Star Trek Discovery

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Post by Jericho » Mon, 5. Feb 18, 11:07

Ketraar wrote:MY question is, how do you define this as Star Trek? It looks and feels nothing like it.
I haven't seen Discovery so I can't comment. But Shatner's Trek is nothing like Deep Space 9... But then I think a lot of people will say that DS9 isn't really 'trek' either...

DS9 is my favorite too, but they killed the Mirror Universe with overuse... At least they didn't have to fight off a borg invasion every season.

While I have no doubt that it was due to make-up reuse, I loved the similarities between Tosk and the Jem'Hadar (their makeup, their stamina/strength, their ability to 'shroud'/cloak, their lack of sleep, their lack of needing to 'eat').

But there was never any followup or questions raised by O'Brien. Where they both created by the Dominion? Did the Dominion created the Jem'Hadar from the Tosk species (Like the Vorta were created from the tree-dwelling species?)
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Post by Kapakio » Mon, 5. Feb 18, 11:47

Ketraar wrote:MY question is, how do you define this as Star Trek? It looks and feels nothing like it.

The whole alternative universe trope again and executed so bad it hurts. One can hear the writers inserting all the Deus Ex Machina into the plot its not even funny. TNG was cheesy sure, but it was at least fun. This is a bland take at a rich universe and sorry but in 2018 I expect more. Looking forward for The Expanse for proper Sci-Fi and hope they dont pull a Dark Matter.


I have to confess that I really liked the series. Yes, I agree, it doesn't feel like Star Trek at all, but I enjoyed the story and the twist. And I really did not feel a lot of Deux ex Machina as you did.

Of course, once you accept the concept of a "spore drive" then anything can happen

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Post by clakclak » Mon, 5. Feb 18, 12:59

mrbadger wrote:[...]They need more Science Fiction original content to attract me long term.[...]
They have "Altered Carbon" in the line. If the show is anything like the book than it will be brilliant. However I hope they don't try to replicate the over the top violence of the book. Some things work well in books, but not in movies/TV shows. (I am also sad to see that they outright left out one of the most important and coolest characters from the book.)

I must say that so far I am pretty happy with this new emergence of the cyberpunk genre. Fans like me have really been blessed lately. Ghost in the Shell, Blade Runner, Ready Player One, Altered Carbon and the new Deus Ex, not evening mentioning all the new books coming out.
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Post by Ketraar » Mon, 5. Feb 18, 16:20

Kapakio wrote: And I really did not feel a lot of Deux ex Machina as you did.

Of course, once you accept the concept of a "spore drive" then anything can happen
The spore-drive is a "normal" Trek thingamajig that does things pulled from a hat (to be PG13), but that is not a problem per se, as said before, its a common occurrence in Trek stuff. My issue is with the coincidences that are tailored to fit the narrative. Spoilers ahead
How high are the odds that the right people are about at the exact time and spot in the universe for the whole mirror shenanigans to work? You got to Deus Ex the crap out of it for it to "work". Worst of al is the boring half season one had to endure to get some pay-off. Also where are the Klingon at?
Its not the worst Sci-fi by any means, its just mediocre, which in itself is a bad thing imho, we can demand better and we should.



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Post by Kapakio » Mon, 5. Feb 18, 18:33

Ketraar wrote:Some spoilers
Well, to be completely fair
The whole concept of parallel universes with different "flavors" of the same people is silly enough. So, if you accept that, then there's no issue that they are also in the same part of the universe at any given moment. Maybe there's some kind of "connection" between the two universes through the spore network
So, I think the plot is consistent with itself. Agree, not the best sci fi, but I would not call it mediocre.


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Post by Ketraar » Mon, 5. Feb 18, 19:13

Kapakio wrote:Well, to be completely fair
Well no, its not just the premise of them being versions of themselves, but that they are the EXACT versions NEEDED for this plot. Also it bothers me that they mirror just the things they need to work for the plot, so a person has a different personality altogether, but they still have the EXACT same carrier path? And that is true to ALL characters involved in this plot? Gimme a break!
This is why I think its mediocre it does not try to be subtle at all. Also again whats with the Klingon? Do they even matter at all? Dont think so and am not talking about their awful look I could get past that if they had any resemblance of character and not just be cartoon characters.



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Post by Kapakio » Tue, 6. Feb 18, 01:11

Ketraar wrote: This is why I think its mediocre
So, you are ok that in the parallel universe there's another version of yourself but you are not Ok that both have the same profession? Where do you draw the line of plausible?

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Post by Ketraar » Tue, 6. Feb 18, 01:42

I never said I was OK with it, in fact I'm pretty sure I said I disliked the whole mirror thingy and its a overused trope, but more so its a badly executed one in this series.

Having said that I can give it a pass, as its Star Trek and it often does use these cheese tropes once they run out of ideas on how to make space exploration entertaining. What I cannot give it a pass is inconsistent and incoherent story telling.

I can list at least 3 sub-plots that are completely irrelevant and just dragged the show for no reason instead of making fun Trek stuff like meet odd species and worlds. Instead we have to endure inconsistent characters that act one way in one occasion to then act completely different in the next (and they are not in the mirror thingy). Its just poor writing, if it did not have the name Star Trek, none of us would be watching this show after episode 3 (being really generous here).



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Post by Observe » Tue, 6. Feb 18, 02:09

clakclak wrote:They have "Altered Carbon" in the line. If the show is anything like the book than it will be brilliant. However I hope they don't try to replicate the over the top violence of the book.
I watched Altered Carbon through episode 5 (of 10) and then I quit. The series has good acting, production, writing etc., but the pornography turned me off. I don't need to see people having sex every five minutes. When they aren't having sex, they are parading around naked - interspersed with the rest of the story. An otherwise watchable series has been thrown into the gutter imo.

