Nobel Prize in Physics 2022

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Nobel Prize in Physics 2022

Post by euclid » Sun, 30. Oct 22, 14:58

Clauser, Aspect and Zellinger won it for an experiment that shows quantum entanglement is indeed true. And before someone asks: No, it does not violate the maximum speed of information transport (speed of light) but it opens a new aspect in the research of quatum computing. For those more interested in the findings and the background please check this.

Cheers Euclid
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Re: Nobel Prize in Physics 2022

Post by mr.WHO » Sun, 30. Oct 22, 15:54

It's always a bit problematic to unterstand why quantum entangelment doesn't allow FTL communication.

It helps to use classic Schroedinger cat case to describe it, aka the dead/alive cat in the box.
Untill you open the box, the cat is both dead and alive - you don't know which one and can't tell until you open the box.

Now, with quantum entanglement, it's the same, but you have two boxes, with two cats in connected live/dead state, when you open the one box, the state of the cat will be the opposite of the can in the other box.

Now this is the simple explenation why this doesn't allow FTL communication:
All you have is alive or dead cat, with the knowledge, there is opposite state cat in the other end of the galaxy.
However, the guy on the other end of the galaxy doesn't have any way to know, if his cat state is effect of YOU opening your box...or HIM opening his box.
To figure it out, you would need to send STL transmission to confirm the dates of opening and states of the cats.

The 2 problems with quantum entanglement are that:
1- it hold only till there is measurement (e.g. checking the message break the entanglement)
2- the outcome of 0/1 state check on one end is always perfectly random, this means you will always randomly pull 0 or 1, but on the other end it will always be opposite values.

Now, the "easy" way to have FTL communication is, if we would be able to influence the check outcome not to be perfectly random.
If we would be able to reliably pick 0 over 1 even by just 0.1%, then it's only a matter of spamming enough quantum entanglements and agreeing, that having noticably more 0 or 1 over some time means something (aka the message out of random noise).
Solving the issue 1 would reduce the bother with creating and checking the finite about of entanglement pairs, but without dealing with issue number 2, all you would have is just a particle (or many particles if you increase the number of pairs) producting random noise all the time.

Unfortunately for now, all known physics so far makes solution to those 2 problem impossible (pairs always break on check, 0/1 outcome is always perfectly random).

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