[X4 QoL Request] Mass rename, mass change properties, mass buy/sell orders, mass repair, recruitment list

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[X4 QoL Request] Mass rename, mass change properties, mass buy/sell orders, mass repair, recruitment list

Post by jojorne »

Request Features:

Mass rename
- Select a bunch of ships/stations and rename them all at once.

Mass change properties
- Select a bunch of ships/stations and change the properties/loadout that matches to the last selected ship/station.

Mass buy/sell orders
- Select a bunch of ships and buy/sell as long as there's ships with empty/full storage or available goods in the station/ship.

Mass repair
- Select a bunch of ships and give a repair command because for anything else we already have the loadout presets. It's mainly split the repair of the update/upgrade/resupply/repair command.

Recruitment list
- Show a list at the station or at the available job vacancy slot with the crew available for hire from the current station or sector.

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