Rebirth release date. - Part 2

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Post by Santi » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 03:18

Except that we can see from the videos the progress being made and about where they would be in said progress...
The videos are the "Making of", they are severely edited and rehearsed, and made to appease the thirst for information from the members of this forum. They have the same value, as a promotional trailer, in terms of, at what stage the development of the game is.

Egosoft have the DevNet users as testers among others, and CBJ has already stated than some parts of the game are already being tested. The Marketing campaign will be one month before game release, as stated by Egosoft employees before, that leaves 5 months still to work on the title.

Anyway the game is expected by 2013 compared to a expected November 2014 for SC according to Chris Roberts and an unknown date for Elite Dangerous.
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Post by Nikola515 » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 04:05

No offence but didn't they told us same thing last year and year before that :roll: Expected 2011 than expected 2012 and than it will be released 2013 and now expected 2013 again :roll: It is hard to believe that they are off schedule for 2 years or more..... This is getting old and nothing make sense anymore :( Anyway game is not going to be done this year and the way things are going ill be playing SC and Elite before XR :roll:
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Post by Cowski » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 05:03

Nikola515 wrote:No offence but didn't they told us same thing last year and year before that :roll: Expected 2011 than expected 2012 and than it will be released 2013 and now expected 2013 again :roll: It is hard to believe that they are off schedule for 2 years or more..... This is getting old and nothing make sense anymore :( Anyway game is not going to be done this year and the way things are going ill be playing SC and Elite before XR :roll:
I'll continue to say it. Vaporware!!

And despite what we are told, fan made or not (I don't buy that story), egosoft keeps trying to appease us with yet more & more versions of Albion Prelude. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that we see ANOTHER version of that before rebirth.

Even you highly enthusiastic devotees have to admit that it is getting a bit ridiculous. I was one of those "highly enthusiastic devotees" for Duke Nukem back in the early 2000's when it was promised to us for several years. Then the company kept switching hands, names, developers and I finally gave up after about 3-4 years of utter disappointment. Much like what egosoft is doing right now to you.

I stick around to see what kind of train wreck it's going to be. It's more of a "gotta see what's going to happen" now for me more then anything anymore.
Part of me wants to be here when they change the "X Rebirth for PC is expected to be released in 2013." to read either:
  • * "X Rebirth for PC is expected to be released in 2014."
    * "X Rebirth is on hold until further notice. Please check back to check its status."
There has to be a time in a gaming software company where they have to admit they need to let the fans know something is wrong and give them a realistic timeframe & stop stringing them along. It won't be the first time this has happened to a gaming software company, nor will it be the last.

I agree...they are wise to want to put out a superior product. I never, ever had an issue with that. My ongoing issue is the fact that they really don't care about keeping their fans in the know. But who are we? Oh...we are the ones that are buying their product if it ever comes out. We are the ones that will put money in their pockets.

But we don't deserve to know anything. Throw a couple of outdated videos at us and expect that to hold us over. That's sad if they resort to that.

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Post by EmperorJon » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 05:11

Cowski wrote: And despite what we are told, fan made or not (I don't buy that story),
Don't you think that's a little offensive to, you know, the large number of fans which put in a lot of work to create that update? Want more proof it was fanmade? I joined the team, unfortunately I didn't have enough time to contribute so I dropped out.

You see this? This is the community project forum thread. If you think THAT is some fabrication by Egosoft in order to hide the fact X:R is actually just Albion Prelude Version 159195161, then maybe you've been reading a few too many conspiracies...
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Post by Ferîx » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 05:13

What's the matter of ranting on unreleased game? I mean, if you so disappointed about the delay than why you still here if so sure about SC and Elite? I assume you need extensive knowledge in game development to understand that something done wrong by a developer before a game even released. It took 6 years to make just a trigger-driven FPS (HL2) and on it's release it was awesome, so why we expect such an immersive game made any faster or even in the same terms? All you whining about isn't a developer's job, it's a publisher who must promote a product, shoot all this fancy vids etc. We had enough info to know that development is on its way, nothing else needed. Go get a life already, there are so many games to play and things to do.
Last edited by Ferîx on Thu, 13. Jun 13, 05:36, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by BarrenEarth » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 05:28

santi wrote:
Except that we can see from the videos the progress being made and about where they would be in said progress...
The videos are the "Making of", they are severely edited and rehearsed, and made to appease the thirst for information from the members of this forum. They have the same value, as a promotional trailer, in terms of, at what stage the development of the game is.

Egosoft have the DevNet users as testers among others, and CBJ has already stated than some parts of the game are already being tested. The Marketing campaign will be one month before game release, as stated by Egosoft employees before, that leaves 5 months still to work on the title.

Anyway the game is expected by 2013 compared to a expected November 2014 for SC according to Chris Roberts and an unknown date for Elite Dangerous.
I am almost 100% sure there are no DevNet members here involved with testing Rebirth at the moment, I am about 99% sure they do not have alpha builds available yet for that kind of testing.

I am also 100% sure that the making of videos clearly show portions of the game being tested separated from all other portions of the game, which is a nice feature test but is far from any kind of DevNet level testing phase.

I am also 100% sure there were people telling me to shut it 6 months ago and said they would make it available Q2 2014, although I doubt there are many who would step forward and say they were wrong.

