General discussions about X Rebirth.

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Post by oceanway »


When you want a ship to fly deep in empty space remotely but can't do so on the CDR, you can have a superior positioned at a coordinate by first flying to that coordinate in the Albion Skunk, have the superior Fly to Position or Fly to Current Position near you and command it to Hold Position after they've reached the coordinate. Then have any ship you want to go to that location by selecting one on Property Owned window, select Comm, select Assign a New Superior and follow the instruction to assign that ship to that superior in position. The ship will then fly to that superior to the location in empty space therefrom. Select the ship after it arrived, select Comm, have them Join your squad, Hold position and then Leave your squad if you do not want it to follow you. The selected ship can now travel deep in empty space by remote as long as the superior is in position set by the Albion Skunk there.

Remember that when you command a captain to fly or patrol in another zone around the highway area and you're inside a station, they will disregard those commands and follow your Skunk automatically if they are in your squad. Have them leave your squad and they will carry out accordingly without following you. Also, wait for the ship to finish the current order before issuing a new one. Again, they would disregard the new command when they're busy with the current one.
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Post by oceanway »


In order to manage your ships more effectively, you will have to improvise commands to make your ships do what you want them to do by using a combination of Join my squad, Leave my squad and Assign a new superior commands. Doing Courier (Delivery) Missions will give you the experience in using mixed commands as I demonstrate how to use them effectively in the end below.

If any of the ships you have are in your squad, have all of them leave your squad for clearance. While in your squad, your ships will follow you automatically and meet up with you regardless of where you are. For example, send a ranger (Talorcan) to a zone in the sector other than the zone you're in. After it arrive there, try moving the ranger to another location in the same zone by using the Fly to position command on the New Order window. You will get to this window by selecting the ranger in the Property Owned window and then click on 'Show on Map' button on the bottom to get the CDR displayed. On the CDR, select 'New Order' button on the bottom to get the New Order window. Select Fly to position command and click Select button on bottom. The CDR will switch to a zone where you are located. Navigate the CDR to the zone where the ranger is located. Position the yellow crosshair where you want the ranger to move to and then confirm it. Click the back button on bottom one time and you will see the ranger moving. But if you click the back button again, you will see that on top left corner on the Property Owned window where the word 'Command' under Shield is showing Follow Albion Skunk. If it does not show Follow Albion Skunk, then it's carrying out your order. However, if it does show that, then have the ranger leave your squad and try again. The ranger should go where it was ordered to go this time without following the Albion Skunk. Otherwise, it would wait and not do anything until further orders.

Also, while out of your squad, your ships will not follow another ship including the Albion Skunk. To get them to move to another location without using the Fly to position, Fly to my Current Position or Follow me again commands is to assign them to another ship. Sometimes Fly to position command does not execute properly on Property Owned or New Order window. The result would be 'Fly to Albion Skunk' indicated on Property Owned window on top left corner. You will have to use the Assign to New Superior command to have your ships rendezvous to a superior or larger ship instead of the Albion Skunk when Fly to position command fails.

Here's what a typical Courier Mission using a combination of ship commands look like:

Before I begin to obtain the product asked for by a mission client and deliver it to them, I search the zones for the station that makes the product by first scanning the zones through navigation icon on the menu. After finding the candidate station, I send out the rangers to the zones in the sector by using the 'Fly to position' command and position them on top of the station where its turrets would cover them from enemy threat. Then I communicate with the stations for deeper scanning through 'Details' button to see what products the station makes, their resources are and the time produced in Ship Menu. When satisfied with the information, I then assign the rangers to return to their superior.

Now that I know which station makes the product and where, I send one of my wing escorts (a squad of Lyranea escorted by two Balors) to patrol the zone of interest and then engage the assigned wing command ship (Sanahar with three rangers as escorts) I'm on that's carrying my Otani Shuttle (Albion Skunk) to that zone while the second escort (another squad of Lyranea escorted by two Balors) follow right behind me and all three squads are in my Otani Shuttle's wing: Escort 1, Escort 2 and Wing Command.

At the zone, I have the wing command ship hold position and the second escort leave my squad and patrol the zone. The first escort patrolling is free to pick up the product and is escorted by wing command and second escort by assignment thus temporarily making the first escort their superior. When finished, I have it patrol the zone once again by having the wing command and it's second escort to join my squad and unassign them from escorting the first escort. This freed the second escort to jump to the zone where the product is to be delivered. Next, I have the wing command ship jump carrying its assigned rangers in its squad (ships without jump drive will rendezvous using the highways) to that zone. Then I have the first escort to follow me to the zone by having it join my squad. At the deliver zone, I have the wing command hold its position, assign both the wing command and the patrolling second escort to escort the first escort carrying the cargo and arrange to have it deliver the product to the designated station. Courier Mission is accomplished! Then I unassign wing command and its second escort from the first escort and have first and second escorts follow the command ship (Otani Shuttle) inside wing command ship without assignment to wing command by having them join my squad. This give the appearance of wing command ship escorted by the squads, but it isn't protected by them, only Otani Shuttle inside it. Hence, 'escorting' is to protect the superior while 'following' is just to follow and rangers were already assigned to escort wing command.

The above demonstration is wing management involving three squads. A fleet management would be another wing where each squad separately patrol a jump gate (three squads for three jump gates) and another wing where each squad separately patrol certain troubled zones or jump beacons making a total of three wings which equals a fleet.

Last edited by oceanway on Fri, 12. Mar 21, 17:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by oceanway »


If you want to dock your ships that you're not using for the time period, you can post them by assignment. Select a sector you want your ships to post. Travel to the middle of the sector, not zone, and ascend 120 kms by boosting upwards or until you don't see any ships in the ECR or see the words 'Empty Space' on the monitor. Have a ship that will act as a posting station (preferably a construction ship in the system), Fly to your Current Position. Command it to hold position after arrival. Rename it 'Sector Post' with zone's name (hence: Otani Sector Post - AL - Far Out) in the Ship Menu's General Information. Assign any ship you want posted to that post ship in the sector using the Assign a New Superior command.

