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[Script].[V.5.00] Goner Map Updata Service...........[UPDATE]

Posted: Sun, 28. Jan 07, 21:10
by SuperVegeta
Goner Map Updata Service --- GMUS

This is not a Cheat :!: :!: :!:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Here to the German Thread<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The Goner-Association can say that our Map Update Service is now in use for you.
This computer system does make it for you possible to bring your GalaxyMap on the newest conditions, in no more as 5 Mizuras.
This service is for it naturally chargeable, with this fee, we can pay our costs and repair the ships of our Rangers.
The height of the fee depends on the kind of the selected Updater services.
We offer Stations-updater, FlyingWare-Updater, UnownedShip-Updater and Search as TradeWare on Station.

If you have questions :!:
My English is not so good: that did write your question to me as simply as possible, please.

Goner Research Labor


To The Products

The Stations Updater

This Updater did scanned all Sectors, those know by user, on him unknows Stations.
The user can select on this scanner: Don't scann enemy Sectors or all Sectors. (Enemy Sectors are == Yaki, Xenon, Pirats, Kha’ak)
The Nav-Datas of all, of user unknow Stationen, those are then integrated into the navigation system of the user.
All informations about this Stations, becomes written in a sector list, the sector list then becomes written in the logbook of the user.
Every information about a Station does cost you a fee of 50.000 Cr. per Station.
If you don't have the money for the fee, or the costs would surpass the limit you have entered before --> the command will be stopped.
If then all Sector are scannt or the Scanner will be stopped because you have not enough money, start the Evaluation of this Order:
With more as 15 discovered stations, becomes the amount of discovered stations will be added to your reputition to the Goner-Association.

The Flying Ware Scanner

This Updater did scanned all Sectors, those know by user, on Flying Wares.
The Nav-Datas of all, of Flying Wares, those are then integrated into the navigation system of the user.
All informations about this Flying Wares, becomes written in a sector list, the sector list then becomes written in the logbook of the user.
Every information about a Flying Ware does cost you a fee of 250 Cr. per Flying Ware.
If you don't have the money for the fee, or the costs would surpass the limit you have entered before --> the command will be stopped.
If then all Sector are scannt or the Scanner will be stopped because you have not enough money, start the Evaluation of this Order:
With more as 14 discovered stations, becomes 1 piont will be added to your reputition to the Goner-Association.

(Only in this sector, in tht are the player, becomes spowned Flying Wares.)
(All Flying Wares become scanne if it is konw by player or not.)

The Unowned Ship Scanner

This Updater did scanned all Sectors, those know by user, on Unowned Ships.
All informations about this Unowned Ships, becomes written in a sector list, the sector list then becomes written in the logbook of the user.
Every information about a Unowned Ship does cost you a fee of 50.000 Cr. per Unowned Ship.
If you don't have the money for the fee, or the costs would surpass the limit you have entered before --> the command will be stopped.
If then all Sector are scannt or the Scanner will be stopped because you have not enough money, start the Evaluation of this Order:
With more as 9 discovered stations, becomes the amount of discovered stations will be added to your reputition to the Goner-Association.

Trade Ware On Station Scanner

This scanned Stations those have a Ware, that from the Player select befor,
as product or ressource or both and that station is know by player,
he write the dates how: Sektor/Station/Ware/Product or Ressource/Stock/Price in to the Logbook of the Player,
this Service cost only 100 Cr. per found Station.
The user can select between only as Pruduct or only as Ressource or all Stations those trade with this Ware.
If you don't have the money for the fee, or the costs would surpass the limit you have entered before --> the command will be stopped.
If then all Sector are scannt or the Scanner will be stopped because you have not enough money, start the Evaluation of this Order:
With more as 20 discovered Stations with this Ware and the selected value of Product/Ressource/Both, becomes 1 piont will be added to your reputition to the Goner-Association.

Damaged own Ships

This Scanner search damaged Ships owned by the Player and write this
and his Environment/Position in a List and into player logbook.
This Service are kost you only 50 Cr. per damaged Ship that was finded
and with 20 or more finded Ships the User becomes 1 piont
will be added to his reputition to the Goner-Association.

