Split Suspicious mission in Split story potentially missing guidance to character.
  • Fixed End of Oppression mission in Split story accepting multiple payments from player and not progressing.
  • Fixed End of Terrorism mission in Split story getting stuck if story character was on ship that was later destroyed.
  • Fixed Path of Vengeance mission not completing in certain cases.
  • Fixed discovering Jump Gate to Split space sometimes not triggering event cutscene.
  • Fixed Split prisoner characters being duplicated when reassigned, which could lead to issues controlling objects.
  • Fixed Paranid plot mission A Small Errand getting stuck if lockboxes are opened or destroyed before player enters sector.
  • Fixed HQ Research Module not being named correctly in certain gamestarts.
  • Fixed HQ Research Module being removed when loading construction plan.
  • Fixed fleets not being sorted by fleet name in Object List and Property Owned menus.
  • Fixed trade wares missing in Logical Station Overview if not currently stored.
  • Fixed turret groups not being highlighted on ship in Ship Configuration menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed inconsistent selection and highlight of shield and turret groups in Ship Modification menu.
  • Fixed equipment mod category availability if no equipment is installed.
  • Fixed rounding issues for equipment mod effects.
  • Fixed station hull percentage not being shown in Info menu unless scan level was at least 80%.
  • Fixed ship docks being listed as station dock modules in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed missing "+" on buttons in Ship Configuration and Player Information menus.
  • Fixed Trade menu not being visible in certain situations.
  • Fixed sector map sometimes being broken by deployables ending up in invalid positions.
  • Fixed Arm/Disarm Turrets option in Interact menu being inconsistent when multiple ships are selected.
  • Fixed some map controls not working after quick-loading with map open.
  • Fixed Property Owned jumping to top row after returning from Object Information tab.
  • Fixed missing pre-selection of certain equipment entries in Encyclopedia when opened from Ship Configuration menu.
  • Fixed turret slots not available in Ship Configuration menu for certain ships when using controller.
  • Fixed missing trade offer updates after changing station accounts, especially when paused.
  • Fixed shuffle function in Station Build menu not updating list of modules.
  • Fixed construction resources not being listed immediately after acquiring blueprint for player-owned shipyards.
  • Fixed production/hour value for production modules not taking into account effect of production efficiency in Logical Station Overview.
  • Fixed missing workforce information in Logical Station Overview under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed incorrect trade rule or blacklist display/usage when assigned trade rule or blacklist is deleted.
  • Fixed incorrect order lines on map when blacklists are set up.
  • Fixed target monitor sometimes getting stuck during comms.
  • Fixed fog of war sometimes not being rendered up to edge of sector.
  • Fixed another case of stuck map panning in certain situations.
  • Fixed object selection in map not changing object in Info menu if Info menu is not displayed.
  • Fixed ware transfer options in Interact menu not requiring pilots.
  • Fixed incorrect shadows for objects during construction.
  • Fixed returning venture ships causing performance issues until sent away again.
  • Fixed issue causing savegames to become larger with every save/load cycle.
  • Fixed excessive sound volume in logo video.
  • Fixed issue where sounds could be missing or delayed.
  • Fixed further startup issues on Linux.
  • Fixed game generating two crash dumps per crash instead of one.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number: 3.30 (406216) - 2020-07-30

Post by CBJ »

Version 3.30 (406216) - 2020-07-30
  • New Feature: Improved personnel management and crew transfer system.
  • Added new upkeep missions.
  • Added Hold Position override order as reaction to attack, to prevent ships from leaving area.
  • Added option to put docked ships into internal storage.
  • Added ability to enter space suit from docked capital ships.
  • Added ability to define multiple sectors for player alerts.
  • Added ticker notification for player-owned ships and stations coming under attack.
  • Added logbook entry for player-owned stations being attacked.
  • Added notification and logbook entry for player-owned stations getting destroyed.
  • Added option to fire unassigned crew members in Crew Info menu.
  • Added option to pause production in Logical Station Overview.
  • Added information about station supply resources to Logical Station Overview.
  • Added captions to columns in Logical Station Overview.
  • Added ship type icons to blueprint trade and Fast Travel menus.
  • Added ship code to ship entry in shopping list section of Ship Configuration menu.
  • Added map filter options for enemy offers and gate connections.
  • Added map background opacity option.
  • Added new input bindings for diagonal steering and strafing.
  • Added new input bindings for toggling auto-roll and aim assist options.
  • Added option to select GPU in-game (requires restart).
  • Removed ability of Cerberus to be equipped with mining lasers.
  • Removed redundant Manage funds Interact menu option (use Information option instead).
  • Removed non-functional options to change equipment while modifying/redesigning ships.
  • Improved docking process to allow S and M sized ships to be docked in reverse direction.
  • Improved Defence subordinate behaviour by reducing engagement range to 20km.
  • Improved resource handling to move surplus resources for Drones and Ammo to cargo bay if station has use for them.
  • Improved balancing of seminars (increased effectiveness, increased price, reduced quantity available).
  • Improved subordinate traders by changing priority to favour demand over distance.
  • Improved AutoMiners to make use of their factions' resource probes.
  • Improved selection of sectors for order parameters in Behaviour menu.
  • Improved wording of ship role assignments in Interact menu.
  • Improved container magnet to also attract deactivated player-owned deployables.
  • Improved cargo space allocation for workforce resources.
  • Improved trade rule settings to keep current trade rule in effect when disabling Use Global/Station setting.
  • Improved performance of Distribute Wares order in cases where blacklists result in it having significantly smaller operating range.
  • Improved performance of mission guidance rendering on map.
  • Fixed certain plot stations being recycled due to economic issues.
  • Fixed Paranid plot mission A Small Errand getting stuck at objective Follow: Dead Drop Signal under specific late game circumstances.
  • Fixed guidance wrongly jumping back from docking to scanning when creating new Signal Leaks on coffin ship in Split story mission To the Other Side.
  • Fixed relation to Duke's Buccaneers getting locked again after having been unlocked in The Insurgence mission.
  • Fixed not being able to talk to Split prisoners after they are assigned to you.
  • Fixed blueprints being obtainable from data leaks on ships.
  • Fixed rebuilt build modules remaining in an inoperable state if they were wrecked before existing hack expired.
  • Fixed ships having lingering links to inoperable build modules resulting in them not being able to upgrade elsewhere.
  • Fixed ships executing order Distribute Wares sometimes finding trades in blacklisted sectors.
  • Fixed ships belonging to Godrealm of the Paranid in Split space persisting when they shouldn't.
  • Fixed AI-controlled ships sometimes jumping ahead on path after going through accelerator or gate.
  • Fixed certain ships not being able to dock manually without docking computer.
  • Fixed mass traffic ships not flying correctly when returning to dock.
  • Fixed ships getting very large number of Attack orders if they have Attack assignment and their commander engages many targets.
  • Fixed promoted subordinates sometimes inheriting an assignment that they cannot fulfil.
  • Fixed newly promoted subordinates inheriting their former commander's assignment but not updating their behaviour.
  • Fixed boarding ships sometimes not launching pods.
  • Fixed turrets in Attack my current target mode sometimes not shooting when targeting station.
  • Fixed turrets on certain stations consistently missing capital ships.
  • Fixed weapon aiming problems when shooter rotates or moves laterally to target.
  • Fixed transport or build drones remaining unavailable under certain conditions.
  • Fixed venture ship being lost due to destroyed/moved venture docks when free venture dock is available.
  • Fixed defence modules not getting turrets on some stations where they should.
  • Fixed Split storage modules missing shields and turrets.
  • Fixed stuck trades between stations and build storage.
  • Fixed ships getting stuck in docking bay.
  • Fixed wrecks triggering player alerts.
  • Fixed getting notifications and logbook entries for player-owned drones and laser towers getting destroyed.
  • Fixed laser towers stuck in highways.
  • Fixed asteroids accumulating when repeatedly saving and loading in same location (corrects previous fix).
  • Fixed ships armed only with missile launchers sometimes not firing when attacking capital ships or stations.
  • Fixed ships incorrectly staying assigned to docks, blocking them forever.
  • Fixed pilots unable to control their ship after being promoted in certain cases.
  • Fixed player looking at floor when speaking to crewman in back of current ship.
  • Fixed inability to use spacesuit hatch after crew transfer pod arrived.
  • Fixed exploit when selling crew at shipyard.
  • Fixed crew not leaving the bridge after being sold at shipyard.
  • Fixed player being charged when shipyard was unable to provide agreed crew.
  • Fixed miners staying in completely depleted area when other areas with resources are available.
  • Fixed police and reconnaissance ships investigating areas that once contained stations long after they have been destroyed.
  • Fixed turrets not firing on stations under construction close to player.
  • Fixed crew moving around on bridges more often than intended.
  • Fixed pilots unable to control their ship after being promoted in certain cases.
  • Fixed player getting notifications for player-owned XS ships getting destroyed.
  • Fixed docking guidance lights leading to incorrect position when piloting capital ship.
  • Fixed higher trade ranks and associated achievements being somewhat too difficult to achieve.
  • Fixed higher fight ranks and associated achievements being much too difficult to achieve.
  • Fixed fight rank not increasing when player destroys station modules.
  • Fixed transporter doors on M ships not closing when NPCs use them.
  • Fixed exploit allowing crew members to be cloned in certain situations.
  • Fixed exploit involving selling ship equipment by transferring credits when build process is complete.
  • Fixed exploit allowing licence and blueprint purchases to be made with insufficient funds.
  • Fixed incorrectly scaled satellite ranges on map.
  • Fixed discrepancies in information presented by boarding menu during operations.
  • Fixed loadout statistics not taking equipment mods on grouped turrets into account.
  • Fixed empty Import Construction Plans context menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Ship Configuration menu not working when accessed at resupply ship under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed station storage display in Info menu if station storage is empty.
  • Fixed all module categories being collapsed when editing module loadout in Station Build menu.
  • Fixed Behaviour and Individual Instruction menus jumping to top row after scrolling on right side.
  • Fixed sliders for order parameters in Behaviour menu not working correctly with mouse.
  • Fixed overlapping texts for station accounts in Object Info menu.
  • Fixed Loadout Info tab with high UI scale settings.
  • Fixed missing guidance to target station in Split story End of Terrorism mission.
  • Fixed missing Dal lines in Split story End of Oppression/Terrorism missions.
  • Fixed incorrect mission guidance when objective is to dock at ship that is itself docked.
  • Fixed cases of missing guidance to mission targets in space after taking control of ship.
  • Fixed inventory trader not showing new stock levels if initial value was zero.
  • Fixed dock request not aborting previous assignment when done from menu.
  • Fixed role selection in Crew Info menu not working.
  • Fixed Ship Overview menu for ships in construction.
  • Fixed crew info context menu referring to manager when interacting with ship trader.
  • Fixed subordinate and docked ship categories ignoring Object List and Property Owned sort settings.
  • Fixed undo step not being added when adding new modules in station editor.
  • Fixed button hints not being displayed for buttons on secondary controller or joystick.
  • Fixed Crew and Loadout Info menus getting stuck when selecting a station in construction.
  • Fixed setting buy/sell amount handling of trade ware back to automatic also turning off offers.
  • Fixed renamed sectors showing their original name in Blacklist settings.
  • Fixed Object Info not available for stations in construction.
  • Fixed ship crew tab not updating when hiring bulk crew.
  • Fixed Show Tooltips option having no effect until new session is started.
  • Fixed selecting hologram on Split capital ship bridge resulting in player taking control of ship.
  • Fixed multiple minor glitches related to mouse click handling, e.g. clicks on NPCs sometimes immediately selecting dialog menu option.
  • Fixed visual hole in bridge on large Argon ships.
  • Fixed positional lights on Argon defence tube appearing in wrong position in upgrade menu.
  • Fixed small Mass Driver Mk1 and Mk2 appearing visually disconnected in upgrade menu.
  • Fixed Split defence module details being disconnected in upgrade menu.
  • Fixed floating and intersecting turrets on Teladi defence platform.
  • Fixed slightly offset guns on Tuatara.
  • Fixed gun on Jaguar not being properly visually attached to ship hull.
  • Fixed shields on Wyvern not protecting surface elements.
  • Fixed misplaced rear turrets and shield generator on Rattlesnake.
  • Fixed wrongly rotated shield generator on Raptor.
  • Fixed player logos on Raptor not being properly visible.
  • Fixed Boso Ta head rotation.
  • Fixed cause of graphical corruption on very busy zoomed-out map.
  • Fixed UI animations sometimes appearing to be running at very low FPS.
  • Fixed poor performance with loadout display in certain situations.
  • Fixed excessive stuttering of engine sound especially on ships flying in formations.
  • Fixed ships stopping as if hitting something very massive when colliding with XS laser towers.
  • Fixed getting stuck in transporter room on Jaguar.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version 3.30 HF1 (414400) - 2020-10-14
  • Fixed faction representatives still being missing under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed necessary briefing information being missing for certain missions in French and German localisations.
  • Fixed missing guidance to passenger in Split story mission.
  • Fixed success criteria in Sabotage mission.
  • Fixed display corruption on 5600 XT graphics card with Glow enabled.
  • Fixed several causes of game freezes and UI crashes.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version 3.30 HF2 (416228) - 2020-11-03
  • Fixed autosaves not cycling slots in Linux version.
  • Fixed game not starting with certain hardware, OS and driver configurations.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number: 4.00 (432831) - 2021-03-16

Post by CBJ »