This improvised docking station not only act as a post for assigned ships to tie onto, but it is also a micro storage station to store goods up to 290,000 cubic meters if using an Onil or a Lyranea. And of course, it too is a docking station for the Albion Skunk!
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Post by oceanway »


There are two ways to jump: Separately or together. Regardless of using the broadcast command which are the square boxes next to each ship in the Property Owned window that can be clicked on and the 'Broadcast' button pressed, the ships will either jump together or one at a time.

Jumping through the Jump Beacon allow ships to jump into the sector simultaneously. Because it is not a jump gate, broadcasted ships can jump together at the same time. However, jumping through a jump gate is a different story.

Jumping through the Jump Gate allow ships to jump into the sector one at a time or individually. This can be a problem because the gate tends to bottleneck multiple ships into a single file. Which means it will take several seconds if not a few minutes for the next ship to jump through and assist the first ship being attacked by an enemy on the other side of the gate if attacked.

Therefore to counter the bottleneck situation is to always have a patrol ship or squad patrolling the Jump Gate in the zone if possible. Enemies would be dealt with before the first ship let alone the second ship arrive through it. Also, have the first ship wait for the second ship after jumping through by immediately patrol the gate. Then continue to target sector together with the second (or more) ship.
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Post by oceanway »


When drones are purchased at the shipyard from the dealer, they come assembled and ready for use. but what if you want to store them to later sell them in the market or put them away for a time period? You can't store them in assembled form. Therefore they must be converted into cargo form before they can be stored in the cargohold or storage station.

Let's say you have five Intrepid URV Mk 1 drones on a large jump capable trade ship. They're in the URV Launch Bay after purchased at the shipyard and you want them in the cargohold. To do this, you'll need another ship to transfer it for conversion. For example, you have two Balors and one has five Intrepid URV Mk 1 drones in the launch bay. Transfer two or three of them by clicking on Comm in the Property Owned window for Balor A, select transfer wares in the interaction list through Balor A to get the cargo transfer window, select Balor B to receive the wares, then look for and select store as cargo in the transfer window, click next and press Delete to close window. The drones in Balor A will automatically convert the drones into cargo during the transfer into Balor B. Confirm the conversion by opening the Ship Menu on Balor B, click on storage addition button and see the converted Intrepid URV Mk 1 drones in the cargohold. In this form, they can be traded in the market or reserved for later use.

Keep in mind that the drones will launch on their own when its ship is being attacked. It's a good way to lose drones after purchase. Therefore, convert the drones into cargo form as soon as possible. Below are definitions of cargo transactions for your convenience:

1. Transfer as Drone - to transfer unpacked, assembled drones to another ship's drone bay as active drones.

2. Store as Cargo - to store unpacked, assembled drones into cargohold as cargo.

3. Equip Drones - to transfer from stored cargo drones to unpacked, assembled drones onto another ship.
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Post by oceanway »


Labeling commanders a.k.a. superiors that lead a group is an essential part in managing ships because the computer tend to put things in numerical or alphabetical order. If not labelled correctly, the subordinates let alone superiors, wouldn't be in order. Therefore, to make it easier to organize them is to label their position in alphabetical order and other in numerical order (roman numerals is best). Some require only dash as to indicate not a superior but may not be necessary depending on players' outline style. Below is an example of how squad commanders, wing commanders and fleet commanders are organized to supervise their assigned group and all are under the General Fleet Commander. Words in parentheses are not included:


- Arawn General Fleet Command

- Taranis Defense Fleet Command I
. + Light Sul Wing Command I
... + Sentinel Squad Command I
..... - Vanguard (Escort)
..... - Vanguard (Escort)
... + Vanguard (Support)
..... - Raider
..... - Raider
... + Vanguard (Support)
.... - Raider
.... - Raider
... + Sentinel Squad Command II
..... - Vanguard (Escort)
..... - Vanguard (Escort)
... + Vanguard (Support)
..... - Raider
..... - Raider
... + Vanguard (Support)
.... - Raider
.... - Raider
. + Light Sul Wing Command II
... + Sentinel Squad Command I
..... - Vanguard (Escort)
..... - Vanguard (Escort)
... + Vanguard (Support)
..... - Raider
..... - Raider
... + Vanguard (Support)
.... - Raider
.... - Raider
... + Sentinel Squad Command II
..... - Vanguard (Escort)
..... - Vanguard (Escort)
... + Vanguard (Support)
..... - Raider
..... - Raider
... + Vanguard (Support)
.... - Raider
.... - Raider

Above example is just one fleet, a small one in fact, of defense ships. The Albion Skunk is either within or outside of the Arawn Fleet Command ship and the Arawn may not be in Albion Skunk's squad. Same can be done with commerce and industrial ships separately or a combination. Below are two more fleet examples.

- A - Taranis Commerce Fleet Command II
- A - Heavy Sul Retrieve Patrol I
- A - Heavy Sul Deliver Patrol II
+ B - Scaldis Squad Command
.... - Balor
.... - Balor
+ C - Bulk Rahanas Squad Command
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
+ C - Container Rahanas Squad Command
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
+ C - Energy Rahanas Squad Command
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
+ C - Liquid Rahanas Squad Command
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
+ D - Bulk Gigurum Squad Command
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
+ D - Container Gigurum Squad Command
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
+ D - Energy Gigurum Squad Command
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
+ D - Liquid Gigurum Squad Command
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan
.... - Talorcan

And . . .

- E - Taranis Industrial Fleet Command III
- F - Heavy Sul Mine Patrol
+ G - Gas Boann Squad Command
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
+ G - Mineral Fedhelm Squad Command
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
+ G - Plasma Midir Squad Command
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
+ G - Ice Sequana Squad Command
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
.... - Triath Vanguard
+ H - Plasma Betaver Squad Command
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
+ H - Mineral Dwalin Squad Command
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
+ H - Ice Hymir Squad Command
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
+ H - Gas Nudung Squad Command
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio
.... - Vasio

According to the above defense fleet example, the Arawn Fleet Command lead the Taranis Defense Fleet Command. The Taranis Defense Fleet Command lead two Light Sul Wing Commands. Each Light Sul Wing Commands lead two Sentinel Squad Commands. And, each Vanguards lead two Raiders.

