Mission log of a failed speedrun attempt.

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Mission log of a failed speedrun attempt.

Post by Omni-Orb » Thu, 22. Sep 22, 13:45

I am working on doing a "speedrun" in this game without glitching or exploiting, this is what I have so far.
What i mean by speedrun is to see how fast it can be completed.

Game version 5.10
Game start: Accomplished Scientist
Goal: "Complete the Game "speedrun""-Combat version: Collect all blueprints, complete all missions,
terraform all planets, destroy all, complete all research and discover and complete all data vaults in the most efficient way according to in-game time.

This will be my first very serious game start. I consider myself a 'FIGHT' aspect player up until now and mostly have done single ship combat, including boarding.
I mostly restart the game when feel like I dominate the 'FIGHT' aspect in power, because the start of the game is the most fun for me as a 'FIGHT' player now.
I have ca 2500 hours in this game, and I almost never build stations, amass fleets, complete research, terraform or complete missions.
The most serious game I ever did was this: viewtopic.php?f=146&t=443079.

Here are the saves:
1: https://easyupload.io/rx6pqu 40min
2: https://easyupload.io/r13vc5 55min
3: https://easyupload.io/gs212o 2hours2min
4: https://easyupload.io/kmhgj9 3hours27min
5: https://easyupload.io/khzj3m 4hours53min
6: https://easyupload.io/khh0f0 7hours11min

The first 30minutes:
Started the game by capturing the abandoned Paranid capital ship and sold it to the highest bidder for ca 7 million Cr.
Then i bought 19 ides vanguard "boarding" ships from Argon Prime. I refitted the Nodan starting ship with a Police Scanner, my standard Combat Engine Mk3 and 2 Pulse Laser Mk2.
I sent the ides to the sector patrol Colossus and Nomad and started boarding them and sold the ides before they were destroyed.
Then i started searching for the Intervention Corps Asgard and found it in The Void while slowly shooting it one time with one pulse laser before it could fully charge its travel drive,
to keep it from escaping too far or going into enemy territory.

I completed the capture of the Colossus and the Nomad and sold them back to the Argon for ca 32 million cr.
Bought 19 Ides Vanguard "boarding" ships, 20 Tern Vanguard "Boarding" ships and 31 Pegasus Vanguard "Exploration" ships. while doing this I was shooting the
'Intervention Corps Asgard' without causing it to become hostile to prevent its travel drive from charging.
Sent 18 Tern Vanguard over to board the Intervention Corps Asgard. And sold them back to the Teladi after the boarding pods hit their target.
Sending the Pegasus Vanguard to explore sectors as they complete construction.

55Minutes-1hour 28minutes:
Changed the engines to Travel Engine Mk3 on the Nodan Completed the research mission for Basic Engine Mods and started the research.
Failed the first boarding attempt and sent the rest of the "boarding" ships to the Intervention Corps Asgard.
After the boarding pods hit the target, I sold the ships back the shipyards I bought them from, all except 1 Tern Vanguard that was lost.
Changed back to my standard Combat Engine Mk3. Completed the research mission for Basic Chassis Mod.
Completed boarding the Intervention Corps Asgard.

1hour 28minutes-2hours 03minutes:
Reordered all the Pegasus Vanguard "Explorers" to explore new sectors and more thoroughly explore the sectors they are in.
Completed the mission 'The Hatikvah Endeavour'. Bought L Storage blueprints from the Teladi and all 'Other' modules from the Teladi and Paranid.
Refitted the Asgard for boarding purposes.
Changed my main ship from a 'Nodan' to a fully outfitted 'Pegasus Vanguard' to use in combination with the Asgard.
Starting boarding operations on whatever targets are valuable for money and empire use.
Started "Fly By Boarding" PAR Patrol Carrier Zeus E, TEL construction vessel Albatross Sentinel,
PAR High-Tech Freighter Helios E and stopped at a TEL equipment dock to restock marines twice.

2hours 03minutes-2hours 45minutes:
Started traveling to Split space in the Asgard to capture the Raptor.
Successfully captured Helios E and Albatross sentinel and sent them to Equpment docks.
Failed boarding Zeus E.
Fully explored 30 sectors so far. Started following construction vessels and other XL ships with the idle Pegasus explorers for boarding purposes.
Money down at 50,000Cr before getting back up to 5 million Cr again from the Albatross refit.
Started "Fly By Boarding" 2-ZYA Patrol Carrier Raptor and ZYA Construction Vessel Elephant while supplying marines to the Asgard from the Albatross.