Version 4.00 (432831) - 2021-03-16
  • New Feature: Terraforming!
  • New Feature: Coordinated Attack option for fleet commanders.
  • New Feature: Volumetric fog makes space look even better.
  • New Feature: Transaction Log for detailed breakdown of income and outgoings.
  • New Feature: Message system for important communications from NPCs.
  • New Feature: New Hostile relation status on map and HUD to indicate objects with which combat is likely.
  • New Feature: Emergency eject.
  • Added area damage to capital ship engines exhaust.
  • Added possibility for crew to bail when under attack by NPCs.
  • Added possibility for NPC factions to claim abandoned ships.
  • Added available habitation capacity for race as workforce growth rate influence.
  • Added Mark as Hostile option to Interact menu.
  • Added Fire Authorisation Overrides providing control over whether ships should attack other factions.
  • Added option to declare war on another faction.
  • Added ability for player to set global policy and per-ship overrides governing response to attack.
  • Added player faction to blacklist options.
  • Added options to use faction and sector lists in Blacklists as whitelists.
  • Added Assist assignment for subordinates of ships.
  • Added Follow assignment for ships subordinate to other ships.
  • Added trade assignments for mining ships.
  • Added sync point management to Object Behaviour menu.
  • Added option to have player-owned police collect or ignore crates dropped by apprehended smugglers rather than destroying them.
  • Added option to lock paint modifications per ship excluding them from changes to default.
  • Added setting for default ship weapon and turret behaviour.
  • Added option to set preferred build method.
  • Added construction plan shuffle option to player HQ.
  • Added option to quickly reassemble equipment mods.
  • Added ability to store crew information alongside saved loadouts (only applied when building new ships).
  • Added ability to store weapon mode and ammo settings with saved loadouts and apply them in ship build/upgrade process.
  • Added option to temporarily disable cover faction mode in Map.
  • Added Set Guidance option on superhighway gates.
  • Added Interact Menu option to Claim abandoned ships with player-owned ships.
  • Added Interact menu option to add ships directly to your squad.
  • Added change override order option to Interact menu.
  • Added option to Interact menu to remove current Dock and Wait order and resume default behaviour.
  • Added Interact menu option for sectors to show Encyclopedia entry.
  • Added Rename Interact menu option for player-owned sectors.
  • Added Escort missions.
  • Added mission offers for factions which are at enemy relations to player but not actively hostile.
  • Added helpful ship computer warnings to Paranid story maze mission.
  • Added ability for Duke's Buccaneers and Duke's Tempest to rebuild HQ.
  • Added guaranteed completion rewards for all guild mission chains.
  • Added mixed cash and non-cash rewards to generic missions at higher faction ranks.
  • Added paint mod rewards to first Split plot investment mission.
  • Added paint mod rewards to Paranid plot and subsequent diplomatic investment missions.
  • Added fleet and assignment info next to ship icon on Map.
  • Added possibility to restore minimized Map with Quick Action Menu shortcut.
  • Added search functionality to Encyclopedia.
  • Added race information to Encyclopedia.
  • Added contested sector information to Object Info menu and Encyclopedia.
  • Added descriptions for licences and blueprints in faction representative menus.
  • Added information about sectors and blacklists to Trade menu.
  • Added shield recharge delay info to Encyclopedia.
  • Added separate entries for large and medium turrets in Encyclopedia.
  • Added sunlight information to sector Encyclopedia entries and Plot Management menu.
  • Added estimated build time to station module information in Encyclopedia.
  • Added mining resource information to Sector Info menu and Encyclopedia entries.
  • Added separate choices for best engine and thruster for velocity-related properties in Encyclopedia.
  • Added optimal workforce info to production modules in Encyclopedia and Station Build menu.
  • Added product cycle time to production module Encyclopedia entries.
  • Added research and associated resources to Logical Station Overview.
  • Added information about workforce efficiency and changes to Logical Station Overview menu.
  • Added sunlight information to Energy Cell production nodes in Logical Station Overview.
  • Added shortcut to Research menu from HQ-related menus, e.g. Logical Station Overview.
  • Added information about hacked build modules to Logical Station Overview and Ship Configuration menu.
  • Added shortcuts from Logical Station Overview to create and edit trade rules.
  • Added mouseover text for storage amounts in Logical Station Overview.
  • Added Accessibility Settings in Options Menu.
  • Added sub-categories to Blueprint Trade menu.
  • Added option to sort Object List by relation.
  • Added Logbook tab to Object Information menu.
  • Added shortcuts in Object Information menu to show commander or subordinates of ships and stations on Map
  • Added information about equipment compatibility to Ship and Station Configuration menus.
  • Added search by maker race in module and equipment lists of Ship and Station Configuration menus.
  • Added strafe and shield recharge data to Ship Configuration and Comparison menus.
  • Added check for whether Builder is required in Station Build menu.
  • Added summary of workforce info to Habitation Modules section in Station Build menu.
  • Added plot licence price display while placing new station plot.
  • Added separate inventory category for paint modifications.
  • Added confirmation request when clearing logbook entries.
  • Added mouseover text showing details for station account estimates in Info menu.
  • Added tooltip for amount of reserved wares in ware exchange menu.
  • Added placeholder image when no video is available in personnel overview.
  • Added option to play message videos full-screen.
  • Added links to Encyclopedia for important items in mission objectives.
  • Added object ID code to upkeep mission list.
  • Added additional support to navigate complex menus (e.g. map) with controller or keyboard.
  • Added horizontal scrolling in flowcharts (Shift+Mouse Wheel).
  • Added message when quick-save fails due to saving not being possible.
  • Added optional warning about modified game client.
  • Added visualisation for nearby Data or Signal Leaks, and for Long Range Scan charge state.
  • Added audio and visual feedback when entering damaging area.
  • Added shield impact effects.
  • Improved combat simulation when player is not present.
  • Improved Kha'ak presence and behaviour.
  • Improved armament of Xenon stations.
  • Improved laser tower targeting.
  • Improved behaviour of pirates hacking station storage.
  • Improved behaviour of subordinates in fleets with fleet auxiliary ships to prefer those ships for resupply.
  • Improved capital ship subordinate behaviour to ignore subordinate group docked/launched state.
  • Improved disengaging from combat in response to relations with target improving to non-hostile level.
  • Improved mineral mining with non-capital ships when player is present.
  • Improved mining AI to better balance travel distance and resource yields between local and remote sectors.
  • Improved mining ship detection and handling of extensive mining operations depleting local areas completely.
  • Improved behaviour of mining ships when using resource probes.
  • Improved station-based miners working for stations that require more than one mineable ware.
  • Improved player-owned drone behaviour so that inventory items are transferred directly to player when docking at player ship.
  • Improved handling of ships sold by player to ensure their new owner recovers resources.
  • Improved trade offer prioritisation when station does not have sufficient funds to pay for everything it needs.
  • Improved shipyard generation to provide more dock capacity for medium ships (new game only).
  • Improved behaviour of recon and police ships to reduce chances of investigating incidents away from densely-inhabited portions of sectors.
  • Improved relative resource distribution for ship-building stations.
  • Improved collision detection while in spacesuit.
  • Improved capital ship inter-sector movement.
  • Improved cases where ships preferred highways too much over direct route.
  • Improved capital ship combat movement.
  • Improved flight movement for ships docking on capital ships.
  • Improved balancing of mining activities.
  • Improved build plot price balancing by taking into account sector population.
  • Improved balancing of relation penalty on destruction of drones and laser towers.
  • Improved workforce balancing by increasing both impact of local population and effect on production.
  • Improved workforce balancing by increasing both food requirements and efficiency bonus.
  • Improved numbers of NPCs on docks to better reflect workforce levels and generally make things livelier.
  • Improved effect of crew skill and resource probe usage on mining efficiency.
  • Improved output of stations producing workforce resources to counter universal food shortage.
  • Improved balancing of mining resource yields and replenishment rates.
  • Improved timing of Fallen Families raider activation.
  • Improved balancing of Unfolded Potential and An Ethical Challenge missions by reducing requirements for crystals and sedatives.
  • Improved balancing of The Mediators, The Insurgence, Fires of Fate and Declaration of Curbs missions by reducing fleet delivery requirements and power of enemy fleets.
  • Improved clarity of conversation tooltip about requirements to start Paranid plot.
  • Improved Hatikvah story mission to scan data leak at Scale Plate station.
  • Improved diversity of paint mod rewards between guild subscriptions.
  • Improved reputation rewards for Escalation path of Paranid story diplomatic missions.
  • Improved survivability of Duke's Haven by preventing Godrealm and Holy Order from invading until Gathering Storm mission is complete.
  • Improved pacing of Lasting Vengeance mission by automatically removing Nav Beacons after scan.
  • Improved Deploy Resource Probe upkeep mission handling.
  • Improved communications scenes for NPCs by adding their real environment.
  • Improved design of New Game menu.
  • improved Extensions menu with more details and added toggle in extension list.
  • Improved Options menu display when changing subscription status of workshop extensions in Steam while game is running.
  • Improved Account Management menu.
  • Improved order of ship entries in Blueprint Trade menu.
  • Improved display of mission trade offers in trade context menu
  • Improved news notifications about faction activity to filter by local area unless war subscriptions are in place.
  • Improved lists in menus of queued ships under construction to be more concise.
  • Improved scrolling of multi-line texts in menus with controller and keyboard.
  • Improved display of production cycle information in Encyclopedia ware entries.
  • Improved warnings about missing storage space in Logical Station Overview.
  • Improved tooltip when trying to reassign for busy ship traders.
  • Improved layout of resource needs in Station Build menu.
  • Improved smoothness when panning, rotating or scrolling busy Map displays.
  • Improved station editor to allow more zoom-in.
  • Improved Mission Offer and Manager menus to only show alternative guidance if mission briefing is visible.
  • Improved mission icons.
  • Improved character lighting in communications scenes.
  • Improved external camera behaviour when target is destroyed.
  • Improved appearance of asteroid fields by fading in objects.
  • Improved volume and variety of Trader's Corner music.
  • Changed L gas miners to require mining drones for effective mining.
  • Changed guidance and autopilot to no longer use unknown gates or superhighways.
  • Changed order of tabs in Player Information menu.
  • Removed option to drop cargo from units
  • Removed incorrect interact menu options for drones.
  • Removed laser towers from ship categories in Encyclopedia.
  • Removed Think map filter category and moved those entries to Other category.
  • Fixed ships warping when exiting local highway while player is inside same highway.
  • Fixed S/M ships not able to approach and dock properly on enclosed docking bays.
  • Fixed ships sometimes not being able to dock on capital ships.
  • Fixed ships holding up docks for long periods of time.
  • Fixed AI orders and player teleport sometimes not considering sector to be in range.
  • Fixed AI ships sometimes taking longer route than they should.
  • Fixed Attack subordinates sometimes not attacking their commander's target.
  • Fixed attacking combat ships halting or fleeing in response to police ordering them to halt.
  • Fixed boarding ships launching extra empty boarding pods if they are already ready to launch at start of operation.
  • Fixed skilled marines causing more damage when claiming than marines with less skill.
  • Fixed changes to defence drone modes not registering when defence drones are disarmed.
  • Fixed claiming of abandoned ships with marines.
  • Fixed efficiency bonus from workforce not being applied if productions were not running during shift change.
  • Fixed idling ships sometimes wandering off.
  • Fixed ships retrieved from storage sometimes being rotated by 180 degrees.
  • Fixed miners subordinate to stations in hostile sectors refusing to work in their commanders' sectors.
  • Fixed subordinates set to supply fleet not getting appropriate assignment if set via order queue menu.
  • Fixed turrets on ship that player is personally flying firing on wrecks.
  • Fixed ware transfer sometimes stalling when involving one ship docked at another.
  • Fixed weapons sometimes recovering from overheating too late.
  • Fixed cases of many NPC subordinate ships being ordered at shipyards but never assigned to commander.
  • Fixed ship traders getting stuck indefinitely attempting to build costly ships.
  • Fixed software upgrades on resupply ships not starting.
  • Fixed subordinates with assignment Mimic Behaviour assigned to free traders not trading even if requirements have been fulfilled.
  • Fixed turrets sometimes aiming at empty space when attacking large target.
  • Fixed Teladi Trading Stations not being equipped with shields or turrets.
  • Fixed trade loops failing to trade with station build storage.
  • Fixed ships with destroyed engines continuing to move.
  • Fixed inability to scan ships multiple times.
  • Fixed another case of subordinates attacking ships beyond pursuit range.
  • Fixed customs searches on player-owned stations in player-owned sectors ordering player-owned ships to drop illegal wares.
  • Fixed police ships sometimes policing sectors where they are not police.
  • Fixed changing ship assignments not changing their default behaviour appropriately.
  • Fixed ongoing research still allocating space for resources.
  • Fixed aim prediction for weapons on rotating objects.
  • Fixed turret aiming against large targets.
  • Fixed autopilot sometimes flying back into jumpgate it just exited.
  • Fixed defence drones escorting ship not responding to attacks on their fleets.
  • Fixed subordinates temporarily taken control over by player sometimes failing to reintegrate into their old command hierarchy.
  • Fixed player-owned stations repeatedly transferring small amounts to player's account if last player-initiated cash transfer was much less than required operating budget.
  • Fixed traders refusing to trade with blacklisted objects after having been given explicit trade order.
  • Fixed automated traders trading with clients after they have moved to blacklisted sector.
  • Fixed station-based traders restricting baskets to shortage wares that they are not authorised to trade.
  • Fixed construction vessels remaining in unsafe locations when expanding station plots.
  • Fixed construction vessels not disengaging when becoming enemy with assigned station.
  • Fixed stations continuing to fire on targets that change ownership to non-hostile faction.
  • Fixed ongoing research still allocating space for resources.
  • Fixed NPC getting stuck in tool pickup loop.
  • Fixed objects with hull values over 100%.
  • Fixed subordinates sometimes randomly going hostile against their commanders' former targets.
  • Fixed incorrect auto-aim when rolling while pitched up or down.
  • Fixed missing scanner on Split space suits.
  • Fixed Split L Dumbfire Turrets not firing.
  • Fixed player ship becoming uncontrollable when pressing undock key (Shift+D) while already undocking.
  • Fixed attacking ships that are not authorised to engage other targets engaging them anyway.
  • Fixed half of ships in local highway being killed when player leaves.
  • Fixed launched defence drones pursuing targets beyond engagement range.
  • Fixed subordinates whose commanders are in blacklisted sectors not operating in their commanders' sectors.
  • Fixed stations not accounting for defence drones when dealing damage while player is not present.
  • Fixed stations with missile turrets on automatic supply not requesting missile resources.
  • Fixed player-owned auto-miners and auto-traders finding sectors that are not yet known to player.
  • Fixed additional gas mining drones on large gas miners not contributing to mining speed.
  • Fixed trade offers being sometimes shown as hostile when standing on another faction's property.
  • Fixed trade subscription not being offered when teleporting to station where you receive promotion.
  • Fixed station producing required building materials not being able to transfer them to build storage if it has insufficient funds.
  • Fixed stations automatically reassigning mining ships to mine for them.
  • Fixed assigning employee as Individual Trainee not working.
  • Fixed being able to walk through walls by moving very slowly.
  • Fixed heat build-up of beam weapons.
  • Fixed subordinates sometimes not clearing reservations on reassignment.
  • Fixed mining lasers dealing excessive damage against enemies when player not present.
  • Fixed ships without weapons or turrets being able to mine asteroids.
  • Fixed ships not consuming countermeasures when player not present.
  • Fixed stations not using their turrets under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed remotely viewed objects not shooting under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed excessive workforce reduction when insufficient resources are available.
  • Fixed player ship getting pushed when getting up while flying relative to moving object.
  • Fixed player spacesuit getting pushed when moving away from player ship while flying relative to moving object.
  • Fixed savegames where large number of factories have been built by factions for no reason.
  • Fixed ships with automated default behaviours sometimes ignoring certain sectors.
  • Fixed NPCs appearing on player owned stations generally being all of one race.
  • Fixed fleet commanders using their piloting skill rather than their combined skill for determining validity of formation shapes.
  • Fixed subordinates assigned to commanders that have bailed becoming completely unresponsive.
  • Fixed range calculation issues with capital ships attacking stations.
  • Fixed ships sent to be recycled sometimes blocking dock.
  • Fixed possibility to queue multiple repair orders for same ship.
  • Fixed not being able to personally claim ownerless capital ships.
  • Fixed lockboxes accumulating when saving and loading repeatedly.
  • Fixed HQ Research Module sometimes being incorrectly named.
  • Fixed non-capital mineral mining ships with mining turrets but no forward-mounted mining lasers failing to mine when player not present.
  • Fixed manually setting storage allocation for products/intermediates removing automatic sell offers.
  • Fixed Kha'ak rebuilding station modules excessively quickly.
  • Fixed fleet auxiliary ships becoming unresponsive when two of them are added to fleet while distant from one another.
  • Fixed saves with missing HQ science labs after building from plan (root cause may not be fixed).
  • Fixed mission trade offers not being shown if player has no trade offer subscription at relevant station.
  • Fixed weapon aim indicators not darkening under certain conditions when target is out of range.
  • Fixed newly installed weapon not being displayed in weapon panel when upgrading currently controlled ship.
  • Fixed broken weapon panel when removing weapon from currently controlled ship.
  • Fixed icons on Map shaking because of unintentional damage.
  • Fixed station geometry on Map still including certain ships even after they have undocked.
  • Fixed some system borders appearing too bright on Map.
  • Fixed incorrect error message about missing trade information in Trade menu.
  • Fixed ETAs for ware reservations by player ships.
  • Fixed subordinates with assignment Attack failing to attack fleet target if assigned to fleet in different sector that is already attacking.
  • Fixed traders subordinate to fleet auxiliary ships searching for trades from their current sector rather than that of their commander.
  • Fixed mining ships with low-skilled crews picking up empty asteroid chunks.
  • Fixed player ship warping when flying relative to object with dock permission as it enters gate.
  • Fixed drones or ammunition sometimes not being constructed from available cargo while there are trade deals to buy at least one relevant ware.
  • Fixed Black Marketeers sometimes not having correct race for their faction.
  • Fixed faction representatives not being respawned after loading certain older savegames.
  • Fixed race distribution of characters on stations.
  • Fixed crew on ships sometimes not properly switching to new owner.
  • Fixed NPC pilots sometimes sitting on player's lap.
  • Fixed missing trade corners on trading stations which also have faction representative.
  • Fixed NPCs looking up or down when talking to player.
  • Fixed characters sometimes standing inside their terminals.
  • Fixed Split character sometimes being placed in cockpit floor in Fires of Defeat gamestart.
  • Fixed HQ manager in Accomplished Scientist gamestart sometimes being invisible Kha'ak or Xenon character.
  • Fixed incorrect hints in Flight School when playing with configuration of multiple joysticks or controllers.
  • Fixed success criteria in sabotage mission.
  • Fixed already opened core-shield switching to closed when loading savegame in Paranid storyline.
  • Fixed game freezing if fulfilling mission by delivering fleet that is directly subordinate to player.
  • Fixed missing guidance to mission character in End of Terrorism/Oppression missions under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed NPC ships avoiding player during payment objective of End of Oppression/Terrorism Split story mission.
  • Fixed multiple crew delivery missions reacting to delivering NPC.
  • Fixed Split Vs Argon mission referencing Paranid ship types.
  • Fixed player becoming member of receiving faction when handing over ship while in pilot seat.
  • Fixed Deliver Crew mission checking incorrect skills and sometimes leading to mission not completing.
  • Fixed Yu t'Knk in Split storyline providing unlimited number of spacesuit bombs.
  • Fixed Split Story mission Zyarth's Coffin getting stuck after completing delivery.
  • Fixed issue with Split-specific Fleet War Mission requesting non-existent ship equipment.
  • Fixed Kha'ak stations offering signal leak missions.
  • Fixed Escape Plan mission sometimes stalling if left for too long.
  • Fixed escape pods not launching in Hatikvah Breakdown mission.
  • Fixed Split plot not progressing when Passenger gets lost during Rebellious Thralls mission.
  • Fixed missing guidance to NPC during Suspicious Split mission in Split story.
  • Fixed HQ story signal leak not appearing during specific phase of Hatikvah story.
  • Fixed attacking drones in Hatikvah story not turning hostile to player as intended.
  • Fixed multiple repair satellite missions in trade subscription not progressing.
  • Fixed By Invitation Only mission to speak to Dal Busta sometimes not having guidance.
  • Fixed upkeep mission to assign construction vessel not appearing for newly planned stations.
  • Fixed mission NPC not respawning in Split End of Terrorism and End of Oppression story missions.
  • Fixed another case of Escape Plan mission sometimes stalling.
  • Fixed A Small Errand mission getting stuck if all lockboxes are opened in quick succession.
  • Fixed Rebellious Thralls mission in Split story getting stuck after hijacked ship surrendered.
  • Fixed crew delivery missions not aborting automatically if destination station is destroyed
  • Fixed Duke's Tempest not attempting to claim sectors during invasions.
  • Fixed Retrieve Inventory mission potentially aborting when mission item is picked up.
  • Fixed Supreme Interior Design and A Fearsome Flagship missions sometimes getting stuck despite all wares having been delivered.
  • Fixed Abort Mission button wrongly appearing enabled under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Ships in Construction entries showing 1:00 as time left when completed.
  • Fixed broken safe deposit storage menu when closing it under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed cut-off Ship Interactions menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed cut-off encyclopedia descriptions.
  • Fixed highlight visitor setting turning off in certain situations.
  • Fixed licence icon in ship selection of Ship Build menu disappearing sometimes.
  • Fixed misplaced sorting arrow in Load Game menu.
  • Fixed missing icons in certain menus with specific resolution, UI scale and language combinations.
  • Fixed overlapping texts in player info box in upper left corner of some menus.
  • Fixed menu crash in Crew Information menu in certain situations.
  • Fixed missing warning when trying to trade with station that only has capital ship build modules.
  • Fixed mission guidance on Map not showing multiple objectives correctly.
  • Fixed order lines being shown on Map even if object icon is filtered out.
  • Fixed incorrect sorting of Map objects by name in certain cases.
  • Fixed wrongly aligned background elements in expanded flow-chart nodes.
  • Fixed rounding issues when truncating text.
  • Fixed rotation input on station plot placement map.
  • Fixed access to Ship Overview menu for laser towers and drones.
  • Fixed stuck Ship Configuration menu when deleting custom loadout.
  • Fixed stuck Map after closing context menus.
  • Fixed excessively large selection area for order and guidance lines when using mouse on Map.
  • Fixed paint modification encyclopedia entries being wrongly re-added to inventory ware category.
  • Fixed ware exchange option being available for ships with which docking is not possible.
  • Fixed deceptive trade offer prices and amounts if trade offer information is out of date.
  • Fixed NPCs appearing as full-screen background of Map menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed scaling for New Default Behaviour context menu.
  • Fixed visible sector description text changing under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed resource probes showing zero yield in locations with resources.
  • Fixed some areas on map being coloured as though they contain mineral resources when this is not the case.
  • Fixed logical station overview incorrectly listing ware reservations that do not influence production or trade offers.
  • Fixed not being able to remove buy offers for products under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Bling Bling achievement being granted by looking at Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed station module and ship blueprints being available without any reputation restriction.
  • Fixed excessive credits sometimes being transferred to player when cancelling upgrade.
  • Fixed weapon cooldown delay re-starting when another weapon finishes cooling down.
  • Fixed ships with turrets that are in storage doing damage when player is not present.
  • Fixed gates and superhighways sometimes being shown outside sectors on Map.
  • Fixed cut-off text in Encyclopedia descriptions under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Sector Info menu not being displayed correctly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed incorrect display of settings in Extensions menus after restoring defaults.
  • Fixed inability to give piloting or management seminars to pilots or managers via Personnel Management Menu.
  • Fixed inability to give piloting seminars to player's relief pilot.
  • Fixed logbook entries being added for NPC ships bailing following attacks by other NPCs.
  • Fixed inconsistent faction relation display when using cover.
  • Fixed encyclopedia showing incorrect Sustained Weapon Output for beam weapons.
  • Fixed doubled group entries when assigning ships under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed ship constructions in Logical Station Overview showing negative progress when finished.
  • Fixed map filters not being applied correctly after selecting plot in Manage Plots menu.
  • Fixed number of queued orders being visible on ships with insufficient revealed info.
  • Fixed station modules sometimes listed twice in Object List or Property Owned.
  • Fixed interrupted text input when using HOTAS or similar input methods.
  • Fixed being dragged into wall by cockpit hatch in Chimera and Asp.
  • Fixed Theseus being able to equip mining lasers.
  • Fixed floating geometry on graphene production module.
  • Fixed several misaligned surface elements.
  • Fixed unsuitable shop areas appearing on certain stations.
  • Fixed missing doors for spacesuit docks on station dock areas.
  • Fixed redundant info text on radar for selected target using certain screen aspect ratios.
  • Fixed graphical corruption of guidance on Map.
  • Fixed inability to interact in first person mode in certain savegames.
  • Fixed getting stuck in floor when in docked capital ship.
  • Fixed being able to fall off dock area of Zeus.
  • Fixed missing visual element on hackable console in security office.
  • Fixed parts of venture room vanishing depending on view angle.
  • Fixed flipped player logo on Asp.
  • Fixed player logo on Boa not being completely visible.
  • Fixed hole in Pegasus cockpit roof.
  • Fixed incorrect colour on Paranid mass driver beam.
  • Fixed rolling character eyes.
  • Fixed Alert menu not being shown under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed cases where targeting gate displayed triangular target element instead of rectangular one.
  • Fixed cases of untargetable objects in first-person mode in certain cases (e.g. pilot chairs on newly constructed ships).
  • Fixed faction relation bar in target monitor not updating.
  • Fixed duplicate nebula rendering during certain conversations.
  • Fixed engine boost effect not being visually attached to medium sized engines.
  • Fixed missing barrel rotation on Bolt Repeater and Neutron Gatling.
  • Fixed Kha'ak turret muzzle flash not being visually connected to barrel.
  • Fixed message cutscenes continuing to play in background when selecting another message or menu tab.
  • Fixed Game Paused not being visible during Game Over.
  • Fixed flickering objects during Game Over.
  • Fixed certain sounds being played using incorrect volume setting.
  • Fixed Tobii devices not being detected with recent Tobii drivers.
  • Fixed several causes of performance issues.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version: 4.00 HF1 (433264) - 2021-03-19
  • Fixed sometimes not entering superhighways during travel mode.
  • Fixed not being able to claim abandoned Rapier.
  • Fixed Solborn Militia Outpost not respawning when destroyed.
  • Fixed ship Silverback in Defenders of Sol mission getting stuck.
  • Fixed Wartime Economics mission getting stuck in dialog cutscene when entering Savage Spur II with map open.
  • Fixed ship delivery objective in Towards Distant Shores mission failing unintentionally.
  • Fixed rescue ship in Terran gamestart Displaced mission sometimes being very far away.
  • Fixed missing Argon dock blueprint for player during Displaced mission in Terran gamestarts.
  • Fixed ship to escort in Escape Plan mission sometimes not moving to station.
  • Fixed missions sometimes not continuing when saved and loaded during dialogue.
  • Fixed Wartime Economics mission getting stuck if last Xenon flees instead of being destroyed.
  • Fixed missing Preferred Build Method option for resupply ships.
  • Fixed order icons in Object List and Property Owned menus not showing correct order when using Repeat Orders
  • Fixed wrong station construction state in Station Build menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Encyclopedia errors if no engines are known.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version: 4.00 HF2 (433914) - 2021-03-26
  • Fixed certain ship models not being claimable in person.
  • Fixed population information from terraforming getting lost when loading savegame.
  • Fixed missing description for Sealed Vacuum Tubes.
  • Fixed Terran Fleet Delivery Missions requesting impossible ship setup.
  • Fixed Defenders of Sol mission getting stuck on Approach: Erratic Miner objective under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed Final Debrief mission issues with mission relevant characters potentially dying too soon.
  • Fixed War of Intervention mission guidance breaking under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed End of Terrorism objective pointing to station instead of signal leaks.
  • Fixed various issues in Covert Operations mission.
  • Fixed War of Intervention mission not containing reward.
  • Fixed A Pirate's Trail mission getting stuck if enemy ships are defeated before player arrives.
  • Fixed data leaks sometimes spawning in centre of station during Pioneer gamestart mission.
  • Fixed target ship in Mutually Assured Destruction mission staying invincible after getting attacked by player.
  • Fixed Astronauts, Champions, Truth Seekers mission getting stuck if hidden ship is captured before objective is set.
  • Fixed objective guidance sometimes not appearing for The Meeting mission.
  • Fixed player getting stuck inside Silverback during Defenders of Sol mission.
  • Fixed Operation Hyena not progressing when player already owns station in specified Argon space.
  • Fixed Wartime Economics mission getting stuck in Savage Spur II under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed cases of Second Assistant mission getting stuck when placing Nav Beacons in hazardous region.
  • Fixed story getting stuck when escaping out of conversations with Rick Feynman during Double Assistant mission.
  • Fixed What is Best in Life achievement not being unlocked for players who completed Make War not Peace mission during beta.
  • Fixed sector trade offer graph in Encyclopedia showing Sell instead of Buy for buy offers in mouse-over texts.
  • Fixed broken shopping list in Ship Configuration menu after returning from Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed broken mouse picking on Map after setting trade ware filter.
  • Fixed Energy Cell production module efficiency claiming sunlight effect as workforce.
  • Fixed ships of wrong size offered when requesting ships at ship consoles.
  • Fixed covered ships not showing up in Undock menu.
  • Fixed Crew Transfer menu for player-owned shipyards.
  • Fixed dropdown selections appearing to reset to initial value after scrolling.
  • Fixed main weapon on Asgard being destroyed.
  • Fixed Terran medium turrets vanishing when destroyed.
  • Fixed freeze when using Go To Ship on ship belonging to another faction that is docked at object also belonging to another faction.
  • Fixed freeze when doing Long Range Scan near extremely complex station.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version: 4.00 HF 3 (434806) - 2021-04-01
  • Improved collision detection, especially at high speeds.
  • Fixed re-tasked NPC traders sometimes holding on to reservations for trades they are not going to complete.
  • Fixed not seeing assigned trainees on HQ after relocating it to sector without training capabilities.
  • Fixed player being able to easily board ships they've just sold.
  • Fixed missile launchers not being available to Terran and Pioneer factions.
  • Fixed license requirements for missile launchers and turrets.
  • Fixed automatic buy/sell threshold calculation for intermediate wares with manual storage allocation.
  • Fixed blacklist entries for certain sectors not being loaded after saving.
  • Fixed incorrect Torus airlock state if players teleports unexpectedly.
  • Fixed cases of mission ship being stuck in hazardous region during Second Assistant mission.
  • Fixed target ship in Mutually Assured Destruction mission stopping for no apparent reason.
  • Fixed Advanced Satellite deployment not registering in The Meeting story mission.
  • Fixed From the Ashes mission not accepting Terran ship fabrication modules.
  • Fixed Save Them From Themselves mission not ending if important character is no longer available when objective is completed.
  • Fixed Hatikvah mission getting stuck when interrupting Dal during Teladi meeting.
  • Fixed Operation Hyena Station construction failing to complete.
  • Fixed Falx asking for impossible equipment loadout in Terran Deliver Fleet missions.
  • Fixed Oberth not accepting antimatter cells in specific circumstances.
  • Fixed Final Debrief not continuing when defending Saman from Pirates under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed issues with Undercover Trader in Zyarth's Coffin story mission.
  • Fixed NPC in Treacherous Shallows mission getting killed if station is destroyed before player starts conversation.
  • Fixed Moreya gained in Astronauts, Champions, Truth Seekers mission remaining locked from pilot assignment after end of plot.
  • Fixed missing reputation reward for A Heart for Pirates mission.
  • Fixed encyclopedia entry selection when opening sector entries.
  • Fixed targeting capital ships not unlocking weapon and thruster information in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed missing option to resume production if production module is marked for recycling or is hacked.
  • Fixed Yaki station sometimes having no icon.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number: 4.10 (458643) - 2021-09-13

Post by CBJ »