Although, it's possible for each command be separate from their superior. This would cause them to behave differently and act on their own. Therefore, there would be situations where some commands may be under, over or with other commands so that when attacked, all won't standby until their fleet command is attacked. Also, an Arawn could have 125 fighters such as Raiders as a squad rather divisions. It all depend on how a fleet is arranged and ships are used.

By clicking the addition or plus buttons, managing the ships should be effective in the above outline example in the Property Owned window. Assigning squads to a wing is the same as assigning ships to a squad. Ships, squads and wings become independent when not in Skunk's squad or their superior's squad by having them leave the squad.

Finally, remember that squads are hidden in wing(s) and ships are hidden in squad(s) if you have this kind of assignment. They could be lost or forgotten if not kept track of. The keyword is firepower. Certain firepower is needed in certain situations by using broadcast command for smaller, faster ships ranging from single light fighters flying separately to wing command heavy fighters flying together against one target and it is the purpose of squad and wing commands in common delta formation other than separate single fighters against larger ships.

Note: This forum does not have an indent, tab or space features to outline the fleet examples above. Therefore the examples could not be outlined properly to reflect the list in the Property Owned window without use of periods.
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Post by dertien »

Okay, A little question...

I got an active mission to buy Bofu and deliver it to a certain station and this would yield me a million credits or so when completed.

I have a capital trading ship (which I am not currently docked on and not babysitting either, it is OOZ) that I ordered to purchase the bofu through the Trading Offers screen, which it dit; so far so good.

Now, how do I make it sell this bofu to that particlular station in the mission?

I can not seem to find an order to dock the ship to that specific station through the menus.


1) Property Owned -> (Select ship) -> comm -> more -> more -> dock at ->(zone shows, but no listing of stations)
2) Property Owned -> (Select ship) -> comm -> New Order -> Transfer Wares -> Through List / Map. But this one is only available to transfer wares from and to ships and stations you own.

It would be very convenient to have an extra menu that says : 'sell wares' under 'New Order' and then you get to choose the station either through a list or via the map.

Is there a mod that does this or what is the normal in game way of selling those goods to that particular mission specific station?

Thank you.
Dev disco
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Post by Dev disco »

The only way to be 100% sure you have the right one is actually quite simple. When you get the mission, you load at least the required amount of BoFu (I am lazy, so I just take whatever is available or fits) in a ship with shift-T. You then fly to the related station (which should be close by) and look for the right trade port on it (those little "buildings" with sell or buy icons). If you click on that you'll see something like "Sell 2345 BoFu". Click that message and you'll get a trade screen. Browse to the ship you just filled and sell.
Mind that you lose focus on the mission trade if you buy from the trade screen offered by the trade port. That's why you buy the goods first, and that also why it's handy to keep a trader available if you want to do these missions. Leptons are very good for the job, as long as you stick with Container or Energy.
Last edited by Dev disco on Thu, 11. Mar 21, 13:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dertien »

@ Dev Disco.

Your method would work if you are in zone with the capital ship. I do not wish to do so, since I have 3 capitals at the moment and would like to spread the active missions among them while I do other stuff or stand on the capital ship bridge of one, while the other two are doing things out of zone and out of view. So, the idea is to be Out Of Zone from the capship and doing this all from the menu without actually seeing the station in question, except from the management screens and the top view map.

So, I found a workaround for this after a bit of fiddling.

First you accept a mission from the bulletin board when you have a capital ship handy that can do these missions. If the only ship in your property is 'The Skunk' then I suspect that you won't see those missions pop up on the Bulletin Board.

Anyways, with these missions you win twice:

1) you get paid for doing the mission
2) you can buy the goods at a discount and sell at a profit

The bread and butter of the payment however is the completion of the mission, not the profit on the trade.

So here is the gist of how I choose to handle these missions:

- 1. Accept the mission from the Bulletin Board and using the 'Active Missions' list, I jot down the next 3 pieces of information on a piece of paper:

1) Amount to deliver
2) Name of ware to deliver
3) Zone name/Sector name/ System name / Factory Name - This can be found clicking Active Mission / Briefing / Show on map.

- you could do a mental note, but I'm too old for that - so I just write it down :-)

- 2. Open the Trade menu (SHIFT-T) and stay on the page where the goods are sold by station.
- 3. Choose the ship you want to use for that mission (regardless if it is in the same zone/system than you are) by scrolling through the list at the top with the left and right arrows if you own more than one, and make sure it has enough fuel or use a mod that gets rid of cap ship refueling altogether for player owned ships.
- 4. Scroll down to the ware that you need to deliver and purchase the correct amount using the slider and/or left -and right arrow keys on your keyboard for fine tuning. - Find yourself a good balance between ware-price and amount of Jumps / Gate hoops. I tend to go for less jumps and don't worry about the ware price so much. But... you'll figure that out when playing.
- 5. Finalize the purchase deal and let the ship do its thing.
- 6. Go to the 'wares bought by station' screen - Shift-T + click 'To Offers' and take your note again, and scroll down to the appropriate ware. Make sure the right ship is also selected on the top as well.
- 7. Click on the + (plus) sign to see the complete list of all the stations purchasing that ware, and find the station that corresponds with the one from your note in step 1.
- 8. Finalize the deal and let the ship do its run.

- If you click the 'my property' menu and then the ship in question you will be able to see what its captain is doing.

When the capship has bought and sold its wares, it will let you know through a pop-up message window in the top right corner and you will also see that the mission will be gone from the active missions list when completed.

So basically, you cannot order a ship to dock and then purchase goods/wares separately using the 'my property' menu or via the captain.

All trades MUST be done via Shift-T or via the Trade Deals screen where everything is automated.