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Post by burger1 » Tue, 6. Feb 18, 03:10

Observe wrote: I don't need to see people having sex every five minutes. When they aren't having sex, they are parading around naked - interspersed with the rest of the story. An otherwise watchable series has been thrown into the gutter imo.
I ended up not watching all of Penny Dreadful in part because of the constant sex/nudity. It also got very dark during bits of the story. I'd rather have something you can watch with other adults without being embarrassed. It seems to be a trend on netflix though.

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Post by Antilogic » Tue, 6. Feb 18, 11:56

burger1 wrote:I'd rather have something you can watch with other adults without being embarrassed.
Question how boring the adults you're watching with are. ^^

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Post by burger1 » Tue, 13. Feb 18, 02:42

I guess it's done for this season.

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Post by Usenko » Tue, 13. Feb 18, 08:00

That was abrupt . . .

I liked much of it, but I felt that the end of the major arc came far too quickly.
Morkonan wrote:What really happened isn't as exciting. Putin flexed his left thigh during his morning ride on a flying bear, right after beating fifty Judo blackbelts, which he does upon rising every morning. (Not that Putin sleeps, it's just that he doesn't want to make others feel inadequate.)

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Post by euclid » Tue, 13. Feb 18, 09:01

Usenko wrote:That was abrupt . . .

I liked much of it, but I felt that the end of the major arc came far too quickly.
Indeed, for a season final a tad disappointing.

And just a side note for those comments on Altered Carbon: I find it quite surprising that people are concerned about the displayed nudity rather than the utter violence. But I suspect that we are more used to the latter.

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Post by pjknibbs » Tue, 13. Feb 18, 09:40

euclid wrote:I find it quite surprising that people are concerned about the displayed nudity rather than the utter violence.
The way TV is censored these days causes that sort of disconnect, I think--it tends to be "Show all the blood and guts you like, but if a female nipple should happen to flash for half a second onscreen, you're in trouble". Makes no sense to me either, but them's the breaks.

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Post by Ketraar » Tue, 13. Feb 18, 12:41

An underwhelming ending to a underwhelming season. The only real upside was that they finally managed to insert some Star Trek into it even if just very late and too little. Even though it made no sense at all for star fleet to agree to such a horrendous plan, but at least it allowed for a very treky speech. Not the subtlest way to convey it, but from this level of writing I was not expecting much anyway.

Also the cheapest of cliffhangers ever made, phoned in fan service. At this point they could just cancel season 2 and I would not care at all.



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Post by berth » Tue, 13. Feb 18, 23:25


Pretty much sums up my feelings. All rather lacklustre. I'll watch it if they make more but I'm not really invested in any of the characters or the world they're in.

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Post by Redvers Ganderpoke » Wed, 14. Feb 18, 12:56

Blink and you miss the climax of the season or should I say anti-climax of the season. The cliff hanger at the end wasn't really a cliff hanger. So far the characters seem a bit bland (IMO Saru is the most interesting with Michael Burnham one of the least - a lot of the bridge staff could be played by muppets as much as we now about them, Tilly is almost Wesley in annoyance.)
Two cliff hangers - although it not a very high cliff and nobody is in danger
1. So what does Cpt Pike want?
2. Who's going to be the new Captain?
I can hardly contain my excitement : :|
A flower?

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Post by Usenko » Wed, 14. Feb 18, 13:34

I didn't hate the episode as some have. I did think that it was not the strongest episode of the season.

My thoughts were as follows:

* The character arcs of Burnham and Tyler were brought to satisfying conclusions (or stopping points, at least, bearing in mind both are likely to feature next season).

* The character arcs of L'Rell and Saru were not so well managed. Saru was developing as a Captain, and some acknowledgement of this should have been made rather than him simply meekly yielding his position to Captain Whoever on Vulcan. Meanwhile, there was more that could have been done with L'Rell.

* I get that the scriptwriters didn't want to continue the Klingon War arc next season. Okay, I respect that. However, the war came to just too screeching a halt. I found it hard to accept that an interstellar war could be stopped so completely with a simple implied threat, especially if the problem is that the Klingons have so completely fragmented into their 24 houses.

*Here's an alternative: The house that is currently threatening Earth is somehow specifically invested in the bomb attack. So L'Rell has managed to pull them away. Seeing her strength at this, the other houses come to treat with her. She promises nothing more than an armistice to the Federation; the war has become a cold war, but at least we're not shooting at each other. This allows for a different focus next season (in that there's no official hostilities), but a level of political intrigue and possible border skirmishes. The Discovery could still find itself in danger when it accidentally warps into a previously unihabited system which has now caught a bad case of Klingons. Are the warships in system hostile, or are they part of a faction which has accepted the peace? We don't know until we have more information.
Morkonan wrote:What really happened isn't as exciting. Putin flexed his left thigh during his morning ride on a flying bear, right after beating fifty Judo blackbelts, which he does upon rising every morning. (Not that Putin sleeps, it's just that he doesn't want to make others feel inadequate.)

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Post by Ketraar » Wed, 14. Feb 18, 15:05

Thinking about it this season I realized Star Trek Discovery's plot, felt much like the X3 TC Treasure Hunt Plot, a reverse engineered goal with steps made to fit to reach the end result.

One was made by a person who didnt know jack squat about storytelling, the other by a modder. :roll:



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