Version 4.10 (458643) - 2021-09-13
  • New Feature: Custom game starts.
  • Added Deliver Fleet mission variants that ask for specific ship type but let player choose exact ship and equipment.
  • Added two new terraforming projects to directly increase or reduce air pressure.
  • Added storage information to active terraforming projects.
  • Added player access to some paint mods belonging to allied factions.
  • Added more ship system indicators to crosshairs, including flight assist, aim assist and others.
  • Added ware reservation information to trade menu.
  • Added option to cancel ware reservations at player-owned stations.
  • Added option to assign ships directly to subordinate group in Object List and Property Owned menus.
  • Added status info about insufficient funds to Account node in Logical Station Overview.
  • Added ware volume info to storage nodes in Logical Station Overview
  • Added Show Upkeep Missions option to Interact menu.
  • Added mission ship loadouts to Ship Configuration menu.
  • Added option to reset station module rotation in Station Build menu.
  • Added HQ account info to Research menu.
  • Added mass crew transfer for group trainees with player HQ.
  • Added module set filters to Station Build menu.
  • Added station module context menu to module list in Station Build menu.
  • Added option to hide module plan and loadout details in Station Build menu.
  • Added settings to Station Build menu.
  • Added option to prevent Tobii head-tracking hardware from being initialised using "-forcehmd disable" command line parameter.
  • Added Polish localisation.
  • Improved Build Station and Deliver Fleet mission rewards to give return on investment instead of flat reward.
  • Improved Deliver Fleet mission variants to ask for varying loadouts.
  • Improved consistency of Xenon fleet strength in Mutually Assured Destruction mission.
  • Improved Reflective Cloud Particles and Black Dust terraforming projects by making them repeatable.
  • Improved Emergency Eject feature.
  • Improved travel speed of formations.
  • Improved behaviour of station-based mining ships working for stations that require multiple resources.
  • Improved behaviour of police ships to sometimes allow player-owned objects to skip inspection if relations with police faction are good enough.
  • Improved behaviour of ships attacking targets distant enough to require use of travel mode.
  • Improved station-based traders to prevent them prioritising resources that are produced by their station even when those resources are in shortage.
  • Improved selling behaviour of station-based miners assigned to stations that require more than one mineable resource.
  • Improved faction logic to prevent construction of excessive numbers of stations.
  • Improved how factions deal with ware shortages and make decisions about new production.
  • Improved hazardous regions to also work when player is not nearby.
  • Improved AI pathing to fly around hazardous regions where possible.
  • Improved flight pathing for small ships docking at Tokyo.
  • Improved range and force of container magnet for M, L and XL ships.
  • Improved scanning movement of recon ships and resource scouts.
  • Improved balancing of relation penalty for destroying stations.
  • Improved balancing of price and resource cost for advanced satellites.
  • Improved low attention combat involving multiple capital ships.
  • Improved choice of positioning for newly constructed NPC stations.
  • Improved docking of non-capital ships.
  • Improved undocking movement of S and M ships to look smoother.
  • Improved movement of capital ships clearing jump gates after transition.
  • Improved capital ship combat movement when pursuing fleeing targets.
  • Improved behaviour of deep-level subordinates whose top-level commander is carrier.
  • Improved transfer of products from station to own build storage.
  • Improved resource probe detection range.
  • Improved laser tower response to attacks.
  • Improved Collect Drop(s) orders to also pick up ammunition containers.
  • Improved launch of defence drones set to Attack my Current Target.
  • Improved target acquisition for defence drones when switching to Attack all Enemies mode.
  • Improved auto aim against certain objects, especially data leaks.
  • Improved speed display in crosshairs.
  • Improved Gravidar update rate.
  • Improved visibility of save-related messages.
  • Improved visibility of turrets in scan mode.
  • Improved visibility of hull and shield bars on Map against colourful backgrounds.
  • Improved target icons for squad leaders.
  • Improved Map by allowing it to remember its previous state when opened again.
  • Improved readability of filtered wares in remaining cargo list in Map menu.
  • Improved info box of selected object on Map by making it transparent when cursor is over it.
  • Improved behaviour of Map info boxes for ships and stations.
  • Improved Map display of information gathered by resource probes.
  • Improved Map icons to display related upkeep missions on mouseover.
  • Improved Map behaviour to show highlighted wares even if filters would otherwise exclude them.
  • Improved legibility of info box of selected object on Map by making it much more opaque.
  • Improved handling of icons representing subordinates to fade out early when zooming out on Map.
  • Improved display of player-owned and allied ships on Map to show icon and info text for current order.
  • Improved blueprint lists in Encyclopedia.
  • Improved workforce information in Logical Station Overview.
  • Improved Station Editor by showing actual sector background and relevant objects for context.
  • Improved Station Editor by disabling connection snapping while pressing Control.
  • Improved Station Editor by allowing module rotation around all axes.
  • Improved Station Build menu by adding option to remove module sequences.
  • Improved visibility of station modules in Station Build menu.
  • Improved zoom sensitivity when using mouse wheel in Station Build menu.
  • Improved snapping to connections in Station Build menu.
  • Improved menu layouts for Hire and Reassign crew.
  • Improved interface for selecting sector order parameters.
  • Improved manual trade offer settings to allow buy amount that is higher than sell amount.
  • Improved Ship Configuration menu layout if no engines are available.
  • Improved Ship Behaviour by adding error messages for failed orders.
  • Improved loadout editor for station modules by showing other modules in construction plan for context.
  • Improved Confirm/Cancel buttons for ware filter selection to be always visible.
  • Improved New Game and Extension menus by adding more information.
  • Improved variety of factions seen on dock areas.
  • Improved appearance of Argon characters.
  • Improved lighting on Argon L bridge.
  • Improved asset pre-loading and streaming on GPUs with high memory capacity.
  • Improved handling of out-of-GPU-memory conditions.
  • Changed default setting for Alerts in Map to Low for new players
  • Changed size difference for fleet leader icons from 50% to 25% larger than other objects.
  • Removed resource yield requirement from mining ship upkeep missions.
  • Removed ability to drag order lines away from inter-sector connections as they often happened accidentally.
  • Removed XS dock capacity from Docked Ships info on map.
  • Removed visualisation of module connections in Build Menu while not dragging module.
  • Fixed relations in Terran gamestart.
  • Fixed advanced gamestarts not being unlocked when playing certain other gamestarts.
  • Fixed HQ warping to wrong position during first encounter.
  • Fixed Boso Ta dialog not playing when browsing research menu.
  • Fixed Terran and Pioneer introduction missions to HQ being stalled by research ship being destroyed.
  • Fixed Hatikvah story sometimes getting stuck if dialogs are interrupted.
  • Fixed player not being able to take control of freighter because it was put into internal storage during Hatikvah story.
  • Fixed data vault mission not being completable with Cradle of Humanity expansion active.
  • Fixed rare situation in which Escape Plan mission cannot be completed.
  • Fixed players getting trapped in Boneyard during Tax Evasion 101 Split story mission.
  • Fixed Rebellious Thralls Split story mission being stuck if player has bad faction relations towards FRF when asked to dock at Slave Trader 3.
  • Fixed Rebellious Thralls Split story mission being stuck at undefined Scan guidance.
  • Fixed Coffin Ship sometimes not undocking during To the Other Side mission in Split Story.
  • Fixed Fires of Fate mission in Split story not progressing when sabotaging Ravenous Wight.
  • Fixed objects in Abandoned Asteroid Base in Astronauts, Champions, Truth Seekers mission disappearing while player is absent.
  • Fixed Astronauts, Champions, Truth Seekers mission getting stuck if conversation with Ellipsis Trouble is started before story dialog could finish.
  • Fixed indestructible Sweet Jack ship remaining after Covert Operations storyline is completed.
  • Fixed Covert Operations story stalling if Antigone does not own any system.
  • Fixed A Matter of Respect mission getting stuck if Helianthus tries to launch too many drones at once.
  • Fixed Torus switch riddle to reset all switches on leaving sector.
  • Fixed Torus switch riddle not behaving correctly if switches are repaired/damaged too quickly.
  • Fixed Operation Smoke and Mirrors mission not activating properly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed A Heart for Pirates mission not getting removed from Mission Manager when aborted by player.
  • Fixed The Smoking Gun mission not triggering if Amplifier Station is destroyed too quickly.
  • Fixed Defenders of Sol mission getting stuck if Silverback is destroyed before player arrives at rally point.
  • Fixed Patrol Missions pausing when player docks on player-owned ships.
  • Fixed The Mediators and The Insurgence missions accepting ships delivered with minimal equipment.
  • Fixed Build Station missions that ask for Administrative Centre not enforcing that requirement.
  • Fixed certain mission stations remaining invulnerable in case of failed Split story passenger transport.
  • Fixed certain Rescue Ship missions accepting transfer of ship with modified equipment.
  • Fixed inaccurately displayed reward in trade guild Deliver Fleet missions.
  • Fixed conversation option when hiring crew and immediately assigning them to Deliver Crew mission station.
  • Fixed Amplifier Station in Save Them From Themselves mission not leaving behind wreck.
  • Fixed story characters getting random names when becoming passengers.
  • Fixed some story missions being abortable.
  • Fixed mission lockboxes not rotating.
  • Fixed being unable to complete ship mod research mission if it was previously aborted.
  • Fixed advanced terraforming projects not being available if Cradle of Humanity is enabled after terraforming is unlocked.
  • Fixed adding gases increasing air pressure on worlds where that stat is not relevant.
  • Fixed player-owned subordinates sometimes not trading with other player property due to lack of funds when they don't actually need to pay.
  • Fixed looped trade orders not accounting for discounts when looking for trades with matching price thresholds.
  • Fixed incorrect trade offer price calculation for certain shipyards.
  • Fixed rebuilt build modules remaining inoperable after being wrecked before hack expired.
  • Fixed ships undergoing recycling disappearing when stored resulting in no recycled resources being gained.
  • Fixed modules under construction which are then destroyed not being recycled properly.
  • Fixed build storage of destroyed stations sometimes remaining in longer than intended.
  • Fixed more resources being returned to build storage when recycling station loadout upgrades.
  • Fixed very rare case resulting in broken ship movement when teleporting between ships in same highway.
  • Fixed automatic storage allocation breaking for stations with extremely large number of production modules.
  • Fixed subordinate traders sometimes buying then immediately re-selling same wares at commanding station.
  • Fixed boarding ships not trying to keep their boarding target alive while moving to engage.
  • Fixed turret control of boarding ships sometimes reacquiring target after target hull is below safe threshold.
  • Fixed player-owned mining ships finding resources in undiscovered areas of known sectors.
  • Fixed mining ships not firing on asteroids if any turrets are set to Attack All Enemies.
  • Fixed ships with turrets set to Attack Capital Ships or Attack Fighters not firing unless at least one turret is also set to Attack all Enemies.
  • Fixed turrets set to Missile Defence not working.
  • Fixed ships sometimes not uncovering areas hidden by fog of war.
  • Fixed player-owned ships finding paths through undiscovered sectors.
  • Fixed auto-traders not correctly updating when loading certain older savegames.
  • Fixed some buttons and doors not working after teleporting to station.
  • Fixed autopilot not working if guidance target is unknown and/or inactive gate or accelerator.
  • Fixed autopilot not using travel mode when approaching gate or accelerator.
  • Fixed not being able to call ship from storage if its cover faction is hostile to owner of object at which it is docked.
  • Fixed ships sometimes starting final dock movement many kilometers from dock.
  • Fixed never getting docking permission under certain rare circumstances.
  • Fixed fleeing ships repeatedly docking and undocking.
  • Fixed cases of ships being permanently unable to undock.
  • Fixed explosions of large objects not doing damage.
  • Fixed cases of duplicated HQ research modules.
  • Fixed Terran solar panels costing more resources than intended.
  • Fixed Kha'ak weapon platforms sometimes being unarmed.
  • Fixed Kha'ak outposts no longer appearing over time in certain situations.
  • Fixed pirate ships plundering objects belonging to friendly factions.
  • Fixed attacking capital ships staying outside weapon range.
  • Fixed weapons not shooting under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed being able to collide with hidden bridge geometry.
  • Fixed broken collision detection when flying certain ships near large objects.
  • Fixed ship turrets sometimes damaging their own ship under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed issues with cargo drones docking when many of them try to dock at same time.
  • Fixed entering ship not removing attached boarding pods.
  • Fixed wrong movement orientation when approaching dock in some situations.
  • Fixed newly constructed Terran Solar Power Plants constructing storage last resulting in delayed production.
  • Fixed some homeless workers remaining on station after their habitation has gone.
  • Fixed AI ships flying too slowly in travel mode while in formation.
  • Fixed spacesuit in Split gamestart sometimes being very slow.
  • Fixed being able to place station modules in invalid locations.
  • Fixed group trainees sometimes remaining in-transit on Headquarters.
  • Fixed carriers or fleet auxiliary ships subordinate to stations failing to get supplies.
  • Fixed player-owned ships set to explore or update trade offers sometimes traveling to sectors outside their target space.
  • Fixed ships assigned to protect stations continuing to patrol their area after their assigned station is destroyed.
  • Fixed subordinates of subordinates not docking if assigned while their intermediate superior is already docked.
  • Fixed missile-armed ships and stations with no ammunition doing damage when player is not present.
  • Fixed Segaris Pioneer ships being crewed by people in Terran Protectorate uniforms.
  • Fixed ships operating in vicinity of one-way superhighways going to work in sectors they might not be able to return from.
  • Fixed ships forced to bail sometimes retaining their old default behaviour.
  • Fixed missing item trader on stations.
  • Fixed being able to jump out of bounds in shops on docking areas.
  • Fixed being able to assign one extra service crew or marine to ships in certain cases.
  • Fixed subordinates of stations failing to recover if their commander is destroyed while they are searching for trades.
  • Fixed boarding pods not being able to fly and attach on boarding operations.
  • Fixed capital-class mining ships sometimes not firing on asteroids.
  • Fixed station supply settings not working without manager.
  • Fixed autopilot getting stuck in loop on highway ring if full path to destination is not known.
  • Fixed jumping between highways on autopilot.
  • Fixed police authority menu not working if too many sectors are player-owned.
  • Fixed Collision Avoidance not working even if game setting is set.
  • Fixed ships not firing at stations even if target directly in front of barrel.
  • Fixed defence drones set to Attack my Current Target docking without engaging shortly after launch.
  • Fixed ware transfer sometimes stalling with one ship locked in critical state.
  • Fixed subordinates sometimes docking at their respective commanders indefinitely.
  • Fixed ships sometimes not been able to dock in enclosed docks.
  • Fixed NPC station managers sometimes giving double rewards.
  • Fixed excessive damage when missiles hit certain targets.
  • Fixed lasertowers sometimes locking on to distant targets when hostile targets are within firing range.
  • Fixed Split factions not rebuilding trading stations.
  • Fixed Map icons of docked ships flickering between two positions under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed position of icons next to trade offers on Map when view is rotated.
  • Fixed object select mode in Map not working in gamepad mode.
  • Fixed certain Xenon stations being invisible in Savage Spur.
  • Fixed cargo display in ware exchange menu for stations owning mining ships.
  • Fixed inaccurate text for manual buy/sell offer amount settings in Logical Station Overview.
  • Fixed several issues with ammo and drone quantities in Logical Station Overview.
  • Fixed future station construction resources not appearing in Station Configuration menu if build is already in progress.
  • Fixed Ware Transfer options when docked at another ship.
  • Fixed Request dock at option not being disabled when already docked at that object.
  • Fixed option to change Default Behaviour not being disabled under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed planned Default Behaviour changes getting stuck when changing to another menu tab.
  • Fixed ships retaining previous Default Behaviour when being set to Repeat Orders.
  • Fixed station-wide loadout level resetting every time Station Build menu is closed.
  • Fixed problems with Personnel Management menu if ships get destroyed.
  • Fixed Sell Ships menu not being displayed or not being scrollable under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed loadout presets being available for ships with installed equipment mods
  • Fixed inconsistency between player ship and other player-owned objects regarding whether default orders of subordinates can be changed.
  • Fixed medium ships incorrectly showing missile turret compatibility in menus.
  • Fixed missing title text in Interact menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed missing interactions in Crew Info tab for player employees on stations.
  • Fixed mismatched construction budget estimates in several locations.
  • Fixed traders adding logbook entries describing purchase after having sold ware.
  • Fixed Terraforming Expenses stat being too high by factor of 100.
  • Fixed Terraforming projects showing invalid resources if more was delivered than needed.
  • Fixed overlapping text in Ship Configuration menu.
  • Fixed input mapping conflict not being detected when assigning axis.
  • Fixed lost HUD target if mission guidance changes under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed missing automatic storage allocation option in Logical Station Overview under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed blank context menus in Station Build menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed blank terraforming nodes under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed inactive dropdown options seeming to be interactive when clicked.
  • Fixed name of Station Cargo map filter to correctly indicate that it also works for ships.
  • Fixed inconsistent sorting in Mission Offers and Mission Manager menus.
  • Fixed matching icons not being visible at some zoom levels when text filter is applied.
  • Fixed selected ships and stations not showing full cargo on map if filter is active.
  • Fixed rare fog of war issues when opening Map right after long range scan.
  • Fixed jumpgate and superhighway connections on Map becoming misaligned.
  • Fixed flickering target elements if target is moving close to crosshair.
  • Fixed order parameter sliders resetting while being used.
  • Fixed displayed of per-quadrant DPS information.
  • Fixed Station Construction entries in Account Management menu showing station account values while using slider.
  • Fixed mouse-over texts for Interact menu build storage options referencing station.
  • Fixed order parameter position selection interacting with order lines.
  • Fixed changing radius parameter of default behaviours resetting position parameter.
  • Fixed Mission Manager and Mission Offers menus keeping expanded sections in sync.
  • Fixed menu crash when cancelling ship orders under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed save name not being immediately changeable if there is no save yet.
  • Fixed long range scan getting stuck when triggered while menu is open.
  • Fixed missing countermeasure blueprints in encyclopedia.
  • Fixed flight assist and auto-pilot control messages not being shown after loading saves.
  • Fixed storage nodes in Logical Station Overview not marked restricted under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Shuffle Modules option in Station Editor when modules include Terran solar panels.
  • Fixed map sometimes zooming sectors out too far.
  • Fixed various localisation issues.
  • Fixed Terraforming menu crash.
  • Fixed Paranid head clipping through cockpit roof in Cerberus.
  • Fixed NPCs walking over furniture in Faction Representative office and Secret Service Bureau.
  • Fixed cockpit crew sometimes not interacting with terminals.
  • Fixed visiting NPCs behaving as though they are local crew.
  • Fixed Split and Terran NPCs neglecting their air marshalling duties.
  • Fixed pilots and ship crew from player-owned shipyards being random races instead of workforce races.
  • Fixed defenders in boarding operation earning experience when boarding attempt is cancelled or fails before marines even breach hull.
  • Fixed marines on stations running out of sight soon after docking.
  • Fixed Yaki appearing on dock areas where they shouldn't.
  • Fixed jump effect sometimes not coinciding with destination position on sector transition.
  • Fixed rare cases where Venture Dock would still appear as if venture was running after ship returned.
  • Fixed scaling problems in station editor when copying sequences repeatedly.
  • Fixed looped animations stuttering at very large time values.
  • Fixed brief incorrect image display in several menus.
  • Fixed weapon effects being visible in upgrade menu.
  • Fixed floating turrets on small Terran Liquid Storage module.
  • Fixed turrets being rotated wrongly on Argon Defence Disk.
  • Fixed visual glitch in Microchip production module.
  • Fixed build modules being offset when wrecked.
  • Fixed turrets being located on top of player logo on Nomad.
  • Fixed turrets on Tokyo clipping inside ship hull.
  • Fixed floating geometry in Manorina gas miner ship.
  • Fixed misaligned Cerberus spacesuit dock.
  • Fixed wrong texture on Okinawa bridge window.
  • Fixed missing holo-instruments on Argon XL bridge.
  • Fixed mirrored decals in Argon L bridge.
  • Fixed excessive number of positional lights on Osprey.
  • Fixed rotating flack bullets.
  • Fixed holographic ship controls for NPCs not being enabled when NPC sits in chair.
  • Fixed comm cameras not working when in external view.
  • Fixed pink faces on male Argon NPCs.
  • Fixed effect at dock persisting after touchdown if ship docked backwards.
  • Fixed Mercury faction logo missing on right side.
  • Fixed incorrect grouping of turrets on Advanced Electronics production module.
  • Fixed sharp line on Katana cockpit glass.
  • Fixed Nimcha landing gear not being attached properly.
  • Fixed cockpit glass on Falcon not registering collisions.
  • Fixed floating light and mirrored faction logo on Jian.
  • Fixed inverted panel texture in security office.
  • Fixed permanently missing texts in menus.
  • Fixed graphical assets failing to load during long game-sessions.
  • Fixed game freeze with mods containing invalid assets.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number: Version 4.20 (465891) - 2021-12-09

Post by CBJ »

Version 4.20 (465891) - 2021-12-09
  • Improved combat simulation when player not present.
  • Improved coordination between multiple free-flying police operating in same sector.
  • Improved memory usage, savegame size, and times to start new game, save and load.
  • Fixed being unable to set Yaki story as complete for custom gamestarts if not successful in mission.
  • Fixed player stations created from custom gamestarts not detecting enemies.
  • Fixed player not being able to target objects if spawning in space suit in custom gamestart.
  • Fixed linear highways being disabled when ring highways are disabled in custom gamestart.
  • Fixed ships with turrets potentially not shooting if created via a custom gamestart.
  • Fixed Flight School getting stuck if certain non-critical inputs are not mapped.
  • Fixed A Small Errand mission getting stuck if all lockboxes are opened in quick succession.
  • Fixed The Meeting mission not triggering mission guidance properly after fleeing patrol.
  • Fixed fleet delivered in The Mediators mission absorbing Realm of the Trinity job ships.
  • Fixed Split Story mission Zyarth's Coffin getting stuck when attempting to find station for Undercover Trade Ship.
  • Fixed Terran plot being blocked by Delilah's disappearance upon Sweet Jack's destruction.
  • Fixed Defenders of Sol mission not being offered if player begins game with max relations with Terran Protectorate.
  • Fixed A Matter of Respect mission getting stuck if informant's ship is captured before player approaches mission area.
  • Fixed A Heart for Pirates mission not playing dialog on completion.
  • Fixed Torus riddle switches being repairable while shutters are closed, resulting in riddle being impossible to solve.
  • Fixed hacking missions targeting stations without docks.
  • Fixed scan missions sometimes asking player to scan laser tower.
  • Fixed Terran vs Xenon guild missions asking player to scan Xenon ships carrying Hull Parts or Water.
  • Fixed Terran or Pioneers scan missions asking for wares that aren't used by Terran economy.
  • Fixed incorrect collision detection during space suit section of Flight School tutorial.
  • Fixed stations recycling wrecked modules too quickly and making station destruction difficult.
  • Fixed capital ships with main weapons (e.g. Asgard) being excessively effective when player not present.
  • Fixed mining ships concentrating in areas with relatively low yield.
  • Fixed mining drones on player ship sometimes collecting empty or incorrect asteroids.
  • Fixed mining drones sometimes undocking or self-destructing shortly after having returned to launching ship.
  • Fixed NPC-owned subordinates sometimes staying docked indefinitely.
  • Fixed Protect Position default behaviour sometimes ending even if designated position is accessible.
  • Fixed turrets retaining out-of-range targets for too long.
  • Fixed marines on boarding operation sometimes being lost after saving and loading.
  • Fixed boarding attacker strength sometimes being less than it should.
  • Fixed long boarding operations failing prematurely if straggling pod is destroyed.
  • Fixed default orders using wrong parameters after editing.
  • Fixed rare case where sell override settings for station ware could reset to 0.
  • Fixed loss of flight control by preventing activation of autopilot during undocking procedure.
  • Fixed disabled flight assist when retaking control after getting up during post-travel mode coasting.
  • Fixed station-based traders sometimes selling more than what their customers wanted.
  • Fixed station trade subordinates never selling product due to resource storage override.
  • Fixed subordinates mimicking auto-trader not logging their trades.
  • Fixed turrets set to Attack my current target continuing to fire after target changes ownership to non-hostile.
  • Fixed large turrets missing small targets by aiming at wrong position.
  • Fixed turrets often failing to fire at large moving targets.
  • Fixed discrepancies with licence requirements for Teladi turrets.
  • Fixed station module repair sometimes not quite reaching 100%.
  • Fixed calculated value of ships not taking all installed software into account.
  • Fixed incorrect yield display for resource probes in target monitor.
  • Fixed incorrect display of shield damage impact effects.
  • Fixed free ship repair exploit.
  • Fixed exporting custom gamestarts with no player money.
  • Fixed flight assist control message wrongly shown after loading saves under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Phoenix main battery effective rate of fire.
  • Fixed problem with guild submissions in mission briefing menu.
  • Fixed menu crash when opening Ship Overview under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Magpie cockpit hatch pushing player into ship wall when opening.
  • Fixed freeze when loading save if HQ core module was under construction.
  • Fixed potential issue with screen being stuck black on integrated AMD GPUs.
  • Fixed joystick POV hat input on Linux.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number

Post by CBJ »