Start the Goner Map Update Services:

>In the navigation menu of your ship you will know find the command "START: Goner Map Updata Service G.M.U.S."
>if you execute the commmand you will be asked 3 arguments:

1.Argument "Don't go under Player money"
--->Now you have to enter the minimum account ballance you want to keep (as a number). The command then wont be allowed to fall below this value.
For example: If u need 1.000.000 Cr. for ur arising expenses, enter 1000000 and your account wont drop under 950.001 Cr. .

2.Argument "All Sectors = 1; Enemy Not = 0"
>Hier gibt man 0 oder 1 ein
--->Now you enter either the number 1 for scanning all sectors, or 0 if you dont want to scan hostile sectors (Enemy sectors are those of Yaki, Kha'ak, Xenon and Pirates).
(this need only for Stations-Updater)

3.Argument "Search for Ware"
--->Here you select, if you want to search as Tradewares on Stations, select a Ware of the 3 Columns: Ware, Shiptype, Stationtype. If you not want This, you can select it to "null".

4.After of Start you became a Call Quest with 6 Select items: 1. [Station] // 2. [Flying Ware] // 3. [Unowned Ship] // 4. [Search Ware on Station] // 5. [Damaged own Ships] // 6. [All Scanner]

5.If you have select: 4. [Search Ware on Station] you became a second Call Quest with the select items: 1.[Product] // 2.[Ressource] // 3.+4.[Product and/or Ressource]
--->with [Product] only stations those are seized Ware as product to have.
--->with [Ressource] only stations those are seized Ware as primare or secundare ressource to have.
--->with [Product and/or Ressource] all Stations those are seized Ware as trade with them.



>The script will search the hole universe from X=0 - X=Max and Y=0 - Y=Max
>The GMUS.Scanners work only in Sectors ther know by player, in this sectors the GMUS did set know the stations and flying wares (but FlyingWares don't must be unknow) that are unknow by player, [unowned ships] and [trade ware on Station] the GMUS did name and sector and spaceposition wright to player logbook.
>Every information about a station or Unowned Ship does cost you a fee of 50.000 Cr. the fee for flying wares are 250 Cr. the fee for trade ware on Station are 100 Cr. per Station.
>If you dont have the money for the fee, or the costs would surpass the limit you have entered before --> the command will be stopped
>With more as 15 discovered stations / 9 descovered ships by this way, the ammount of discovered stations/ships will be added to your reputition with the Goners, more as 14 Flying Wares at mor as 20 Station by Trade Ware on Station, 1 Point will be added to your reputition with the Goners.


>Navigations Commando Slot (2)29

>Upgrade needed
--->Navigationsoftware MK1

German + English
>ID: ##8918
>Page ID: 8918

Global Variablen:



--->ReadMe.txt read

--->ReadMe.txt read



Version 0.01

-->First Release Version

Version 1.00

-->[Enemy Sectors] Release of Argument: Enemy Sectors Yes/No // Enemy == Xenon + Kha'ak + Pirats

Version 2.00

-->[BugFixed] ReadText 1500/6 [gefixed] (only in German Version)
-->[Autopilot] in Version 0.00 and V.1.00 must the player wait to be finish the Updater befor he can fly to go // in Version 2.00 the player can immediately after start and set of the Parameter, fly to go.
-->[Enemy Sectors] Are the Race Yaki Sectors is Enemy too, as past only the Xenon + Pirats and Kha'ak Sectors. // Enemy == Yaki + Xenon + Pirats + Kha'ak

Version 3.00

-->[BugFixed] {Lucike} sad to me P.ID 1500 is in a reserved place for EGO, that i did change the P.ID to 8918
-->[Flying Ware Scanner] this scanner find wares in space und set know ther to the player and write it in to your Logbook.
-->[Ship Scanner] This scanner find Ships, there have no pilot (unowned Ships) and set Name, Sector, Spaceposition of this in the Player Logbook.

