Xenon shipyard kill issues

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Re: Xenon shipyard kill issues

Post by pref »

Koizuki wrote: Tue, 2. Apr 24, 22:11 the dock space for S and M ships are different, so make sure there's still space for the relevant ship type
That was it. I just saw docked ships were below max amount. I'm probably blind but where can this info be found for other carriers? Can only see S/M dock info in encyclopedia and a generic ship storage.

Thanks for the explanation too, you probably have saved me some hours!
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Re: Xenon shipyard kill issues

Post by Koizuki »

pref wrote: Tue, 2. Apr 24, 23:59 I'm probably blind but where can this info be found for other carriers? Can only see S/M dock info in encyclopedia and a generic ship storage.
I'm not in the game right now, but I believe if you select the ship from the map view, open its info view and scroll to the bottom, there should be a 'Ship Information' button, or something to that extent. It'll bring up a window with that ship's statistics window, similar to the one you see when you are building a new ship, or modding an existing one. At the bottom right corner of that statistics panel should list the numbers for number of ship docks and capacity. The total space is the sum of those numbers.

For example, even an Asgard has space for some ships: It has 3 S Docks and 40 S Ship Capacity, for a total of 43 Fighters, but they will launch and land very slowly (only 3 at a time compared to an actual carrier with almost a dozen docks.) The Asgard also has 1 M Dock and 0 M Ship Capacity, meaning it has a total of 1 M ship that can land on it, but cannot be stored inside anywhere. The absolute maximum ship capacity of the Asgard then is 43 + 1 = 44, but obviously just seeing it under that number doesn't mean you can dock 3 more M ships on it, for example, because it exceeds the individual limit for M ships.
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Re: Xenon shipyard kill issues

Post by pref »

Koizuki wrote: Wed, 3. Apr 24, 03:13 there should be a 'Ship Information' button, or something to that extent. It'll bring up a window with that ship's statistics window

I have tried the fleets, in a pretty brutal environment: Tharka's south sector in a relatively new game so xenon were at full power. Did it in low attention so i can watch how it works.
Game has come a long way since CoH, it worked perfectly. No more ships chasing an S to the other end of the universe, ignoring targets, or mid fight recalls. Seems i can rely on this in high attention.
Would probably have never found out about the join point defense option without you telling.
Also these new sync points are very handy.

Even the asgard seems to be ok at first sight in low attention. The first wave with 2Ks and an I plus fighters would have killed it fast without help. It's far from game breaking, the carrier fleet is quicker against incoming ships.
The main battery in player hands will be nice when a station is all cleared of defenses and only the hull remains.
Hope it will work just as great in high attention, can't wait to try it.

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