Version 5.00 (474665) - 2022-03-14
  • New Feature: Scrap recycling.
  • New Feature: New Paranid capital ship designs.
  • New Feature: Personal office on HQ.
  • New Feature: Support for AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution (FSR).
  • Added several new achievements.
  • Added "special" NPCs offering new mission chains.
  • Added hidden pirate operations that may include valuable targets.
  • Added new equipment mods.
  • Added cooldown time to station storage hacking.
  • Added fifth subordinate group for station subordinates.
  • Added new default behaviour Local AutoTrade.
  • Added options to control whether player ships wait for player under certain circumstances.
  • Added notification if player-owned capital ship is ordered to go mining but has no mining drones.
  • Added support for copy and paste in text fields.
  • Added possibility to change equipment of multiple ships of same model at same time.
  • Added information about multiple production methods to Encyclopedia.
  • Added info about production cycles per hour to Encyclopedia.
  • Added Retrieve from Internal Storage option for stored ships.
  • Added mouse steering HUD indicator.
  • Added trade offer icons to Map legend.
  • Added buttons for quick access to Map filters.
  • Added map filter to toggle rendering of satellite coverage.
  • Added markers for failed orders in Map menu.
  • Added AI order and behaviour descriptions to mouseover tooltips on Map.
  • Added station upkeep and storage information to Selected Object section in Map menu.
  • Added texts to explain status icons in Logical Station Overview.
  • Added hull integrity efficiency display to Logical Station Overview.
  • Added hull info to station modules in Object List and Property Owned menus.
  • Added Default Behaviour icons to Object List and Property Owned menus.
  • Added hull and shield details to hull shield bar mouseover texts.
  • Added mouseover text to explain warning icon for research entries.
  • Added icons to improve display of workforce capacity and growth effects.
  • Added preview for Default Ship Skin in Custom Gamestart Editor.
  • Added Reloading UI message when changing certain settings.
  • Added key binding to deselect current target.
  • Added new voices for Duke's Buccaneers and Realm of the Trinity faction representatives.
  • Added alarm sounds for enemy proximity and enemy attack.
  • Added new multi-tiered fight music tracks.
  • Added holographic effects to Terran 4-dock pier to make capital ship docking easier.
  • Added warning when starting game with NVIDIA version 436.51 drivers or older.
  • Added warning when client becomes modified during gameplay.
  • Added info about saves being modified to Load Game menu.
  • Added option for mods to specify maximum supported version of game or other required extensions (maxversion attribute in dependencies).
  • Changed behaviour of contested sectors to become ownerless if old owner no longer has any claim.
  • Changed name of Distribute Wares order to Fill Shortages.
  • Changed colour for illegal wares in menus.
  • Changed position of Reset View button in Map menu to upper left corner.
  • Changed Trade Filter Max Price in Map menu to apply no filter if set to zero.
  • Removed fleet delivery requirement for repair drones for Split story missions Declaration of Curbs and Fires of Fate.
  • Removed research resource warnings for research that is not yet available.
  • Removed rectangles around small details in scan mode.
  • Improved stellar output in Bright Promise and Heart of Acrimony II.
  • Improved hints and warnings during some complicated sections of HQ story.
  • Improved visuals of faction vs faction guild mission intro room.
  • Improved fighter combat movement.
  • Improved initial approach of capital ships in combat, particularly against stations.
  • Improved carrier combat behaviour when all subordinates are set to Docked.
  • Improved choice of mining location by mining ships.
  • Improved aim accuracy against surface elements of moving targets.
  • Improved loadout range for NPC construction vessels to give them more construction drones.
  • Improved coordination between multiple free-flying police ships operating in same sector.
  • Improved mission briefings by removing certain distracting map elements.
  • Improved accuracy of gas and mineral indicators on map.
  • Improved saving of loadouts and construction plans by enabling text input by default.
  • Improved information and target monitor display for hackable control panels.
  • Improved logbook entry for ships that have fled.
  • Improved trade filtering on Map when combining specific ware filters and other filters.
  • Improved Map to show icons matching text filter even when zoomed out.
  • Improved Selected Object info in Map.
  • Improved docking hint by not mentioning spacesuit if target does not have matching dock.
  • Improved button position for ware, sector and faction selection in Map and Global Orders menus.
  • Improved button position for trade ware selection in Logical Station Overview.
  • Improved Object Info menu to remember previous tab, where possible, when opened from Interact menu.
  • Improved sorting of trade orders when selecting Default Behaviour.
  • Improved consistency of turret group naming in various menus.
  • Improved notification of recurring order failure resulting from assignments or default behaviours.
  • Improved menu navigation with controller in Player Information and Transaction Log menus.
  • Improved ship controls to be enabled while multi-stage hint text is shown.
  • Improved joystick button auto-repeat.
  • Improved interior locations for Argon station designs.
  • Improved fight music trigger conditions.
  • Improved determination of available threads on Linux systems.
  • Improved saving time.
  • Fixed triggering of Data Mining achievement when receiving blueprint as random scan reward.
  • Fixed The Unworthy Entrepreneur gamestart intro narration cutting off.
  • Fixed Going Offensive mission potentially getting stuck if mission left for too long.
  • Fixed Torus Mission not continuing after successfully flying through initial airlock in Neptunian Terraforming story.
  • Fixed Save Them From Themselves mission remaining active after NPC has defected during Mutually Assured Destruction mission.
  • Fixed A Matter of Respect mission getting stuck if player runs away before fight or if informant's ship is scrapped before player approaches mission area.
  • Fixed welfare module research mission not being available from savegames.
  • Fixed passenger transport missions occasionally not having guidance when accepted.
  • Fixed some missions getting stuck when using Moreya while under cover.
  • Fixed incorrect lines being spoken during welfare module research mission.
  • Fixed hack station missions instructing player to dock when standing on docked ship.
  • Fixed some Split War Subscription missions sometimes requesting Sentinel type instead of Argon Vanguard.
  • Fixed player getting offered A Heart for Pirates mission despite leaving Yaki territory on bad terms.
  • Fixed War of Intervention mission guidance getting stuck if fleet commander is assigned to different patrol fleet.
  • Fixed helpful hint in deliver ship missions never appearing again.
  • Fixed Paranid story skipping to final state after progressing mission in custom gamestart.
  • Fixed station subordinate upkeep missions sometimes not completing after ship assignment.
  • Fixed dialog during Teladi encounter at Mars-Asteroid Belt Gate getting interrupted by Terran plot dialog if cutscene is skipped.
  • Fixed Zyarth's Coffin mission getting stuck because of missing trade offer on delivery station.
  • Fixed case of Coffin ship not undocking during To The Other Side mission in Split story.
  • Fixed Dr. Rick Feynman repeating dialog during Second Assistant and Data Transfer missions in Segaris Pioneer story.
  • Fixed ships delivered for certain missions potentially ending up with wrong owner.
  • Fixed some saved mission loadouts not being loadable (does not fix loadouts that have already been saved).
  • Fixed crew amounts of player property ships not being imported correctly from exported Custom Gamestarts.
  • Fixed imported custom gamestarts that were over-budget on import still showing as over-budget after reducing costs under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed crew amounts in Custom Gamestart Editor not allowing all values under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed several cases of custom gamestart faction relations being overwritten during story missions.
  • Fixed welfare module blueprint not being available if unlocked via custom gamestart.
  • Fixed freeze on manual ware exchange between two ships.
  • Fixed capital ships colliding with invisible objects.
  • Fixed unrealistic player ship movement when colliding with smaller objects.
  • Fixed player-controlled capital ships aborting travel mode when colliding with asteroids.
  • Fixed ships sometimes getting stuck after passing control to AI and leaving.
  • Fixed turrets set to Attack My Current Target continuing to fire after selecting non-hostile target.
  • Fixed Building Drones showing hourglass icon on radar and map.
  • Fixed miners assigned to Mimic their commander changing their anchor space when their commander changes sectors.
  • Fixed fleet subordinates not engaging hostiles according to their assignment when in transit.
  • Fixed some NPC stations not having, or wanting, sufficient drones.
  • Fixed certain discounts/commissions not unlocking when they should.
  • Fixed asteroids appearing to suddenly spawn near mining ships.
  • Fixed capital ships continuing to strafe in combat if forward guns are deactivated while already engaged.
  • Fixed cargo containers dropped when hacking station storage sometimes ending up inside modules.
  • Fixed station plots being able to be placed in fog of war or overlapping other stations.
  • Fixed ships sometimes repeatedly docking and undocking while fleeing.
  • Fixed standby pilots remaining inactive even after player has taken control of another ship.
  • Fixed ships docked waiting for player removing their next order after being told to proceed.
  • Fixed container magnet not working well on certain capital ships.
  • Fixed certain random drops from destroyed asteroids not getting cleaned up over time.
  • Fixed dropped cargo being instantly picked back up again by pushing containers away from hull.
  • Fixed destroyed objects disappearing instead of being wrecked under certain conditions.
  • Fixed some characters remaining on bridge of boarded ships after successful operation.
  • Fixed automatic targeting failing to aim at capital ship engines.
  • Fixed small plasma weapon not being able to gimbal up/down.
  • Fixed forward-mounted missile launchers doing damage with no ammo when player not present.
  • Fixed ships and stations destroying objects in highways when player not present.
  • Fixed ships engaging mass traffic ships when moving long-distance while patrolling.
  • Fixed turrets on ships not firing on valid targets if set to Attack Fighters or Attack Capital Ships but no turrets are set to Attack All Enemies.
  • Fixed carriers with active subordinates plotting positions far enough away from targets that they lose sight of their targets and disengage.
  • Fixed carriers with subordinates getting too close to their targets when in combat.
  • Fixed police ships sometimes forgetting about ships and stations that they already scanned.
  • Fixed Deposit Inventory order being removed from repeated order queue if pilot has nothing to deposit.
  • Fixed very rare case of ships failing to avoid collisions with stations.
  • Fixed ships sometimes failing to dock after being sold.
  • Fixed movement problems when undocking from moving ships.
  • Fixed getting stuck if pressing Shift+D while crouching on board ship.
  • Fixed subordinates of very full carriers not getting repaired at their carrier when they dock.
  • Fixed falling through some floors on dock areas of capital ships that are themselves docked.
  • Fixed rare issue where stations may not have certain rooms.
  • Fixed missing group training option when assigning crew to player HQ with group training capabilities.
  • Fixed not being able to retrieve ship from storage under certain conditions.
  • Fixed rare case involving invisible cargo space reservation for wares that are no longer needed but still have manual storage amounts defined.
  • Fixed extremely rare case of automatic storage allocation failing for stations with excessive amounts of storage.
  • Fixed rare case of insufficient cargo allocation for terraforming projects.
  • Fixed research resource amounts overriding trade ware storage allocation.
  • Fixed incorrect price of Proton Barrage MK1/Mk2 and Meson Stream Mk2 weapons.
  • Fixed Hatikvah Free League and Scaleplate Pact not having access to blueprint for Behemoth Main Battery.
  • Fixed docking guidance going through walls at certain dock areas.
  • Fixed some game settings not being reset when restoring defaults.
  • Fixed more cases of NPCs warping to their destination.
  • Fixed some capital ship bridges staying at red alert after having once been in combat.
  • Fixed ship stopping when opening menu while matching speed despite Maintain Speed in Menus being set.
  • Fixed max range for Advanced AutoMine and Advanced AutoTrade being capped at piloting skill minus one.
  • Fixed ship crews bailing in response to player demanding they surrender while in spacesuit.
  • Fixed attacking ships sometimes overshooting their target on long-distance movement.
  • Fixed ships assigned to trade for station build storage refusing to do so unless build storage is able to pay for it.
  • Fixed inconsistent ship behaviour when trading between player stations that don't have money.
  • Fixed inconsistent cargo numbers when using Ware Exchange.
  • Fixed sub-missions in Mission Briefing context menu being wrongly marked as completed under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed mission offer groups in Mission Offers menu sometimes requiring 2 clicks to collapse.
  • Fixed missing user question about discarding planned default behaviour under certain circumstances
  • Fixed Ship Behaviour menu not being displayed under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed menu selection in Behaviour menu jumping to first row.
  • Fixed missing options in Interact menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed not being able to select or target objects on Map under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed trade and mission offer interactions being available while selecting order parameters.
  • Fixed resource warning icon for research that has already started.
  • Fixed mission context menus not working when NPC object is selected.
  • Fixed Boarding menu reporting more marines being assigned while pods are in flight.
  • Fixed station plots in Xenon sectors showing plot fee before placing.
  • Fixed equipment mod crafting sometimes showing more properties than are possible.
  • Fixed stimulants production module being at wrong position in Station Build menu.
  • Fixed Logical Station Overview not correctly visualising connections of production modules with three different resource types.
  • Fixed Terran E pier geometry being at wrong position in Station Build menu.
  • Fixed Manorina (Mineral) front hatches intersecting in Ship Build/Upgrade menus.
  • Fixed equipment listed for shopping list entries in Ship Upgrade menu.
  • Fixed sort order of equipment in Ship and Station Configuration menus.
  • Fixed missing ship information in transaction log when involved ship was destroyed after transaction (applies to new entries only).
  • Fixed various minor issues in transaction log.
  • Fixed workforce efficiency info being hidden in Logical Station Overview for some player stations.
  • Fixed missing sector selection for Buy and Sell orders.
  • Fixed Resource Probe scanning range value in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed issue with shift-selecting docked ships in Property Owned menu.
  • Fixed ship system indicators being visible while docking/undocking.
  • Fixed Map camera jumping when returning from Plot Management tab.
  • Fixed duplicated Player HQ module in Station Build menu of empty plot.
  • Fixed selecting Fleet commander on Map changing to Unassigned Ships category.
  • Fixed option to hire being available for enemy Builder ships.
  • Fixed Logical Station Overview options being missing under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed jumping selection in Manage Plots tab of Map menu.
  • Fixed menu position in Behaviour and Individual Instructions menu jumping to first row.
  • Fixed alert levels not shown in Object List or Property Owned menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed incorrectly scrolled view without scroll bar in Logical Station Overview when hiding display of Economy Statistics.
  • Fixed orientation of certain icons in Map info boxes.
  • Fixed comm cutscenes occasionally getting stuck.
  • Fixed menu crash in Behaviour menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed text input in Steam Big Picture mode.
  • Fixed being able to duplicate controls that are not remappable.
  • Fixed incorrect camera position when saving and loading while sitting on station.
  • Fixed nearby ships sometimes being invisible.
  • Fixed certain large landmarks not being visible from long distance.
  • Fixed room overlapping with trader's shop on Argon trade stations.
  • Fixed docking bays on Teladi capital ships being placed above intended location.
  • Fixed minor graphical glitches on various Terran station modules.
  • Fixed excessively dirty cockpit glass on Argon L capital ship bridges.
  • Fixed collision mesh in cockpit on Katana.
  • Fixed Katana paint mod affecting unwanted surfaces.
  • Fixed delay in updating crosshair hull and shield bars.
  • Fixed flickering target shield bar in hazardous regions under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed docking hint remaining on screen much too long if docking permission is repeatedly requested.
  • Fixed turret positions on Teladi capital mining ships.
  • Fixed Magpie cockpit hatch pushing player into ship wall when opening.
  • Fixed Katana ramp not opening correctly.
  • Fixed Kukri not having a wreck.
  • Fixed mirrored text on 3M6S dock area.
  • Fixed certain cases of flickering asteroids.
  • Fixed lens flares being visible through hull of own capital ship.
  • Fixed verbal notifications being repeatedly spoken by player-owned ships with looped orders.
  • Fixed Steam/Galaxy overlay and OBS capture with latest graphics drivers.
  • Fixed underlying cause of specific long freeze.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version: 5.00 HF 1 (475121) - 2022-03-15
  • Fixed Kyd from stranded gamestart being invulnerable.
  • Fixed player-owned station being selected in The Station Swindle mission of Pirate story.
  • Fixed captured High-Tech Traders disappearing in High-Tech Hold-Up mission of Pirate story.
  • Fixed incorrect pay-out when personally towing wrecked ships to processing module.
  • Fixed encyclopedia description text for Teuta.
Version: 5.00 HF 2 (475121) - 2022-03-17
  • Fixed Axiom refusing to fly to Woodworm Scrubs in The Past a Prison mission of Pirate story
  • Fixed objective sometimes reverting to Install Mod in Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed ammo selection disappearing when using ship editor in custom gamestarts.
  • Fixed Erlking turret blueprints not being obtainable.
Version: 5.00 HF 3 (475603) - 2022-03-22
  • Fixed Aurora Casino being selected as target in A Demonstration of Power and A Change in Management missions.
  • Fixed bar disappearing if player leaves early during Trading Lessons mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed missing actor in bar during bar investigation during Arcadian Ambitions mission of Pirate story.
  • Fixed research not being possible in Avarice story when starting custom gamestart with Protectyon set to researched.
  • Fixed ship travelling to Avarice sometimes not being warned about Tide.
  • Fixed Kha'ak Forager ships not firing weapons.
  • Fixed game sometimes freezing when loading certain savegames.
  • Fixed saving sometimes taking excessively long.
Version: 5.00 HF 4 (475603) - 2022-03-24
  • Completed localisation of update 5.00 for Simplified Chinese.
  • Updated localisation for Russian, French and Polish.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number

Post by CBJ »

Version: 5.10 (476551) - 2022-04-07
  • Added option to choose which ship to transfer to Mr Dagobas Lahubasis Yorilos III in mission Scrapyard Salvage of Avarice story.
  • Added Protectyon Shield Generator to Logical Station Overview.
  • Added station type icons to station HUD elements.
  • Added automatic mouseover tooltips for truncated texts.
  • Added target elements for Vaults and Landmarks.
  • Added ware reservation information to station cargo display.
  • Added option to use Ctrl+Shift together as modifier for keyboard input.
  • Removed asteroids from Next Target list.
  • Improved player ship starting weapons in Spear of the Patriarch gamestart.
  • Improved Tangling with the Teladi mission by rebalancing loadout of pursuing fleet.
  • Improved ambush attack handling in Enigmatic Avarice mission of Avarice story.
  • Improved time between Boso Ta's calls for Cease and Desist mission in Segaris Pioneer story.
  • Improved ending of Avarice story to avoid reputation loss and prolonged engagement with Vigor Syndicate.
  • Improved balancing of Protectyon availability on Tidebreak.
  • Improved visibility of Long Range Scan ping of Erlking Vaults.
  • Improved aiming of weapons against certain targets such as Kha'ak stations, mass traffic, new ships, and other structures.
  • Improved application of construction plans to stations to reduce cases of modules being recycled and then reconstructed unnecessarily.
  • Improved workforce growth/decline rates to avoid large swings in consumed resources.
  • Improved precision of movement by individual player-owned ships given explicit movement orders.
  • Improved flee behaviour of fleeing ships that already have travel mode active.
  • Improved combat movement of fighters attacking other fighters when the player is around.
  • Improved input information shown in Interaction and External View messages.
  • Improved layout of Ship Modification menu.
  • Improved display of messages on Message Ticker.
  • Improved background in Windfall.
  • Fixed Casino welfare mission sometimes having no objectives.
  • Fixed Casino welfare module research not unlocking in certain cases.
  • Fixed Going Clean mission for Hatikvah sometimes getting stuck.
  • Fixed player sometimes not being able to dock spacesuit at Astrid during Answers in a Faraway System mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed involuntarily being teleported out of spacesuit during Answers in a Faraway System mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed unique Astrid equipment sometimes being missing after successfully capturing it.
  • Fixed rare freeze during Track Ship mission.
  • Fixed missing engine and shield generator on story Katana.
  • Fixed Duke's Buccaneers and Paranid factions not being at war after specific diplomatic choice during Paranid story.
  • Fixed selling Protectyon for high price not triggering The Freest of Markets achievement in Avarice story.
  • Fixed Boso Ta repeating himself in certain cases during Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed issues with racing ship being destroyed prematurely in Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed Boso Ta signal leak not being discoverable in Tides of Avarice sectors.
  • Fixed incorrect Brantlee dialog during Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission in Avarice story.
  • Fixed Dagobas Lahubasis Yorilos III missing during dock conversation with Ebby Bro during Scrapyard Salvage mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed player relation to VIG faction to bring it back up to neutral if it dropped after Avarice story ends.
  • Fixed player being addressed with gamestart character's name in Arcadian Ambitions mission despite having changed it.
  • Fixed Haile Shinamon briefly being hostile towards player if Amplifier is destroyed under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed Godrealm of the Paranid and Holy Order of the Pontifex remaining as client faction for Build Station missions after specific player diplomatic decision.
  • Fixed issues with hacking station in Pirate story.
  • Fixed transfer of credits for mission trades not working.
  • Fixed Vigor Syndicate and Riptide Rakers defence stations not having correct crew.
  • Fixed not being able to reliably use anomalies with large ships.
  • Fixed workforce resources not being bought on stations without production or build modules even though Fill Whole Habitat is set.
  • Fixed some instances where ships that are otherwise able to trade are unable to do looped trades.
  • Fixed hacking of turrets not being taken into account in damage calculations when player is not present.
  • Fixed incorrect weapon damage calculation if same weapon appeared in active primary and secondary weapon groups.
  • Fixed ships sometimes fleeing towards their attacker even though not fleeing toward highway, gate, or station.
  • Fixed police ships and station customs finding illegal wares in cargo holds of ships equipped with Mirage mod.
  • Fixed pirates determining cargo of ships equipped with Mirage mod.
  • Fixed cases of stuck large trade ships trying to execute trade.
  • Fixed ships and modules destroyed while under construction not contributing correct scrap.
  • Fixed last module destroyed on station not contributing scrap.
  • Fixed laser towers firing on enemy objects that are not hostile.
  • Fixed loss of ability to use control stations in first person under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed miners sometimes not being able to gather resources even in non-depleted areas.
  • Fixed stations with processing modules not buying any Raw Scrap if all solid storage capacity is allocated manually.
  • Fixed player receiving excessive gratitude for destroying hostile ships around stations.
  • Fixed Build Storage storage being destructible and restored destroyed storage.
  • Fixed capital ships not being able to collect crates full of cash.
  • Fixed rare case where NPCs would not appear on stations.
  • Fixed certain stations not allowing docking in very extreme savegames.
  • Fixed bridges for docked capital ships being missing from station elevator destinations under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed certain rooms sometimes not appearing in transporter menu.
  • Fixed Closed Loop production method not being listed for certain equipment in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed overlapping texts in Target Monitor and Message Ticker.
  • Fixed selecting specific ware on map overriding all other trade filters.
  • Fixed module search and filter in Station Build menu.
  • Fixed Match Target Speed and Map pan/rotate toggle not working as toggle once any control was remapped.
  • Fixed auto-selected target being lost immediately when looking away in gamepad mode.
  • Fixed current target being lost when changing between mouse and gamepad input.
  • Fixed having to toggle flight assist twice after turning off travel mode.
  • Fixed Direct Mouse Steering mode turning off after using menu.
  • Fixed incorrect button icons being displayed when playing with controller under Linux.
  • Fixed air marshals sometimes performing incorrect gestures during docking.
  • Fixed incorrect positions of certain turrets/shields on Barbarossa.
  • Fixed floating antenna geometry on Baldric and Jian.
  • Fixed off-centre collision issues with Shih.
  • Fixed weapons not being able to properly target Helios E.
  • Fixed various French voice and Chinese Traditional localisation issues.
Version: 5.10 HF 1 (476781) - 2022-04-13
  • Fixed Lu t'Cca not being in his cell in Prison level 1 after player leaves area during The Past a Prison mission of Pirate story.
  • Fixed Teuta potentially getting stuck trying to dismantle wreck that is already being processed by processing module.
  • Fixed player getting very large amounts of money when player-owned capital ships collect deployables.
  • Fixed drones disappearing when recalled while launching.
  • Fixed remaining cases of ships attempting to mine areas without resources.
  • Fixed French voice and Russian localisation issues.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version: 5.10 HF 2 (477240) - 2022-04-27
  • Fixed long freezes and poor performance in station designer with very large stations.
  • Fixed excessive damage from capital ship engines in superhighways.
  • Fixed workforce consuming resources more often than intended.
  • Fixed strange location names in notifications and log.
  • Fixed incorrect orientation of some turrets on Split M Container Storage module.
  • Fixed menu crash when opening Object Information menu for Kha'ak stations.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version: 5.10 HF 3 (479084) - 2022-06-21
  • Re-enabled access to paint mods in online inventory.
  • Basic online functionality is re-enabled, i.e. you can log in to, and out of, your Egosoft account from within the game.
  • You will be able access any paint mods that are in your online inventory, with the same limitations and conditions as before.
  • You will NOT be able to build new venture docks or send ships on ventures, and you will not see any menus related to this.
  • You will NOT receive any "visitor" ships from other players.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number

Post by CBJ »