PS it also pays off to look for the exact amount of wares in the list of 'wares purchased by stations' to narrow down your search and assign it to the right ship.
Dev disco
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Post by Dev disco »

I used your method first, and then 'graduated' to the one I outlined before.
You don't have to have a ship in the same zone, you just have to be there yourself. Which you are, because you can't accept the mission otherwise if I am right.
So, say you're in zone A and you get a mission for station X you do 3 things:
* shift + T and buy the needed goods for an available ship (where ever it is)
* fly to X and look for the trade port that asks for the goods
* sell the goods
Your capital ship will do the trading now, you can do whatever you want in any zone you want, and after a while you get your money and your trade ship will be available again.
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Post by dertien »

If the missions are in your 'Active Missions' list you accepted, you are most of the time, no longer in the zone that you accepted the mission from, so the method you describe keeps you bound to that zone. With the method I outlined, neither you nor the Capship is required to be in the zone the missions were accepted.
Also, this means you need to stay there while your 2 or more capships fetch the commodity, while you are staying in the zone to scout out for the right drop off points IIUC.

With the method I outline, you are free to be wherever you wanna be.

Both methods are valid, but It would be easier if you could either:

- Have an extra filter in the 'Goods bought by stations' screen that lets you sort by 'Accepted Missions'
- Or that the station names that show up in the 'active missions' list would be shown in a different font color (green or so) on the 'Goods bought by stations' screen - a bit like the orange color for goods you don't have a license for.

Anyways glad we got a workaround for this and we can both have our cake and eat it :-)

Maybe an idea for a trading mod addition.
Dev disco
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Post by Dev disco »

Well, it seems those mission offers often aren't on the trade menu (shift-T), so there's little to filter.
You really need to go to the relevant trade port in that case, it seems.
When I started playing my first game I had to deliver a few URV's to Solar Energetics.
I checked the trade menu a million times over the next weeks, but this station never asked for them.
Then I went there, checked the right trade port, and it was done.
That's when I realised I had to deal with these missions straight away, instead of collecting them to deal with later.

I still don't get your point of not being in the same zone.
I assume you get the mission from the bulletin board.
So if you accept the mission you are in the right zone, otherwise you can't use the bulletin board (or am I missing something?).
Assign a ship (where ever it is) to buy the wanted goods with shit-T, fly to the trade port of the station (which is close-by in your zone), and use it to give a second assignment to sell the goods.
It takes a minute to do these three things, and after that you don't have to be in the zone. The tradeship does the work without you being around.
It is not that much different from doing shift-Y trade deals. No need to be in the same zone for those, right?

All of this assumes you bought a trade computer so you can plan more than one trip in a row!
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Post by oceanway »


There are many kinds of fighters on the market in shipyards, but they are not efficient fighters. What would make them efficient fighters is not just the pilots nor their superior, but their formation. These formations are in Single, Squad, Wing and Fleet.

Single Fighters

The Albion Skunk is an example of a single fighter. It's in fact a shuttle designed to protect VIPs and used as a transport for them to travel between stations and capital ships. Ren Otani is the captain of the discovered abandoned Teladi shuttle that was flown before Plutarch's time, but is also a private Marine General (he has a superslave chip inside his head that allow him to operate electronic devices mentally and only a few marines have them) and an acting private Navy Admiral on his capital ships plus a CEO of Otani Corp on his stations. The Albion Skunk is too loaded to be a fighter and could not have been sold in shipyards due to its high cost. It was made specifically for generals and admirals in the Teladi Navy. But there are small, medium and large fighters in the small class ship category. Each fighter has a unique fire output and speed. One important rule to remember is that small fighters fly faster while medium fighters fly slower. The same is true with large fighters compared to medium fighters which would make medium fighters faster than larger ones.

When deploying single fighters, the single fighters are not under the command of a superior. Which means they will each do their own thing in the battle. It may or may not work to their advantage because of the lack of coordination and firepower against larger targets or group of fighters. Therefore, it is best to have heavy fighters engage as single fighters in a wave followed by medium and then light fighters behind them when deploying single fighters.

Squad Fighters

Flying the Albion Skunk with two, four or eight other fighters in the squad is a different matter. In this example, you have fighters supporting as well as escorting you. The question is are they the right fighters to be in the Skunk's squad? I'd prefer each of them to be Albion Skunk, but there's only one of its kind and you're flying it. Therefore, either have them join your squad temporarily to follow you or assign them to a superior for longer period of time and follow them.

While in the squad, each fighter are capable to carry out individual commands as well as broadcast ones. This means they are your Skunk's extensions. In some cases, you may have to dispatch a fighter or two from your squad to deal with a certain situation within a situation. Knowing and understanding the invade (attack), evade (withdraw), orbit (a combination of invade and evade) and standby (hold position) commands would save your squad fighters. This is not including how many if you have a large squad of say 12 or 16 fighters following you.

Choose which squad you want to lead: heavy, medium or light squad. Heavy squad consist of heavy fighters while medium squad consist of medium fighters and light squad consist of light fighters. A squad of mixed size may have certain disadvantage compared to a squad of same size fighters.

Finally, decide which generation of fighters you want in your squad or a superior's squad. A set of two fighters following you is the first generation. A set of four fighters, two assigned to support each fighters in the first generation, is the second generation. Too many generations in a squad will complicate the effectiveness of the squad even though the generations is the same as wing and fleet, but in this case we're dealing with fighters in the squad. Multiple generations, if needed, would require separate assignments where they manually act as additional generations.

Wing Fighters

Flying as a Wing Commander is no different than that of a Squad Commander. The function is the same except you're only focusing on the leading squad which consist of only one or more fighters instead of focusing on all single fighters in your squad and fighters in other squads. The Squad Commanders in other squads in the wing will worry about the fighters in their squad. But, sometimes you may have to watch the management of their fighters as a Wing Commander assuming those squad commanders are AI.

Again, the keyword here is firepower and you have that in your wing. The AI squad leaders should take care of the individual commands to their single fighters while you or your other wing commanders just worry about your squads or your other wing commanders worry about their squads respectively.

Next, is where you would have a mixture of squads from light to heavy fighters. I suggest wing command be in heavy squad of heavy fighters while other squads of different sizes are in the wing, hence generations. Two heavy squads, four medium squads and eight light squads separately (not assigned to any superior squad) under wing command of heavy squad is ideal.