2hours 45minutes-3hours 40 minutes: Completed boarding one of the raptors and failed boarding on the other. Started boarding the second raptor again.
Completed boarding on the Elephant. Sold all the ships in the Raptor except a Dragon, and a Chimera with Combat Engine Mk4.
Successfully boarded 2 ZYA Construction Vessel Elephant. Ordered all the captured ships to a equipment refit.
Failed at boarding the raptor for a third time. Started boarding the raptor for the 4th time. Ordered the Helios to gather building materials for the Headquarters.
Sold the raptor to the Teladi for ca 61 million Cr. Bought 6-Helios E for buying station construction wares
and 2 Chthonios E (Mineral) so I could mine the nvidium required for some of the research.
Sent an elephant to build the Headquarters, 1 of each storage and a pier.
Had a BUG with some pods from different factions following the Asgard in a swarm preventing travel mode from charging and thought I could get them destroyed without losing reputation
by parking the Asgard in the hazard zone in The Void so started traveling there from Split space.
Did a few fly by boardings while on my way to The Void, a ZYA Construction Vessel Elephant, a VIG Ice Union Freighter Barbarossa and an ANT resupply ship Nomad Sentinel.

3hours 40minutes-5 hours:
Queued up buying up all the Advanced Electronics from the universe with the 6 Helios E for later research before it disappears from the trade stations (Ca 21000).
Successfully boarded Raptor, Elephant, Barbarossa and Nomad. Sold The Raptor, Barbarossa and Nomad. Started building a scrap recycling station in Silent Witness XII for 82 million Cr.
Bought 2 more Helios E. Started a boarding spree on 14 Construction vessels from ANT, ARG and TEL.
Started buying resources for teleportation research and general construction wares for the scrap station and Headquarters. started building the framework of a big station.

5hours-6hours 12minutes:
Net worth at 330million Cr. Assets are: 22construction vessels, 3-Monitor, 9-L traders, 1-Asgard, 2L miners, 30-pegasus, 3-stations building including Headquarters.
Teleportation - Range II completed. Basic Mods Research Completed.

6hours 12minutes-6hours 47minutes:
Explored the universe fully except xenon sectors. Doing trade guild missions for exceptional mods by flying Pegasus to the missions,
while getting reputation with Zyarth Patriarchy by teleporting to and from the 'Asgard' and destroying xenon at the gate to Tharkas Cascade XV
Stopped boarding for a while and started focusing more on station construction and trading building wares while getting mod materials for the Asgard.
Ca half of the gameplay is now done while the game is paused for precision and to "conserve" game time for the speed run.
Much of the gameplay is now about multitasking, and efficiently teleporting to do several tasks simultaneously.
Scattering the construction vessels around the map for future constructions.

6hours 47minutes-8hours:
Destroying Xenon at the gate to Tharkas Cascade in Family Zhin for reputation with Zyarths Patriarchy.
Also boarding a few Monitor and Elephant. Net worth now at 501million Cr.
Bought 8 Manticore and 2 Teuta for the Scrap Processing Factory now that it has a few modules finished.
Destroyed 4 Xenon K and many S/M ships, gathered mod materials. Finished all mod and teleportation research.
Shooting criminal traffic in a loop using 3 stations in Terran space until rep is +5 from -15 then starting the Terran missions.
Finished the first few Terran missions including the defense of Getsu Fune in the Asgard, getting the rep up to +18.


This is where I ended my try and I am now going to restart and improve.
What I feel I can improve is to keep all extra vessels sold and money close to 0 and invested in a bunch of smaller stations for quicker more efficient speed building them, use NPC construction vessels to build.
I am not used to using stations, traders, miners or scrappers. And im thinking scrapping stations are important to have enough resources to keep expanding and building stations.
Any input on what I can improve will be very helpful.
Credence follow stars.

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Re: Mission log of a failed speedrun attempt.

Post by EGO_Aut » Sun, 2. Oct 22, 14:29

GZ, but for me there is no satisfaction in boarding ships without consequenzes (but i am guilty, too. I got my Erlking this way :oops: )

You could try to board PGS destroyers, there are a lot out there, stray some sats and set alarms.

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