Version: 6.00 (497467) - 2023-04-12
  • New Feature: Updated graphics engine, with Parallax Occlusion Mapping, Reflection Probes, enhanced lighting, improved shadows, and more.
  • New Feature: Jolt Physics engine.
  • New Feature: Live Stream camera mode.
  • New Feature: Position Defence for carrier-led fleets.
  • New Feature: New Construction Vessel designs for Paranid, Teladi, Split and Terran factions.
  • Added new bombardment assignment for subordinates.
  • Added command to order ships to attack surface elements on designated targets.
  • Added Salvage at Position and Deliver Salvage commands for use with repeat orders.
  • Added self-destruct command for player-owned satellites, resource probes, nav beacons, lasertowers and mines.
  • Added detection and penalty for theft from station build storage.
  • Added more gamestart information, indicating whether they are Tutorial, Guided, Assisted or Sandbox, and adjusted order.
  • Added option to edit Buccaneer relations in Custom Gamestart Editor under certain circumstances.
  • Added Custom Gamestart Editor story states for Tides of Avarice stories.
  • Added player HQ to Station Design Simulator.
  • Added Supervised Mining missions.
  • Added Kha'ak-specific Destroy Station missions.
  • Added extra Signal Leak missions for factions foreign to station owner, allowing player to earn reputation for Vigor Syndicate at Teladi stations and for Fallen Families at Free Families stations.
  • Added news banner to Start Menu.
  • Added hint for missing research to Equipment Mod Workbench menu.
  • Added button to force station build to complete instantly in Station Design Simulator.
  • Added visual hint for destroyed ships in Transaction Log menus.
  • Added links to Object Information and Object Transaction Log from entries in Transaction Log.
  • Added hint about trade entries in Transaction Log to Logbook.
  • Added order descriptions to Interact and New Order context menus.
  • Added mappable hotkeys for deploying objects such as Satellites and Laser Towers.
  • Added mappable hotkeys for giving and aborting player squad attack order.
  • Added option to hold Shift while dragging on map to move orders vertically.
  • Added support for PageUp/PageDown in menu dropdowns.
  • Added search functionality to Controls menu.
  • Added transform gizmo to station editor.
  • Added double-click on module in Station Build menu to focus camera on module.
  • Added shortcut to Manage Plots menu to console in Station Design Simulator
  • Added surface elements of environment object to Next/Previous Target selection.
  • Added warning if NPC-owned ships are about to undock with player on board.
  • Added option to allow player-owned ships to deploy laser towers in response to attack, inspection by police, or pirate harassment.
  • Added conversation option to return to normal duties when talking to pilots belonging to player faction.
  • Added option to cancel multiple construction orders at once.
  • Added options to pre-configure blacklists and fire authorisation overrides when building ships.
  • Added station construction menu help information when expanding HQ for storage relevant to research.
  • Added ship size information to Encyclopedia.
  • Added descriptions to many items in Encyclopedia.
  • Added information about long range scanner range and scan area to Encyclopedia.
  • Added distinction between enemies and hostiles to Encyclopedia faction entries.
  • Added distinction between friendly and allied relations to target monitor.
  • Added more relation perks to Factions and Relations menu.
  • Added option to ignore cargo space reservations when setting up trade loops.
  • Added option to exchange captains when transferring crew.
  • Added possibility to override faction logo per fleet.
  • Added modified hint to Continue Game option in Start menu.
  • Added mission highlight to transporter room button and other elements.
  • Added some landmark stations to Encyclopedia.
  • Added player relation details to Encyclopedia faction entries.
  • Added tooltips explaining Allies, Enemies and Hostiles lists in Encyclopedia.
  • Added tooltips with relation name to Faction and Relations menu.
  • Added Optimal Workforce information to Build Module Encyclopedia entries.
  • Added information about claiming sector ownership to station module Encyclopedia entries.
  • Added engine check light to indicate reduced engine functionality to HUD.
  • Added hull bar animation when receiving damage.
  • Added mission arrow towards platform guidance if not on screen.
  • Added animation when selecting target.
  • Added several new achievements.
  • Added new ultra shadow quality option.
  • Added race-specific command consoles.
  • Added Tides of Avarice soundtrack to Station Design Simulator playlist.
  • Removed Vigor Syndicate food delivery missions as transporting food is illegal in their space.
  • Removed wares required for terraforming from missing resource section in Ship Configuration menu.
  • Removed invalid rebate from two terraforming projects.
  • Removed logbook entries for received surplus and completed trades.
  • Removed "transparent" border around fullscreen menus.
  • Removed weapon group HUD indicators if ship has no weapon slots.
  • Removed info boxes for ships on map.
  • Removed venture inventory tab from spacesuit upgrades.
  • Removed option to turn off save compression (note: with recent improvements to saving this option is no longer advisable for normal users but remains available to modders in a different form).
  • Improved Argon Federation and Godrealm starting relations with player in The Untested Explorer and The Accomplished Scientist starts.
  • Improved Terran Cadet transition into Defenders of Sol mission.
  • Improved Find Resources missions by adding guidance sphere and increasing reward according to how many Resource Probes player will probably need.
  • Improved Deliver Inventory missions by adding option to deliver all matching items at once.
  • Improved Build Station missions by diversifying requirements for defence platforms.
  • Improved Scan mission rewards and accuracy of displayed difficulty if target is hostile.
  • Improved The Fate of the Yaki mission by spawning reward lockboxes in safer location.
  • Improved balancing of Kha'ak Mining Escort Mission difficulty.
  • Improved balancing of some Terraforming projects by making them resilient against setbacks from events such as quakes.
  • Improved room variety for certain missions.
  • Improved Give Seminar conversation choice.
  • Improved placement of data leaks to claim abandoned ships.
  • Improved dock position tolerance when flying capital ship without docking computer.
  • Improved undocking behaviour in certain dock areas.
  • Improved presentation when sharing transporter room with NPCs.
  • Improved Zyarth economy to counter it being overrun by Xenon (affects new games only).
  • Improved faction defence station loadout selection when responding to aggression.
  • Improved fighter combat movement against large targets.
  • Improved coordination within fleets during attack.
  • Improved behavior of ships fleeing from attacks.
  • Improved MoveWait fleet behavior immediately before performing attack.
  • Improved combat behavior of ships in fleet with carrier or fleet auxiliary ship.
  • Improved carrier behavior in combat if all fighter subordinates are on detached assignment.
  • Improved police response to EMP bombs being lobbed at policed stations.
  • Improved ships fleeing Tide when far from any neutral station.
  • Improved handling for attempting ware exchange where transport drones are needed but unavailable.
  • Improved amounts sold by free traders and miners when only selling, particularly across multiple sectors.
  • Improved ship behaviour when colliding with other objects, especially at narrow dock area exits.
  • Improved behaviour of deployable objects such as satellites and nav beacons by limiting effect of forces from anomalies and Tide.
  • Improved S/M ship undocking from build modules.
  • Improved ware exchange between ships and stations to prevent undocking if order starts while ship docked and station doesn't yet have wares to transfer.
  • Improved missile damage and ammo consumption simulation when player not present.
  • Improved capital ships using forward-mounted guns in combat when player not present.
  • Improved accuracy of multi-barreled beam turrets firing at missiles.
  • Improved capital ship transition through jump gates and accelerators.
  • Improved approach to target in preparation for launching boarding pods.
  • Improved reliability of attack subordinates engaging commander's target.
  • Improved resupply behavior to allow ships that have loadout level of 0 to automatically get repairs as needed.
  • Improved decision-making for when commanders recall subordinates upon receiving move order.
  • Improved responsiveness of attack subordinates when commander attacks new target.
  • Improved explicit command Attack Surface Elements by preventing ships ever firing at target's hull intentionally.
  • Improved collection of multiple drops in same area by multiple ships.
  • Improved signal and data leaks on stations to be in more varied locations.
  • Improved container magnet making pickups much more reliable.
  • Improved behavior of missile-armed fighters attacking stations or capital ships.
  • Improved cohesion of travelling fleets when player is not present.
  • Improved notification and logbook entry for player-owned ships and stations being destroyed.
  • Improved presentation of out-of-stock items in Ship Upgrade menu.
  • Improved estimated arrival time of incoming deliveries.
  • Improved ship upgrade by allowing multiple ships with equipment from another race to be upgraded if all ships share same equipment.
  • Improved factory icons to indicate produced ware.
  • Improved Options menu by making it full-screen.
  • Improved messages in message ticker and logbook for attacked or destroyed player property.
  • Improved control mode messages to be informative rather than commanding.
  • Improved visuals when showing in-game scenes on target monitor.
  • Improved HUD visualisation when enemies enter weapon range.
  • Improved storage type colours in Logical Station Overview to match module design better.
  • Improved display of turret group modifications in Object Loadout menu.
  • Improved visibility by decreasing brightness of window dirt at border of cockpit glass.
  • Improved matching of corridors to rooms on Argon stations.
  • Improved pilot chair in Terran ships.
  • Improved transporter room visuals.
  • Improved readability of stars for NPC skills.
  • Improved reflections on cockpit glass.
  • Improved impact and muzzle sounds for various weapons.
  • Improved thruster sound volume to be less obtrusive while maneuvering.
  • Improved sound occlusion in interiors.
  • Improved high and ultra graphics presets to include screen space reflections (change only applied when reselecting preset).
  • Improved deadzone in default input profiles for gamepads by reducing it from 50% to 10%.
  • Improved game startup time, and time for loading and saving savegames.
  • Fixed selected stories in Custom Gamestart Editor depending on Headquarters and Staff story state not resetting when removing HQ story.
  • Fixed player custom gamestart stations losing any special names defined in their construction plans.
  • Fixed being able to destroy missile drop in Flight School tutorial.
  • Fixed being able to assign pilots to certain plot ships which should have been restricted.
  • Fixed problems with Escape Plan mission if it occurs in Grand Exchange I.
  • Fixed Welfare Module research mission Casino station being invulnerable before mission starts.
  • Fixed Transport Passenger mission spawning passenger in brig.
  • Fixed Hack Panel missions asking player to hack panel that has already been hacked.
  • Fixed Hack Panel missions targeting station belonging to same faction that is offering mission.
  • Fixed A Pirate's Trail mission getting stuck if Wolfish Heart is destroyed in one shot, or during initial dialog.
  • Fixed wrong mission objective if target ship gets destroyed early during Seem Valuable mission of Split story.
  • Fixed Guard placement in Antigone Station corridor during Covert Operations story.
  • Fixed player Cover ship being owned by Argon during Zyarth's Coffin mission of Split story.
  • Fixed story not progressing if station to which wares should be delivered is destroyed during Zyarth's Coffin mission of Split story.
  • Fixed important wreck in Flight School tutorial being destructible.
  • Fixed conversation stalling during build segment of Advanced Scenario.
  • Fixed missing hints and menu highlighting in Terran version of HQ dock construction mission.
  • Fixed Dagobas Lahubasis Yorilos III trying to escape into own ship while talking to him on bridge during Trade Obstruction mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed not being able to complete Avarice story race with L-sized ship.
  • Fixed Manager's Office displaying wrong trophy after completing Arcadian Endeavour story.
  • Fixed From the Ashes mission getting stuck if Duke's Haven gets destroyed before player can deliver manager.
  • Fixed Geometric Owl attacking random Xenon in The Void instead of staying put to allow players to dock during Second Assistant mission of Pioneer Terraforming story.
  • Fixed ship delivery missions not updating which ships to transfer after first recognised ships are removed from delivery area.
  • Fixed several issues with Scale Plate subscription missions.
  • Fixed timers for supply factory missions getting stuck at zero.
  • Fixed some missions having excessively long time limits.
  • Fixed stations belonging to civilian faction offering missions.
  • Fixed not being able to dock at Keepsafe after it is rebuilt.
  • Fixed relations between Vigor Syndicate and Ministry of Finance to be actively hostile.
  • Fixed mission offer which cannot be accepted for Trade Obstruction mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed Dr. Rick Feynman aborting remote call by disallowing calling during item delivery in Double Assistant mission of Pioneer Terraforming story.
  • Fixed various issues with Torus riddle during Torus Aeternal mission of Pioneer Terraforming story.
  • Fixed Terran military ships remaining hostile after completing Terran Pests mission by reaching Torus in Pioneer Terraforming story.
  • Fixed Ace's ship remaining invulnerable after Arcadian Endeavour story completed.
  • Fixed station ownership not also transferring blueprints in Avarice Story.
  • Fixed build station mission rewards sometimes being up to 64 credits short.
  • Fixed Direct Mouse Steering sometimes reactivating in Flight School after player turned it off.
  • Fixed Arcadian Endeavour story not rewarding adequate MIN faction relation if siding with Mellerd.
  • Fixed Terran Cadet gamestart getting Defenders of Sol mission without having completed intro mission.
  • Fixed case of Trade Obstruction mission not starting in Avarice story.
  • Fixed case of Assemble Fleet mission getting stuck.
  • Fixed False Sense Of Security signal leak mission not providing boarding target.
  • Fixed guild missions not being offered if one was accepted from another guild.
  • Fixed Collect Drops retaining ownership of abandoned cargo containers on order cancellation if one cargo container had earlier already been collected.
  • Fixed Terran "Covert Ops" mission activating even when set to completed in custom gamestart.
  • Fixed mission ship trapped in minefield fleeing after being scanned by police.
  • Fixed Supervised Mining missions being offered by factions that do not have M-sized miners.
  • Fixed being able to buy multiple Astrid ships from Northriver Company at end of Avarice story.
  • Fixed duplicate voice line when accepting certain missions.
  • Fixed signal leaks not offering any hack missions.
  • Fixed playback of terraforming debriefing message videos.
  • Fixed Scale Plate Pact not attempting to rebuild Pirate Bases.
  • Fixed Rhak Patriarchy not being at war with Argon Federation and Antigone Republic.
  • Fixed asteroids with extreme yield in Family Nhuut.
  • Fixed certain major stations and factories sometimes not spawning on gamestart.
  • Fixed some stations unintentionally spawning in hazardous regions.
  • Fixed Yaki ships sometimes not having weapons.
  • Fixed generated loadouts in some shipyards/wharfs/equipment docks not matching available equipment.
  • Fixed subordinate traders sometimes buying from homebase and selling right back to it.
  • Fixed research storage targets exceeding research ware requirements under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed being able to activate travel mode in ship without flight assist software.
  • Fixed ships sometimes firing at empty space when attacking large target.
  • Fixed multiple beam weapons attacking same target not draining shields as quickly as expected.
  • Fixed lockboxes standing still after saving and loading.
  • Fixed ships with repair drones sometimes not repairing at expected speed.
  • Fixed ships that are about to dock or are executing trades in Avarice ignoring Tide warning.
  • Fixed case that could result in station-based miners failing to execute assignment.
  • Fixed traders sometimes not finding valid trades when operating in only one space.
  • Fixed ships sometimes trading with build storage of destroyed stations.
  • Fixed station trade subordinates selling station trade wares to factions prohibited by associated trade rules.
  • Fixed player sometimes being blamed for objects destroyed by hazardous regions.
  • Fixed player-owned subordinates and capital ships sometimes traversing unexplored sectors when moving between sectors.
  • Fixed ships trying to resupply at stations or ships they cannot dock at.
  • Fixed ships belonging to some factions failing to restock deployables and ammo.
  • Fixed ware exchange stalling if exchange partners are already parked when ware exchange order begins.
  • Fixed attacking ships sometimes overshooting target on initial approach.
  • Fixed ships sometimes ignoring collisions when interrupted while docking.
  • Fixed non-capital ships with subordinates that are not moving with commander needlessly attempting to synchronize movements to fleet at gate transitions.
  • Fixed defence subordinates sometimes losing track of ships in fleet that are not subordinates of immediate commander.
  • Fixed case that could prevent capital ships dealing with fleet auxiliary ships which are attached to fleets.
  • Fixed ships attacking capital ships or stations not using all active weapons when weapons are activated while already in combat.
  • Fixed capital ships intentionally destroying targets that they were directed to disable while assisting boarding operation
  • Fixed capital ships tending to maintain distance beyond turret range when directed to support boarding operation by destroying surface elements.
  • Fixed subordinates not docking if immediate commander is explicitly ordered to dock at carrier that is in command hierarchy.
  • Fixed case that could result in commanders ordering subordinates to dock indefinitely.
  • Fixed subordinates of subordinates of carriers undocking when carrier subordinate formation is changed via carrier.
  • Fixed ships with looped orders repeatedly trying to dock at now-destroyed destinations.
  • Fixed ships attacking attackers when going in for repairs or ammo.
  • Fixed fleeing ships erroneously concluding that second flee attempt was successful.
  • Fixed boarding pods becoming inactive when sent to abandoned ships when assigned marine was in transit.
  • Fixed illegal activities such as hitting stations with EMP bombs not triggering police response.
  • Fixed police ships sometimes attacking own faction's ships if those ships interrupt investigation.
  • Fixed ships in formation that are not subordinates doing no combat damage when player not present.
  • Fixed dismantled objects sometimes remaining in space much longer than they should.
  • Fixed wrecks being auto-selected when not flying salvage ships.
  • Fixed salvage subordinates not updating ranges after commander station's manager is replaced.
  • Fixed salvagers finding unknown wrecks.
  • Fixed salvage-related activities not contributing to skill gain.
  • Fixed pilots sometimes getting stuck when replacing another pilot.
  • Fixed difficulty docking manually when Collision Avoidance option is active.
  • Fixed Split flak turret bullets not exploding.
  • Fixed force effects of anomalies and some other objects not working.
  • Fixed small wrecks stuck in capital ship geometry interfering with player controls.
  • Fixed wrecks disappearing while being dismantled if player leaves area.
  • Fixed stuck doors or non-interactable buttons and panels on platforms after loading save.
  • Fixed non-interactable airlock after loading save.
  • Fixed invalid airlock state if cycled too quickly.
  • Fixed NPCs sometimes standing within objects on dock areas.
  • Fixed autopilot not being able to navigate towards unknown mission location when mission guidance towards target is available.
  • Fixed subordinates assigned to mimic auto-trader setting anchor to commander location when initiating search for trades.
  • Fixed Self-destruct command not working on deployables when invoked in first-person view.
  • Fixed relief pilots sometimes not retaking control when requested.
  • Fixed resetting aim assist option to default always turning it off on next start.
  • Fixed player weapon fire converging too soon when using mouse to aim at own ship in external view.
  • Fixed mass traffic not appearing under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed player-owned ships always undocking without waiting for player if player has never controlled any ship.
  • Fixed SETA being cancelled when pilot activates travel mode while player is seated passenger.
  • Fixed exaggerated speed change when colliding with moving objects at low relative speed.
  • Fixed steering being slowed down when in relative movement to ship in travel mode.
  • Fixed AI captain taking over boarding ship after player launched further pods sending more marines to target.
  • Fixed subordinates assigned to intercept not engaging targets if all subordinates are in internal storage.
  • Fixed subordinates stopping moving when player gets close enough to see them.
  • Fixed military and mining ships sometimes being built without weapons and shields if wharf/shipyard is low on resources.
  • Fixed Split Raptors sometimes being built with no turrets or shields.
  • Fixed ships idling potentially indefinitely in ring highway.
  • Fixed speed restriction zone in Teladi dock area not covering all docks.
  • Fixed ships missing signal that Tide has changed to calm phase.
  • Fixed excessive numbers of ships wanting to restock equipment at gamestart.
  • Fixed basic connection modules having incorrect production costs.
  • Fixed ships that cannot collect lockboxes repeatedly attempting to do so.
  • Fixed ships refusing to attack disguised ships that were hostile when attack order was given.
  • Fixed Revisit Known Stations not updating Space if Position changed such that it is no longer in Space.
  • Fixed player being blamed for environmental damage in player-owned sectors.
  • Fixed sometimes running into invisible wall briefly, immediately after teleporting to new ship.
  • Fixed issues entering spacesuit from ship that is in relative movement to capital ship.
  • Fixed sticky bullets continually adding impulse to hit object.
  • Fixed incorrect direction of impulse added by bullet hits.
  • Fixed laser towers sometimes slowly drifting away.
  • Fixed pushing effect of anomalies being incorrect when approaching from certain angles.
  • Fixed ships sometimes taking much longer to align when player not present due to rotating wrong way.
  • Fixed ware exchange with player's personal ship failing if more than one item queued for exchange.
  • Fixed player-controlled Builder Ships being shown as available for assignment to construction sites.
  • Fixed ships with minimal storage capacity failing to pick up all containers when ordered to collect many full containers of wares.
  • Fixed subordinates of subordinates who are docked at commander repeatedly trying to dock when they cannot do so.
  • Fixed incorrect station storage capacity predictions from ware reservations.
  • Fixed escape pods sitting in space if there are no nearby stations to flee to.
  • Fixed licence requirements for Habitat Modules to fit relation progression.
  • Fixed some dock requests persisting indefinitely.
  • Fixed construction vessels not honoring blacklists.
  • Fixed subordinates sometimes getting assigned to different subordinate groups on commander destruction.
  • Fixed player being allowed to dock while towing an object.
  • Fixed case that could lead to drones waiting indefinitely for dock to be assigned.
  • Fixed ships sometimes failing to navigate out of dock areas.
  • Fixed S/M ship undocking from Teladi Trading Station.
  • Fixed autopilot flying into gate or accelerator geometry after transition.
  • Fixed AI usage of charged weapons.
  • Fixed docked ships sometimes being stored immediately after retrieval.
  • Fixed towed objects not moving correctly when player not nearby.
  • Fixed Salvage in Radius order icon displaying question mark icon.
  • Fixed equipment mod quality indicators in surface element lists missing when using workbench under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed traders sometimes not finding trades if only one valid trade in their operational area.
  • Fixed autopilot breaking after going through gate.
  • Fixed gamestart description texts being cut-off under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed duplicate entries in Custom Gamestart Editor blueprint selection.
  • Fixed missing consumables from details of currently edited ship in Ship Configuration menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed mission targets being repeatedly highlighted under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed hire and work somewhere else menus being available for spacesuits.
  • Fixed price and discount/commission information sometimes being incorrect in trade context menu.
  • Fixed maximum number of docked ships in Object Information menu.
  • Fixed missing timers on chain missions in Mission Manager menus.
  • Fixed station construction plan changes sometimes being lost when applied.
  • Fixed missing warning about changes to station construction plans when closing any menu opened from Station Build menu.
  • Fixed Long Range Scanner not seeing stations with Protectyon Shield Generator module.
  • Fixed station plots in Xenon space showing licence costs before placement.
  • Fixed boarding menu allowing selection of arriving marines.
  • Fixed crew on destroyed ships being listed in Personnel Management menu.
  • Fixed missing ticker message when player unlocks new Timeline entry.
  • Fixed missing/mismatching data in target monitor under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed terraforming projects showing wrong cooldown when they were never started before.
  • Fixed ware descriptions in trader menus not updating under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed scrolling in menus when mouse is over certain parts of screen.
  • Fixed selected object icon not appearing on Map when zoomed out.
  • Fixed wrecks of civilian ships being hidden on Map if civilian ships are not shown but wrecks are.
  • Fixed player sector not appearing on map if using space suit after hitching ride to unknown sector.
  • Fixed dropdown to change assignment of all subordinates in subordinate group failing to do so.
  • Fixed menu crash in station storage list under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed icons of recyclables being visible in fog of war.
  • Fixed mines dropped by trapped lockboxes not showing as red in UI.
  • Fixed Spacesuit Engines not showing hologram visuals in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed Terran names for maintenance and fabrication bays in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed potential damage to objects in universe from missiles that explode in Encyclopedia view.
  • Fixed suggestions for keyboard and mouse buttons being displayed in some cases when only playing with controller or joystick.
  • Fixed workers leaving lights on when production modules are inactive.
  • Fixed distinction between enemy and hostile factions in Faction and Relations menu.
  • Fixed colour of target monitor relation for neutral objects.
  • Fixed dropdown for changing existing subordinate groups' assignments causing groups to merge if another group already has same assignment.
  • Fixed dialog option highlight dot sometimes overlapping text.
  • Fixed modifying multi-ship selection in Property Owned menu with Ctrl key not working under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed missing icon for salvage in radius order.
  • Fixed External View being available for mass traffic and ships in internal storage.
  • Fixed missing buttons when changing trade ware filter in Map.
  • Fixed dialog tooltips being wrongly positioned and missing background.
  • Fixed duplicated mouse-over texts for ware reservations.
  • Fixed progress bars of repeatable terraforming projects not working after first time.
  • Fixed Ship Information menu not being usable with keyboard or controller under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed menu crash in Logical Station Overview menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed menu crash in Custom Gamestart Editor under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed inconsistent information about gate and accelerator destinations in both HUD and ship computer voice.
  • Fixed voice playback in Timeline getting interrupted by other voices.
  • Fixed beam weapon sounds being considered "ambient" instead of "effects" for sound volumes.
  • Fixed location of casino room in certain dock areas causing visible clipping.
  • Fixed invisible wall in Condor and Stork cockpit preventing you from accessing pilot console.
  • Fixed being unable to select objects when sitting in pilot chair of Ides.
  • Fixed being unable to select asteroids from Drill miner.
  • Fixed engine jet "flames" not animating correctly for several XS ships.
  • Fixed game having wrong resolution after choosing 1280x720 or similar small resolutions in fullscreen mode.
  • Fixed custom gamestart cutscenes sometimes being distorted.
  • Fixed looking in wrong direction when teleporting to Alligator (Liquid).
  • Fixed being able to fall off dock area of Phoenix.
  • Fixed Zeus docking position being too close to pier.
  • Fixed Zeus E XS dock being out of position.
  • Fixed Osaka missing some detail.
  • Fixed Terran L container storage having incorrect collisions container modules.
  • Fixed missing wreck for Atlas E resupplier.
  • Fixed Hokkaido (Mineral) internal rooms clipping through geometry.
  • Fixed mirrored ship ID on Prometheus.
  • Fixed Chthonios E (Mineral) ship ID not being shown correctly on hull.
  • Fixed gap on dockarea of Erlking.
  • Fixed paint mods being applied to surfaces they should not be used on.
  • Fixed door of Elite not being affected by paint mods.
  • Fixed Manorina (Gas) paint mod not being applied correctly.
  • Fixed various cockpits having applied paint mods in unwanted areas.
  • Fixed flickering in Turquoise Sea with open comms.
  • Fixed occasional flickering of subtitles when multiple pilots speak over comm channels.
  • Fixed issues with shadows on glass surfaces.
  • Fixed shadows disappearing under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed bright line appearing in some shadows.
  • Fixed fog sometimes disappearing briefly after loading.
  • Fixed radar visuals with low quality FSR and small resolutions.
  • Fixed capital ship interior corridors not matching style of constructing race.
  • Fixed visual holes in Theseus cockpit.
  • Fixed hole in Terran vertical connection module.
  • Fixed pink geometry appearing on Raptor bridge.
  • Fixed LODs of pirate casino being rotated incorrectly.
  • Fixed rooms visibly overlapping when talking to Dal while in different room on HQ.
  • Fixed incorrect opening of space suit dock hatches on Chthonios, Zeus, Osaka and Syn.
  • Fixed Paranid heads clipping into roof console on Callisto, Discoverer, Pulsar and Quasar.
  • Fixed Paranid player unable to leave Kyd chair.
  • Fixed Chimera Transporter door not fully opening.
  • Fixed visual holes in pirate S ships.
  • Fixed missing Erlking L turrets sounds.
  • Fixed missing environment sounds after loading station design simulator.
  • Fixed custom logos with upper-case letters in filename not being loaded in Linux version.
  • Fixed performance stutter when approaching highly populated docks.
  • Fixed noticeable freeze when closing station editor for very large stations.
  • Fixed rare freeze during startup.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version: 6.00 HF 1 (497467) - 2023-04-15
  • Fixed missing voices for some characters in French and German.
Version: 6.00 HF 2 (498349) - 2023-04-27
  • Fixed Queen's Herald gamestart not being unlocked by default.
  • Fixed The High Road mission not being offered if Boron story is set to complete in Creative Custom gamestart.
  • Fixed Repair Ship disappearing in Terran Secret Service story.
  • Fixed Hatikvah Arms Delivery mission not proceeding when delivering ships during Boron Plot.
  • Fixed Menelaus' Reminiscence getting stuck in hazardous region at end of The High Road mission.
  • Fixed The High Road mission not accepting temporary player ship back if provided consumables were used.
  • Fixed Geometric Owl being trapped in wrong position in Torus during Torus Aeternal mission of Pioneer Terraforming story.
  • Fixed suitless Boron sometimes being client for various missions.
  • Fixed Friends in Low Places achievement not triggering.
  • Fixed wrecks in Sanctuary of Darkness being destroyed and not awarding achievement.
  • Fixed hull damage from "thunder" region in Sanctuary of Darkness.
  • Fixed selection of navigation beacons for HQ warping not working in some gamestarts.
  • Fixed excessive explosive asteroids being created over time.
  • Fixed missing population numbers in most Boron systems.
  • Fixed missing illegal wares for Boron faction.
  • Fixed rare case of game incorrectly being detected as "modified" when entering Jupiter system.
  • Fixed freeze when changing graphics settings with game installed on very fast drive.
  • Fixed missing voice lines for English, French and German.
  • Fixed screen going black towards end of loading certain savegames.
  • Fixed specific case of stuttering.
Version: 6.00 HF 3 (498552) - 2023-05-04
  • Fixed signal leaks never appearing in Terran Pests mission of Pioneer Terraforming story for some people.
  • Fixed some (not all) cases of deployables colliding with deploying object on launch.
  • Fixed ships frequently flying through damaging regions in Sanctuary of Darkness.
  • Fixed wrong lines being spoken for several French voice lines.
  • Fixed incorrect file cleanup when downloading Steam Workshop extensions on Linux.
  • Fixed excessive UI performance loss in various situations.
  • Fixed game not starting on some Windows 7 systems.
Version: 6.00 HF 4 (498964) - 2023-05-11
  • Added fallback handling to separate ships that are stuck inside each other.
  • Fixed SCA Minotaur getting destroyed by VIG during Minotaur Hunting mission of Pirate story.
  • Fixed guidance telling player to go back after escaping radar range into another sector during Terran Pests mission of Pioneer Terraforming story.
  • Fixed missing signal leak during Dubious Dealings mission of Pirate story.
  • Fixed missing signal leak during Reclaiming What Was Lost mission of Terraforming story.
  • Fixed Ocean of Fantasy showing no population after terraforming.
  • Fixed settlements information not being updated after terraforming.
  • Fixed mission objectives to scan stations suggesting that player docks instead.
  • Fixed Boron ship crews from player-owned shipyards having excessive skills or no suits.
  • Fixed traders sometimes not finding trades if dealing with only one ware.
  • Fixed issues with container magnet when piloting capital ship.
  • Fixed travel mode always aborting once ship reaches 20km/s.
  • Fixed excessive speed when player ship exits superhighway without autopilot.
  • Fixed player-controlled capital ships being affected by collisions with asteroids.
  • Fixed repair drones colliding with ship they're repairing.
  • Fixed collisions between capital ships and region wrecks.
  • Fixed remaining cases of deployables colliding with launching ship.
  • Fixed travel mode being cancelled by minor collisions.
  • Fixed Tidebreak dock becoming blocked by adding a second dock area.
  • Fixed NPCs not being able to use elevator on Barracuda properly.
  • Fixed Porpoise hatch becoming invisible.
  • Fixed game slowing down if mining ship with full cargo hold is given sole repeated order to mine.
Version: 6.00 HF 5 (499061) - 2023-05-15
  • Improved capital ship combat movement particularly when large number of capital ships attack single target.
  • Improved ship response to Tide in Avarice.
  • Fixed Boron Queen Carrier and Kingdom End Fleet in Boron plot being boardable.
  • Fixed Holy Three-Dimensionality mission getting stuck if destination station's dock destroyed.
  • Fixed signal leak generation during Court Case mission of Split Story.
  • Fixed welfare module research mission sometimes getting stuck if signal leak destroyed.
  • Fixed capital ships jumping through gates sometimes materialising very far from exit gate.
  • Fixed stations sometimes not offering rewards for destroying hostile ships close to them.
  • Fixed ships getting stuck indefinitely trying to get out of ship storage.
  • Fixed autopilot not properly disengaging when active while player teleports away.
  • Fixed ware exchange sometimes resulting in involved ship being unresponsive indefinitely.
  • Fixed attack subordinates not engaging commander's targets after first one when there are multiple targets.
  • Fixed inactive subordinates assigned to intercept or bombard not engaging hostile targets when set to launch while hostile targets already in radar range.
  • Fixed patrolling ships and interceptor subordinates engaging pods and space suits by default.
  • Fixed several issues with fallback code to separate stuck ships.
  • Fixed Boron Ray sometimes not firing main battery when it should.
  • Fixed pirate ships sometimes assuming cover identity while under fire.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number