Fleet Fighters

If you have at least 125 fighters of light, medium and heavy sizes and each to work with, and you've assigned them to certain squad command fighters and a group of squad under wing command(s) notwithstanding corvettes, frigates, etc., then you're a certified Fleet Commander. What was mentioned in Wing Command section above, is the same for fleet command, just change the words squad to wing and wing to fleet.
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Post by dertien »

@ Devdisco

No, indeed, the missions are not on the trade menu, but as I found out it really doesn't matter. So let's say you accept a mission, I found out the only three things you have to remember is :

- 1) The station you need to do the mission for
- 2) The ware it was buying
- 3) The amount to finalize the deal and get your credit reward.

So let's say you accepted a mission that requires the delivery of 1000 Argnu Beef to a station and you didn't do it right away. Half an hour later, you find that this station has enough supplies and will only accept 500 Argu beef because an NPC did the deal faster than you.

Don't despair, you made a deal with the station and it will honor it.

Deliver the amount it will take, may it be for example 500 units, and at a later time, when the station needs some beef again, or you are in the neighborhood, keep delivering until your delivery quota is met - 1000 Units in this case, to receive the credit reward and finish the mission.

As for not being in the same zone I tend to move around a lot and since X-Rebirth gives us the luxury of hiring captains and doing deals 'manager wise' you could say I prefer to do the trading that way - via sheets and the map. I have the impression that when you are Out Of Zone, a lot less time is wasted waiting for NPC's to do their docking manoeuvres, which happen more slowly when you are actively 'keeping an eye on the proceedings'. I IRL don't like it either, when my boss is looking over my shoulder, who does?

The first trade computer is cheap so that should not be holding you back.


If it's wings and formations you want why don't you try this mod?

If you're on Steam

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... earchtext=

If you're on GOG:

Steam Workshop Downloader:


Steam .Dat Unpacker


Cat.Dat unpacker


Or alternatively use the tool by Egosoft.
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon, 10. Nov 08, 02:18


Post by oceanway »


Up until now managing single, squad, wing and fleet fighters was described. Managing the shuttle, the command ship, in commanding other ships was also described. Now the basics of flying the Albion Skunk is in this subtopic.

Accelerate, Stop and Reverse

Before you begin, check the Flight Assist Mode and see that it is activated. You can do this by strafing in any direction using the 'A' key for left strafe, 'W' key for up strafe, 'D' key for right strafe and 'S' key for down strafe. If you are drifting after letting go of the key, the Flight Assist Mode is not activated. To activate the Flight Assist Mode, press and hold down the #2 button on the number keypad to look down at the chair in the cockpit, left-click the second control device from the left with the mouse to bring up the Ship Interface platform on the spaceshield window. Left-click on #7 to activate the Flight Assist Mode. Some role players prefer to fly with the drifting feature and not activate the Flight Assist Mode. This is optional.

Press and hold down the 'X' key to accelerate and move forward. Press and hold down the 'Z' key to decelerate and move backward. If you are drifting, press the 'Back' button to stop. Press and hold down the 'Z' key again to reverse and move backward. Press and hold down the X key to inverse and stop. Press the 'Back' key if you are drifting.


There are two ways to turn: One is by using the mouse and the other is by using the arrow keys. The mouse is the preferred option since it has a scroll wheel for multi-directional movement of the head. Press the right arrow key or move the mouse to the right to turn right, left arrow key or move mouse to left to turn left, up arrow key or move mouse away from you to turn up and down arrow key or move mouse toward you to turn down.


As mentioned above, you can strafe left, right, up and down by using keys A, D, W and S respectively.


You can afterburn by pressing and holding down the Tab button. This come in handy when overwhelmed by enemies and need to travel long distance quickly. For longer continuous boosting, you need to fly a capital ship through a captain on it.


Roll ship left by pressing and holding down the Q key and right by pressing and holding down the 'E' key.

Advance Maneuvering

Using a combination of the above basic functions, you can fly in ways not done in normal flight. For example, to fly like a helicopter, strafe up and tilt the nose down 45 degrees without using the 'X' key to accelerate. Anticipate the height from surface by pressing 'X' and 'Z' keys. Another example is engaging the enemy by left-clicking on the enemy to target it, press and hold down the Shift key and press the 'A' key while holding down the shift key for autopilot and then press Tab to boost toward it. The turrets will automatically target the enemy provided you keep the cursor on it. The rest of the maneuvers is up to your imagination. Don't forget to use the camera mode (F2) to view blind spots such as behind or underneath you and (F3) to view enemy and friendly ships up close after left-clicking on them. Good luck!
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon, 10. Nov 08, 02:18


Post by oceanway »

dertien wrote: Wed, 17. Mar 21, 12:05 @Oceanway

If it's wings and formations you want why don't you try this mod?

If you're on Steam

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... earchtext=

If you're on GOG:

Steam Workshop Downloader:


Steam .Dat Unpacker


Cat.Dat unpacker


Or alternatively use the tool by Egosoft.

This thread is for playing the X Rebirth without mods. Players who wish to modify can download mods through the Scripts and Modding thread. I'm not sure what tools by Egosoft you're refering to, but I'll look into it.
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon, 10. Nov 08, 02:18


Post by oceanway »


Below is a list of wares made and sold in the market, the trade menu at Shift-T. Buying and selling wares cannot be done remotely in X Rebirth, they can only be done in person. However, if autotrade is set up, it would be done automatically.

Note that when you are in a zone and the trade menu of the market is opened, it will remember the wares on sale in that zone when you go to another zone. The market would be updated when you enter another zone.

When doing a delivery mission and was asked to retrieve a certain quantity of a ware by a client, search for the ware first by finding which station makes that ware and in which zones that station makes them. Once the zones of the stations is found, go to the zones and check for the ware's availability. If they are not available, that means that that ware is either being manufactured or that the station need resources to make it. If they are being made, you would find them in the market as soon as the station finish making it by checking the sales part of the trade menu. Purchase the ware as soon as it is available. Then deliver it to a zone where the client want you to deliver it. It could be in the same zone the mission was accepted or in another zone that is separate from the accepted mission zone.