Version 4.00

-->[BugFixed] [Ship Scanner] Ships of Race Neutral there are not unowned, become no more scann.
-->[Trade Ware On Station Scanner] This scann Stations there have a Ware, that from the Player select befor, at have it as product or ressource or both and the station is know by player, he write the datas: Sektor/Station/Ware/Product or Ressource/Stock/Price in to the Logbook of the Player, This Service cost only 100 Cr. per found Station.
-->[Argument Changes] Agr.1: DontgoUnderPlayerMoney // Agr.2: AllSektors-EnemyNot // Arg.3: SelectSearchWare
-->[Call Quest] other Parameter there select by Call Quest.
-->[Univers direction] All Scanner start at King Valley 0/0 (Boron Prime) and scann than to and it Max X and Max Y direction.
-->[Globale Vareablen] with 5 GV is the GMUS.4 control, there are Aktive at every start of GMUS and on the Finish of GMUS there are delete. (GMUS GV 1; GMUS GV 2; GMUS GV 3; GMUS GV 4; GMUS GV 5)

Version 4.50

-->[BugFix] the not disable of Script: plugin.SV.goner.maping.service.1

-->[Manual [Bug] disable]
-->you self must disable the Bug from Version 4.00
>go into the ScriptEditor Main-menue (outside of Station) with "Shift C" then "s", and go down to "Global Script Task"
>here you see a list of all Scripts with Global Task, go of one of the plugin.SV.goner.maping.service.1 Script and push the button "Del/Entf" and select "Yes" to the question window: if you want delet this Script task
>atention read the Process ID left from the Script that you want to disable and look its the same as in the Delete Window.
>do you it again solong, are plugin.SV.goner.maping.service.1 Scripts in the list.
>Save the Game that the Disable saved

Version 5.00

-->[FastScann] the Shipscanners are now faster at to ~ 80%
-->New Scanner: [Damaged own Ships]




v0.01 --> v.1.00 --> v.2.00

v.3.00 + v.4.00 + v.4.50 + v.5.00 is not with older Versions compatibly

GMUS to X3 Versionen

GMUS v.[0.01]+[1.00]+[2.00]+[3.00]+[4.00]+[4.50]+[5.00] compatibly to
X3 v.[1.1]+[1.2.1]+[1.3(all)]+[1.4(all)]+[2.00(all)]+[BonusPack(all)]


Version: GMUS.V.5.00

DL.Pack is a rar.Archiv in this are a rar.Archiv.Version and SPK.Version inside.

Scripts GMUS

Textfile.8918 Version.2.10 for: (Supported the highest Versions of this Products)
Player RRF, AEGIS Weaponsystem and Goner Map Update Service

Download on the:
:arrow: X3-Reunion SuperVegeta Index Topic

< Keywords: Scripter SuperVegeta, Script, Flyware, Flying ware, unowned ships, unknown Stations, damaged own ships >

Posted: Tue, 30. Jan 07, 08:31
by SuperVegeta
Script Installer [spk] Version Released

Posted: Fri, 2. Mar 07, 15:12
by SuperVegeta

Version 4.50

-->[BugFix] the not disable of Script: plugin.SV.goner.maping.service.1

-->[Manual [Bug] disable]
-->you self must disable the Bug from Version 4.00
>go into the ScriptEditor Main-menue (outside of Station) with "Shift C" then "s", and go down to "Global Script Task"
>here you see a list of all Scripts with Global Task, go of one of the plugin.SV.goner.maping.service.1 Script and push the button "Del/Entf" and select "Yes" to the question window: if you want delet this Script task
>atention read the Process ID left from the Script that you want to disable and look its the same as in the Delete Window.
>do you it again solong, are plugin.SV.goner.maping.service.1 Scripts in the list.
>Save the Game that the Disable saved

Posted: Fri, 18. May 07, 02:19
by SuperVegeta

Version 5.00

-->[FastScann] the Shipscanners are now faster at to ~ 80%
-->New Scanner: [Damaged own Ships]