Post by CBJ »

Version: 6.10 (506382) - 2023-06-20

Note: The 6.10 update is primarily a technical update to allow those who have been participating in the MTS Public Beta to move back onto a release version.
  • Added summary of docked player-owned ships to objects in Object List and Property Owned menus.
  • Fixed seminars given to service crew and marines not being applied correctly.
  • Fixed being able to sell non-sellable ships under certain circumstances.
Version: 6.10 HF 1 (509827) - 2023-07-25
  • Fixed graphical issues with some AMD driver versions (workaround disables volumetric fog when affected drivers used).
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number

Post by CBJ »

Version: 6.20 (511811) - 2023-08-24
  • Added option to enable Venture Extension in offline game to allow access to exclusive venture objects.
  • Added option to start Boron Story by talking to Numanckaret on Wayfinder ship.
  • Added possibility to get NPCs from DLC races as reward for terraforming competition projects.
  • Added indicator line for steering direction in mouse steering mode.
  • Added option to re-enable mouse steering automatically.
  • Added remaining time element to interactive events.
  • Added option to choose Start menu background scene.
  • Added Start Game button to New Game menu.
  • Added hotkey control mapping to trigger Teleport.
  • Added tooltips for available Interact menu option hotkeys.
  • Added functionality to Interact menu hotkey to also now close Interact menu again.
  • Added shortcut option to assign player-owned Builder ship to construction site in Interact menu.
  • Added Czech localisation.
  • Changed name of Advanced Gameplay tutorial to Additional Gameplay.
  • Changed interactive events on target monitor to not disappear while game paused.
  • Changed ware filters in Map menu to only be active when trade filter enabled.
  • Changed Boron Ray Ion Projector to prevent shots from charging up while still cooling down from previous one.
  • Improved Queen's Herald gamestart description by adding warning that Boron story will be skipped.
  • Improved Nav Beacon handling and mission objective description for Blazing the Trail mission of Boron story.
  • Improved dialogue handling for Propositions and Negotiations mission of Boron story.
  • Improved station construction tutorial in Additional Gameplay scenario.
  • Improved balancing of generic Escort mission.
  • Improved police response to hostile activity in sectors they are responsible for.
  • Improved stations transferring excess earnings to player's account.
  • Improved AutoTrade with ships that have Mirage hull mod.
  • Improved reliability of NPC ships responding to distress calls.
  • Improved combat behavior of fighters carrying mines.
  • Improved mines by disabling explosion if hit by bullets before reaching safety distance from launching object.
  • Improved capital ship combat targeting behavior against stations.
  • Improved gate traversal while attacking.
  • Improved capital ship movement when clearing gates on transition.
  • Improved docking with moving ships.
  • Improved police response to EMP attacks on stations.
  • Improved reliability of capital ships parking at one another to trade.
  • Improved conversation options when talking with pilots belonging to player faction.
  • Improved lighting in Boron Start menu background scene.
  • Improved asteroid explosions.
  • Improved various sounds by adding muffling effect based on distance from the source.
  • Fixed foreign ship stuck in player's fleet after The High Road mission.
  • Fixed player's wingmate unintentionally disappearing from his ship in Solborn Militia and Yaki plots.
  • Fixed case of ZYA fighters not attacking freighter during Report to Slave Trader 2 mission of Split Story.
  • Fixed Yu t'Knk sometimes being missing during End of Oppression mission of Split story.
  • Fixed wrong mission guidance during Rebellious Thralls mission of Split story.
  • Fixed player ships not being created if player is below docking relations during Seem Valuable and Zyarth's Coffin missions of Split story.
  • Fixed Sanctuary of Darkness highway activating when linear highways are disabled in Creative Custom Gamestart.
  • Fixed Sanctuary of Darkness highway not activating automatically in Budgeted Custom Gamestart.
  • Fixed Casino welfare module not being unlocked after selecting it for Custom Gamestart.
  • Fixed Boron story Custom Gamestart unlock states not updating when loading save.
  • Fixed The Fan story starting even if it was set to be complete in Custom Gamestart.
  • Fixed Split story stalling in certain Custom Gamestarts.
  • Fixed some Trinity jobs and missions wrongly assuming Trinity has been formed.
  • Fixed Gate Charging animation continuing after Heretic's End Gate Opening cutscene was aborted.
  • Fixed Diplomatic Outpost mission selecting wrong player station for transfer by allowing them to select station in Boron Story.
  • Fixed Numanckaret not ending conversation after Queen's Audience in Boron story.
  • Fixed Boron story mission offer call and email still happening in Queen's Herald Game Start.
  • Fixed Nila Ti's unmanned ship remaining after Queen's Reception in Boron Story.
  • Fixed Nila dropping unlimited Spacesuit Bombs in Astronomical Observations mission.
  • Fixed case of Boron Story not progressing after Stellar Observation cutscene in Astronomical Observations mission.
  • Fixed A Return to Normal Order mission spawning lasertowers that are hostile to nearby station.
  • Fixed excessive voice spam when player scans wrong ship in High-Tech Hold-Up mission.
  • Fixed Trade Obstruction mission sometimes losing briefing text and objectives if conversation is started.
  • Fixed not being able to bring Axiom back to Arcadian Endeavour in M or L-sized ships in Blueprint Data Theft mission.
  • Fixed Dal sometimes not starting Covert Operations plot when prompted.
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour of item traders and station interiors during Heretic's End HQ introduction.
  • Fixed some mission clients on docks having excessive skills and having hiring price.
  • Fixed excessive player ship speed after loading savegame.
  • Fixed charging weapons cooling down while they are holding shots to be released.
  • Fixed ship repair not prioritizing wrecked engines.
  • Fixed ships refusing to attack Mk1 lasertowers.
  • Fixed capital ships stopping main battery fire while in combat.
  • Fixed ships sometimes having trouble docking at extremely large player stations.
  • Fixed ships sometimes getting stuck in loop of storing and retrieving.
  • Fixed ships sometimes being moved to internal storage before finishing docking.
  • Fixed dock assignment persisting when stopping control of ship.
  • Fixed ships without docking computer not docking if below target height.
  • Fixed wharves sometimes not freeing up docking bays for additional ship construction.
  • Fixed capital ships sometimes repeatedly turning in combat and not getting chance to move.
  • Fixed excessive rotation speed of capital ships after collisions.
  • Fixed being able to lower elevator of certain ships before they finish docking.
  • Fixed transporter room transition breaking when player jumps.
  • Fixed physics mass being too low for certain objects such as asteroids.
  • Fixed station account exploit when station given to another faction.
  • Fixed not being able to upgrade player-controlled ship with Repeat orders default behaviour.
  • Fixed mining ships refusing to mine in their commander's hazardous sector unless they have no choice.
  • Fixed capital-class trade ships sometimes failing to trade with fleet auxiliary ships when they should be able to.
  • Fixed transport drones of player-controlled capital ships collecting crates containing wares that ship cannot carry.
  • Fixed rare issue that could result in HQ not requesting sufficient terraforming resources.
  • Fixed resources that are also used for terraforming or research sometimes not being bought in sufficient amounts.
  • Fixed stations that require 0 credits never transferring excess earnings to the player account.
  • Fixed Boron Shipyards not paying appropriate price for Water.
  • Fixed Vigor Syndicate raiding parties concentrating at Windfall.
  • Fixed Tidebreak station not having any NPCs walking around.
  • Fixed ships sometimes waiting for signal while already in Avarice in response to tide warning.
  • Fixed Advanced Composite factory being hard to hit by NPC controlled ships.
  • Fixed escape pods being treated as targets for attack under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed escape pods appearing hostile when they shouldn't be.
  • Fixed ships moving to attack, but not firing upon, targets that they are not authorised to attack.
  • Fixed police sometimes mistaking compliance for refusal to comply.
  • Fixed ships failing to dock at some stations with covered dock areas.
  • Fixed ships having trouble docking at very large stations from some positions.
  • Fixed player space suit weapon groups being reset after teleporting during space walk.
  • Fixed hacking of turret control panels not affecting missile turrets.
  • Fixed some cases of characters warping after using lift on Boron ships.
  • Fixed M ships sometimes not being able to undock from stations with only one M docking bay.
  • Fixed busy shipyards being indefinitely blocked by docked capital ships if their build is scheduled behind others.
  • Fixed trade ware buy/sell offers being removed when disabling manual buy/sell amount.
  • Fixed being able to reassign croupier NPCs via the station info menu.
  • Fixed long delay before NPCs appear on some stations.
  • Fixed wharves and shipyards potentially having multiple ship dealer shops with only one having anyone serving.
  • Fixed trade station dock areas on player stations sometimes not having any shops.
  • Fixed player-owned black market trader sometimes appearing on player HQ.
  • Fixed getting stuck in floor when getting up under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed ships that were on ventures when Multiverse Team Seasons beta testing ended sometimes not returning properly.
  • Fixed Yasur spawned from online inventory not applying default paint mod.
  • Fixed Venture inventory items sometimes not being available in new games.
  • Fixed Queendom of Boron and Duke's Buccaneers not being enemies.
  • Fixed player relations towards Provinces Adrift/Queendom of Boron not updating correctly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Bob the Builder Achievement in saves where it had triggered beta testing.
  • Fixed not being able to switch live stream view channels in some cases.
  • Fixed inconsistency in mining behavior between viewing miner in live stream view and being in same sector.
  • Fixed very long story messages not being displayed correctly.
  • Fixed missions listed multiple times in Interact menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed missing resource options in Station Configuration menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed menu crash when upgrading multiple ships in Ship Configuration menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Processing Modules not showing products and resources in Station Configuration menu.
  • Fixed trade wares being removed when removing buy and sell offer in Logical Station Overview menu.
  • Fixed fleet sector in Map menu being shown incorrectly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed identical upgrades not being preserved under certain circumstances when upgrading multiple ships in Ship Upgrade menu.
  • Fixed selected object not being shown in Object Information section of Map menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Object Information of Map menu sometimes not loading when querying some S or M ships.
  • Fixed transaction information for Faction Representative trade menus being too small.
  • Fixed menu sliders not correctly registering clicks under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed jittering target elements in external view under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed not being able to target super highway gates in Map menu.
  • Fixed target element for stored-away ship appearing in middle of screen.
  • Fixed Select all Sectors option in Custom Gamestart Editor selecting hidden and disabled options.
  • Fixed order of subordinates in tooltips when assigning roles being inconsistent.
  • Fixed missing control mode messages under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed human characters looking distorted when leaning on table.
  • Fixed not being able to select all objects from Peregrine cockpit.
  • Fixed wrecks in debris fields fading out too early.
  • Fixed visual issue with Boron S mining laser.
  • Fixed strange text in some Boron sector backgrounds.
  • Fixed seam in Menelaus Oasis background.
  • Fixed silicon carbide production module visually jumping when getting closer.
  • Fixed overly dark dockarea on Argon Colossus with reflection probes enabled.
  • Fixed paint decals appearing dirty.
  • Fixed player logo glow.
  • Fixed graphical issues with some AMD driver versions.
  • Fixed repeating row-change sounds in Map menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed beam sounds to originate from beam instead of weapon.
  • Fixed certain sounds being too loud while the game is saving.
  • Fixed controllers drifting in low framerate situations under Linux.
  • Fixed game hanging in fullscreen cutscenes under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed possible freeze when manually docking ship that has trade order loop.
  • Fixed memory leak resulting in out of memory errors in very long play sessions.
  • Fixed rare crash when buying ships with crew.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number

Post by CBJ »