Finally, the market in one zone is out of range of another zone.

Antimatter Cells:

AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - FO (Concealed Hideout)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - FO (Woodland Pasture)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - FO (Steady Mole)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Watergate)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Cuspid Splint)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Crossroads)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - LA (Azure Barrier)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - LA (Auspicious Excavation)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - LA (Distant Fume)

Astrobee Launcher:

PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)

Astrobee Swarmkillers (Equip Ammo):

PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)

Bio-Optic Wiring:

PMC Civ Ship Parts Lot - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
PMC Techno-Complex - AL - AS (Liquid Metal)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (Buried Treasure)
LI High Tech Fab - AL - AS (Buried Treasure)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (Forlorn Armoury)
LI High Tech Fab - AL - AS (Serpentine Driveway)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (The Third Duke)
PMC Techno-Complex - AL - IW (Periodic Blasting)

Cargolifter URV:

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Chemical Compounds:

PMC Construction Shop - AL - AS (Forge-Welded Mail)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (Buried Treasure)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (Forlorn Armoury)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (The Third Duke)
PMC Construction Shop - AL - IW (Frozen Circuit)

Construction URV:

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)


PMC Plutarch Exchange - AL - FO (The Big Empty)

Cut Crystals:

PMC Crystal Supplier - AL - IW (Cold Peaks)

Energy Cells:

AES Energy Array - AL - FO (Concealed Hideout)
AES Energy Array - AL - FO (Woodland Pasture)
AES Energy Array - AL - LA (Auspicious Excavation)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Food Rations:

WF Staples Farmery - AL - FO (Gemstone Manufacture)
WF Foodstuffs Supply - AL - FO (Rising Star)
WF Staples Farmery - AL - LA (Even Temper)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Force Field Projector:

PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)

LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)

Fuel Cells:

HOA Cell Recharge Fac - AL - FO (Gemstone Manufacture)
HOA Cell Recharge Fac - AL - AS (Forlorn Armoury)
PMC Cell Recharge Fac - AL - IW (Watergate)
PMC Cell Recharge Fac - AL - LA (Wrecksville)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Fusion Reactors:

PMC Civ Ship Parts Lot - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
LI Ship Tech Fab - AL - AS (Forge-Welded Mail)
LI Ship Tech Fab - AL - AS (Buried Treasure)

Hailstorm/MA Turret:

PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)

HIT/MA Turret:

PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)


HOA Lonely Giant - AL - FO (Exhaustless Mines)


LI H2O Additives Fac - AL - IW (Frozen Circuit)
LI H2O Additives Fac - AL - IW (Cuspid Splint)
LI H2O Additives Fac - AL - IW (Distress Reek)

Interceptor URV Mk1 (Equip Drones):

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Interceptor URV Mk2:

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Intrepid URV Mk1 (Equip Drones):

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Intrepid URV Mk2:

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)

Ion Cells:

AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - FO (Concealed Hideout)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - FO (Woodland Pasture)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - FO (Steady Mole)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Watergate)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Cuspid Splint)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Crossroads)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - LA (Azure Barrier)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - LA (Auspicious Excavation)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - LA (Distant Fume)


Mined. No station sell this ware.


WF Argnu Stockyard - AL - FO (Exhaustless Mines)
WF Floating Meadows - AL - FO (Exhaustless Mines)
WF Foodstuffs Supply - AL - FO (Rising Star)
WF Argnu Stockyard - AL - LA (Even Temper)

Medical Supplies:

NL Med Dispensary - AL - IW (Periodic Blasting)
NL Med Dispensary - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
NL Med Dispensary - AL - LA (Smokestack)


PMC Civ Ship Parts Lot - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (Buried Treasure)
LI High Tech Fab - AL - AS (Buried Treasure)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (Forlorn Armoury)
LI High Tech Fab - AL - AS (Serpentine Driveway)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (The Third Duke)


NL Med Dispensary - AL - IW (Periodic Blasting)
NL Med Dispensary - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
NL Med Dispensary - AL - LA (Smokestack)

Newtonian V Crushers (Equip Ammo):

PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)


PMC Plutarch Exchange - AL - FO (The Big Empty)

Nividium Cubes:

PMC Crystal Supplier - AL - IW (Cold Peaks)
TU Foundry - FO - SH (Postern Gate)
TU Foundry - FO - SH (Sanctuary)


PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)


PMC Plutarch Exchange - AL - FO (The Big Empty)
PMC Badlands Colony - AL - LA (Dormant Bear)

Overrun URV Mk1:

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)

Overrun URV Mk2 (Equip Drones):

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)

Plasma Cells:

AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - FO (Concealed Hideout)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - FO (Woodland Pasture)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - FO (Steady Mole)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Watergate)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Cuspid Splint)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - IW (Crossroads)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - LA (Azure Barrier)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - LA (Auspicious Excavation)
AES Cell Fab Matrix - AL - LA (Distant Fume)

Plasma Flow Regulators:

PMC Civ Ship Parts Lot - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
LI Ship Tech Fab - AL - AS (Forge-Welded Mail)
LI Ship Tech Fab - AL - AS (Buried Treasure)

Plasma/JET LR Turret:

PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)

Plasma/MA Turret:

PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)

Podkletnov Generators:

PMC Civ Ship Parts Lot - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
LI Ship Tech Fab - AL - AS (Forge-Welded Mail)
LI Ship Tech Fab - AL - AS (Buried Treasure)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Quantum Tubes:

PMC Techno-Complex - AL - AS (Liquid Metal)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (Buried Treasure)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (Forlorn Armoury)
BER Tech Laboratory - AL - AS (The Third Duke)
PMC Techno-Complex - AL - IW (Periodic Blasting)

Refined Metals:

PMC Construction Shop - AL - AS (Forge-Welded Mail)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - AS (Liquid Metal)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - AS (Serpentine Driveway)
PMC Construction Shop - AL - IW (Frozen Circuit)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - IW (Cold Peaks)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - LA (Azure Barrier)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - LA (Dwarfish Tinderbox)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - LA (Wrecksville)

