Acces Denied X Rebirth Catalog Tool 1.10
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Acces Denied X Rebirth Catalog Tool 1.10
Hi! I need to download X Rebirth Catalog Tool 1.10 to extract .dat mod files downloaded from a steamworkshop downloader but it says Acces Denied and that's the only option left for me, have looked anywhere on the net for a .dat unpacker for XRB, but nothing so far, only the catalog tools remaining to try :c
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The Catalog tool is available for download from the Downloads page under X Rebirth -> Bonus Material.
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten
Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)
Neuauflage der fünf X-Romane als Taschenbuch
The official X-novels Farnham's Legend, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko as Kindle e-books!
Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)
Neuauflage der fünf X-Romane als Taschenbuch
The official X-novels Farnham's Legend, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko as Kindle e-books!
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Access is denied because you haven't registered your game in your forum profile yet. After you do that, you should have access to all the Bonus Material.
Have a great idea for the current or a future game? You can post it in the [L3+] Ideas forum.
X4 is a journey, not a destination. Have fun on your travels.
X4 is a journey, not a destination. Have fun on your travels.
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Fri, 30. Nov 18, 21:13
Re: Acces Denied X Rebirth Catalog Tool 1.10
I use the java tool on github. So, I didn't need to sign up.
Can this tool be made a direct download?
Can this tool be made a direct download?
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sun, 4. Aug 19, 10:21
Re: Acces Denied X Rebirth Catalog Tool 1.10
X Tools is on Steam under tools, steam link: steam://install/282160 (also listed in rebirth official tools post: viewtopic.php?t=363625)
Re: Acces Denied X Rebirth Catalog Tool 1.10
Don't have steam. I can only do direct download.ab4a wrote: ↑Sun, 4. Aug 19, 11:20 X Tools is on Steam under tools, steam link: steam://install/282160 (also listed in rebirth official tools post: viewtopic.php?t=363625)
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Thu, 2. May 24, 09:08
Re: Acces Denied X Rebirth Catalog Tool 1.10
I have to say this was pretty stupid. I have been trying to get access to the tool for years. Finally got it to work with a new account.
Fiine, I understand that you want us to register the game, but make it simple and don't put block's on standard emails
Fiine, I understand that you want us to register the game, but make it simple and don't put block's on standard emails