Version: 7.00 (534380) - 2024-06-20
  • New Feature: Reimagined Teladi and Argon capital ships.
  • New Feature: Redesigned Xenon PE and SE ships.
  • New Feature: Flyable Xenon ships (selected ships only).
  • New Feature: Historic Terraformer ships.
  • New Feature: Observation Deck module for stations.
  • New Feature: Additional sectors and landmarks.
  • New Feature: Race-specific managers' offices.
  • New Feature: Improved AI.
  • New Feature: Reworked, improved and expanded tutorials.
  • New Feature: Late-game crisis for advanced players.
  • New Feature: Customisable radial menu for quick access to actions.
  • New Feature: Extended input mapping options.
  • New Feature: Enhanced external camera system.
  • New Feature: Visual Enhancement Goggles.
  • New Feature: Improved explosion effects.
  • New Feature: FOV slider.
  • New Feature: TAA support.
  • New Feature: Enhanced shadows.
  • New Feature: New accessibility options.
  • Added advice message for first-time players.
  • Added gamestart recommendations for new players.
  • Added Wayward Scion gamestart.
  • Added guidance to new HQ location when player scans old HQ plot signal leak with Kingdom End active.
  • Added more skilled marines to newly created Terran Asgard ships.
  • Added option to override ware baskets of subordinates with trade assignments.
  • Added indication of critical wares to AutoTrade default behaviour.
  • Added possibility to skip conversation lines in interactive dialogues with Space key.
  • Added option to choose default camera when piloting ships.
  • Added possibility to customise external camera position per ship model.
  • Added means to rescue people who are stranded in space suits, with options for player to request rescue.
  • Added crew bailing out of player-owned ships that are destroyed.
  • Added player character to list of things Live Stream camera can showcase.
  • Added auto-targeting of next hostile or next surface element on destruction of current target.
  • Added target type identification voice feedback for surface elements.
  • Added visual effect when hovering over HUD target elements.
  • Added icons to Data Vaults to indicate unlock progress.
  • Added icon on Map for orphaned build storages with wares to sell.
  • Added option to select order sector parameter by clicking on Map.
  • Added cover status information to message ticker.
  • Added player character portraits to New Game menu.
  • Added weapon and turret range of ships to Object Information menu.
  • Added wrecked equipment in Object Loadout menu.
  • Added full equipment and module names to mouse-over texts in Ship and Station Configuration menus.
  • Added number of available missiles or bombs in Ship Interactions and Ship Loadout menus.
  • Added new weapon modes and renamed some old weapon modes for clarity.
  • Added faction filter to Station Configuration menu shuffle function.
  • Added lock range, lock time and resilience against countermeasures to missiles in Encyclopedia.
  • Added link to Encyclopedia in Ship Information menu, and in Module context menu in Station Build menu.
  • Added full module names to search in Station Build menu.
  • Added visual hint to indicate which categories contain searched items in Station Build menu.
  • Added checks for missing equipment blueprints to construction plan selection in Station Build menu.
  • Added confirmation dialog when deleting Construction Plans.
  • Added separate default options for Global Standing Orders for military ships.
  • Added option to disable transform gizmo in Station Build menu.
  • Added ability to show external target view for ships in highways.
  • Added ability to move orders immediately to start/end of order queue in Object Behaviour menu.
  • Added information about automatically calculated buy amount to Station Overview resource boxes.
  • Added fleet and sector names to Map menu searches, and provided suggestion box.
  • Added skip buttons to sliders in menus to immediately set them to their limit.
  • Added ticker history to Logbook.
  • Added ability to select options in dropdowns by typing.
  • Added mouse-over texts explaining mission difficulties.
  • Added Interact menu of station or ship when interacting with surface elements.
  • Added Deposit Inventory order for multiple selected ships.
  • Added reset buttons to Global Standing Orders menu.
  • Added option to mark Build Storages as hostile.
  • Added mission arrow to HUD for multiple mission targets that are close together.
  • Added shield bar animation when receiving damage or boosting.
  • Added wiggle animation to hull and shield bar when being attacked.
  • Added visualisation for projected weapon heat after next shot.
  • Added up-arrow button above tab icons to close top level menu and hide icons.
  • Added warning about removing unavailable equipment when applying presets in Ship Configuration menu.
  • Added warnings about missing military or mining equipment to Ship Configuration menu.
  • Added warning when removing last controller input from certain important menu navigation controls.
  • Added support for customisation of keyboard modifiers and remapping of Shift and Ctrl keys.
  • Added feedback for input actions.
  • Added Numpad-5 as an additional input to reset map view.
  • Added wider range of ready-made input profiles.
  • Added new default profiles for various joysticks.
  • Added new default controller profile.
  • Added option to delete input profiles.
  • Added Menu Width Scale option to adjust menu widths in, e.g. multi-monitor setups.
  • Added HUD scaling.
  • Added docking UI in external view.
  • Added glow option for UI.
  • Added colour-blind options to accessibility settings.
  • Added Reduced Speed Mode accessibility option.
  • Added flickering of lights in rooms when ship or station is taking heavy damage.
  • Added low shadow quality setting.
  • Added more achievements.
  • Changed placement of station target elements to be in visual center of stations.
  • Changed appearance of mission targets that are relative to objects.
  • Changed target speed display to use more appropriate units.
  • Changed option to reset Global Standing Order responses for all ships to be on dedicated button.
  • Changed Object List and Property Owned menus to show stations under construction in same way as station entries.
  • Changed order of Dock Areas in station elevator menu to prioritise current location and ship dealerships.
  • Changed Map menu trade ware and storage type filter from being persistent per player/account to being persistent per save.
  • Changed discovered Data Vault icons to remain on Map even outside of live view.
  • Changed Laser Towers to show up as "ping" on map after long range scan.
  • Changed messages in ticker to no longer disappear while game is paused.
  • Changed faction colours to be more distinct.
  • Changed colour of collectable HUD elements that cannot currently be collected.
  • Changed hull bar colour in Map and radar from green to white to match HUD representation.
  • Changed missile reload bar to animate from full to empty.
  • Changed white flash effect when opening menu to more subtle colour.
  • Changed SSAO quality settings and added Ultra option.
  • Removed chance for fighters to deploy mines in dogfights.
  • Removed names of landmarks from target element.
  • Removed interaction icons for NPCs that are not current target.
  • Removed option to minimize Map menu.
  • Removed mouse HUD mode.
  • Improved ending of Combat Scenario to be less confusing.
  • Improved Hatikvah mission objective to indicate requirement to place 2 explosive charges during station sabotage section.
  • Improved strength of Xenon fleet in Mutually Assured Destruction mission.
  • Improved Find Resources mission to have more variation and to take into account new resource regions.
  • Improved station selection for Gride's delivery station in Paranid story.
  • Improved scanning mission to verify that opposing faction matches that given in briefing.
  • Improved mission to track ship to abort if target was destroyed before accepting mission offer.
  • Improved balancing of mineral and gas region yields across whole map.
  • Improved balancing of drop rates, types and amounts for ships and lockboxes.
  • Improved balancing of seminar prices to match equivalent NPC hiring fees.
  • Improved balancing of stellar output across all systems to match stars and locations.
  • Improved balancing of storage volume for S and M storage modules.
  • Improved ware allocation for wharfs, shipyards and equipment docks.
  • Improved quantity and locations of Xenon Defence Stations (in new games only).
  • Improved fleet composition of Terran Protectorate.
  • Improved spacesuit manoeuvrability.
  • Improved character appearance when moving and performing certain activities.
  • Improved mission guidance and NPC pathfinding in large walkable areas.
  • Improved presentation of NPCs greeting passers-by in certain situations.
  • Improved behaviour of collisions between capital and S/M sized ships.
  • Improved tolerance of turret friendly fire between player and non-player factions.
  • Improved friendly fire handling between non-player factions.
  • Improved flee behaviour of S or M ships under attack by capital ships or stations.
  • Improved boarding pod launch velocity.
  • Improved accuracy of weapon aim prediction.
  • Improved auto-aim targeting on engines, shields and turrets.
  • Improved docking of spacesuits on S and M sized ships.
  • Improved behaviour of missiles targeting stations.
  • Improved flight behaviour of guided missiles and accuracy against certain targets.
  • Improved missile hit detection.
  • Improved docking guidance.
  • Improved precision of target guidance in space.
  • Improved automatic collision avoidance for player ship when near moving objects.
  • Improved AI flight by not interrupting travel mode due to small course changes.
  • Improved AI flight while moving to jump gates.
  • Improved capital ship movement when approaching and exiting gates, accelerators and highways.
  • Improved capital ship combat movement against large targets.
  • Improved ships unnecessarily dropping out of travel drive when flying in formation.
  • Improved boosting without flight assist to no longer set throttle to zero.
  • Improved undocking behaviour of S/M ships on stations such as Teladi Trading Station.
  • Improved high speed carrier undocking.
  • Improved combat behaviour of missile-armed fighters attacking large targets.
  • Improved combat approach for capital ships attacking very large, very slow or immobile targets.
  • Improved some cases where weapons fire with no chance of hitting target.
  • Improved turret behaviour to allow slow heavy-hitting turrets to target smaller/faster enemies if there are no more suitable targets.
  • Improved boost usage of ships in fleets that are traversing jump gate to attack.
  • Improved capital ships approaching gates prior to sector transition.
  • Improved fleet gate traversal to sectors with hazardous regions.
  • Improved manoeuvring capability of tugs while towing scrap cubes or wrecks.
  • Improved ships with very low strafe speeds flown by very bad pilots sometimes appearing not to move at all.
  • Improved long-distance movement to moving objects.
  • Improved gate transition for very long NPC ships.
  • Improved ships with mining orders avoiding asteroids they are not currently targeting.
  • Improved free traders finding trades when operating over multiple sectors.
  • Improved miner decision-making involving mining in distant sectors which are contested by hostile factions.
  • Improved manual mining order for solid resources.
  • Improved manual mining order when cargo is already full.
  • Improved reliability of capital ships getting supplies.
  • Improved reliability of construction ships building stations in owned faction space.
  • Improved repair and resupply for ships with repeating orders.
  • Improved repair and resupply by allowing player-owned ships to use player-owned equipment docks, wharfs and shipyards.
  • Improved damage calculations for certain weapons when player not nearby.
  • Improved response to being boarded.
  • Improved price balancing for several MK2 weapons.
  • Improved voice feedback for repeated target selection.
  • Improved fighter pursuit of very fast, large targets.
  • Improved fighter pursuit of targets when player not nearby.
  • Improved Flee order, particularly when fleeing from ships attacking head-on.
  • Improved Flee behaviour when fleeing ship was moving rapidly to distant destination prior to fleeing.
  • Improved drone launching and recovery at ships with launch tubes.
  • Improved behaviour of NPC ships regaining lost subordinates.
  • Improved reliability of carrier-based fleet subordinates.
  • Improved subordinates with Mimic to inherit commander's default behaviour when promoted if commander is destroyed.
  • Improved fight-or-flight decision making for subordinates in fleet with Carrier or Fleet Auxiliary Ship in combat.
  • Improved stations set to sell excess resources in logical overview to no longer reduce automatic buy amount.
  • Improved station-based trader handling of ware shortages.
  • Improved redistribution of NPC military ships from long-standing quiet areas to potentially troubled ones.
  • Improved delivery of scrap to processing modules.
  • Improved order to deploy satellites to show radar range of satellite before deployment.
  • Improved messages for stations reporting friendly ships being attacked close to station.
  • Improved relation penalty on issuing attack order so that penalty is removed if attack order is cancelled before shooting has started.
  • Improved station deconstruction by transferring remaining cargo to build storage.
  • Improved Station Design Simulator environment.
  • Improved Live Stream view target selection logic.
  • Improved ticker message when picking up crates or asteroid chunks.
  • Improved selectability of small target elements in HUD.
  • Improved look and feel of mouse interactions in space and on radar.
  • Improved map zoom level range to allow it to show whole map.
  • Improved visuals of communication channel video feed.
  • Improved display of effective countermeasure resilience for missiles in encyclopedia.
  • Improved Controls settings menu layout.
  • Improved mapping of mouse buttons and mouse movement with Shift/Ctrl modifiers.
  • Improved support for joysticks with more than 32 buttons (up to 64 buttons per device supported).
  • Improved colours of exclusion zones and building lot bounds in station design menu.
  • Improved conflicting controls popup when remapping is not possible.
  • Improved range of control mapping options.
  • Improved support for DualShock and DualSense controllers.
  • Improved performance of Player Info menu under certain circumstances.
  • Improved black beard for human characters.
  • Improved cockpit visuals for Irukandji.
  • Improved historical accuracy of broken Terran jump gate model.
  • Improved presentation of loadout editor for Boron ships.
  • Improved structure of Options menu.
  • Improved visuals for Thermal Disintegrator bullets.
  • Improved rendering distance of Kha'ak Defence Platform.
  • Improved Kha'ak muzzle effect timing and appearance when viewed from far away.
  • Improved detail on wall of Terran 4M10S Luxury Dock Area.
  • Improved data leak visuals.
  • Improved appearance of stardust effect.
  • Improved lighting in Station and Ship Loadout menus.
  • Improved flickering of object lights when transitioning between functional and non-functional.
  • Improved UI colour differentiation between Realm of the Trinity and Kha'ak factions.
  • Improved clarity of icons representing obstructed enemies.
  • Improved icons for various ship types.
  • Improved visuals for scan mode.
  • Improved visibility of mining nodes on nearby asteroids.
  • Improved consistency of glow with different anti-aliasing and upscaling modes.
  • Improved readability of weapon heat bar on bright backgrounds.
  • Improved subtitle readability.
  • Fixed some pirates not being active in Kingdom End expansion sectors when gate opens.
  • Fixed missing default paint theme when at high reputation with Queendom of Boron.
  • Fixed Leda We being placed in same spot as Boron marine in The High Road mission.
  • Fixed Godrealm of the Paranid and Holy Order of the Pontifex being present in some Split sectors after Paranid unification.
  • Fixed Boron story sometimes getting stuck if Boron Shipyard is destroyed.
  • Fixed A Matter of the Utmost Gravity mission getting stuck if conversation with Kromancketslat's lieutenant is interrupted by opening Map.
  • Fixed Trinity faction not able to rebuild wharfs, shipyards and other major stations.
  • Fixed stereo audio issues in some cutscenes of Boron story.
  • Fixed incorrect countdown in Casino welfare module research time trial.
  • Fixed E model Paranid capital ships not being used in Paranid story.
  • Fixed Covert Operations story sometimes getting stuck between Buy Plot and Build Station phases in Operation Hyena.
  • Fixed HQ-related achievements not being unlocked in some storylines.
  • Fixed speech being cut short in Rescue Ship generic mission.
  • Fixed being unable to dock due to reputation loss if player attacks Gride's ship when it loses cover during Paranid story.
  • Fixed cipher ship vulnerability in Paranid story.
  • Fixed Gride talking about toolbox when the Paranid story already progressed past that stage.
  • Fixed story missions requesting player to deliver resources becoming blocked under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed passenger transport mission sometimes asking to pick up passenger from invalid location.
  • Fixed Dal Busta not being available to talk to continue Hatikvah story.
  • Fixed hidden mission objectives getting prominent target elements under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed potential freeze during Blazing the Trail mission.
  • Fixed stuck data heist mission of Covert Operations story.
  • Fixed items spawned from container in Find Object mission disappearing when player flies away.
  • Fixed Trade Subscription mission characters sometimes appearing behind counter in trade corner.
  • Fixed being unable to complete Northriver story if enemy with Teladi because basic engine research cannot be completed.
  • Fixed Ace just responding with same sentence when spoken to in High-Tech Hold-Up mission of Criminal story.
  • Fixed Ace talking when scanning ship after heist part of Criminal storyline already completed.
  • Fixed damage fields in Torus Aeternal.
  • Fixed mission-only module blueprints being unlocked in Station Design Simulator.
  • Fixed missing animations when selecting New Game under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed autopilot being active after teleporting to ship.
  • Fixed characters speaking to player sometimes looking in wrong direction.
  • Fixed NPCs facing wrong way when using transporter rooms in shops on dock areas.
  • Fixed reassigned pilots getting stuck leaving Boron ships when player not present.
  • Fixed ships not using travel mode when ordered to attack target in distant sector.
  • Fixed several situations where ships could fly through station or carrier while docking.
  • Fixed dock assignment and ship hologram persisting when stopping control.
  • Fixed various issues with retrieving ships from internal storage.
  • Fixed various issues with player docking requests.
  • Fixed NPC subordinates sometimes docking indefinitely.
  • Fixed some pilots finding it hard to land on Boron Wharfs.
  • Fixed Mk2 Laser Towers getting stuck in docking bay on launch.
  • Fixed player-owned police ships continuing to police old sector after player loses control of all sectors.
  • Fixed free traders sometimes not finding trades, particularly when only working with one ware.
  • Fixed ships sometimes reporting failed trade orders despite successfully completing trade.
  • Fixed capital ships sometimes repeatedly trying to trade with stations they cannot dock at.
  • Fixed frigates, destroyers, and battleships sometimes not launching defence drones when they should.
  • Fixed transport drones on player's personal capital ship not collecting drops when set to do so.
  • Fixed frigate-based defence drones sometimes escorting their frigate indefinitely rather than engaging hostiles.
  • Fixed ships tending to repeatedly switch targets if faced with multiple small targets in close proximity to one another.
  • Fixed non-capital ships in combat tending to always prefer to target individual ships rather than capital ships or stations.
  • Fixed NPC ships sometimes unintentionally initiating hostilities against neutral or friendly ships or stations.
  • Fixed ships performing queued Coordinate Attack orders trying to attack wrecked targets.
  • Fixed participants in Coordinated Attack pursuing targets to adjacent sectors.
  • Fixed Attack orders sometimes generating failure messages even if order resulted from automated behaviour.
  • Fixed fleet subordinates sometimes no longer following commander after commander's pilot having been changed.
  • Fixed attack subordinates sometimes getting distracted by other targets far from their commander.
  • Fixed attack subordinates attacking targets other than their commander's without provocation.
  • Fixed disproportionately large number of Xenon miners getting destroyed outside Xenon space.
  • Fixed infiltration phase of boarding taking longer with higher-skilled marines.
  • Fixed ships attacking targets that are being boarded by non-hostile faction.
  • Fixed ships that are unable to inflict damage potentially deciding to fight in response to attack.
  • Fixed turrets not shooting at station modules (especially Kha'ak) unless set to Attack my current enemy.
  • Fixed capital mining ships not firing on asteroids with some turret or drone configurations.
  • Fixed weapons aiming at target sometimes moving erratically when target is lost.
  • Fixed capital ships sometimes approaching too closely in combat.
  • Fixed excessive travel-drive dropouts for small/medium ships during dogfights.
  • Fixed ships re-engaging in combat after being ordered to disengage or being given a move order.
  • Fixed Coordinate Attack including subordinate groups that have been set to Docked.
  • Fixed ships sometimes not considering other ships in front of them and therefore not slowing down.
  • Fixed ships sometimes spiraling around carriers while trying to dock when player not nearby.
  • Fixed ships sometimes flying backwards in Travel Mode after changing current orders.
  • Fixed subordinates wanting to undock if docked at commander that is further up their command hierarchy.
  • Fixed many cases of ships stopping abruptly upon destruction.
  • Fixed ships being forced out of highway when colliding, and several other cases of ships getting stranded beside highways.
  • Fixed AI-controlled ships with player passenger sometimes appearing in wrong position after gate transition.
  • Fixed large ships getting stuck when trading with build storage while station build plot size is changed.
  • Fixed unprotected player-owned miners mining in sectors with hazardous regions if no other regions with resources are found within range.
  • Fixed Construction Vessels sometimes idling next to gates to enemy sectors.
  • Fixed Construction Vessels with no drones having no efficiency penalty.
  • Fixed mining ships sometimes shooting empty asteroids when player is nearby.
  • Fixed mining nodes on asteroids being randomised when turning scan mode off and back on.
  • Fixed tug ships being unable to deliver scrap to stations without a suitable dock for them.
  • Fixed free-flying police scanning space suits.
  • Fixed friend/foe mines launched during dogfights sometimes not being hostile to their target.
  • Fixed guided missiles not properly targeting stations and build storage.
  • Fixed missiles sometimes not leaving launcher in forward direction.
  • Fixed turret control acquiring only one missile per missile swarm.
  • Fixed ships launching countermeasures against unguided missiles.
  • Fixed ships fleeing towards station stopping to recall subordinates.
  • Fixed trade discounts not being taken into account when traders are looking for trades.
  • Fixed stations not selling resources to their build storages under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed certain trading stations no longer buying or selling certain wares after changing ownership during story.
  • Fixed stations that are starved of resources sometimes not paying high enough price.
  • Fixed buy prices of Protectyon not updating based on supply and demand.
  • Fixed equipment on destroyed ships and station modules not contributing properly to scrap value.
  • Fixed trading stations sometimes deviating from average price for certain wares when they shouldn't be.
  • Fixed factions not building certain factories needed to support ship building.
  • Fixed S and M variants for several weapons having incorrect prices.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in M turret pricing.
  • Fixed destroyed ship equipment being paid for when selling ships.
  • Fixed station-based traders trading with empty ware basket.
  • Fixed beams and ricocheting bullets distorting accuracy stats.
  • Fixed player being personally blamed for some hostile actions by other ships belonging them.
  • Fixed player-owned ships worrying that player will be stranded when player is on their own ship.
  • Fixed repair of multiple ships not working under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed ship repair taking longer than it should with crew aboard.
  • Fixed ships sometimes oscillating between two positions, e.g. when approaching player or while docking.
  • Fixed ships sometimes changing directions very abruptly.
  • Fixed ships disappearing during docking animation.
  • Fixed build storage with cargo sometimes not having any visible cargo pods, preventing their destruction.
  • Fixed excessive deconstruction times for station modules.
  • Fixed collision with invisible walls on some wrecked objects.
  • Fixed bullet impacts pushing ships with too much force.
  • Fixed small/medium ships sometimes teleporting short distance after being hit.
  • Fixed capital ships sometimes reacting too strongly to collisions.
  • Fixed force effects, e.g. of anomalies, not working after exiting superhighway.
  • Fixed mass traffic sometimes not having collisions.
  • Fixed unlocking of signal leaks in external view.
  • Fixed inactive mission line not being shown under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed wrong subordinate assignment displayed in Map under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed being able to purchase mining drones for installation onto ships that can't use them.
  • Fixed loadout presets on player-owned shipyards not selecting optional software.
  • Fixed guidance on Map not working when not sitting or standing in ship.
  • Fixed re-selection of previous object after selecting None in Object List or Property Owned menus.
  • Fixed Protectyon Shield Generator showing up in Logical Station Overview menu if only condensate storage has been built.
  • Fixed Automatic Resupply option not allowing global or commander's setting.
  • Fixed some Encyclopedia entries showing wrong names for construction methods.
  • Fixed Trade menu not allowing player to buy wares after previously planning to sell.
  • Fixed wares legality information showing factions that player does not yet know.
  • Fixed range of non-operational satellites and resource probes being shown on Map.
  • Fixed gate icons cluttering map when using filter text.
  • Fixed Map ware filters added multiple times under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed supply buy offers on stations hiding regular buy offers.
  • Fixed scan range for resource probes in Object Info menu.
  • Fixed sorting of subordinates in Object Crew Information menu.
  • Fixed Live Stream camera displaying spacesuit pilots in space.
  • Fixed menus in undefined state after using Live Stream View under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed unidentified Laser Towers showing as Unknown Ship in target monitor.
  • Fixed pilots of ships stored in internal docks not being visible during comm scenes.
  • Fixed UI shaking during cutscenes and when using Live Stream to view ship in highway.
  • Fixed missing confirmation dialog in Station Build menu when opening another menu with unconfirmed construction plan changes.
  • Fixed control mode message appearing in External Static View.
  • Fixed Left Mouse Button opening context menus in Floating View (F4) when player is not controlling ship.
  • Fixed first person interactions not working under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed conversation option to ask some NPCs for job not appearing.
  • Fixed Station Build menu freezing under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed menus not working correctly when using top level menu shortcuts under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed off-screen target elements appearing in front of player under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed target speed not updating correctly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed cases of being unable to select targets in HUD with Left Mouse Button.
  • Fixed surface elements not being auto-targeted in Gamepad Mode.
  • Fixed engine surface elements showing speed of 0 m/s at all times.
  • Fixed check engine light not showing when ship's engines are destroyed.
  • Fixed Stop Engine button sometimes not working.
  • Fixed container magnet not working correctly on certain ships.
  • Fixed input being rejected when only changing direction of range input while remapping controls.
  • Fixed sliders in Station Overview menu stopping while dragging under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed radar not being interactive under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed turrets and shields on stations sometimes changing in Station Design Simulator when forcing construction of station with Administrative Centre.
  • Fixed Long Range Scan mode being available in menu in spacesuit.
  • Fixed save option being available in Station Design Simulator.
  • Fixed newly edited custom save name being reset after short time.
  • Fixed non-functional Mark as Hostile option being available for drops, lockboxes, nav beacons, resource probes and satellites.
  • Fixed missing deadzone for mouse axes when mapping controls.
  • Fixed toggling steering axis not affecting stick controls.
  • Fixed gamepad/joystick buttons not working when Shift or Ctrl are pressed on keyboard at same time.
  • Fixed release of keyboard keys such as Shift or Alt not being recognised under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed remapping control removing wrong input under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed not being able to manage controllers/joysticks under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed certain supplemental input devices (e.g. VPC Control Panel) not being detected as joystick.
  • Fixed inversion of controller/joystick axis for Emulated Mouse Cursor not being saved in input profile.
  • Fixed removal of connected devices in "Manage Controllers / Joysticks" not being persistent across game sessions.
  • Fixed various input mapping issues when using specific joysticks, e.g. VPC Constellation Alpha Prime.
  • Fixed various other control mapping issues.
  • Fixed mouse cursor emulation for controller becoming active in Start menu after attempting to change input mapping.
  • Fixed cases of button auto-repeat not working on Linux when keeping joystick buttons pressed, e.g. during menu navigation.
  • Fixed not being able to use mouse on Linux when using certain joysticks with constantly pressed buttons.
  • Fixed joysticks on Linux sometimes changing input mode incorrectly.
  • Fixed Head Movement Intensity game option not being applied to camera shaking.
  • Fixed joystick/gamepad rumble not stopping when game is paused.
  • Fixed overlapping text at hacking terminals.
  • Fixed HUD monitors being cut-off on low aspect ratios.
  • Fixed weapon heat bar not scaling up linearly.
  • Fixed UI scaling issue in Overlay UI.
  • Fixed UI in external view being influenced by ship movements under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed faction name in target monitor not updating after uncovering covered ship.
  • Fixed incoming supply trades being listed for production resources.
  • Fixed ship attacked notification showing pilot upside-down if ship was destroyed.
  • Fixed Launch button being available for subordinate groups where setting has no effect.
  • Fixed submenu bar on left side of Player Info menu not showing up under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Interact menu opening too close to screen border.
  • Fixed misaligned Interact menu sub-options.
  • Fixed incorrect y-axis labels on some graphs.
  • Fixed target bracket size with non-default FOV.
  • Fixed speed SI prefixes in HUD not working for negative speeds.
  • Fixed motion blur persisting when leaving a highway while in external view.
  • Fixed interior reflections being permanently affected by effects.
  • Fixed falling through floor in certain situations.
  • Fixed outdated game start image of Boso Ta.
  • Fixed dock areas not having any props.
  • Fixed not being able to select all objects from Kalis, Sunder or Incarcatura cockpit.
  • Fixed excessively dirty cockpit glass in XL Argon ships.
  • Fixed incorrectly rotated shield impact effects.
  • Fixed ship ID being cut off on Syn and Guppy.
  • Fixed logo being cut off on Thresher and Dolphin.
  • Fixed logo and ship ID being cut off Heracles.
  • Fixed logo and ship ID on Yasur disappearing at certain view angles.
  • Fixed missing logo on Osaka lower left hull.
  • Fixed flickering surface on Yasur.
  • Fixed missing geometry on Asgard and Peregrine.
  • Fixed incorrectly placed elements near the docking area on Nomad.
  • Fixed space suit dock not being visually integrated into the Boron luxury dock.
  • Fixed floating geometry on Barbarossa.
  • Fixed floating geometry on Kalis fighter in ship build menu.
  • Fixed landing gear of Lux being out of place.
  • Fixed cockpit ramp of Shih clipping out of ship while in flight.
  • Fixed Ion Pulse turret bullets clipping into ship hull on launching.
  • Fixed certain small weapons not firing straight ahead.
  • Fixed floating turrets on Terran defence tube.
  • Fixed turrets of Scrap Recycler being inside module.
  • Fixed turret positioning issue on Magnetar.
  • Fixed incorrectly oriented weapons on Odysseus E.
  • Fixed shield generator positions on Donia, Yasur and Shark.
  • Fixed shield generator on Shark being located inside ship hull.
  • Fixed missing flame animation in Teladi S all-round engines.
  • Fixed incorrectly positioned engine flames on small Xenon ships.
  • Fixed multiple cases of out of place hologram in airlock.
  • Fixed transporter room doors on small ships not closing properly.
  • Fixed black surface appearing on Kyushu when viewed from further away.
  • Fixed hole in Split corridor.
  • Fixed invisible keyboard in manager's office.
  • Fixed paint mods not affecting cockpit frame on Kestrel and Guillemot.
  • Fixed visual glitch on capital ships under construction.
  • Fixed incomplete wreck for Falcon.
  • Fixed missing wreck for Jian.
  • Fixed missing wreck for collectible containers.
  • Fixed incorrectly textured wreck for Magpie.
  • Fixed incorrectly positioned wreck for Chimera.
  • Fixed incorrectly positioned wreck for Teladi small container storage module.
  • Fixed colliding with invisible wall when undocking from bay 6 on Boron luxury dock.
  • Fixed imprecise collisions with Asgard main weaponry.
  • Fixed imprecise collisions with derelict station in Duke's Haven.
  • Fixed incorrect snap connections inside Terran Trading Station Hexa-Dock Pier.
  • Fixed incorrect rotations of station modules under construction after loading.
  • Fixed modules in station editor disappearing when selecting new module after resetting rotation.
  • Fixed Casino not being entirely visible in station construction menu.
  • Fixed ship doors remaining open when they become visible while ship is undocking.
  • Fixed force field in Paranid interior not preventing player from entering area.
  • Fixed several cases of weapons not being aligned properly.
  • Fixed logo being cut off on Kyd.
  • Fixed graphical glitch on Eclipse hull.
  • Fixed wreck of Medical Supplies and Hull Parts production modules appearing disconnected.
  • Fixed incorrect surface appearance of wreck of Paranid S Dome.
  • Fixed incorrectly positioned wreck of Paranid L Dome.
  • Fixed free-floating debris pieces in wreck of Maja Snail production module.
  • Fixed missing detail on Boron M container storage causing turrets to appear floating.
  • Fixed NPCs in Baldric and Bolo not using holo-keyboards to left and right of seats.
  • Fixed transporter room door clipping through wall in Argon corridor.
  • Fixed transporter room door fading out too quickly.
  • Fixed being able to walk through dock area walls on Behemoth.
  • Fixed bridge of ship docked at Paranid pier sometimes becoming temporarily invisible.
  • Fixed glow on Boron dock area appearing cut off.
  • Fixed fast projectiles sometimes launching behind weapons when flying at high speeds.
  • Fixed sun shining through large ships in external target view.
  • Fixed engine flames of Kha'ak ships not being animated.
  • Fixed inverted player logo on Theseus.
  • Fixed logo on Pelican Sentinel being partially hidden.
  • Fixed missing headlights on Kuraokami and Nemesis.
  • Fixed incorrect orientation of right main weapon on Odysseus.
  • Fixed engine flame of Teladi Station Security Vessel A being visually disconnected from engine.
  • Fixed incorrect reflections on small and medium ship hulls.
  • Fixed missing sound on large mining turrets.
  • Fixed some joysticks breaking UI on Linux.
  • Fixed unnecessary CPU utilisation when game window is minimised.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version: 7.00 HF 1 (534380) - 2024-06-25