Reinforced Metal Plating:

PMC Construction Shop - AL - AS (Forge-Welded Mail)
PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
PMC Construction Shop - AL - IW (Frozen Circuit)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)

Scanning Array:

PMC Civ Ship Parts Lot - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
PMC Techno-Complex - AL - AS (Liquid Metal)
LI High Tech Fab - AL - AS (Buried Treasure)
LI High Tech Fab - AL - AS (Serpentine Driveway)
PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
PMC Techno-Complex - AL - IW (Periodic Blasting)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)

Scoop Collector URV Mk1:

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Scoop Collector URV Mk2:

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)


PMC Plutarch Exchange - AL - FO (The Big Empty)
PMC Badlands Colony - AL - LA (Dormant Bear)

Silicon Wafers:

PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - AS (Liquid Metal)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - AS (Serpentine Driveway)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - IW (Cold Peaks)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - LA (Azure Barrier)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - LA (Dwarfish Tinderbox)
PMC Metalworks Yard - AL - LA (Wrecksville)


WF Staples Farmery - AL - FO (Gemstone Manufacture)
WF Foodstuffs Supply - AL - FO (Rising Star)
WF Staples Farmery - AL - LA (Even Temper)
UA Haunt - FO - SH (Hissed Syllable)


NL Spice Plantation - AL - AS (Serpentine Driveway)
NL Med Dispensary - AL - IW (Periodic Blasting)
NL Med Dispensary - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
NL Med Dispensary - AL - LA (Smokestack)
UA Haunt - FO - SH (Hissed Syllable)


WF Floating Meadows - AL - FO (Exhaustless Mines)
WF Foodstuffs Supply - AL - FO (Rising Star)
NL Spice Plantation - AL - AS (Serpentine Driveway)

Surface Miner URV Mk1:

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Surface Miner URV Mk2:

PMC URV BTO Line - AL - AS (Five Ways)
PMC URV Parts Supply - AL - AS (Shady Vault)
TU Overwatch - FO - SH (Verdant Profit)

Sunstalker Missiles:

PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)


TU Foundry - FO - SH (Postern Gate)
TU Foundry - FO - FP (Sanctuary)

Unknown Ware:

CAR Den - FO - SH (Silent Night)
CAR Den - FO - SH (Scaleplate Pact)
CAR Den - FO - FP (Risky Deal)
UA Den - FO - SH (Serpent's Tail)
UA Den - FO - SH (Shadow's Heart)
UA Den - FO - FP (Corsair's Gambit)

V Launcher:

PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
LI Arms Tech Supply - AL - IW (Sinister Poem)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)

Warhead Components:

PMC Techno-Complex - AL - AS (Liquid Metal)
PMC Arms Tech Fab - AL - IW (Watergate)
PMC Techno-Complex - AL - IW (Periodic Blasting)
LI Arms Tech Fab - AL - LA (Straining Coppice)


LI H2O Additives Fac - AL - IW (Frozen Circuit)
LI H2O Additives Fac - AL - IW (Cuspid Splint)
LI H2O Additives Fac - AL - IW (Distress Reek)
TU Water Collector - FO - FP (Sea-green Oasis)


HOA Valley Plantation - AL - FO (Exhaustless Mines)
WF Floating Meadows - AL - FO (Exhaustless Mines)
WF Foodstuffs Supply - AL - FO (Rising Star)
WF Valley Plantation - AL - LA (Even Temper)
Last edited by oceanway on Mon, 12. Apr 21, 00:44, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon, 10. Nov 08, 02:18


Post by oceanway »


Primary Weapons

To deal with enemies effectively with the Primary Weapon, or PW for short, is to be able to know how to use the targeting system, manual and auto pilot functions and PW switching system.

Let's start with selecting enemy ships from friendly ships. Press and hold down left 'Shift' key and press the 'E' key. This selects all enemy ships. To follow one automatically is to press and hold down left 'Shift' key and press the 'A' key. This will follow a selected enemy ship automatically. To simultaneously select and follow enemy ship automatically is to press and hold down the left 'Shift' key and press the 'E' key, then the 'A' key. This will quiclly maneuver the shuttle into a different direction and out of kill box or ambushed position. Finally, to accelerate into enemy's range, press and hold down the 'Tab' key while locked onto the enemy and following it automatically. This will boost the shuttle into PW range against the enemy ship. However, boosting will decrease the shield, so boost about a quarter of shield in expense. Don't worry about the loot, pick them up when the enemies are cleared if you can't do so safely when surrounded by them.

Now that targeting and following enemy ships is out of the way, let's get into Primary Weapons. There are six PWs: They are Pulsed Maser, Particle Repeater, Plasma Cannon, Inertia Hammer, Mining Laser, Heavy Laser and Railgun. The Pulsed Maser has a range of 2,380-3,000 meters or m for short and 1,400-10,500 damage per second or dps for short, the Particle Repeater has a range of 1,320-1,440 m and 8,400-9,600 dps, the Plasma Cannon has a range of 2,880-3,040 m and 5,600-6,400 dps, the Inertia Hammer has a range of 1,560 and 7,200-8,400 dps, the Mining Laser has a range of 3,200-1,800 m and 196.9-700 dps, the Heavy Laser has a range of 1,500 m and 10,000 dps and the Railgun has a range of unknown m and unknown dps. The Railgun has yet to be discovered. Each of these PWs can be modified to greater or lesser extent depending on your preference through a mechanic.

It is suggested to select a PW that has highest range and if possible, highest damage per second. As you're approaching the enemy, the range decreases. Therefore, you'd want to switch to a PW that has the range equivalent to the current range, but has the highest available damage per second. In other words, you'd want to hit the target at long range and make the most damage at closest range. A sniper would use a combination of PWs that has the highest matching range and switch to one with the highest damage per second when closer to the target. Your modified PW should tell you the current range in meters and damage in dps its given.

An example of how to deal with the enemy: I select and follow the target with boost. As I reach 3k, I select and fire the Plasma Cannon against the enemy. Then I switch to Pulsed Maser at 2.5k making sure I'm hitting the target. After reaching 1.4k, I switch to Particle Repeater and finish the job. This is managing Primary Weapons.