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Post by Cowski » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 05:40

EmperorJon, if I've stepped on your toes & those of other developers, I do apologize. Don't get me wrong, I never trashed the game. I stated that it appears egosoft is more interested in doing QA work on AP vX.Y then focusing on the task at hand. And I'm guessing that egosoft, to protect their main application, will have to run all fan-made projects through their QA department to make sure it runs well before distributing it. I'm sure they just don't take what is sent to them, slap their name on it & distribute it.
With that being said, focus is taken away from XR. I know how this industry works. When a project is behind schedule, as XR is, they don't redirect resources to something like an older product with new fan based content. That weakens the architecture for the new product. A product that is going to make them money. Not a new, free download for an older game.

As I stated earlier...I apologize for being offensive to any work you & other fans have put forth on AP.

And to Ferix, to answer your question. I'll say it again from my previous post. I keep coming back to see what's going to happen. I've gone this far...may as well stick around to see if they prove me wrong. I'm not above admitting I'm wrong if the scenario calls for it.


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Post by Night Nord » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 07:59

BarrenEarth wrote: I am almost 100% sure there are no DevNet members here involved with testing Rebirth at the moment, I am about 99% sure they do not have alpha builds available yet for that kind of testing.
Oh, wow you are a prophet. Tell me, when the next doomsday shall be expected?

Really, what is the sense of this baseless attacks? Are you paid by... I don't actually know any X:R competitor that may benefit from such behaviour.

We already got Release Date - Q4 2013. It's said in Tri Synergy announcement.

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Post by Geek » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 08:55

BarrenEarth wrote:I am almost 100% sure there are no DevNet members here involved with testing Rebirth at the moment, I am about 99% sure they do not have alpha builds available yet for that kind of testing.
As a DevNet member, this make me smile. Just saying.
Right on commander !

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Post by theeclownbroze » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 09:14

So geek you just revealed that you are working in devnet testing x rebirth alpha. Otherwisewhy would you smile. Thanks for info :D

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Post by elexis » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 09:53

theeclownbroze wrote:So geek you just revealed that you are working in devnet testing x rebirth alpha. Otherwisewhy would you smile. Thanks for info :D
As a DevNet member, this make me smile. Just saying.

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Post by linolafett » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 10:03

As a Egosoft member, this thread made me smile. Just saying.


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Post by theeclownbroze » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 10:35

Hey lino, how is working for egosoft?? :D

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Post by ldarkelfl » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 10:45

As a random X-fan, this smiling made me smile. Just saying.

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Post by linolafett » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 10:56

Work is fun :)

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Post by CBJ » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 11:48

BarrenEarth wrote:I am almost 100% sure there are no DevNet members here involved with testing Rebirth at the moment, I am about 99% sure they do not have alpha builds available yet for that kind of testing.

I am also 100% sure that the making of videos clearly show portions of the game being tested separated from all other portions of the game, which is a nice feature test but is far from any kind of DevNet level testing phase.
And you'd be 100% wrong on pretty much all counts. Our enthusiastic team of DevNet testers (well over 100 of them) have had access to Alpha builds for several months now, and have been providing us with lots of useful feedback.

The making-of videos all show in-game content. Some, showing off a particular asset or feature, may indeed do so in a limited environment in order to best demonstrate what the developer is talking about, but others use the full game environment. All the assets and features shown are available in the full game environment, whether or not that environment was used for presentation purposes. Obviously certain things such as path visualisation are only available to developers and testers, but builds that just have the normal game features are also available and being tested.
Cowski wrote:And I'm guessing that egosoft, to protect their main application, will have to run all fan-made projects through their QA department to make sure it runs well before distributing it. I'm sure they just don't take what is sent to them, slap their name on it & distribute it.
With that being said, focus is taken away from XR. I know how this industry works. When a project is behind schedule, as XR is, they don't redirect resources to something like an older product with new fan based content. That weakens the architecture for the new product. A product that is going to make them money. Not a new, free download for an older game.
I'm afraid you're also wrong, largely. X3AP 3.0 really is fan-made content, and while they had a small amount of support from a couple of our developers here and there, this did not have any significant impact on XR work. We have more than enough DevNet members to test more than one thing at a time, especially since the testing of X3AP 3.0 was not under NDA and was open to literally thousands of people if they wanted to take part.

As for whether there is any benefit in supporting our older products with new, free content, I'm pretty sure a lot of players would disagree with you. From our perspective, of course we want people to keep playing our older games, because when they play our older games they also tend to stick around and buy our new games when they come out. Providing new content is a good way to achieve that.

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Post by Moncada » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 12:28

I am so jealous of the dev net people :) I love watching games evolve when testing ( when I have gotten the privilege to do so ). I hope you are having fun :) * shakes fist *

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Post by Cabrelbeuk » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 12:34

Thanks for misinformation GarrenEarth.
The fact that Egosoft have searched and found a distributor in USA should be a clue that the dev is on the true ending part.
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Post by pjknibbs » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 13:17

Moncada wrote:I am so jealous of the dev net people :) I love watching games evolve when testing ( when I have gotten the privilege to do so ). I hope you are having fun :) * shakes fist *
You appear to be under the impression that becoming a DevNet member is a special thing only available to certain people. This is not the case--you can sign up for level 3 DevNet membership by simply signing up for it in your forum profile. Level 5 DevNet access (which is currently what's needed for X:R testing) can be obtained by filling out an NDA form and sending it off to Egosoft.

However, don't do that if all you want to do is "get the game early"--that's not what DevNet testing is about, and anyone who thinks that way will likely not enjoy the experience much!

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Post by nap_rz » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 13:21

Cabrelbeuk wrote:Thanks for misinformation GarrenEarth.
The fact that Egosoft have searched and found a distributor in USA should be a clue that the dev is on the true ending part.
nah it was just a little interrogation trick demonstration from us fans to make the developer reveal something :mrgreen:

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