Note: The build number has not changed in this hotfix because the executable file has not changed.
  • Fixed game freeze in Timelines scenario The Ferryman.
  • Fixed switched reward location information between Timelines scenarios Spaceport Stride and Asteroid Dash.
  • Fixed missing Polish translations of new texts.
  • Fixed being unable to use elevator in Porpoise (Mineral).
  • Fixed being unable to reach pilot chair in Plutus.
Posts: 53537
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: Current Version and Build Number

Post by CBJ »

Version: 7.10 (538068) - 2024-08-08
  • Added Factions and Relations tutorial.
  • Added dialog to Timelines mission selection menu when player returns from scenario.
  • Added Terran production method to Frontier equipment.
  • Added several new exploration voice lines to Timelines Facility.
  • Added travel drive to Dart engines in Open Universe.
  • Added dedicated weapon groups to Pre-Battle Skirmish Timelines scenario.
  • Added Docking Computer to A Merchant Mind and Teladi Trading Try-Outs Timelines scenarios.
  • Added further hint to end of Timelines story.
  • Added credit sequence after final story resolution to more clearly denote when Timelines story has finished.
  • Added Timelines racing trophy to player HQ.
  • Added icon to newly unlocked Timelines scenarios.
  • Added message to Open Universe listing unlocked Timelines rewards.
  • Added Antigone XL Housing as available blueprint rewarded via rank and available in Station Design Simulator.
  • Added information about installed surface elements to Station Build menu.
  • Added ammo clip visualisation for missile launchers to HUD.
  • Added Mk5 shield generator to Xperimental Shuttle.
  • Added new anti-fighter missile for Sapporo.
  • Added new ring explosion effect to XL explosions.
  • Added Start Timelines button to Timelines menu.
  • Added Skip Dialog Line option to Controls menu.
  • Added mouse-over texts when navigating menus with keyboard input.
  • Added input feedback when Travel Mode not available.
  • Added input feedback when trying to change speed of ship with damaged engines.
  • Added separate icon for collectable ammunition containers.
  • Added French localisation for keyboard icons.
  • Removed signal leak missions in Timelines trading scenarios.
  • Removed Trade and Go to Ship options in Dock Interactions menu in Timelines Nexus.
  • Removed Lock Range and Lock Time information from Encyclopedia missile entries where not relevant.
  • Removed storage allocation warning in Logical Station Overview for trade wares.
  • Improved Timelines intro cutscene for more immersive experience.
  • Improved Timelines scenario result screen layout.
  • Improved rating visualisation for Timelines scenarios.
  • Improved clarity of Timelines mission descriptions.
  • Improved sequence of early Timelines scenarios for better first time player experience.
  • Improved transition between Timelines scenarios by not closing scenario selection menu when returning from scenario unless required by story.
  • Improved timing of Mitsuno Hack video calls to be less obstructive of important Target Monitor information.
  • Improved placement of The Recruitment Mission Timelines scenario in Mission Interface to be more immediately noticeable.
  • Improved The Recruitment Mission Timelines scenario cutscene to show prison guard being affected by Impedence Bubble.
  • Improved flow and difficulty level of Impeded Extraction Timelines scenario.
  • Improved finale of Battle of Omicron Lyrae Timelines scenario with special music.
  • Improved Xenon Shipyard plan to not include overlapping docking module (new stations only).
  • Improved Xenon loadouts in Brennan's Trial Timelines scenario to use fewer laser towers.
  • Improved composition of allied fleet and pilots in Brennan's Trial Trial Timelines scenario.
  • Improved loadout consistency in Mine Your Own Business and Lord Prospector's Foray Timelines scenarios.
  • Improved Rise and Mine Timelines scenario by disabling tutorial dialog after player has achieved rating of 1 star.
  • Improved wording of Timelines unlock notifications.
  • Improved new player guidance in Timelines by adding hints about tutorials and Open Universe.
  • Improved enemy behaviour in Tangling with the Teladi mission.
  • Improved combat movement of capital ships armed only with turrets and fighting very large, slow targets.
  • Improved combat behavior of fighters when set to attack surface elements when player not present.
  • Improved combat behavior of fighters armed with guided missiles or torpedos.
  • Improved capital ship combat movement for ships that do not have forward-mounted weapons but do have turrets concentrated at front.
  • Improved lasertower behavior against capital ships.
  • Improved hit precision of ships attacking piers.
  • Improved firing range accuracy of turrets.
  • Improved accuracy for NPCs firing at Maja Dust production modules.
  • Improved ships assigned to protect stations getting repairs in between fights.
  • Improved speed of ships docking on carriers.
  • Improved mining behavior when player present.
  • Improved chances for ships currently docking or undocking to escape when dock explodes.
  • Improved balancing and weapon loadout of Sapporo.
  • Improved ship resupply.
  • Improved resource distribution by Xenon transport ships.
  • Improved prioritisation of resource buy offers for special projects like research or terraforming.
  • Improved Crew Transfer menu if one or both ships do not have captain.
  • Improved NPC pathing between docked ships where elevators and transporters are involved.
  • Improved notification text when travel mode is disrupted by external factors.
  • Improved station editor by showing station's build storage location.
  • Improved guidance on Map if player is not near last controlled ship.
  • Improved display of orders on map by always aligning icons towards camera.
  • Improved display of order queues and paths on map.
  • Improved unnecessarily cut-off texts in Modifications menu under certain circumstances.
  • Improved visibility of station budget issues when looking at trade offers on map.
  • Improved visibility of subtitles by making background more opaque.
  • Improved visibility of ship holograph dock guidance.
  • Improved readability of upkeep alert text in map.
  • Improved readability of text while moving or rotating in station editor.
  • Improved readability of slider UI elements.
  • Improved signal leak indicator visibility by adding background.
  • Improved colouring of drops on map and radar by making it consistent with HUD colors.
  • Improved available UI scale range to ensure readability at lower resolutions.
  • Improved UI scaling to include HUD monitor texts.
  • Improved alignment of icons embedded in text.
  • Improved Terran Meson Stream weapon by adding small gimbal.
  • Improved engine glow on some missiles.
  • Improved impact effect of Xenon Seismic Charge Turret.
  • Improved performance of explosion effects.
  • Improved trail resolution of Sapporo missiles.
  • Improved window facade of the Casino welfare module.
  • Improved collisions on Xenon Dock.
  • Improved low quality shadow option.
  • Fixed several missing hints in spacesuit tutorial.
  • Fixed trade tutorial not progressing if trade map filter is already on.
  • Fixed ship upgrade tutorial not progressing when selecting pilot prematurely.
  • Fixed cases of wrong save being loaded on quickload or when finishing tutorial.
  • Fixed Frontier equipment not being available in Creative Custom Gamestart.
  • Fixed upgraded Erlking custom gamestart option not granting equipment blueprints.
  • Fixed being able to phase through geometry in Timelines scenarios involving space suits.
  • Fixed Atlas not granting points in Incursion of the False Pontifex Timelines scenario.
  • Fixed ramming speed score in Battle of Omicron Lyrae Timelines scenario not being calculated correctly.
  • Fixed various cases of Attack On Antigone Timelines scenario not progressing correctly.
  • Fixed Mine Your Own Business and Lord Prospector's Foray Timelines scenarios miscounting wares lost on ship destruction.
  • Fixed capital ships in Flight of the Dragonfyre Timelines scenario having no service crew.
  • Fixed timer not stopping when reaching finish in Hazing the Newbie Timelines scenarios from shortcut.
  • Fixed reputation recovery mechanism in Timelines trading scenarios to allow docking if player accidentally falls below threshold.
  • Fixed Zeus drifting in second Timelines racing scenario.
  • Fixed player ship crashing into obstacles in Timelines racing scenario outro cutscene.
  • Fixed player being able to fly before race starts in Timelines racing scenario.
  • Fixed non-localised text in Timelines racing scenarios.
  • Fixed announcer in 17th Getsu Fune Asteroid Smasher Showdown Timelines scenario being unable to count to 50.
  • Fixed being unable to complete President's End Timelines scenario if Jump Gate selection menu closed by player.
  • Fixed score in Mine Your Own Business Timelines scenario not taking into account player's surviving ships.
  • Fixed unreasonably high leader board scores in Teladi Trading Try-Outs Timelines scenario.
  • Fixed enemy ships shooting at player when docked to trade in Frontline Dealings Timelines scenario.
  • Fixed Kaori sometimes giving inappropriate reply in The Recruitment Mission Timelines scenario.
  • Fixed case of missing guidance to remaining enemies in Rise Against the Machine Timelines scenario.
  • Fixed missing results in Timelines debriefing menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Xperimental Shuttle equipment blueprints not being retroactively rewarded when Timelines epilogue completed.
  • Fixed Escort Position being too far away from HQ if superhighway entry is present in Timelines epilogue story.
  • Fixed Boso Ta not offering Dialogue Option to unlock research while Timelines epilogue mission running.
  • Fixed Teladi capital ship in Timelines epilogue being invulnerable even after story has finished.
  • Fixed Call and Response mission of Timelines epilogue not completing properly.
  • Fixed Kaori's Xperimental Shuttle not being invulnerable in Timelines epilogue.
  • Fixed Kaori's station remaining invincible after Timelines epilogue finishes.
  • Fixed reward notifications disappearing too quickly after playing certain Timelines missions.
  • Fixed credits not being subtracted from player account when buying Dart in Open Universe.
  • Fixed clone of Axiom appearing under Personnel Management in prison gamestart.
  • Fixed extreme reputation change during missions such as VIG storyline resulting in promotion ceremony needing to be performed again.
  • Fixed war and storyline missions to use new Behemoth and Phoenix ships.
  • Fixed Boron storyline blocked during BoFu delivery.
  • Fixed lasertowers in A Return To Normal Order mission being hostile to nearby station.
  • Fixed Nila sometimes not leading player to Leda We's ship in Propositions and Negotiations mission of Boron story.
  • Fixed Geometric Owl not being sellable after completion of the Terraforming story.
  • Fixed The Meeting mission of Covert Operations story not progressing if target station destroyed.
  • Fixed Argon-Boron relations not being taken into account when making final decision in Covert Operations story.
  • Fixed Dagobas Lahubasis Yorilos III running out of oxygen if not rescued in Trade Obstruction mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed player being able to complete Trading Lessons mission in Avarice story by selling to themselves.
  • Fixed player wrongly receiving email to search for Boso Ta signal leak with Kingdom End active.
  • Fixed Scan Ship missions sometimes asking player to scan lasertower.
  • Fixed Find Resources missions offered by guilds not showing search radius.
  • Fixed large supply missions being offered with factions that have no trade offers.
  • Fixed station-based traders belonging to player loading up more product than they can immediately sell.
  • Fixed subordinates mimicking station-based traders or miners not inheriting their manually restricted ware baskets.
  • Fixed Deliver Crew missions showing Transfer Crewmember conversation option even though NPC isn't at mission destination.
  • Fixed confusing mission guidance text for certain mission objectives.
  • Fixed mission radius being displayed incorrectly when in sector Leap of Faith.
  • Fixed mission guidance not working if target is highway exit gate.
  • Fixed factory supply missions being offered for factions with no trade offers.
  • Fixed being able to sell ships to Quettanauts faction.
  • Fixed strange guidance movement for crates dropped during find object missions.
  • Fixed Boso Ta constantly mentioning mysterious ship after crisis has ended.
  • Fixed crisis targeting unsuitable story sectors.
  • Fixed guided missiles being launched from way outside intended fire range.
  • Fixed smart missiles with friend-foe detection sometimes not picking suitable target.
  • Fixed Sapporo's missiles destroying each other on impact.
  • Fixed player space suit colliding with launched bombs.
  • Fixed more unscannable signal leaks.
  • Fixed attack preferred target type weapon modes.
  • Fixed fleet subordinates unnecessarily leaving formation when attacked by something they cannot attack.
  • Fixed ships continuing to fire on non-hostile targets after having been ordered to attack surface elements.
  • Fixed player-owned ships not automatically getting repairs at player-owned equipment docks.
  • Fixed autopilot refusing to fly to unknown jump gates.
  • Fixed ships sometimes being in Travel Drive mode immediately after undocking.
  • Fixed ships getting stuck when undocking from certain internal docks.
  • Fixed ships not being able to leave covered dock modules.
  • Fixed ships spiraling indefinitely when docking at resupply ships.
  • Fixed ships trying to resupply at fleet auxiliary ships that are not ready for them.
  • Fixed capital ships in fleets with fleet auxiliary ships going in for repairs while in combat.
  • Fixed ships indefinitely running into station modules.
  • Fixed ships having travel mode enabled after undocking.
  • Fixed ships sometimes automatically docking again immediately after undocking under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed capital ships sometimes not firing at Attack order target.
  • Fixed ships continuing to attack player-owned ships or stations after ceasing to be hostile.
  • Fixed Xenon ships in Nopileos' Memorial not dropping wares when killed.
  • Fixed player being catapulted away from Obliterator.
  • Fixed player-owned Astrids teleporting out of Leap of Faith under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed capital ships not being able to fly in formation with player.
  • Fixed fighters not doing any damage to stations or capital ships when player not present.
  • Fixed shields and turrets on station modules not being shielded initially.
  • Fixed being unable to equip Odachi with Mk2 and Mk3 Frontier shield generators.
  • Fixed invincible surface elements with 0 hull.
  • Fixed ship hull being 99% instead of 100% after loading savegame under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed incorrect collision response when colliding with rotating object while in relative movement.
  • Fixed incorrect positioning of sticky bullets when hitting surface elements of objects.
  • Fixed weapon recoil strength increasing with lower framerate.
  • Fixed fast-moving deployables sometimes continuing to move indefinitely.
  • Fixed cargo drops sometimes spawning inside stations.
  • Fixed certain player-owned ships docked at a boarded target being destroyed.
  • Fixed default response not working when some military-only responses are set.
  • Fixed promoted subordinates which had Mimic assignment not inheriting old commander's default behavior on commander death.
  • Fixed certain discounts potentially being applied to trade orders twice.
  • Fixed wares with very high price range calculating negative price at extreme discounts.
  • Fixed Xenon SE falsely appearing to be able to mine gas resources.
  • Fixed being short by one worker for very high habitation capacities when setting Fill whole habitat.
  • Fixed characters sometimes walking through closed doors in Timelines Facility.
  • Fixed Sedatives not being used as filter for Black Marketeer placement.
  • Fixed player ship continuing to move after pressing Full Stop while menu open.
  • Fixed SETA being active while standing or walking under certain rare conditions.
  • Fixed characters walking on bridge warping away after loading save.
  • Fixed case of NPCs warping on various ships.
  • Fixed NPCs turning in wrong direction when entering Cobra.
  • Fixed NPCs sometimes taking exceptionally long time to appear on Boron dock areas.
  • Fixed Odachi elevator not being usable by NPCs.
  • Fixed elevators into ships not working after retrieval from internal storage.
  • Fixed player and NPCs being unable to reach pilot seat in Plutus (Gas).
  • Fixed transporter room devices sometimes being inaccessible.
  • Fixed airlock transition to first person resulting in invalid position.
  • Fixed loading screen hint text exceeding screen dimensions.
  • Fixed loading screen proverb not being vertically centered.
  • Fixed local highways sometimes disappearing on map.
  • Fixed object status bars on map disappearing when zooming in.
  • Fixed Unknown Station icon being shown outside of sector on map.
  • Fixed display position of order icon on map if order leads through gate or highway.
  • Fixed wares in Map menu grayed out despite Trade Filter being off.
  • Fixed map not showing Explore order details when targeting gate or superhighway entrance and queued after another order.
  • Fixed build storage sometimes not showing full trade offers on map when there are not enough funds.
  • Fixed order paths of non-player ships on map sometimes skipping gates.
  • Fixed Teleport shortcut not working on map under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed station icons on map disappearing when zooming out even though text filter is active.
  • Fixed mission target icons not visible if map opened with deactivated Other filter.
  • Fixed ships not being sorted correctly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed rare case of Encyclopedia entries not being displayed.
  • Fixed missing data from Encyclopedia sector graphs.
  • Fixed Antigone station modules not being available in Station Design Simulator.
  • Fixed build modules in Logical Station Overview being in random order.
  • Fixed some background elements disappearing at certain angles in station editor.
  • Fixed background lighting in station editor being dependent on view angle.
  • Fixed planets in station editor not reflecting terraforming changes.
  • Fixed different order of turret groups in Ship Configuration menus under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed repair option in Ship Upgrade menu not being available under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Trade menu not displaying available cargo correctly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Object Info menu not working after Boarding Pod is removed.
  • Fixed Accept Estimate button in Research menu's Account node not removing Insufficient Funds warning.
  • Fixed attached boarding pods still being listed in property list.
  • Fixed HUD satellite icons not indicating active status.
  • Fixed invisible UI when game is paused before loading finishes.
  • Fixed missing guidance UI when enabling guidance towards superhighway entry gate or unknown jump gate.
  • Fixed engine status light not showing when all engines are non-functional.
  • Fixed external target view persisting when player leaves sector.
  • Fixed positioning of docking UI in external view.
  • Fixed incorrect external camera position if activated while paused.
  • Fixed external view on some stations rotating around incorrect center.
  • Fixed external view on surface elements such as turrets and engines.
  • Fixed spacesuit jittering in external view.
  • Fixed target problems when using External Target View on far away objects.
  • Fixed signal leak indicator position with non-default FOV.
  • Fixed inconsistent message ticker position while docked.
  • Fixed ticker messages sometimes disappearing too quickly.
  • Fixed stuck radial menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Interact menu revealing undiscovered information about NPCs.
  • Fixed message about no captain being assigned to nil in Crew Transfer menu.
  • Fixed left-over crew member entries in Crew Information menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed missing buttons in Crew Transfer menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed missing rank and licence information in Quettanaut promotion ceremony.
  • Fixed incorrect Stop Travel Drive option in Ship Interactions menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed mining equipment warning not working when buying capital mining ships.
  • Fixed loadout editor always showing Sapporo's main weapon slot as empty.
  • Fixed hint overlapping important menu items when buying ships or buying/selling wares in tutorials.
  • Fixed missing menu title in Input Profile menus.
  • Fixed issues with sliders in trade context menu.
  • Fixed not being able to hide cockpit when using non-pilot control position.
  • Fixed invisible signal leak and long range scan indicators when cockpit hidden.
  • Fixed aim-ahead indicator not taking own ship's lateral movement into account.
  • Fixed cockpit still obstructing sunlight when cockpit hidden.
  • Fixed menu selection in Logical Station Overview storage nodes resetting under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed incorrect shift selection in Object List or Property Owned menus under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Accept Estimate button in Station Overview menu's Account node not removing Insufficient Funds warning.
  • Fixed inconsistent Station Build menu layout under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed incorrect radial menu size under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed menu artefacts when starting Timelines scenario under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed partially missing Timelines scenario menus under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Timelines scenario menu reopening when changing UI scale during animation after closing it.
  • Fixed missing dock UI elements at lower UI scales.
  • Fixed incorrect tooltip font size under certain circumstances
  • Fixed top level menu playing UI sounds.
  • Fixed target monitor sometimes still showing information about previous module after teleporting away.
  • Fixed flickering target monitor when firing HEPT.
  • Fixed unnecessary warning of restart being needed when restoring settings to default.
  • Fixed not being able to use elevator in Porpoise (Mineral).
  • Fixed not being able to reach pilot chair in Plutus (Mineral).
  • Fixed incorrectly oriented turrets on Odachi.
  • Fixed muzzle effects for beam weapons sometimes outlasting actual beam.
  • Fixed muzzle effects for beam weapons sometimes remaining active on wrecks.
  • Fixed damage effect triggering when repairing ship or module.
  • Fixed engine boost flames being visually disconnected from ships with integrated engines.
  • Fixed beams sometimes appearing to pass through targets.
  • Fixed not being able to reliably hit shield generator on Xenon Base Module.
  • Fixed ramp of Hydra and Hydra Regal flickering erratically when docked.
  • Fixed turret hatches on certain ships closing before turrets have fully retracted.
  • Fixed Cutlass and Odachi locker doors animating when entering cockpit.
  • Fixed various flickering and incorrectly moving animated parts.
  • Fixed various minor issues with incorrect or missing animations.
  • Fixed landing gear animations in various small and medium ships.
  • Fixed missing wreck geometry for various ships.
  • Fixed lack of detail on wreck of S Plasma Cannon Mk2.
  • Fixed swapped azimuth/elevation for Terran S/M weapons.
  • Fixed floating drinks and disconnected lights in Astrid.
  • Fixed animation of disgruntled roulette players.
  • Fixed thin geometry blocking spacesuit dock in Cutlass.
  • Fixed capital ships showing floating bridge in docking hologram.
  • Fixed pilots being unable to walk to rear cabin of Odachi.
  • Fixed being able to select turrets of Odachi.
  • Fixed pink surfaces on Odachi if Kingdom End disabled.
  • Fixed paint mods not affecting entire hull of Odachi.
  • Fixed some parts of Xperimental Shuttle not being visible in menus.
  • Fixed Erlking main battery disappearing from certain viewing angles.
  • Fixed parts of Heron E fading away too quickly when viewed from afar.
  • Fixed paint mod on Ravager and Obliterator affecting almost all surfaces.
  • Fixed missing detail on Elite.
  • Fixed floating geometry detail on Colossus E.
  • Fixed floating turrets on Phoenix E.
  • Fixed missing windows on Phoenix E.
  • Fixed Thresher engines not lighting up when in use.
  • Fixed missing geometry and incorrect light colour on bridge of Sapporo.
  • Fixed incorrect colours on Xenon SE wreck.
  • Fixed incorrect positioning of sticky bullets when hitting surface elements of objects.
  • Fixed being unable to open hidden conduit in wrecks.
  • Fixed invisible wall on Terran Dock Area near M docking bay.
  • Fixed visually scrambled hallway wall on bridge of Shark, Orca and Walrus.
  • Fixed missing collision in Argon L bridge.
  • Fixed missing collision in crew common room.
  • Fixed some small ships being unhittable.
  • Fixed nearby objects sometimes not being visible or collidable.
  • Fixed rare case of stations not having collisions.
  • Fixed missing subtitles in some cutscenes.
  • Fixed lip movement continuing after character speech is interrupted.
  • Fixed repeated indicator sound when approaching capital ships.
  • Fixed incorrect travel charge sound for Xenon H.
  • Fixed rare freeze.
  • Fixed menu crash in Station Build menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed rare case of not being able to move or save game any more after conversation with NPC.
  • Fixed exitcode 239 error on launch with some AMD graphics cards and newer drivers.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version: 7.10 HF 1 (538554) - 2024-08-15
  • Improved specific cases of extreme performance issues on Steam Deck.
  • Fixed Dock at Station objective during Worker Welfare mission sometimes losing guidance.
  • Fixed various issues when multiple barter missions appear at same station.
  • Fixed missing Sapporo Blueprints not being added in some savegames.
  • Fixed missile-turret armed capital ships breaking off from combat early.
  • Fixed camera being in wrong position after loading save.
  • Fixed performance issues and falling through floor in certain situations.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Version: 7.10 HF 2 (538965) - 2024-08-26
  • Fixed all ships becoming unresponsive to orders if repeated order to mine or salvage becomes invalid.
  • Fixed turret and drone control on ships sometimes not acquiring new targets when player is nearby.
  • Fixed savegames with broken player position while in control of docked ship.
  • Fixed Sapporo blueprints not being patched in saves where research was ongoing.
  • Fixed broken radar visibility ship mods (affected mods will be re-rolled).
Version: 7.10 HF 3 (538965) - 2024-10-01

Note: The build number has not changed in this hotfix because the executable file has not changed.
  • Fixed several cases of police incorrectly becoming hostile to player.

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