To deal with enemies effectively with missiles is to be able to know the missiles' range and what they can do in order to position the shuttle appropriately for maximum damage effect.

Guided Missiles: These missiles are smart missiles. They can track and follow the enemy target where they can turn when the enemy turns. They come in light, medium, and heavy sizes. They are Starflash, Sunstalker and Hellbuster respectively. Each of them can only hit one target at a time.

Unguided Missiles: These missiles are straight forward. they do not track nor follow the enemy. they are literally fired from the launcher the same way a bullet is fired from a gun and have greater chance of missing the target except for Novadrones. They come in light Newtonian V Crusher, medium Meteorite and heavy Novadrone missiles.

Specialty Missiles

There is only one special missile available and that is the Constrictor missile. This missile inhibits the booster function in the drive thus preventing the enemy ship from boosting. The Shield Disruptor and EMP Striker would handled by drones. This is managing missiles.


To deal with enemies effectively with drones is to be able to know the drones' specialty and what they can do in order to free the shuttle from damage or harm at sniper distance. There are three type of drones: They are scanner, fighter and hacker.

Scanner: The scan drone which is the Beholder can detect and decode information. This is the only type of drone that can scan.

Fighter: There are six kind of fighter drones. They are Assassin, Defense Grid, Shield Support, Interceptor, Intrepid and Overrun. The Assassin drones track and destroy fast targets, Defense Grid drones mimic a wall in space, Shield Support drones temporarily restore shuttle's shield, Interceptor drones in large numbers swarm and confuse enemy target, Intrepid drones cause considerable damage to ships and stations and can be used as assault drones after interceptors and Overrun drones can launch Newtonian V Crusher missiles and finish the job after intrepid drones.

Hacker: The hack drone which is the Trojan can manipulate electronic devices in enemies' ship and shut them down. This is the only type of drone that can hack.

Drone Abilities: With all the drones installed in the shuttle's cargohold, handling almost kinds of situations at long range is possible. To access the drones, open the menu and press '8' key on the keyboard or in your cockpit, look down and click on the Drone Interface panel second from the right on the chair. Important thing to remember: The cargohold cannot carry all of the missiles, marines and drones if you have too many of any one or more. Sell some to carry a little of each so that the shuttle can be armed to the teeth and nails for all situations.

This subtopic covers management of weapons on the shuttle.
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Joined: Mon, 10. Nov 08, 02:18


Post by oceanway »


The Teladis are trading experts. Therefore, they would not fly a ship that does not have a system that can record trade markets into its database. That makes the
Teladi fighter called Albion Skunk more than a fighter: It's also a Market Exchange Information Vehicle. Normal fighters would not have such system on their starboard.

Therefore, to obtain market information, you will need to press the Shift and R keys simultaneously and fly close to a station. The station information will show on the monitor in the cockpit. Point the mouse on the monitor and left-click it. You will see a window indicating Station Menu appear. Click on (or press #2) Trade Offers. This is where you can sell goods only to that station that wants them in demand. Click on (or press #2 again) To Sales. This is where you can buy goods only from that station that's selling goods in supply.

Furthermore, if you press the Shift and T keys simultaneously, you will see goods to buy from multiple stations. Click on 'To Offers' and you will see goods to sell to multiple stations. The difference between a Station Menu and a Trade Menu is that you can buy and sell goods to one station locally at the station and buy and sell goods to multiple stations remotely without being at the station. The Station Menu allow you to see what that station has to sell (To Sales) and to buy (To Offers) to and from you as if in person. The Trade Menu however, allow you to see goods for sale and goods in demand from stations you have previously been to, and also allow you to buy and sell goods remotely wherever you are currently positioned.

Finally, you must have a ship in a zone in order to see what the stations are buying or selling in that zone. If you do not get any information including the details, go to the zone and hover close to the station to get the actual information.
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon, 10. Nov 08, 02:18


Post by oceanway »


When you want to know the distance between the Albion Skunk and an object in space, you can target the object by selecting it on the CDR and double-left click it to get the target image which is a white circle surrounding the pointer or crosshair in the HUD indicating its location. Another way to do that is by simultaneously pressing the Shift + F keys and then scroll using the PageUp and PageDown keys to get the object you're looking for (the Home and End keys are for scrolling enemy objects) or the target. Lastly, the third way is to point the cursor on the object and then double-left click it. The distance in kilometers will show on the HUD next to the target image.

If you travel beyond the target range in the same zone, you will have to use the secondary target indicator. Select a ship on the Property Menu, press #4, then #3 and then #1, to get the secondary target indicator. It is in orange color, listed in mission, and will show how far you are from the target ship when you look at the distance in kilometers on its left side. This distance will also indicate how far the undiscovered or empty zone you're currently positioned or traveling through. You can also track the target ship after it jumped using the secondary target system.

Finally, if you want to find and locate the station in the zone, select a station in the map by left clicking on it, press #4, then #3 and then #1, to get the target indicator or image surrounding the station which is the four points. Auto pilot (Shift + A) or manually fly to it.

Below is the distance from the center to the side, or radius for short, of the CDR beginning with zero magnification or absolute zero zoom. The distance on the map
will increase or decrease by 4k at a time when you roll the wheel on the mouse. Forward roll or away from you is positive and backward roll or toward you is negative.

Up to 13 in meters
2: 2k
1: 6k
0: 10k (Standard)
- 1: 14k
- 2: 18k
- 3: 22k
- 4: 26k
- 5: 30k
- 6: 34k
- 7: 38k
- 8: 42k
- 9: 46k
- 10: 50k
- 11: 54k
- 12: 58k
- 13: 60k

The above +/- zoom magnification measurement will help measure the distance of almost any object in space within or beyond a zone from you.

NOTE: XL and L ships will not boost beyond 7000k from the hub (center of sector) in each sector. See Subtopics 1, 5 and 6.
Last edited by oceanway on Tue, 13. Jun 23, 20:20, edited 1 time in total.

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